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MARCH 2025

11 US Troops Were Injured By Iranian Strikes On Al-Asad Base, Officials Confirmed

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11 US Troops Were Injured By Iranian Strikes On Al-Asad Base, Officials Confirmed

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The US admitted that soldiers had been injured in the Iranian strikes that took place on January 8th on the al-Asad air base.

In a January 16th statement, Col. Myles Caggins, spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve said:

“As previously stated, while no U.S. service members were killed in the Jan. 8 Iranian attack on Al Asad Air base, several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blast and are still being assessed.”

“Out of an abundance of caution, some service members were transported from Al Asad Air Base, Iraq to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, others were sent to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, for follow-on screening. When deemed fit for duty, the service members are expected to return to Iraq following screening. The health and welfare of our personnel is a top priority and we will not discuss any individual’s medical status.”

An unnamed official, cited by Defense One said that the number of injured soldiers was 11 and they had been sent out of Iraq, to Kuwait and Germany to get treated.

“As a standard procedure, all personnel in the vicinity of a blast are screened for traumatic brain injury, and if deemed appropriate, are transported to a higher level of care. At this time, eight individuals have been transported to Landstuhl, and three have been transported to Camp Arifjan,” said the anonymous US official.

Captain Bill Urban, spokesman for U.S. Central Command, which oversees all military in the region, confirmed those details in a similar on-the-record statement emailed to reporters.

“It is expected that these troops will return to Iraq when they are deemed fit for service,” Captain Bill Urban said.

Initially, the attacks was deemed by US officials as aimed at causing structural damage, and avoided positions that housed military personnel.

In a January 8th press conference, Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley said:

“The points of impact were close enough to personnel and equipment, so on and so forth, I believe, based on what I saw and what I know, is that they were intended to cause structural damage, destroy vehicles and equipment and aircraft, and to kill personnel.”

Initially, there were reports originating from Iranian media that 80 US soldiers had been killed in the attacks, after which the official statement by Iranian officials was that the aim of the attack wasn’t to kill any US soldiers, but rather as a “slap in the face.”

This, however, is the 2nd time that revelations are made regarding the scope of damage resulting from the Iranian attack. Initially, there were on victims and no injuries, as well as almost no damage.

Reports by Danish soldiers, however, suggested that helicopters had been destroyed and other equipment, and the damage is quite extensive, as media footage showed in recent days.

Now, US officials admit that, actually, soldiers had been injured in the attacks, but not in any serious capacity.


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Hasbara Hunter

These Yangeese-Parasites will definitely suffer some Mental Health issues… The AngloZioNazi self-confidence and self-esteem is completely destroyed…for they turned out to be NOTHING! A bunch of cryin’ Pussies…


A disgrace on any planet, HH :)


The US has a history of obfuscating and distorting the truth. The fact of the matter is that Iran had given the US occupation forces more than adequate time to hide in bunkers, however, the accuracy and payload of Iranian missiles caused considerable damage and the initial reports of casualties have proven credible.

Independent journalists from Beirut had reported US medivac flights after the attack, and obviously the injuries were more than mere headache and ringing ears. It is also quite telling how soft the US occupation forces are and also totally vulnerable and casualty averse. As the dust settles, the US has been exposed yet again as a liar and a paper tiger and if the resistance to expel the US and NATO occupation forces does take hold in Iraq and Syria, then the future is not looking very auspicious for the US and its vassals.


Ah, drip by drip, the truth comes out. So, the Iranians were onto something when they stated they saw that troops were medivac’d out. Why is it I have to nearly always look to other militaries, to provide the truth regarding our own troops? This news sounds like it has been doctored all the way. Don’t be surprised if caskets do eventually reach the US as a result of the attack. the US military constantly lies. I know, I saw what happened in my case.



Ziønist šhill



The US may have a slew of future Training Accidents, John :)


Even there, they don’t admit anything. I know. ;)


They may have hearing damage.

Zionism = EVIL

They are more sensitive than girl scouts and LGBTI role models :)


And your top Islamist Iranian General and a half dozen of his top military buddies can’t sense a thing anymore. To put this in perspective.

Zionism = EVIL

I knew that the Americunt arseholes were telling fibs, they evacuated their casualties to their Jew masters in Occupied Palestine and now the pussies have their ears ringing from hiding under the beds.


They can’t find the ears of your glorious top Islamist Iranian general. To put this in perspective.


Criminal nation proud of her crime huh? You don’t deserve place on this planet to exist ! I have heard the stories when pigs are very hungry they tend to start eating ears to each other.. That is your future after collapse of the dollar! You U.S. pigs will start to eat each other !


Nahhhhhhhh…we’ll BBQ you losers first.


Naaaaaahhh…..only in your weird pedo Jewish dreams. I think this will be a VERY interesting decade! I’m excited!

cechas vodobenikov

if an amerikan official’s lips r moving she is lying


When a Putz Putin Troll’s lips are moving they are downing more of their Vodka ration to juice themselves up to spew more Kremlin lies.


Alcoholism has plummeted in Russia, Jewboy. I’m afraid your stereotype is no longer operational.

Rhodium 10

Israel is the same liar!…here a example: 13 Sep 2016 Syrian air defense claimed to have downed an Israeli F-16 over Quneitra province…Israel denied any loss…5-octubre-2016 ” Serial number 00-1021 IDAF 119 sqn F-16 Block 52 crash landed at Ramon AFB pilot Ohad Cohen-Nov didnt survive…other example : 17 Sep-2018 Syrian air defense claimed to have hitted a F-16 over Mediterranean sea after they attacked latakia…30-Octubre-2018 serial number 00-1047 IDAF 119 sqn F-16 Block 52 ran off a taxi way and suffer damage!…


Coincidence…. just like when bird runs into invisible F-35and makes damage




We don’t lie, they did shoot down F16I but the pilot survived. A dead Israeli pilot by the SAA would turn Assad’s palace into a target practice for the IDF. They know it aswell, that’s why the Russians control the S-300.


Just for the sake of entertainment on a slow news day, let me engage with a repetitive and vacuous hasbara troll, do you really think that Tel Aviv or any part of Occupied Palestine will be safe if the cowering Zionists hit “Assad’s palace”? and and secondly as the ineffective and diminishing Zionist airstrikes on empty buildings in Syria attest to, the Iranian footprint there is now permanent. Think hard before you post your daily quota of sheer rubbish. Why do you also think that hasbara is doing more damage to the already battered Zionist “image”?


Guess those Islamist Iranian body bags being sent home to Iran are also empty. Do note, that at will the Israelis have wiped out the Syrian Airforce two or three times before and can easily do it again if they feel like it. Now be a man and do something other than spouting crap. Go get fitted for a suicide vest and practice a lot.


body bgs with dead irnians will at least have a destination whereas bodybags with dead jews/hymies/squatters (as if anyone would care to waste some such good stuff on a dead jew/hymie/squatter) will have no address to despatch to so nearest dumping-ground more than likely.


I speak of real body bags. You fantasize about body bags. Go back to sleep. You do better in your delusional wet dreams than in the real world.


blather and more blather – the friggin jews/hymies/squatters are toast and will soon be 6 feet under pushing up daisies or dried out wet stains in the sand. nothing will save the creeps, not even the incumbent criminally corrupt vermins in washington dc.


I love it when he cries :)


And I love it when you have no counter-argument.


They won’t live enough to bomb Tel Aviv, the entire Syrian leadership will be wiped out if it comes to a war. Assad is not stupid.


Wiped out by who? The ziofascists cannot use their nukes because that’d suicide with the radioactive fallout, and the IOF bog rats are a bunch of scared pussies.


The prevailing winds do not blow south from Syria. Also, do note that a 100 nukes were set off in Nevada in the atmosphere only a 100 km from Los Vegas. No fall out ever in Los Vegas. Every place Israel might nuke has prevailing winds that blow away from Israel. So don’t put your hopes in that fantasy.


The tests in Nevada don’t mean a thing: the U.s> government isn’t exactly known for its honesty and openness.

Prevailing winds don’t mean 100% of the time, so radioactive fallout there will be. The French government tried to convince the french that the winds carrying radioactive fallout from Chernobyl stopped at the French-German borders. The zionazi government isn’t any better than the French one.

Sorry kiddo, the fantasy is on your side, keep dreaming your nuclear wet dreams.


Hey, junior, if they lied about Los Vegas it makes no difference since there still is no apparent effect over more than 50 years. So what does it matter? You are delusional if you think the potential for fall out somehow getting back to Israel would stop them from using nukes if need be in an existential situation. But if you and yours are feeling lucky, be my guests and assume Israel would never use their nukes.


No apparent effect after 50 years: how do you know? Are privy to government departments.

As for the zionazi’s nukes, they are supposed to be a deterrent, but cannot be used in practice. Oh sorry, I forgot: before creating that racist garbage dump fraudulently the “founding fathers” checked out the location, and it just so happened that the place they had decided to steal for their project had just the right prevailing wind directions allowing them to use nuclear weapons without any risk of radioactive fallout. A good job Yahweh was on their side for a change, must have been his way to pay back for his failure during the Holocaust.

Congratulations, dotard.


You are liar, Jew pig ! Russians does not control S-300 for quite long time. You are terrorist nation that will receive the end it deserves!


The end it deserves is a long and prosperous life, way more than you could even hope for.


we will see about that NATO twat ! there will be no IsraHell !


So-called Israel is a small corrupt entity being kept alive on life support by billions in western tax dollars. It simply does not have the manpower, strategic mass or even basic strategic depth to sustain a asymmetrical war against any determined enemy, as the 2006 minor conflict with Hezbollah amply demonstrated. The Zionist entity is built on a thin veneer of clay threats and propaganda, the reality is far different.


Well, yes, the reality you failed to note among your other bull crap is Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles which ain’t bad for such a little country.


That’s why they got whipped by Hezbollah in 2006 and had to beg for mercy and a ceasefire. Bunch of losers, those IOF bog rats.


Well, if that’s the way you see it in your delusional wet dreams. But lately, all the body bags from Syria in their conflict with Israel have been going back to Lebanon. As have the ones of their puppet masters, the Islamist Iranians, going back to Iran. And Israel continues to blow them up at will with impunity.


From the air the IOF bog rats are real heroes and daredevils. On the ground they don’t stand a chance, as Hezbollah showed them in 2006.


But we’re still winning. Sure some Hezbollah have been killed in cowardly hit and run attacks by the Goblin tribe. But, we’re winning. Rolling over Idlib as I speak. Go home yourself, my dude! ? Let’s hope Iran doesn’t somehow get the bomb. ? Hmmmmm…..


They’d give it to Hezbollah. Then how would Israel respond. If Hezbollah hits first….how WOULD Israel respond? You got subs? You do don’t you? But not many…..not many….


In the meantime, Israel continues at will to blowup Islamist Iranians and their lap puppies in Syria and Iraq with impunity. And that great protector of Iran and Syria, Putz Putin, gives his OK or is not sure he wants to take on the Israelis in their backyard.


Blow up Iranian Islamists? Really? Where d’ya get that hogwash?


I think things are still getting better, much as Israel bleeds Syria. Things are developing. China’s on our side I’m afraid. And the fifth column in America IS growing. I’ve seen the numbers. We are growing. No lie.


yep – israelis have lies and murder in their dna and that is precisely why they have to be sacrificed on the altar for a better and peaceful world. no other solution is available and the world is getting to acknowledge that situation and soon will have to wipe them off the face of palestine for good.


If I recall, the top Islamist Iranian general and a half dozen other top military buddies of his got more than a concussion. Cost the US a few empty hangers, maybe a helicopter and a few headaches. I thought those Persian rug merchants were great deal makers. Next, they’ll trade the Grand Ayatollah for a couple of empty office buildings, a jet in for repairs and a few sprained ankles. And the idiots around here will call that a glorious victory for the Islamist Revolution that signals the end of the US Empire.


Cerebro-spinal fluid running out the ears is always a give-away

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