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12 Members Of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Were Killed In Israeli Strikes On Syria: SOHR

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12 Members Of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps Were Killed In Israeli Strikes On Syria: SOHR

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12 service members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed in January 20 Israeli airstrikes on Damascus’s International Airport, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said on January 22.

The SOHR claimed that the total death toll is 21 people: 6 Syrian Army troops, 12 IRGC service members and 3 other non-Syrian nationals.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed that the strikes were aimed at Iranian targets in the country. According  to the very same version, IDF aircraft attacked Syrian military positions because they were ‘violently’ responding to Israeli strikes on Iranian forces.

It should be noted that the SOHR claims contradict with data, which was provided by the Russian Defense Ministry. The Russian military said that 4 Syrian service members were killed in the attack.


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Latest click bait from SOHR.


Bullshit,this is just fake news to please Nutandyahoo and his psychopathic voters back in occupied Palestine.

al quaida

Hopefully just propaganda. Can’t see how SOHR would have reliable channels with IRGC?

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

“… IDF aircraft attacked Syrian military positions because they were ‘violently’ responding to Israeli strikes….”

Typical Jews. It’s time those mad dogs be put down.

Mr Bray

There is an interesting back story to the ‘Syrian Observatory of Human Rights’ (SOHR) that some people may not be aware of, so for thier benefit I will tell it briefly again.

It started life as a single British Muslim Extremist living in a house in London who began publishing anti-Assad and pro-terrorist (aka the ‘rebels’), lies, disinformation, and propaganda on his own website.

Some of the information was supplied to him by a few Syrian opposition extremists and Turkish and US assets actually in Syria (and Turkey), and other info was simply made up.

This guy, from his bedroom in his house, did such a good propaganda spin that many people thought he was an official news agency, so he was quickly adopted by British MI6 to continue with the disinformation and anti-Assad propaganda. So, rather than be shut down by the British Government he begam supported, and was even supplied with official ‘Intel’ to ‘leak’ into the mainstream minds.

The British MI6 and other agencies ensured his ‘reports’ were mainstreamed on the BBC, Sky News, and many so called ‘free Newspapers (and other TV Channels).

The SOHR was discredited as being a British approved Disinfo and PsyOp outfit way back in 2014, but due to British Government support the outfit, which has since grown and developed, continues to opperate as a ‘free Syrian’ news agency in the UK.

The British, US, and Israeli Spooks use the name and connections of the SOHR to trickle feed lies, disinfo, propaganda, and sometimes even a little ‘truth’ (to keep people coming back – just in case), so anything coming from tis source must firstly be considered unreliable, secondly part of a bigger ongoing psyop, and only then thirdly, potentially with some element of a fraction of a single sliver of ‘truth’.

In my experience it is safer just to ignore everything coming from this source as with Spook involvement some of Disinfo, and Psycholocical entrainment is quite sophisticated (making it dangerous or very effective depending upon your position).


The ISIS, Israel, Al-Qaeda and Bokoharam terrorists organizations all has their own headquarters in UK even the US regime headquarter is also in UK.

Julian Clegg

Silly comment of the day.

Zionism = EVIL

It is true. Read Shadow Wars.

Tommy Jensen

Iranian media are usually reliable. Check them for confirmation or negative.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran needs to pull out of Syria, the mullahs have got a weak Iran into a losing war where Russia is totally in Zionist pockets. Iran has no airforce, its army is so primitive that it is ready to fight WW1 and the cost of dumb mullahs playing games in Syria is becoming too much for a sanctioned country like Iran. Iran has no air defence to protect its people in Syria or anywhere, so why get humiliated daily? After the anti-Iran conference in Poland, Zionist attacks on Iranians in Syria will only increase and there is good chance that Iran itself will be bombed as Bolton’s recent request for a target list of Iranian targets suggested.

Tommy Jensen

Iran has no choice. If Syria fall, Iran is next.


You’re right about UK/US propaganda. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the Asad regime is a dictatorship. Not worse than any the US/UK want to install but still. Asad needs to go for Syria to have any meaningful future… but similar (or worse) puppets have to be avoided too. Human rights infringements are legion all over Syria, certainly. Some groups became propaganda tools, like the White Helmets and at the same time, Asad’s militias have cut down (somewhat) on indiscriminate killing of civilians.

John Whitehot

the so-called SOHR is a Mossad outlet.

Everything they (actually he) say is to be taken in the above regards.


should be enough of a reason to obliterate the trash presently occupying palestine and send them packing – no one needs israel!!

Promitheas Apollonious

the israelis make their well wishing their own nightmares. As for the bullshits they killed iranians that is their well wishing, nothing to do with reality. The reason they attack the Damascus airport is to prevent airlines from landing there and normalize syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

How would this fat little bastard know how many Iranians were killed, he doesn’t have spies anywhere else but the rebel held areas now, how the hell could he know anything, especially about Iranian casualties. He’s the enemies propaganda tool of choice, why is his dribble continuously parroted without qualification on SF, it’s his job to make Assad, Russia, and Iran look bad, and tell whopping lies about them, you shouldn’t be helping him do it SF.

Tudor Miron

He never had spice anywhere, it’s just a talking head that is retranslating Mi6/Mossad (local branches of one organization) narratives.

Julian Clegg


Tudor Miron


Willing Conscience (The Truths

He does indeed, but just like a dirty slut he also gets it from anyone else offering, and he does have many spies, everywhere the rebels or the Turks occupy he has thousands of spies [by his own admission].

Tudor Miron

“By his own admission” Lol. Did you expect him to say openly that his information is coming from Mi6/Mossad?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He may as well say it, it’s obvious to anyone that looks, but then again he does the same for the Turks and the US when it suits his purpose, he’s just a parrot that relays the news that suits his agenda, but then masterfully spins the news he doesn’t want to repeat in an effort to confuse everyone instead of telling them the truth. He’s a master at it and SF help him do it all the time, they redistribute he’s BS without any qualification making him even more effective. By his own admission, he lists/brags he has over 2000 sources of info, he says it on his website. Israel does one thing better than anyone else, it easily corrupts Arabs into spying for them, when the Arab nations eventually learn how to stop that happening, the Israelis will lose most of their advantages in the region. But unlike you I don’t see the Israelis as being all powerful, I think soon enough we’re all going to see just how vulnerable they really are, the fantasy propaganda they feed the world sounds believable I know, but it’s not, it’s exactly the same crap the lipstick and dress wearing US deep state feed us, pure fantasy, just like how HTS is being portrayed in the media as being suddenly close to invincible, when in reality they’re as close to useless as they could be, half of them will probably desert as soon as the fighting starts and the rest will be buried alive by Russian bombs a few weeks later. The MSM like the SOHR can convince some of us that up is down and night is day and black is white ect, but not all of us, I just wish SF would at least place disclaimers on his articles they rebublish, let the unsuspecting readers know there might be an ulterior motive for the story. He’s been kissing Erdogan’s butt more than anyone else’s lately too, the Israelis might have to pay him more.


20 missiles (our of 50) that supposedly made through Syrian airdefenses ended up killing a few Syrians and Iranians….actually more than one missile per supposed casualty. Either the targeting of these missile is screwed up, or the number of missiles that made it through is bogus.


0 planes intercepted is 100% Russian failure

Manuel Flores Escobar

planes launched missile far from syrian air space using long range missile Delilah range 250km!..you are stupid a and nobody believe you!..neither Israel or USA fly over Damascus!


Haha S400 range is so small

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, even the old Soviet era phased array radars can pick up targets at mid to high altitude, and occupied Palestine is barely 60 kms from Golan to Haifa, but if the Syrians or Iranians knew how to operate them. Unfortunately, the SAA let most systems just decay and the rest were captured by the headchoppers. SAA simply does not have the trained, motivated and skilled manpower to operate anything as the repeated destruction of poorly deployed Pantsir S1 have shown. Crews taking a smoking break and not even deploying camo netting or in dug in positions.

Zionism = EVIL

FACT, Ruskies dumbasses are all set to fight WW1 with their dishwasher technology. Even Samsung is more prepared for war with exploding phones and appliances.


Russia is a third world corrupt and mismanaged country and its weapons and technology are still 1960’s USSR. That is why all ex-USSR states are looking to join NATO, even Armenia. The Russians S-300 and S-400 systems are untested in combat and can be jammed by US growlers and other electronic counter-measures. The remaining outdated and rusting SAM systems in Syria date back to the 1970’s as Russia stopped providing weapons after the dismemberment of the USSR.


And yet America is terrified of them, Russia could bury you all, and you know it.


Israeli logic is we reserve right to defend ourselves. However when Syria does the same they attack them for defending themselves twisted or what.

Real Anti-Racist Action

True true. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kgtCDVwwMx8/hqdefault.jpg https://hshidayat.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/goyim.jpg?w=300&h=300 https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zI4lgHMb_C4/U8kxqq2i4XI/AAAAAAAADxU/__Evb1cfygE/s1600/Talmud_quote_1.jpg

Tommy Jensen

If we look at the world today, its not far from the truth.

Zionism = EVIL

The FACT is that 7 years of unchallenged Zionist attacks on Syria, with full Russian coordination have only emboldened the Zionists to the extent that they will escalate their one-sided war on Syria and Iran, who are too cowardly to hit back even on the Occupied Golan. There is a good analysis in Times today:

Israel is brazenly carrying out large scale bombing of unprotected Iranian targets in Syria in an open one sided conflict. The concern is it could spread to major combined Israeli and US airstrikes on Iran itself as Bolton and other war hawks in Trump administration have long wanted.


bullshit. half of those thing are not present.

in the bible are also big antihuman things

Tommy Jensen

These 12 young Iranians were in Syria to give their lives in a fight against thugs, head-choppers and rapists that Israel armed and protected during the 5 year long US occupation of Syria. Now they got shot in the back and killed by Israel with Russia´s help.

Tudor Miron

Do you mean that Russia should not have given Syria those AD systems that shot 30 out of 50 missiles because this way Russia helped Israel to kill those brave Iranians?

Wake up Tommy! First, we don’t know if this fat traitor of Syria is telling the truth. What we do know is that someone said something and that some others (your post is a good example) are using those claims as a base for their own claims. But problem is that your base is empty, Tommy.

Tommy Jensen

You are changing subject to fit your conclusion.

The subject is the 20 missiles out of 50 that hit real people and destroyed real property and infrastructure, and the S-300 Assad contracted in 2010 because he knew they could defend Syria against attack like these, are still not delivered. This is the subject!

The bs about “we successful minimized the murders”, “we delivered something else that Assad didnt asked for”, “these dead Iranians could be fake news”, is not a subject.

Tudor Miron

Wake up Tommy :) Russia did deliver S-300 to Assad and it was free of charge! Yes, they are not operational yet but relatively little time is left till they are. “”dead Iranians could be fake news”, is not the subject” – than why do you bring it up?

Tommy Jensen

Still lie for yourself. Nothing is free of charge.

SAA is not in charge of anything, Shoigu said clearly the S-300 are there to Assad to protect Russia in Syria. The training issue is the same hoax as in 2014. “dead Iranians,,”, because thats what the article s about.

Tudor Miron

OK, than tell us how much Syria paid for S-300 delivered to them?


ask kudrin


Dont be silly Tommy – Russia is not in Syria to defend Iran against Israeli attacks. They dont even defend Syria for that.

Tommy Jensen

“The Russian military intervention in Syria began in Sept. 2015 after an official request by the Syrian government for military aid against rebel and jihadist groups. Putin defined Russia′s goal in Syria as “stabilising the legitimate power in Syria and creating the conditions for political compromise”.

Im just fishing for those already bought S-300 handed over in Assad´s hands. To save lives and………………for freedom…………………LOL.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I watched the Israeli footage of their incoming missile against the Russian Pantsir-S1 missile defense system. It sliced through everything Russia deployed like a hot knife through butter. Missile after Russian missile was fired directly at the incoming Jewish missile and they were all easily deflected and confused and were totally confused and helpless. The Israeli missile flew directly at the Pantsir-S1 and directly hit it. Jewish missiles are indeed superior to anything Russia has. Israel is waiting for Russians to leave the S-300’s to be manned only by Syrians. Once this is done, mark my words, Israel is going to successfully bomb the S-300 systems and destroy them. Only a laser defense system has any hope at all defending against Israels attacks on others.

Tudor Miron

How’s weather in Tel Avive?

Manuel Flores Escobar

Israel needed 50 missile to hit Syrian assets because Pantsir shot down most of them!…its is the same when palestine lauch 5-7 missile Iron Dome intercept all of them…but when launched 100..some of them hit targets as we seen a few weeks ago in Askelom!..


The Pantsir that was hit wasnt even operational it was out of munitions so that was no surprise. Israelis dont have superior missiles – they dont even possess hypersonic ones like Russia does.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SOHR is a western propagande machine!..Iran denied that own assets and personal have been attacked


Its a one man operation from Coventry the guy is probably on a raft of benefits at the taxpayer expense.


Iranian cowards spread their legs farther with everyone slap. First T4 and now this


You can call me Al

Hey DS, I believe you freaks lost 4 of your lot, up in Manjib the other day; get your fat arse back to CNN.

H Eccles

I think you’ll find he’s from Tel Aviv…

You can call me Al



How many have you turds lost in Afghanistan in nearly 18 years against a bunch of sandal wearing tribesman that you cant defeat LOL


Can’t blame the poor Iranian people, but their corrupt clergy that got them involved in the Syrian morass. Iran today, unlike its glorious past is a weak, embargoed third world country with no real military or economy. The mullahs hijacked a popular revolution and the Iranian people have been paying the price for over 40 years now and it will keep on getting worse. Most educated Iranians vote with their feet if they can and immigrate to Europe and US before Trump closed the gates. Iran is ready for another more secular democratic regime change, for its people’s sake, who have suffered enough.


Why they have won, the US and its minions planned to starve Iran to death, like they have done to Iraq. They were going to steal Iranian gas, and sell it to Europe, now the Americans won’t get their stolen loot, and Europe will have to pay Iran for Iranian gas.

Zionism = EVIL

What have they won? Iran used be a respected rich country, today it is one of the poorest and most mismanaged in the world facing water, food and environmental degradation. Real unemployment is over 30% and inflation 250% per annum. Iranian passport is worth less than toilet paper along with the Toman. Most educated Iranians vote with their feet and have run to US, Europe or any country that would let them in, even Turkey and India. The Iranian military is weaker than Afghanistan’s and no country would sell the idiotic mullahs anything anyway, and the goofy grinning foreign minister Zarif is considered a joke as all his family lives in the US. At least in the era of Ahmadinejad people took his rants seriously. Iran is isolated and broke. That is a sad fact.


Time to man up, no use pretending, they kicked your arse.


why Southfront kept taking sources from known western propaganda outlets like the already debunked SOHR , which is a british run propaganda outlet. Fair question , is SF now indistinguishable from ordinary MSM ?

Isnt it better to take multiple source as comparison and write short analysis on articles instead of using automated bots to generate articles from known MSM / Propaganda outlets ?


Sadly, there are visual facts to verify SF and other media reports on Syria. In the age of real time satellite imagery it is difficult to distort the truth. Syria is being bombed to oblivion with impunity. Feel pity for Syrians and Iranians sacrificial sheep.


what i am saying is that posting info from known propaganda outlet is the same as propagating western narrative , which is the last thing one expect from SF


Yes if they ran a totally closed information system like the Jewish western information system, there would never be any dissenting voices. No need for debate or even elections, we could all become ants, fantastic.


You might notice that the loyal sons of Israel constantly badmouth the Russian missile systems. It’s envy, just like every hot rod maker claims his rod is faster than a Ferrari, every master race type claims his missiles are better than Russian missiles. Ferrari is the benchmark in supercars, and Russia is the benchmark in missile systems.

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