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MARCH 2025

10 Killed In Suicide Attack Of ISIS In Afghan Capital

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10 Killed In Suicide Attack Of ISIS In Afghan Capital

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On March 9, a suicide bomber blew himself up near a crowd, which had gathered in the Afghan capital, Kabul, to commemorate Abdul Ali Mazari, the late leader of the Islamic Unity Party, according to the Chinese Xinhua News Agency.

“According to our information collected from hospitals 10 dead bodies and 22 injured persons of the blast have been taken to hospitals in Kabul,” Wahid Majroh, a spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Public Health, told Xinhua.

Meanwhile, Nusrat Rahimi, a deputy spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Interior, revealed to the Afghan TOLO TV that the suicide bomber had failed to reach the crowd, which had been his main target, and had blew himself 300 meters away from it.

Few hours after the incident, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq confirmed that ISIS had been behind the attack in the city of Kabul. Amaq claimed that 200 civilians had been killed and hundreds others had been injured in the attack. However, this claim is hardly based on any evidence.

Recently, ISIS has proved that it is capable of carrying out terrorist attacks in key areas across Afghanistan, that’s supposedly secured by the Afghan security forces and the NATO. On March 7, a suicide bomber of ISIS assassinated provincial director of Nangarhar’s Hajj and Religious Affairs department, Mohammad Zahir Haqqani in the city of Jalalabad, the capital of Nangarhar province.

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Isis doing exactly what it was brought into Afghanistan by its zionist American bosses, to cause chaos ,destraction and justify their illegal presence while plundering the country.

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USA is moving ISIS to Afghanistan to save Al Baghdadi puppet.

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