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119 Syrian Militants Killed On Nagorno-Karabakh Frontlines: Monitoring Group

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119 Syrian Militants Killed On Nagorno-Karabakh Frontlines: Monitoring Group

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At least 119 Syrian militants have been killed while fighting as mercenaries for Azerbaijan in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on October 14.

The militants were deployed on Nagorno-Karabakh’s frontlines by Turkey in order to support the Azerbaijani attack on the region, which started on September 27.

According to the UK-based monitoring group, the bodies of 78 militants, who were killed in Nagorno-Karabakh battle, were sent back to Syria.

The number of Turkish-backed Syrian militants currently fighting Armenian forces on Nagorno-Karabakh’s frontlines is reportedly over 1,450. More are allegedly being recruited by Turkey. The militants are being offered a monthly salary of $1,500 to 2,000.

“Young Syrians are being recruited by recruitment offices supported by the Turkish intelligence or the leaders of Turkish factions in Turkish influence areas, in north and northwestern Syria,” the SOHR said.

Syrian militants heading to Azerbaijan were told that they will “guard” oil facilities. Nevertheless, most of them ended up getting deployed on Nagorno-Karabakh’s hottest fronts, where they are being used as cannon fodder.

Despite the presence of overwhelming evidence confirming the deployment of Syrian militants in Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkey and Azerbaijan continue to deny this.


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SOHR is full of bullshit and lies

James Adams

Fuck you, they are the best source to go on.

cechas vodobenikov


Jens Holm

For a lot of things, they are the best source in ther whole world.

It would ne nice You show examples for, where they are wrong and related to, what we can expect.

Peter Jennings

You could also get a nice T-shirt or some womens underwear, if you’re that way inclined. Just call the SOHR and put your order in. News via desperate Idlib mercenaries isn’t a reliable resource.

John Wallace

Jens wearing nothing but a skimpy women’s g-string is not a vision I would easily delete from my mind so I would rather not hear of such things.

Lee Boyce


James Adams

Die you terrorist scum die !!!

Pave Way IV

Huh? What the hell is a ‘Syrian militant’? Oh… SOHR menas HEAD-CHOPPER.

Jens Holm

Its a relative:)

Pave Way IV

Unfortunately, a lot of these guys would just be blue collar workers living normal lives somewhere in Syria if it wasn’t for poverty and the war. The US/KSA/Turkey jobs program for occupied Syria the last decade has been a choice of head-chopper/white helmet or media activist. Everyone else is a Wahhabi subject or dead. If you offered most of these guys a $1500/month to do construction work in ‘Assad’s Syria’, they would tell their Wahhabi and Turkish MB overlords to go to hell and walk back to Damascus for a normal life.


That’s what happen when TFSA has no Turkish air support

johnny rotten

SOHR is the best internal source of terrorism, which is as reliable as the fight for democracy of terrorists who go on business trips on Lybia or NK.


Terrorists died,sent by genocide roaches

Peter Jennings

119 killed and how many more terrorists to go? it could take years. Turkey really needs to step up their game. :)

cechas vodobenikov

if u trust sohr u r likely a CIA agent or stupid

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