An Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jet flies during an aerial demonstration. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN – REUTERS)
Late on May 13, five people were killed and seven others were wounded as a result of a wave of Israeli airstrikes on Syria’s central region.
The airstrikes hit military targets in the outskirts of the town of Masyaf, where a key facility of the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) is located. The SSRC is the main military research and development institution of Syria. The research facility was targeted by Israel on a number of occasions in the past. The most recent confirmed strike on the facility was on April 9.
Videos from western and central Syria showed several successful interceptions of Israeli missiles by Syrian air defense means.
In a statement to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency, a Syrian military source said that the airstrikes were launched from the international airspace off the Syrian coast.
One of the victims of the Israeli airstrikes was reportedly a civilian. Many of the wounded were also civilians, including a little girl.
This was the second confirmed Israeli attack on Syria this May. The first attack, which took place on May 11, targeted a network of observation posts and positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the governorate of al-Quneitra in the southern region.
On May 7, a series of airstrikes targeted positions of Iranian-backed forces in the eastern outskirts of the city of Deir Ezzor in the northeastern region. Unverified reports said that Israel was behind the airstrikes.
Israel stepped up its attack on Syria in the last few months. The recent attacks were a part of Tel Aviv’s “War-Between-Wars” campaign, which is meant to hinder Iranian entrenchment in Syria and prevent the transfer of advanced Iranian-made weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
SAA should send airstrikes into all settlements in the golan
bro SAA is not strong enough against Israel
Syria hasn’t even showed what Russia has given them. Syria has made its own weapons, and is allies to the countries with the best military technology in the world. Syria just telling the world how many MiGs and other jets will boost their military significantly
Syria has many tanks but not enough air force.
Yeah know but a Muslim has written this today: The fight against NATO and Israel is not a criterion for human justice or corruption. There are standards in our religion that determine this, and Gaddafi, Bashar Assad and Khamenei are more infidels than the Zionists.
Khamenei is Shia, the others are secular.
All thanks to the traitorous Putinyahoo who coordinates with IsraHell!
Seriously what can Russia do to us that we are not doing to them in Ukraine. Every inch of the promised land. You dream about revenge. We take revenge 🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾
After you finish that thought we bomb Syria again. Clean your terror nests and we shall leave you alone. No Iran on our borders. Our promise is honour, or actions are decisive 🦾🇮🇱
Can I suck your Jewish cock I’m a good American like that
zio pigs always making their ritual crimes…just like every year in their bloody easter
You’re only making things worse. Keep attacking and you in turn give more reason to respond. The Syrians and Iranians have been very reserved in how they respond. Israel cannot handle its enemies all at once.
Fuck off, our Russian partners won’t let Iran make the biggest mistake of her life. We don’t play games. We take what is ours and the weak only know our strength. I have served in the great zion army and should the time ever come again, every child of terror will be neutralised, my word brother 🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾
You’re a fkin idiot. Israel Dreams and talks big about attacking iran for the last 20 years but Today, it is Iran that is on Israel’s borders not the other way around LoL ha Ha Ha Ha Ha and the ZioP1gs can do FCkAll about it. while israel is still only TALKING about bombing Iran. sO iRAN ISNT SCARED OF iSRAELI CLOWN POLITICIAN THREATS OTHERWISE IT WOULDNT HAVE MARCHED RIGHT UP TO YOUR BORDERS NOW INNIT? laf Syrian strikes do nothing except irritate Syria. once again, israeli PM faggot girlie boy Bennett proves that he is exactly like his predecessors – only good at theatre war and politics, to keep the low class settler trash happy while they rob and loot Palestinian homes like the degenerate poor White Eurotrash they are. Russia has handed control of its Syrian bases to IRAN, not even to SAA. so the real war will soon begin and the terrorist idf will be sh1tting bricks in their diapers ONCE AGAIN. if israeli terrorist idf cannot defeat Hizbollah, HOW will it defeat Iran? you drank too much Zio KoolAid man. wake up and smell the schwarma.
Iran can bully Israel but its destruction is also near.
Shitskin hellas’s destruction has already begun. It’s economy is ruined and the darkie rapefugees are murdering and molesting them while they seethe hopelessly like the pindick cuckold they are.
This is not the case actually. The corrupt politicians are selling us and we are resisting.
I don’t know if this will help.
Ok saa should do that.and. which way they gonna runaway after strike for hiding jj
One day the Zionists will pay for their crimes.
Zionists is dangerous like Isis but they do not kill as fast as Isis but they kill slowly
One day? You fool, we take revenge today 🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾
It is not about revenge.
But f****** when it’s been 70 years Israeli been bombing you go on pull your finger out do something 🥱
Good riddance when you mix with dead russian soldiers,generals a very productive day.
SO, Israel bombs Syria at will because they don’t want Iranian entrenchment !! So, Russia should be allowed to da the same to Ukraine because they don’t want NATO entrenchment !! Seems like a fair game to me !!
They are both correct.
But Iranian gay mollahs terrorists . Ukrainian not terrorists .defending their country against terrorists putin
Erdogan likes Iranians and the Ayatollah. He made Turkey according to his model.
WHEN is TREASONOUS POOTIN, going to allow the Syrian and OTHER allies to respond to the zio terrorist cockroaches, as Pootin is unable to attack his JEW GODS?
and what do russian scum forces in syria do about endless ziorat vermin strikes? nothing! pootin is a great ally to satanic jew pests
Without Russian help you are dooooom long time ago.
The Children should have their photographs, before their murder by Israel and afterwards. Why should the US and UK be the only ones to pull at heartstrings?
Where is once again that dirty scumbag and cowardly ZioWhore tool Putinyahoo… and where are his cowardly POS groupies who salivate at their saviours checkers moves lol
Syria is a terror nest. We will always deal with terror the way we deal with Hamas and Palestinian terror. The weak know our strength 🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾
I wanna bomb Syria because my master Isreal says so
But Assad kicked Hamas out though.
Terror nest. Israel is the one who pioneered terrorist groups and setup clandestine networks. Infiltrated groups to be used as a tool to attack Israel in order to provide justified expansion. Its no secret that Israel was partially helping and supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups. You are just as guilty if not more than the ones you accuse. Israel should promote peace as an effective weapon.
Syria is a terror nest and israel is jealous ‘cos it wants to be the only terror nest in the middle east LoL You said ‘The weak know our strength’ – thats so true – the IDF only attacks the weak – thats why it cannot attack Hizbollah and Iran. Syria attacks are for show. They kill civilians and pat themselves on the back.
They can attack Hezbollah and Iran.
Israel is going about this all wrong.