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JUNE 2024

Another Ship Attacked In Red Sea After Series Of U.S. Strikes On Houthis In Yemen

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Another Ship Attacked In Red Sea After Series Of U.S. Strikes On Houthis In Yemen

Click to see full-size image. (The U.S. Central Command)

A merchant vessel reportedly came under attack in the Red Sea a day after the United States launched strikes against the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen

Fighter jets of the “American-British coalition” carried out on May 22 six strikes on the airport of the western Yemeni port city of al-Hodeidah which is controlled by the Houthis, the country’s Al-Masirah TV reported without providing any further details.

The U.S. Central Command later announced that its forces had successfully engaged four drones in a Houthi- controlled area of Yemen.

“It was determined these systems presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region,” the command said in a statement posted on the X social network on May 23. “These actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S., coalition, and merchant vessels.”

The strikes were not apparently enough to stop the Houthis. The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), a detachment of the Royal Navy, said on May 23 that it had received a report of an incident 98 nautical miles south of al-Hodeidah.

Separately, British security firm Ambrey said it received a report that a merchant vessel was suspiciously approached 68 nautical miles southwest of al-Hodeidah and had undergone what it described as “missile attack.”

“No injuries or damages were reported,” Ambrey said in an advisory notice.

The Houthis have not yet acknowledged the attack reported by UKMTO and Ambbrey, though it typically takes them hours to issue a claim.

The Houthi, who are backed by Iran, have attacked dozens of vessels affiliated with Israel or owned by the United States and the UK in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean since last November in response to the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

In addition, the group launched dozens of drones and missiles at the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat and shot down five U.S. combat drones over Yemen and nearby waters.

The U.S. and the UK have carried out hundreds of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen since January in an attempt to deter the group. Nevertheless, the group continues to launch attacks at the same rate as before.


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the fun loving houthi brothers strangling the anglozionazi beast and its lifeline to the khazar sewer running through palestine. onward to the end of the evil anglozionazi empire of gore and filth.


as a vietnam veteran, i am deeply disturbed by our country’s role as a destabilizer and the slow march to ww3


humbling the “mighty” us navy. 😬


if us/uk can terrorize and kill whoever they want: is it ok for the rest of the world to do the same? “it was determined that us and nato war- and supply ships presented an imminent threat to middle east coalition forces, and to the civilian popularion” the huthi command said in a statement . “these actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make tbe world safer and more secure for everybody.” sounds just as plausible as the us – statement.

John Kesich

how much did the drones cost? how much did it cost to destroy them? how much has the houthi blockade cost the zionists?

Icarus Tanović

alot. drones are cheap.

Icarus Tanović

obviously they are affraid of yemenis freedom fighters. now, you are not the one who gives the rules.


airborne troops parachuted over crete…

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