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MARCH 2025

About 100 Trucks With US Weapons For Kurdish Forces Arrived Syria – Turkish Media

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About 100 Trucks With US Weapons For Kurdish Forces Arrived Syria - Turkish Media

Source: aa.com.tr

The US has been actively supplying weapons and equipments to Kurdish forces operating in Syria. The People’s Protection Units (YPG; a military wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party) and its female version – the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) are the core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

About 100 trucks with weapons and equipment for Kurdish militias arrived Syria from Iraq between May 15 and May 20, according to Turkish Anadolu Agency. The column reportedly reached the area of Al-Hasakah and moved to the northern countryside of the ISIS-held city of Raqqah.

According to the report, Kurdish militias received BGM-71 TOW and Milan missiles, 80mm and 120mm mortars, MK19 belt-fed automatic grenade launchers as well as Humwee and Cougar vehicles and drones.

The agency also argued that the US has provided FGM-148 Javelin missiles to Kurdish forces.

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michael Harrison

All of which is soon to be used against Turkey.


If the kurds attack Erdogan with US weapons NATO is done in Turkey. They loose it all!


That’s why USA is expanding airfields in Syria. They think they will be able to replace Incirlik with them with new Kurdish state puppet. It is also the base for launching the next color revolution and civil war in Turkey, and later attack Iran.

Jonathan Cohen

Anything that fits in a truck can be smuggled to Turkey. They should have sent heavier stuff like M-1 MBTanks, which are too big to easily smuggle. Though Cougar’s are pretty big too.

John Whitehot

kurds are unable to operate abrams tanks, they’d need months of training only to be able to drive one from x to y.

Moreover, there are already way too many videos of M1s destroyed and burning, both irakis and ISIS captured, the yank dont want to add to them. Not to mention the price tag of the tank.

Concrete Mike

Good point, I Will add that the Abrams need jet fuel, its à logistic nightmare to get that there. Also very expensive.

John Whitehot

it’s the only tank (besides the T-80) that’s been powered by a gas turbine engine. It’s nightmarish to maintain and the fuel consumption is calculated not by miles per gallons but by gallons per mile.


Stridsvagn 103 used gas turbine before those two (in conjunction with diesel engine).

John Whitehot

I did not knew it, thanks for the info.

Concrete Mike

Yeah , pretty Much need à tanker Handy at all times, à nice Soft Target for atgm crews


I hope to visit x one day. I hear it’s very nice and the women are hot.


John Whitehot

yeah, but y ain’t that bad either. besides, it ain’t that far from x anyway : )


It ain’t far if you are able to drive a tank from x. :)




I doubt whether this is true. As for using them expertly to full advantage, you are most likely correct.

A rough and less effective use, those can be achived in days, the more so as the crew has earlier tank experience. The kurds have those people, whether from time in the SAA or crewing the present tanks of the SDF.

As the assault on Raqqah will not fully begin for maybe up to two or three weeks, crews can be trained to operate to some extent.

Jonathan Cohen

A replacement program would work too. Any missile the YPG can show that they used against ISIS gets replaced, but any weapon that just disappears doesn’t.


I have a sad feeling you may be right , they may go into Turkey and rip it apart . More guns sold , more Iranian border to have access to , with troops that just happen to be standing by .


Hopefully Turkey starts a land invasion to stop the Kurdish terrorism soon.


pop corn and beer ready… i wish that u said to happen soon… i wanna watch turkish tanks get blown up!!! (again!)


Your have been living under a rock i presume, ’cause Turkey invaded Syria long time ago.

George Fotiadis

Unfortunately no MANPADS, the would be quite handy.


Manpads wont help against russian warplanes! But have in mind russia and china produce manpads too! Its a big world a lot of Nato planes can be a target in the future too! You sure they wanna go down that road?

John Whitehot

the kurds have always shot down turkish planes and choppers, not russian.


Then don’t cry when Turks start a huge land invasion when they see Kurds are prepearing to attack Turkish planes. ISIS don’t have any airplanes..

Elvis (Censure)

The target are not Russian planes ;)


Then don’t cry when Turks start a huge land invasion when they see Kurds are prepearing to attack Turkish planes. ISIS don’t have any airplanes.

Jaime Galarza

It seems the US wants to use the Kurds to eventually fight the SAA and it allies.


Doubtful. If they did the Kurdish Afrin canton northwest of Aleppo, which is COMPLETELY dependent on the SAA for survival would get ethnically cleansed by the Turks and Jihadis faster then you can say damn!

John Whitehot

the kurds will not fight the SAA and its allies, no matter how much the US wants it.


“The US has been actively supplying weapons and equipments to Kurdish forces operating in Syria”…More evidence that the UNITED STATES, DEEP STATE, is a GLOBAL TERRORISTS ORGANIZATION.


I really doubt whther the SDF and kurds want to fight the SAA> They said ever and again to see the SAA is a lawful arm of the Syrian state and they want to remain within Syria as a federated stae.

The position of Afrin is mentioned elsewhere too.

However, should the time come Assad wants to reimpose his dictatorship on Northern Syria, his anti kurd policies, the arabisation of kurds, etc etc, in that case the SDF and HXP will be waiting for them at the internal borders and (try to) destroy them. I do not foresee unilateral agression from SDF towards SAA.


The situation is dynamic. In that scenario Syria and Turkey will come to some relatively easy conclusion of sandwiching the new US puppet “Rojava” from both sides, after the current war with US backed mercenary armies end.

Samuel Boas

A huge mistake.


The TOW-Missles are the guarantee for the kurdish-state after the war. That is a really bad day for Erdogan. Use it wise kurds!


I think they will… ;-)

Mase fah

There will be no kurdish state period, only SYRIA

Don Wan

Good, The SDF is the only reliable fighting force out there

Concrete Mike

I question your définition of reliable. It is un Syria, thus only SAA is legitimate. Thank you


Reliable as in wanting to fight IS, reliable as in protecting civlians, reliable as in not carrying out gasattacks, reliable as in doing what is says.

Not like the SAA, legimimately carrying out gasattacks, barrelbombs, torture prisons.


You can not be serious , if so , you have watched too much CNN . Barrelbombs, gas attacks , torture prisons , oh , now the new and improved version “with crematoriums”. While you and millions of Americans might believe the CIA drivel , the Kurds live there , and know better .


Gas attacks by both SAA and rebels (on kurds) have been proven. Why do you think Russia helped to destroy Syrian chemical weapons after they were used by Assad. There is no discussion at all Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. The only discussion can be about how often. In my opinion just once is already proving my point and makes Assad a butcher.

As for barrelbombs, the youtube movies are there, eyewitnesses are there.

Maybe it is you that has to watch not only pro Assad media.


Oh no those horrible barrel bombs that consist of explosive inside metal casing. So much different than any other bomb in existence that also consists of explosive inside metal casing.


Gas attacks by the jihadists , who have no respect for life , might be believable , as they can do it and then blame Assad . They shot protesters in 2011 , and blamed SAA . Barrelbombs , and witnesses , White Helmets and Al Jazeera . In 1970 at Kent State , US troops shot and killed US students . On rare occasion , the unbelievable does occur , that does not mean it is policy You claim you have a proof , how old is this event , what proof . Hope you can do better than a “White Helmets” made for Al Qaeda video .

Concrete Mike

Gas attacks, give me a break, thats Al nusra, you know that. Kurds are pawns, just another dividing factor.

Mase fah

Syria and SAA only, if kurdish want to be part of Syria they can anything else is a big dream

Real Anti-Racist Action

Kurd’s have already fought the SAA in the past. And the Israelis plan for the Kurd’s to fight the SAA again in the future. Israel instructed Trump to arm the Kurd’s to defeat the SAA. Turkey should be aerial bombing any and all USSA arms shipments into the region no matter who they are going to… This includes any arms shipments to Israel.


Those were not a general fight but incidents in places where both are intertwined and mainly between SDF and NDF, not so much the SAA itself. Those places can indeed become hotspots again in case of incidents.

As for your comment of Turkey attacking shipments of arms by a Nato country towards another independent country, carried out by US military transports, that is plain ludicrous.

Doom Sternz

Isnt it nice that the US can fund billions in weapons around the world while people at home starve. Guns before Butter is destroying America.


Same as it ever was.

martin aguilar

USA wants a Kurdish State in Siria, but it´s the people of Siria and Iraq that have to decide, no one else.

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