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Russian Revenge Never Long To Wait

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Russian Revenge Never Long To Wait

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Russian Revenge Never Long To Wait
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Russian Revenge Never Long To Wait

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June 24 was declared a day of mourning in Crimea for those who died as a result of the bloody attack on Sevastopol. A day ago, 4 American ATACMS missiles were shot down over the city. The fifth missile with cluster munition warhead deviated from its course and exploded over a crowded beach.

As a result of the attack, more than 150 people were injured with various degrees of severity. Four people died, including children.

Moscow stressed that the date of the attack was not chosen by chance. June 23 was a great Orthodox holiday – the Day of the Holy Trinity.

The Russian Defense Ministry called the attack a deliberate terrorist attack. Moscow pointed out that Washington is primarily responsible for the attack on the civilians of Sevastopol. It not only supplied Ukraine with the ATACMS missiles, but also provides direct military support in their use.

All flight missions for American missiles are set by American military specialists on the basis of American satellite intelligence. The designator of yesterday’s missile strikes on Sevastopol was an American RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV that operated over the Black Sea for hours.

In the evening of the same day, Russian air defense positions near the city of Yevpatoria in the west of the peninsula came under another missile attack.

The Russian military has vowed not to let the attack on civilians go unpunished.

On the morning of June 24, the Russian military launched heavy missile strikes against Ukrainian military facilities in the southern Mykolaiv and Odessa regions. One of the targets of the attack was reportedly the launchers of the US-made HIMARS MLRS deployed in the Mykolaiv region, which were used for the attacks on Crimea.

The residents of the city of Odessa also woke up to a series of large explosions. The so-called Russian retaliation strike destroyed a large warehouse of NATO missiles and artillery amunition in the port area of the city.

Russian Kalibr missiles struck Western-made missiles stored a warehouse at the local heavy crane factory. A dozen foreign mercenaries servicing the NATO missiles were also reportedly eliminated. Local residents confirmed the prolonged secondary detonations as a result of the explosion of ammunition stored at the factory; but Ukrainian propaganda continues to assure the public that another alleged civilian facility was hit.

Massive Russian strikes throughout Ukraine are likely to continue. The day before, ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet attacked a Ukrainian base on the outskirts of Kiev with cruise missiles. Russian forces struck targets in the Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions. According to available information, the targets included the Vasilkov airfield, different military facilities and energy infrastructure facilities.


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Viet Hochi min won

a good revenge would be to destroy the kiev nazi junta once and for all. eliminate the faschos already


well, then i guess the russians had better start running operations in canada, the us and uk, because those five eyes degenerates kept the banderpite fires burning for eighty years.


nazis? the dictator of ukraine zelensky is jewish, the prime minister of ukraine shmygal is jewish, the head of the president’s office yermak is jewish, the leader of the largest party in parliament arakhmia is jewish. so are all the oligarchs like kholomoiski. the mossad controlled sbu agents hunt down ukrainian orthodox slavs to send to their slaughter, while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally.


mike you need to read the real history not made up western rubbish, throughout history the jews have been kicked out of every society on this planet, the germans being the last, the jews in power have no morals and will work with anyone to forward their agenda, the jews created hamas as a terror tool to aid their conquest, this is why 90yrs after the germans tried to destroy them the jewish elites must this time be completely destroyed


if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

“karate buryat”

this is my last comment under this article here. any more under my name and jens holm are merely trolls impersonating me.

Last edited 1 day ago by Saxon
Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋 💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋

Last edited 1 day ago by Shitskin Clyde

what russian revenge looks like: en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ metgethen_ massacre

russian war veteran recalls his comrade’s crimes in germany, 1945:

https: //youtu be/ 5ywe5pft928

Last edited 2 days ago by Saxon
Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋 💋 💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋

Last edited 1 day ago by Shitskin Clyde

now they are back again, the huns, caricatures of human faces, anxious dreams that have become reality, a slap in the face of all that is good.

… allied with jungle creatures and scum of the earth, but appropriate in the hands of the eternal jew, the mastermind of organized murder, camouflaged only for the stupid in civilian clothes.

Last edited 2 days ago by Saxon
Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes.. 💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋 💋💋💋 💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 💋

Last edited 1 day ago by Shitskin Clyde

the juuus control both sides. ht tps://ww w.bitchute.c om/video/vueizs9kfz9x/


people in my town in wiltshire in the uk supported ukraine in 2022/2023 but now everyone just wants russia to win and for this parasitic puppet “country” ukrane to be no more.

Last edited 3 days ago by Jake
Herbert Schreiber

…das ist hier, in bayern / germany nicht viel anders! alle sind heil froh, wenn die ukros endlich bei der fussball em rausfliegen, dann hat die ewige propaganda in den deutschen medien vorerst ein abruptes ende!!!

…that’s not much different here, in bavaria / germany! everyone is very happy that when the ukros finally fly out at the european football championship, then the eternal propaganda in the german media will have an immediate end for the time being!!!

Ramses II

needy for dictator gas?

Moshe Dayan

powers and principalities run this world: all the rest is theater. but you keep pretending and go get another “booster”. trust the dr. mengele “science”.

The Iceman Cometh

depletion curving frac gas from the dictator hegemon? i use it every day, but it’s cheap here. we’re not masochists like the europods.

The Iceman Cometh

vote for farange then, or galloway if you prefer, the only uk politicians who aren’t afraid to speak the truth re: ukraine.

or as bojo’s former adviser called it: ‘a corrupt mafia shithole where sane men fear to tread’.

Last edited 3 days ago by The Iceman Cometh
Crocus Shooting Gallery

usa-nato is shredding orcs in crimea…and using russia’s $$$ to do it…heheheh

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i know i’m lying but i get paid a whole 10 american cents for each comment so i don’t care. i’m gay anyway sooo… heheheh

Ramses II

babushka is making more than zombie troll, hehehehehehe

Capitol Shooting Gallery

russia is shredding ukrozzz in the whole of ukraine …and without any stolen $$$…heheheh

Cluster Bombs For Crimea!

the shredding will continue my friend!


The Iceman Cometh

when you get up to 1 russian for every 10 ukrainians, be sure to let us know, ok palsy-walsy?


you mean ukraine is still killing it’s own people in areas it considers its own? how funny, jackass

Kim’s Dong

i never understand, did you shoot your foot or old mama?

Janne Kankaanpää

putin does not have what it needs. russians and ukrainians die needlessly, because putin does not take the gloves off. it is better to escalate and end it fast, than keep grinding it for years. get it over with.

Moshe Dayan

putin is attempting to prevent nuclear war. you have no idea what you are talking about. it is the most delicate situation in the history of the world itself. never has the lives of billions of people been so threatened by the eugenicists of the west. putin is the greatest statesman in the last 500 years, perhaps ever. nobody has such a burden upon his shoulders. pray for him, and for peace.


putin is a zionist stooge.

Mieczyslaw Kazmierczak

unfortunately, i have to agree with you. putin would be one of a handful of people who can solve the problem, homo sapiens, with the push of a button!

but, tragically, even putin does not think about the welfare of this planet, but rather about his own!

Moshe Dayan

quit wasting precious oxygen and off yourself then…to “save the planet”.


do you ever think about what you’re about to say? or did you purposely spell biden wrong?

gilberto posada

ningun pais gana una guerra con terrorismo. sera mas larga esa guerra, pero no se ganara.



The Iceman Cometh

no army has ever won a war with draft-dodgers either, so that makes the afu twice as doomed.

jens holm

i like be sodomized


a very western hobby

Kim’s Dong

is it from west of usa , okay


why not ghommorized?

jens brother, formerly sister.

just because mine has been chopped off jens and i can’t anymore doesn’t mean you have to tell everyone. there is still gina the blow up and alfred the big dildo to care about.

jens holm

surgical transplant successful—weasel clit replaced my occipital dead cortex—

Kim’s Dong

it clit from russias kidnapped children and russian proctologist fit inside asshole were russian cortex is located?

jens holm

u must be amerikunt zoo animal—inferior envious of superior russian


not enough, vlad,to win this war. unless you are in bed with world jewry, which you are.


okay expert, very nicely substantiated arguments and i love the irrefutable evidence you provided!


i do not have any. the same in jfk case.


1. a photo where putin wears kipa standing near the wailing wall in jerusalem. obama and bush jr did it also, are they jews? 2.”real” putin’s surname is shalomov. mother’s surname is shelomova. “shelom” is archaic word standing for helmet. modern version is “shlem”. that’s all. jews are not allowed to be christian. wear body cross over clothes and walk in jerusalem blocks inhabited with orthodox judeans. they can spit on you or throw a stone. putin is a christian.

Last edited 2 days ago by Антон

putin is a zionist, like a lot of people who claim to be christian.


he’s not a zionist you people are very low quality tsipso trolls

jens holm

imho=inferior amerikunt hillbilly—never permitted to live in civilized society believes she resembles human species

jens holm

inferior amerikunt imho atheist immoral species


you are a zionist, try to prove that you are not.


never the less, he’s right.

jens holm

obviously jew superior to amerikunt ugly species


what in hell is wrong with america? deliberately targeting public beaches during a religious holiday? doesn’t deliberately killing civilians make them terrorists under the geneva convention? and what kind of sanction does being a ‘terrorist’ accompany a violation of the geneva convention?


just the supplying of cluster munitions is a war crime. there are illegal to make, to use or to sell/give too others. it appears the us is trying very hard to provoke a much bigger war. al tanf in syria needs to be completely removed with the new fab 3000.


russia has been using them too, cry baby.

jens holm

inferior amerikunt imho—typical amerikunt moron liar

jens holm

inferior decayed ugly cultures denied membership brics


as a inferior registered american nazi that live in ugly immoral cesspool i accept that superior russian has humiliated me


fab 3000 for non-president z deliver to his door with a few kinzals for follow ups.

jens holm

superior russians humiliate all nato homosexuals—our morality is money—in amerika freedom =sodomy by coke or pepsi bottle 13 genders.

Edgar Zetar

told be true, russia is the winner in ukraine no matter what happens but russia is not the u.s.s.r and they know usa empire is waiting in the shadows to take over russia. usa empire now wanted to eat russia; usa empire is the hunter and russia is the gazelle in the bigger picture. so, assuming russia would retaliate or revenge is just an assumption. this is going on, and russia will win in ukraine for sure but usa empire is waiting in the shadows

Joseph Day

now, how about some pre strikes instead of retaliatory. why are ports in odessa still operating anyway.

Last edited 3 days ago by Joseph Day
The Hebrew Hammer

i wish we all could be a room together, and everyone gets a gun.

Massa John

kiev’s a red line? this line is overdue, whatever it gets!


russia is just like the rest. liars.

ukes didn’t “attack” a beach full of people.

Herbert Schreiber

…yes no, of course! russia attacked the beach itself!

russia also destroyed the prison, attacked its own market in donetsk, shelled the dam, attacked its own nuclear power plant and also blew up nordstream!

apparently, russia is waging war on itself 😆😆😆


russia intercepted another missile over a populated area. what do you think is going to happen? russia is only worried about protecting military targets and the elites. they have been blaming ukraine for attacking civiians every time they down a missile and it falls on people.


you are literal human waste

Herbert Schreiber

…well, fortunately, the ukrozzz do not do that!

what is it called so nice at pippilotta viktualia rullgardina krusmynta efraimsdotter långstrump: i make the world the way i like it

there is nothing more to add to this 😆😆😆

Last edited 1 day ago by Herbert Schreiber
jens holm

why this dumb amerikunt nazi imho released from zoo prison in ugly amerikunt cesspool?


a better retaliation would have been to take out the us spy drone, and then any others like it that are flying around, converting that area into a no us drone fly zone.


ask yourself, “why does russia allow those drones free reign of the skies?

remember, russia is pro zionist too.


“ask yourself” unlike the us russia doesn’t want ww3, but if the us keeps pushing it’ll get ww3 and its territory will be hit, and then the zionists in their me enclave will be on their own.


now these geniuses in america are gonna send military “contractors” to naziland to “help” nazi’s fight , the amount of dumass decisions these fucking retards make knows no bounds, no worries,russia always has something for their azz, our govt is fucked, russia knows this and is on the american patriots side


russia can soften up the satanic us govt and it’s foot solider protectors enough for patriots to come in and take command and get this shit fixed and all these fuckers and families are gonna pay bigley for their betrayal of the american people, years of badmouthing russia fell on deaf ears to most americans always accusing russia of what these useless fucks have been doing all over the earth, time is very short ,we will take our country back from this demonic govt!


carpet bombing the city would be a better reply

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