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109 Buses With Militants And Their Families Left Southern Damascus Countryside Over Past 3 Days

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109 Buses With Militants And Their Families Left Southern Damascus Countryside Over Past 3 Days

Source: SANA

109 buses with militants and their families have left the southern Damascus countryside over the past 3 days, according to the Syrian state media.

The buses evacuated hundreds of militants and their family members from the areas of Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem, which are located east of the ISIS-held part of southern Damascus where clashes are now ongoing.

According to local sources, the militants surrendered their heavy weapons and left the area via a Beit Sahem corridor towards the militant-hed part of the province of Idlib and the Turkish-occupied town of Jarablus in the province of Aleppo.

More buses are already prepared to evacuate a new batch of militants and their families from southern Damascus. This batch is expected to depart towards Idlib and Jarabulus on May 6.

It should be noted that a part of militants and their supporters have decided to reconcile with the government and to settle their legal status. This group will be able to remain in Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem.

A successfull implementation of the reconciliation agreement in this part of southern Damasucs pawes the way to a full restoration of the security in the countryside of the Syrian capital. Once government forces purge ISIS members in the Yarmouk area and restore control of Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem, there will be no more militant-held pockets near Damascus.

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More green buses to Idlib hell. Job well done SAA !


Yeah… great! And now you have THE SAME g@rbage concentrated in a NEURALGIC STRATEGICAL POINT. wasn’t that f*king IDLIB once taken with a lot of Syrian Army blood? And so the CIA-sh*t gets what it wants: to break SYRIA and to plant in their zones other kinds of Al-Qaeda (CIA) & ISIS (Mossad) -pockets to START THE SH*T again and again. They have to be completely cut-off of supplies, but for that some US-choppers (Black-Hawks) and Hercules US-machines have to be at least DAMAGED if not shot-down, if they try to bring ammo, food and weapons to that scvmbags or to take-out the LEADERS of the bandits, if they are splashed by the Syrian Army. OK, I cannot say if PUTIN’s “tango” with ISRAEL and their useful idY0t called USA, has a concealed part, good for the GENERAL TACTICS there ( HE is the schooled SPY and KGB-mastermind), but this ” my friend the enemy-pYg”-solution isn’t quite in ASSAD’s advantage.

Soon Syria remains without BUSES.. ;) 100 here, 100 there.. ( I really don’t know, do the buses come back from there or remain for the b@stards ?)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgLy-6yj1Ws Send em all!


Bingo! :)


The SAA & Allies…Shepherd of Headchoppers… Headin’ for the “O.K. Corral” for the “Final Solution”….the “Idlib Animal Farm”

You can call me Al

Yes, agreed….but what about the ones going to “Turkish-occupied town of Jarablus” ?. Personally I am “not sure” if that is a good idea.


There will be Foreign Intelligence Officers among them… must have been part of the “Negotiations”… Assad obviously is willing to Compromise, to save Civilians and get rid of Pockets… Too Bad… I would like to have seen them turn into Smoked Porkchops… but it is a good way if you seek for Peaceful Solutions…ad put an End to the War…


Assad obviously is willing to Compromise” Maybe it’s “ASSAD agrees with” the Russian decision.

Moscov’s tango with ISRAEL and Bibiland’s useful big-0x Apis /read the retarded Donald Trump/, is still a twilight-zone for me ==>> I don’t really understand what PUTIN tries there in Syria. But ASSAD doesn’t look to be his main-concern around there, Syria seems to be for Putin just a piece on the chessboard.

And I’m afraid that this piece could be partially sacrificed for things more important for MOSCOW ( like no economical sanctions, recognizing Crimea, Ukraine fifty-fifty, no NATO in the Baltic-countries, return to the G8-RAPTORS-table….. TO BE AGAIN ONE OF THEM, instead the cooked juicy pYg with the apple in the muzzle ON THEIR table……) Till NOW it looks somehow good for ASSAD, but I wouldn’t swear that by the next “Peace-Conference”, PUTIN will not make Syria fifty-fifty with ISRAEL’s raptors on Wall-Street.

Even that DEAL with Riyadh-Saudis about S-400, stinks to Heaven ! And that while IRAN still doesn’t get its (already PAID !!! 40 Billion USD, paid over 10 year ago!) S-300. And Syria… aaaaaaaa, Putin considers if he shall give or not Assad some S-300..

TURKEY GETS S-$== and HIS ALLY ASSAD doesn’t have even S-300 …. because ISRAEL doesn’t like that.

WTF is that?…


Sorry , but this KGB-spy-arrangements “are too high for me” .. and cold-blooded, pragmatic, like ” choose whom do you kill with an out-of-control wagon -no breaks- that rolls accelerating downward on a track directly to a SITE => 30 workers on that track, or 5-6 on the other rail-road-track, you have to switch the turnout-point of the track and decide who lives and who dies. Maybe I’m too naive for that game.. but even so, IT STILL STINKS.


It is not really important if China & Russia are in there for their own interest… as long as it is Helpful… Assad and his Middle Eastern Partners can take care of a lot of their own Business, as long as they operate United… they can form a formidable answer towards their Enemies themselves… Russia & China control the Overall Situation… and have the Power for Negotiations… Russia got no business in the G8 if you ask me… but should be concerned about putting up his Own G8, because the Old One will collapse sooner or later… Don’t forget the Russians themselves: If Putin turns out to be Pro IsraHell…how would the Russians feel about that? The Anti IsraHell-Movement is Growing and there is a struggle going on in Russia… Pro-IsraHell & Anti-IsraHell, a Part is pure Propaganda, Smokescreens & Gameplan..This is part of the reasons why we see this undefinable switching from side to side constantly (personal opinion). For now I will not let me lead by any form of short term effects.. it is all about the Common Thread, we shouldn’t get lost in the details…


Russia got no business in the G8 if you ask me”

Sorry to disappoint you: it has a LOT TO DO with the presence in the G8: that is the NIGHTMARE of the STRATFOR-think-tank cr@p in J€-York : DON’T LET RUSSIA AND GERMANY TO COME CLOSER. That#s the main-goal of the NWO- /Wall-Street long-term goal. Even more important than some ” American Century”.

Please take a little of your time and see THIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgvtMeC_7_o


Good One… but always stay critical… there is a lot of Disinfo…Spoiling Attacks to throw us off Balance… A Bloody Worldwide Revolution will always be Humanity’s Escaperoute


Yes, this , too. Don’t forget, on the other side, that THIS WAS the MAIN-goal of the J€wish Zion-Kosher-Nostra by starting the WW! and the same was by WW”: to get the TWO fighting each other. As that STRATFOR-pYg said: ” financing both sides and let them kill each other”.. ……And of course, to get the LAST El-DORADO (SIBERIA) in their jaws. _________ Every time the Kosher-Nostra loses Russia/aka SIBERIA/.. the USA have a FINANCIAL CRISIS 10 years later :

1) 1924 STALIN f*cks Rothschild’s nJ€ws in Kremlin, => 1932-33 The Big-Blow in the US-finance, onre side becaue THE BANKSTERS WANTED IT CONTROLLED BY THEM (shortage of liquid money on the market) and NOT as it happens ANYWAY but uncontrolled… 2) and the 2nd time as PUTIN dropped out Yeltsin and the Kosher-Nostra-OLIGARCHS in year 2000.. 8 years later = BAIL-OUTS and “fighting fake-money with fake-solutions” to blend the Public Opinion.

IF Germany, Russia and CHINA find a way TOGETHER.. bye-bye US-supremacy :: 1) German TECHNOLOGY + Russian RESOURCES & TECHNOLOGIES (military specially, with a BLITZ-velocity in improving thru GERMAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE) and CHINA’s HUMAN RESOURCES and GERMAN KNOW-HOW in CIVILIAN & Industrial-Military factories… 2) And for the GERMANS… over 10,000 -15,000 NUKES that stay like an UMBRELLA for Germany’s protection: two Giants that are very piYssed-off if Germany gets harassed by the USA +Britain ==>> that’s too much for the whole REST OF THE PLANET, not only the USA. . Plus some 100,000 Russian & Chinese troops invited to stay permanently on the GERMAN borders ( sure is sure ..) with BASES & all the stuff. 3) And MAYBE Marine Le PEN gets France out of the hands of that little scvmbag MACRON and.. THE ATLANTIC COAST will be as “friendly” for Brits & Americans as it was in Hitler’s times :)) Only that this time “the NAZIs” will speak Russki and Chinese around there :))) And NO MAQUIS, the French will be pleased to have so many customers in their bars & restaurants and such a good MARKET in ASIA. 4) A few Russian-Chinese-German mixed military basis on the IRANIAN coasts and the GULF-Monopoly of the USA is over. 5) Then EGYPT has to rethink its US-friendly position because they don’t want to hunger near the USA.. and THE SUEZ is gone for the BRITS and the Yanks..

6) AND THEN COMES ISRAEL on the indicted-bar, with SYRIA STILL THERE and EGYPT on the other side… but this time with a few hundred thousand Russki-Chinese well-armed and trained troops and NUKES of all kinds and versions, not that crippled Arab troops they had by Yom-Kippur.. —————– All this could happen quicker than we can imagine. MERKEL has to go, that’s step #1.. STRATFOR has all reasons to sh*t in its pants !…..


Siegfried Merijn 3 hours ago Detected as spam [by the Jewish-Zionist CALIFORNIA-based DISQUS.. The pvnks are pathetic. It looks taht I hit a NERVE , this really must be something they are afraid of :)))) So I’l TRUNCATE IT, to be more digestible for the automatic “spam-detector” ;) ] Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected n(f*king liars!)). ———— ” Yes, this , too. Don’t forget, on the other side, that THIS WAS the MAIN-goal of the J€wish Zion-Kosher-Nostra by starting the WW! and the same was by WW”: to get the TWO fighting each other. As that STRATFOR-pYg said: ” financing both sides and let them kill each other”.. ……And of course, to get the LAST El-DORADO (SIBERIA) in their jaws. _________ Every time the Kosher-Nostra loses Russia/aka SIBERIA/.. the USA have a FINANCIAL CRISIS 10 years later :

1) 1924 STALIN f*cks Rothschild’s nJ€ws in Kremlin, => 1932-33 The Big-Blow in the US-finance, onre side becaue THE BANKSTERS WANTED IT CONTROLLED BY THEM (shortage of liquid money on the market) and NOT as it happens ANYWAY but uncontrolled… 2) and the 2nd time as PUTIN dropped out Yeltsin and the Kosher-Nostra-OLIGARCHS in year 2000.. 8 years later = BAIL-OUTS and “fighting fake-money with fake-solutions” to blend the Public Opinion.


Part 2 ———

IF Germany, Russia and CHINA find a way TOGETHER.. bye-bye US-supremacy :: 1) German TECHNOLOGY + Russian RESOURCES & TECHNOLOGIES (military specially, with a BLITZ-velocity in improving thru GERMAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE) and CHINA’s HUMAN RESOURCES and GERMAN KNOW-HOW in CIVILIAN & Industrial-Military factories… 2) And for the GERMANS… over 10,000 -15,000 NUKES that stay like an UMBRELLA for Germany’s protection: two Giants that are very piYssed-off if Germany gets harassed by the USA +Britain ==>> that’s too much for the whole REST OF THE PLANET, not only the USA. . Plus some 100,000 Russian & Chinese troops invited to stay permanently on the GERMAN borders ( sure is sure ..) with BASES & all the stuff. 3) And MAYBE Marine Le PEN gets France out of the hands of that little scvmbag MACRON and.. THE ATLANTIC COAST will be as “friendly” for Brits & Americans as it was in Hitler’s times :)) Only that this time “the NAZIs” will speak Russki and Chinese around there :))) And NO MAQUIS, the French will be pleased to have so many customers in their bars & restaurants and such a good MARKET in ASIA…


Part 3 ———-4) A few Russian-Chinese-German mixed military basis on the IRANIAN coasts and the GULF-Monopoly of the USA is over. 5) Then EGYPT has to rethink its US-friendly position because they don’t want to hunger near the USA.. and THE SUEZ is gone for the BRITS and the Yanks..

6) AND THEN COMES ISRAEL on the indicted-bar, with SYRIA STILL THERE and EGYPT on the other side… but this time with a few hundred thousand Russki-Chinese well-armed and trained troops and NUKES of all kinds and versions, not that crippled Arab troops they had by Yom-Kippur.. —————– All this could happen quicker than we can imagine. MERKEL has to go, that’s step #1.. STRATFOR has all reasons to sh*t in its pants !…


Hahaha Great…! Yeah my New Phone has gone completely Crazy the last Months. they must have Completely Hacked it, lots of Delays & Echoes, Screen pops up without touching it.. Fuckers… I say: Screw Them!!! The More They Hate it…The Better I Love it….


Hey Can Holland join?… We have a Big Port here in Rotterdam…You can Have it…


I’m still waiting to see for ANY evidence of those foreign intelligence officers everyone keeps talking about. When East Aleppo was about to fall, there was all this talk of now the rats will be taken out for the cleaner, but no foreign intelligence officers emerged. Not a single one. Similar with East Ghouta, oh, now they will be flushed out. Not a single one. Niks, nothing, nada, zilch! And we go again? And they’re supposedly being spirited away on the busses by the Russians? This is getting silly people! There are none! There were none, well maybe occasionally I could see a couple slip in and then out, but stationed there? It makes no bloody sense. It’s too dangerous. They’d be hunted night and day by the Syrians and the Russians, their own allies would fight over them for additional cash and prizes, and they don’t need to be there. It’s 2018 people! If Jihadis can upload fake chemical attack vids on the internet they can also receive instructions via the internet from their handlers in Jordan or Turkey.

Think about it. Would you be willing to be sent to some Jihadi pocket to train and oversee untrustworthy Jihadis? I don’t. For king and country? In that case fuck the king and fuck my country? For cash? Not enough cash in the world to make me want to go there indefinitely. And I highly doubt anyone of the SAS, or whatever other alphabet soup special forces unit would be stupid enough to do this. They could discharge my dishonorable ass for refusing to follow orders, at Ieast I’d still have an ass to sit on.

But I might as well be screaming at the ocean because you guys will keep on saying these guys exist come the next pocket/enclave to be cleansed. And get excited and then disappointed again over nothing.


You can very well be absolutely right… but on the other hand: Those links very well all could be propaganda, but up till now the Brits haven’t presented any Proof of the Skripal-Case or Chemical Attacks either… so Everyone is Guilty until Proven Innocent according to European Law…




If there are any captured Foreign Intelligence Agents they are High Valued P.O.W.s, Which will make Negotiations behind closed doors a lot easier… so I wonder if those things will ever see Broad Daylight..(yeah perhaps in 50 years when they open up the files and we probably are Old Folks or Dead)


100% correct! A “Double tap” is the only solution left for those uncurable cases!

You can call me Al

I totally agree.


The dvmb part is that there are CIVILIANS used as shields by the CIA-scvmbags, you cannot CARPET-bomb them like the Americans did in Vietnam. I guess this Syria-Army major problem looks like the main-problem THE POLICE has in any more or less civilized country: the gangsters shoot on everything and don’t care, even take children as shields, and the Police has to take care not to shoot on uninvolved people present on scene.

Trustin Judeau

Soon there wont be rebel and ISIS presence in the capital anymore.SAA will control fully Damascus for first time since mid July 2012


The E Ghota pocket held out for many years. And now is no more. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ff94513c388dc784fe118c42fe70228887b0f02852eb9494599395ede541697.jpg


And now the cr@p is in a sensible place, more important for the CIA-b@stards than Damascus: IDLIB. The Syrian-Ruski- Alliance just moved the CIA-scorpion from one shoulder on the other one..


The globalist destroy Syria plans is going down like the WTC towers !!


Looks like they just moved to Plan-B


Great. In these terrorists defeat Israel see their own defeat not only in Syria but also in Palestine.


“… but also in Palestine”

If Bibi wants, Israel takes GAZA in 24 hours and nobody will open their mouths, neither by the UN nor in Moscow. Let#s remain realistic : a little TOO MUCH ” let’s not anger Tel-Aviv” in Putin’s tactics..

ONLY the Turk ERDOGAN would make a lot of noise about GAZA… but he gets bought somehow by TEL-AVIV like they did with him as Israel killed his countrymen on the ship with supplies for GAZA =>Israel will “recognize his right” to plant HIS garb@ge in Syria on his borders, will buy the OIL stolen by the Mossad-Kurds, his & the CIA-g@rbage in Syria and transported thru TURKEY to Mediterranean-Sea, will blackmail Bruxelles to get his Grey-Wolves-crap, goons and drugs-trafficants into the E.U, …. and he will sh*t-up instantly.

Ah… I’m sick of all these “international arrangements” and “subtle moves”, that buy and sell thousands of innocent people like sheep on the market.

leon mc pilibin

The Zionist scumbags in israhell are to be watched like hawks,they want a regional war fought for them by their puppet us stooges,but without them getting hurt.But they are very mistaken if they provoke Iran and its allies.


Israel bombed IRAN’s Revolutionary Guards in Syria and RUSSIA just stood there and looked. That’s what you call ” … AND ITS ALLIES? ”

It already stunk as Israeli-drones killed that high-ranking Hezbollah-leader near Damascus, a few years ago and the Russkis didn’t shoot that flying sh*t down.


All Muslim states should express their full solidarity with Syria, Palestine and Yemen and restrict their diplomatic relations with Saudi, US, UK tyrents until their full unconditional withdrawal from Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan otherwise the next number will be yours.


The South-Asian Muslim-Monarchies are too corrupt and involved in the Wall-Street -pYggeris, to do that. They are mostly US-assets long bfore the SAUDIS changed from the LEADING OPEC-Force against USrael …. to the today’s sh*t-eating Camel-dvng and Arab dogs that eat from the hand of Bibi Netanyahu (THAT brave Saudi-King was killed under the supervision of the CIA and replaced with a corrupt US-friendly a##hole)

Joe Dirt

What will the Turks do with all these militans?


What do you thnk? They’ll use them to m8im an “dissidents/rebels/opposition to ASSAD”… and to plant their own TURKISH enclaves” (on “M0SSAD-ISIS-model”, in Syria

Karo Dndlian

guys if you know Arabic watch this video and all true . the master plan of Israel from long long time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLixfJIy8Vo

Redsky B

Who supplied all the buses ? Israel ?? 109 buses – now that’s a lot of buses and it says there are more buses ready to evacuate others. Bus them out now but they’ll be back to fight another day.

Tom Tom

They’ll be on flights in Amman, Jordan to the mid-west of the U.S. to be the CIA’s chosen actors for internal attacks, leading to UN troops being invited in.


MERIJN, if you see this, please read it!

IT’S short, BUT SCARY !!! :

“Israel Has Issued an Ultimatum to Russia /Does Russia Know What’s Up?” __By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

[ Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.] http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/pcr_168x180.jpg

Joe Dirt

Paul Craig Roberts is a (K)gremlin spy.

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