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Balkan Listens to the echo of Turkish Horse Hooves

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Balkan Listens to the echo of Turkish Horse Hooves

Sipahis of the Ottoman Empire at Vienna. Ottoman Sipahis in battle holding the Crescent Banner (by Józef Brandt). “Battle over the Turkish banner”, oil on canvas 1905.

Original by Predrag Ćeranić published at Standard, translated by Mario Andrijasevic exclusively for SouthFront

Erdogan sticks to the principle that if :”Balkan falls, falls also the EU”, so the agents of chaos are trying their best to further destabilize the region.

Turkey has with its huge organized immigrant wave support with money from Soros’s funds handed the US the politics and the economy of EU. Therefore, the bombastic statements presented these days in public about the division of Turkey and redrawing the Arabian peninsula as allegedly agreed by Putin and Obama are plain disinformation. Turkey has been declared an enemy of Russia and expects that its political and military expansion would be supported by the United Kingdom and the United States.

Because of fear of migrant flows which could lead to the disintegration of the Union and also the pressure exercised by the United States, the indulgence of the EU toward Turkey is more than obvious. This fear has been even more obvious by the statement of Federica Mogherini during a meeting of EU leaders with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. Mogherini stated that the EU will continue the negotiation process with Turkey, opening the negotiation chapter 17, because Turkey has made great progress in terms of freedom of press and human rights. When we take into account the strengthening of Erdogan’s Islamist government, the election campaign during which they even killed the members of opposition and the Kurds, it is evident that Turkey’s progress points in the opposite direction. The EU itself is completely destabilized and there is also a big disagreement between the member states. The EU is also burdened with the struggle for leadership, which is run between Germany and the Great Britain as well as with the economic crisis itself. In short – the EU is on the verge of falling apart.

Managing the energy pathways

Turkey controls the leadership of Islamic State and in post-conflict Syria it is interested in the so-called “Buffer zone” (the northern part of Syria, along the Turkish border, inhabited by Kurds, which is rich in oil and water wells), and the second goal is the territory currently controlled by the Islamic State (also rich in oil fields) to be recognized as a new Sunni state. Turkey hopes that the fragmentation of the Middle East will bring the reorganization of the region where new states will develop. There are the oil pathways and new pipelines in the background that would beside Saudi and Qatari oil include Syria as an oil hub, transport the oil to Turkey, then to Greece and further through Albania, Montenegro and Croatia in Europe by which every Russian oil flow would be eliminated. In this context it should also be considered the invitation of Montenegro to join NATO which followed by a long hesitation but has recently been officially confirmed. It is very clear that due to the diversification of supply of energy resources to Europe. It is necessary that Montenegro becomes a member of NATO.

When talking about immigrants it is worth mentioning that each group of one hundred people have a leader who is in charge to get the group into the EU. Immigrants are almost fully consisted by Sunnis which is not surprising given the fact that Yazid, Shiites and Christians who had homes in the part of Syria which is now controlled by the Islamic State were killed and the survivors were just those who accepted the Sunni interpretation of Islam. Immigrants in general are dominated mostly by younger population, with knowledge to use GPS or with other words are very well computer educated. As the new wave of refugees is expected in the spring, the EU is practically facing the capitulation and this disorientation is endangering the European cultural values ​​and Christianity.

Lobbying for the Islamic State

In the US Congress there are already circulating unbelievable proposals, which are spread by various unidentified lobby groups for recognizing the Islamic State. And the reasons they give is that this would lead to stop the war and political expansion of Russia in the Middle East. Recently the idea was mentioned publicly by the head of the Turkish intelligence Hakan Fidan. American diplomacy is in order to “legitimate” the right for the Turkish troops to enter the territory of Syria and create a “buffer zone” along its border for the alleged protection of Turkmen, but Turkey´s intention is in fact to use a “buffer zone” to create its 82 province.

With his ambition to revitalize the Ottoman Empire Erdogan sends history several centuries backward, but creates same political relations in the Balkans – Turkish allies are the British (now Anglo-Americans), and opponents are the Balkan Orthodox nations, Hungarians, Austrians, and Russians.

The Islamic state and its instructors are making final preparations for sending personnel to Caucasus where they would insure the potential for greater conflicts, which would be passed through Transcaucasia to Central Asia. Intelligence agencies knit agent networks and create the preconditions for a puppet governments. This raises the grandiose scene for activities that should lead geo-fragmentation to the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.
Units which should radicalize the conflicts are already partly transferred from Libya to Ukraine and Transcaucasia (South Caucasus).

The other direction of spreading the Islamic State is the Afghanistan in which there is an ongoing process for the “re-dressing” the Taliban soldiers into the soldiers of the Islamic State. Following the same matrix based on which the terrorist organization KLA in Kosovo became a political factor will also the Taliban become increasingly represented as a political force that needs to take control of their own country. In doing so, no one will even mention that in Afghanistan the main economic branch is the production of opium cheese harvested from a large Afghan poppy fields.

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