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JULY 2024

Beatings, Epilepsy And Barbed Wire: Mobilized Ukrainians Showed Their ‘Detention Centers’

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Beatings, Epilepsy And Barbed Wire: Mobilized Ukrainians Showed Their 'Detention Centers'

A new trend is gaining momentum in Ukrainian social  networks. Mobilised Ukrainian men are filming the conditions in the ‘detention centers’ they were thrown to by the officers of the military enlistment offices. 

A resident of the city of Odessa, caught by employees of the military enlistment office, showed on video how the mobilized men are treated before being sent to the battlefields. The man shared his video online and it was rapidly widely shared.

In several short videos, the future serviceman showed a fight between two men, reportedly a captured civilian and an employee of the center. Then, the videos showed another mobilized man who had an epileptic attack. The camera man commented on the incident, concluding that the employees of the military enlistment offices are sending everyone to the frontlines, no matter if their victims are ill and do not fit the military service.

In general, Ukrainian men are nit pleased by the conditions they are taken in. Captured by force on the streets, the men are thrown to some barraks surrounded by walls with barbed wire.

Obviously, future servicemen of the Ukrainian army should not get used to any comfort or respect. This is another clear example of the Kiev regime treating its citizens like cannon fodder and prisoners, not to mention violating their fundamental rights.





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nazis kaput

i know it were your parents who ate those cookies back in 2014… but hey, tell me anyway: -how are those cookies working out for you now? how was it to sell your soul to evilness nuland? a good deal looks different to me.


population of odessa is mainly russian speaking and did not take the maidan tea. also the odessa massacre was the start of the uprising in donbass.


population of whole malorossia is russian speaking. even the clown of kiev speak with his wife in russian when no cameras around. leaders of ukrainization sold their dignity, forefathers, history and faith to big green (like a dollar) frog for false promises. some of them were cocmopolitans from beginning (fluid identity, no clear identity). common people were simply brainwashed and terrorized after the coup succeed.


odessa don’t eat cookies.


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Anti capitalist

another fascist capitalist paedophilic and genocidal anglo scum looking as usual to cheat someone in his cursed capitalist satanic jungle…. you don’t need those khazarian printed papers my dear anglo perverse,your satanic race will be deleted in full by september this year! enjoy your capitalist scam until then ! ha ha ha

Satan's Soldiers

ukros collective support for globalism and racist propaganda have made them soldiers of satan with a debt to pay


“maidan — revolution of dignity.”

“russians are slaves, because they have putin, and we are free ukrainians, we will make new maydan at any moment, if dislike a new president.”

“after maidan the eu will give us 5000 euro salaries and 3000 pensions.”

“i am a girl, i want lace panties and eu.”

“maidan has turned into majdanek.”

evjensky holmchuk

due to my homosexual aids senility zelensky deport me to dumbmark

jens holm

zelensky say i malodets gomik 100% gavno

jens holm

zelensky gib me new name teach me poop in potato field

Moshe Dayan

“the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government” reverend doctor martin luther king, jr. take out the evil empire using any means necessary because they will not stop. the enemy of all mankind is who runs the west: destroy it while it is still possible. they worship moloch at davos.send them where they belong: to hades. righteousness demands justice and actions to stop evil, no matter the cost. the evil empire of the west must be destroyed. cleanse the earth.


the dictator of ukraine zelensky is jewish, the prime minister of ukraine shmygal is jewish, the head of the president’s office yermak is jewish, the leader of the largest party in parliament arakhmia is jewish. so are all the oligarchs like kholomoiski. the mossad controlled sbu agents hunt down ukrainian orthodox slavs to send to their slaughter, while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally.


sa divým tým chlapom, že keď dostanú zbrane do rúk, že ich neobrátia proti tým fašistickým bastardom!!! mŕtvy sú už tak či tak!!!

zoo monkey

epilepsy autism mental illness in amerika white privilege –“rather than found an intellectual elite amerika created a mulatto stud farm”. rute hamsun

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