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MARCH 2025

Over 10,000 Troops To Participate In Russia’s Strategic Missile Force Drills

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Over 10,000 Troops To Participate In Russia’s Strategic Missile Force Drills

Sputnik/ Sergey Pyatakov

Over 10,000 troops and and 1,000 pieces of combat hardware will be involved in drills of three missile armies of Russia’s Strategic Missile Force, the Defense Ministry of Russia announced on March 27.

“Command and staff exercises will be held in March in formations of the Vladimir, Orenburg and Omsk missile armies. During the drills, the inspected units and formations (missile regiments, technical missile bases, support and protection units) will practice measures to go on the highest combat alert and accomplish missions to bring missile regiments to the routes of combat patrols,” the miilitary said in a statement according to the country’s state-run news agency TASS. “Missile units and formations will be checked for all the components of combat readiness, combat duty and the personnel’s moral and psychological state and counteraction to terrorism. Also, exercises will be held to check combat training skills,” the ministry added.

The drills will be also aimed at expanding skills of the anti-subversion groups to detect, block and destroy an enemy.

Engineer troops will train in clearing obstacles, deploying posts for comprehensive water cleaning and installing heavy mechanical bridges across rivers.

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I get the feeling the Russians have finally understood, with this latest false flag in the UK and the anti-Russia hysteria, that it’s time to get ready to repel the missing-link-knuckle-draggers from the ‘west’,


This a wise move during this ‘phony war ‘ period that is all due to the USA and her vassals seeking to obfuscate the dire political and economic mess they are all in by blaming Russia.

The US is in desperate need of further plunder to bolster her finances but all the Low Hanging Fruit is gone and blackmailing NATO and Saudi Arabia to buy overprices US weapons only serves to fill the day to day petty cash outgoings.

The US can only survive if Russia is plundered and enslaves , along with Iran and China.

This will not happen and the Russian Strategic Missile Drills are a message to Trump, Theresa May et al.

‘ Play your childish games if you want to BUT if you militarily attack the Russia and/or our allies , you will all reap the consequence of Nuclear Armageddon. Russia will never be your slaves ‘

Tudor Miron

West tryed several times. Napoleon and Hitler can tell a thing or two about where it ends when invading Russia.


with hitler you had pirrhos victory. the next war will be konyets for you.

John Whitehot

pirrhos (Pyrrhic actually) victory?

never in the field of human conflict a countries armed forces have been devastated by another countries like nazi germany by the soviets.

if soviets had a pyrrhic victory the western allies actually were defeated by the nazis.

you live in denial.


pirrhos (Pyrrhic actually) victory?

yes. i did not know, how is it in english.

never in the field of human conflict a countries armed forces have been devastated by another countries like nazi germany by the soviets.

this is not true. germans lost less manpower, their cities were destroyed by western bombers. and how destroyed? putins winner country is so primitive, thet the presidential car for tsr putin had to buy from defeated germans :DDDD


John Whitehot

then the US is a stone age country compared to Russia, because it has no electrified railways.

this is how you reason.


Germans have not been allowed to build aircraft, that’s why their energy is going into building cars. So they have good cars. Russia’s energy has developed the most advanced rocketry on the planet. So, they have good rocket engines and missiles.

John Whitehot

yes, but it’s irrelevant.

the above comment was to give a measure of the reasoning of the other user.

I don’t even know what’s the point of discussing these issues.

British cars suck, Italian sports cars are much better than german cars.

Then there’s american cars, and I prefer them both to euro or japanese ones.

So what? I like muscle cars, if you like sedans you prefer german cars.

to me it’s all bs, especially in a site like SF.


this factor is nothing. important is, how good is the railway. and in this chapter usa is 49 classes above russia. if i compar radways, 374 classes above russia.

John Whitehot

“this factor is nothing”

yea sure. For you, what is important is bitching about Russia, if that means believing that the earth is flat then it must be flat.

thank god your kind is on its way out.


russia gas also thosands kms unelectrified railway. so, shut up and focus on real things: rissia is not able to produce anyzhing which is tradable worldwide. maybe some weapons and proton rocket. but there is no modernizastion and in 10 years no country will buy protons, because indian, chinese, french, american rockets will be better and cheaper. tell me, how many original medicaments produced russia? how many original chips? own monitors, mobiles, modern cars saleable on 5 comntinents in large masses???

russia is gas station, nothing else. 140 000 000 people produce as much dgp as 54 000 000 italians. and italy has no gas, oil, other resources. but has perfect cars, mobiles, fashon industry, food culture. italy visit several times more turists then the much bigger russia. russians know nothing, they were always 100-200 years behind europe.

John Whitehot

“russia gas also thosands kms unelectrified railway”

most countries have unelectrified railways. What makes a country stone age is not having it at all.

“140 000 000 people produce as much dgp as 54 000 000 italians”

GDP is bullshit. GDP is a number made by banksters to make appear the US awesome. And it does not include DEBT.

subtract DEBT from GDP and look who is doing better in the world.

Italy is the third most indebted nation of the world, owed to a politicians class that is corrupt beyond any imagination.

“russians know nothing”

No, YOU know nothing.


This will be a good reminder of it:



Once more, don’t forget, Genghis Khan.

John Whitehot

“The US can only survive if Russia is plundered and enslaves , along with Iran and China”

Also the rest of the world, at least the parts where strategic resources are located.

See, if the existence of a country depends on the destruction of the other countries, perhaps it would be better for the world that the parasite is destroyed instead.

But my opinion is that the US can survive and thrive without the need of plundering the rest of the world. They will have, of course, to remove the cabals who run the country and that are the real cause of the problems suffered by humanity nowadays.


The cabals that run the US/EU and members of Five Eyes will not go quietly to their Islands in the Sun. That type never do !

There have been many times when such cabals have been exterminated ,when their greed has reached the limits of ‘acceptance’. Now it is time for another extermination.

The rise of new oligarchs will then begin again until it is time for another cabal to be thrown onto a rubbish tip.


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John Whitehot

“The rise of new oligarchs will then begin again until it is time for another cabal to be thrown onto a rubbish tip.”

at some point the human kind will evolve, or cease to exist. Either way, we (as in within our present lives) will not be able to witness the following cabal being thrown away – though we may be lucky enough to see the current one ending in the crapper.

Tudor Miron

Many say that humanity is on the verge on next technological leap. In history each previous leap was always bloody. Only thing that may save us this time is us. There is hope – In terms of individual and collective awareness – there’s huge shift because more information and some knowledge spread to great number of humans via internet. That’s a killer for crowd-elite society that is based on “hermetisation” of knowledge, where access to knowledge is limited to very small percentage of populations. Ironically, Israel national flag is a perfect representation of such society where one triangle = people and another triangle = knowledge. They’re so arrogant that they don’t even hide it.


Fingers crossed we will John.


Very well-said!

Tudor Miron

This is a clear message to global and country level elites (US in particular) that they would not be able to hide if sh$t hits the fan. Situation is extremely dangerous. West is making gestures that historically resemble events prior two world wars. Russia (via Putin’s annual message to federal assembly and this drills and several other occasions) is saying: “We see what’s going on and we’re ready.”


this is nothing. do you not realize, that west pisses on your threatens? this is the difference between ussr and russia. ussr was mighty. russia is weak. is nothing. we know, your wonderweapons exist as much as hitlers :DDDD

russi si more and more null in the international politics.

John Whitehot

“international politics” for your kind is those ruled by cabals and loanshark banksters.

then there are real international politics, those of the debt free world, where Russia is esteemed as one of the most reliable partners around.

but since you love living in debt, go buy a bmw, pay for it indebting yourself up to the next three generations, and then destroy the car and yourself against a wall the same day you retire it.

You can call me Al

Ignore the prick, you are better than this, replying to a total t0sser.

John Whitehot

I can’t.

If I heard this, or certain other local users in real life i’d need three or four people to drag me away from them.

You can call me Al

Conspiracy theory – I have you noticed that is white against white ?.

Tudor Miron

Al, would you please give more details? Due to my poor English I don’t want to misunderstand you before answering.

You can call me Al

All yous, research properly please before making judgement.


Call it white genocide if you want.

PS Learn to tick UP or DOWN, they are there for a reason.

Tudor Miron

Thank you. I will do my best to find time to read it. Lots of work on another race car project.

Marcos Edder

Russia doesn’t have the numbers, just nuke them to death. If the U.S attack- Nuke them. The U.S is pushing for a nuclear winter.


…in which we all freeze.

Marcos Edder

I prefer to freeze than to let those pedophiles motherfuckers to run the whole world with impunity.


We may not get to choose… which is a bit “chilling”….


Now, Russia and Russians feel it, how westerners make false flag to muslims. And today, here are only two big phobias in the world : Russophobia and Islamophobia.


The only real threat to Russia, is the American submarines. I’m sure there is a lot of interest in keeping track of American subs.

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