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13 Turkish Soldiers Were Killed In Airstrike In Southern Idlib: Reports

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13 Turkish Soldiers Were Killed In Airstrike In Southern Idlib: Reports


On February 24, 13 Turkish soldiers were killed and several others were injured in aistrikes in southern Idlib, according to reports by pro-Turkish sources and Russian media.

Russia’s state-run news angecy RIA Novosti reported that the incident had taken place in the area near the villages of Kansafra and Bara, while pro-Turkish sources also named the location of Kafr Nabl. All these points are loated within the area of the ongoing Syrian Army advance there.

13 Turkish Soldiers Were Killed In Airstrike In Southern Idlib: Reports

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According to Turkish authorities, 21 Turkish service member had died in the Greater Idlib operation so far. If the February 24 incident is confirmed, the number of casualties of Turkish forces in their Idlib gamble will become over 30.


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fu*king retards going to a battle zone with no air support, wtf did they expect ? the turkish army needs to stop this bullsh*t and go back to turkey and let the saa clean the border from parasite terrorist scum it will benefit both countries and it will be done in few months then the refugees can go back to syria…


Turkey can’t use air-support in Syria since Syria and Russia wouldn’t aloud it. If Turkey flies over the area i Syria they will be shot down.


Exactly. But that’s how you treat the terrorists which Turkey supports in any way possible !!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, the S-300 and S-400 can shut down most of the Turkeys airspace on the flick of a switch.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Turkey is losing troops because it is trying to support it’s terrorist proxy ISIS/al qaeda

Zionism = EVIL

Turkeys are being slaughtered because they are stupid militarily, moving small ill-trained units of heavy armor into small mountain regions is suicidal, the Zionist idiots tried that in South Lebanon and we all saw how well that worked out. Despite, the fact that Hezbollah, unlike the SAA had no air cover. Russia dominates the skies, so sending poor conscripts to die is criminal and ErdoGAN should be overthrown by the battered military. No one takes the Turkeys seriously.


The problem is that this parasite terrorist scum is the Turkish army that now has merged with their brotherly parasites from Al Nusra et al

Zionism = EVIL

The terrorists in Syria are 80% Turkeys military in civvies. The real losses of dead Turkeys is in hundreds now.

Karen Bartlett

I believe most of the refugees Turkey is hosting are terrorists and their families.


Refugees since august 2015, before Russia start in september to liberate the area they lived under salafism, you are correct terrorist they are.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have stated on numerous occasions, the Turkeys are being slaughtered for the madman ErDOGan goat fuckers delusions. I feel sorry for this poor ill-trained Anatolian cannon fodder that has no chance against Russian airpower or SAA and allied battle tested ground forces. From a purely military point, the penny packet OP are plain suicide and all are cut off and the SAA can demand their surrender and they should. Turkeys need to go home and take stock of their mess. It is too late to change ground facts in Idlib.


Some people are saying ergodan is sending forces that he thinks are disloyal to him into Syria there have already been reports that of some desertion in Turkish ranks

Arbaches Glaukus

It looks like Turkey is pushing forward, with military convoy, after military convoy, supporting rebels and fighting Assad forces. On the other hand looks like Russia is using, and perfecting the new technology, using as target Turkish convoys. There is more than meets the eye. The Idlib conflict is very complicated, with very visible and invisible variables on play.

Josiah Isaboke

And paying the price…Look at their special forces that tried to penetrate SAA positions https://t.me/hamanews1/4297

Assad must stay

lmao they got fucking massacred by SAA heroes

Zionism = EVIL

The reality is the the Turkeys in over 60 years have not been able to make a dent in the PKK and in Syria, the ill-trained Anatolian peasants are facing the SAA, a battle hardened force along with highly motivated allied militias, including the legendary Hezbollah, not to mention Russian Federation superb airpower, so the whole Turkey shoot is quite pathetic really and the battered Turkey military should launch a real coup and execute the goat fucker Erdogan coward. The Turkeys are in a simply unsustainable position in Syria and it will get worse unless they go back to their own border and stop supporting terrorism in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Assad must stay

100% true and confirmed


please elaborate.


21+13 is not equal to 30


Over 30, Sherlock..

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Which is why the article clearly said, “over 30”.

Jens Holm

Happrness is a warm gun.


Ok if this killing is confirmed that will be very dangerous for russia, now russia Play with fire she will pay sure very expensive .


Was dangerous for Turkey. but they decided to continue to play with fire. Sad that this recklessness did cost another 13 lives.


No you wrong turkey have a lot of cards you ignore, and they play at home

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Syria is not in Turkey, you turkey.

klove and light

hahah.. turkish scum sent to dirty turkish virgins on an industrial scale if this continues…… ps, after all These turkish pricks dying in Idlib, SAA will have to call in a huge cleaning Company because of These stinkers

Harry Smith

In the game of chess there is a situation called stalemate. Every next move Erdogan will make it will only aggravate the situation. He has to stop, calm down and start talkings with Russia how to resolve this problem and keep his face. If he will return to NATO, that means the YPG will get a carte blanche and soon we will witness conflict inside of Turkey.

Josiah Isaboke

TALK WITH SYRIA….He has to accept Syria ! Turkey has always laid claim to parts of Syria in a wider Ottoman quest to have their lands back…It’s in their doctrine


Ypg represente nothing , there are more under Nato orders than russia. There were not able to keep their territories like in afrin and elsewhere so how can they transport the conflict inside turkey??!!! Nonsense

Harry Smith

Preface. First of all, you have to understand that nobody in NATO likes Turkey. That is the main narrative. Otherwise Turkey was EU member long time before Poland or Bulgaria. If you will understand this narrative you would be able to look objectively over the situation. 1. YPG has a lot of weapons they got from the USA. YPG has strong relationship with PKK, which has a lot of ready for guerrilla war fighters inside of Turkey. 2. If you think that Western powers just forgot about unsuccessful coup when Erdogan survived – you are wrong. USA needs oil from Eastern Syria and does not need any competitors for this oil. If you add 1 and 2 you have all chances to understand that Turkey is in couple steps from the civil war like in Syria or Ukraine.


You have the right to make you moovies. You are so far from the reality

Harry Smith

I am not saying that my point is the only truthful. Maybe I am wrong. Anyway. Will live will see.

Rafik Chauhan

turkey is full of shit not a fire . Russia can put missile of cold water on top of Erdogon head if he tries to ignite fire in his head

Concrete Mike

You have only your leaders to blame, supporting jabhat al nusrah, fucken pig!


Russians just cowards hidding behind assad’s dogs

Free man

Are you serious ? You really don’t want the Turkish army to fight against the Russian army.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It was clearly marked as a Russian airforce jet, the jets that killed the Turkish troops.

The cowards are the people who take the casualties, without even naming the airforce who bombed them.

Free man

Erdogan seems to have put the Turkish army in an impossible situation. The Turkish army cannot win in Syria.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They couldn’t win in Turkey neither.

Erdogan would have been either in jail or dead, only for Russian help during the recent CIA crop against him. He has no friends, just vultures waiting to pick him off. It gets worse for him outside of Turkey also.

Free man

Apparently they shouldn’t have helped him survive the coup.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That worked out great for Russia. The Turks buy S400, possibly Su35/57, makes NATO look stupid, drives the Yanks berserk, and saves the Turkish citizens billions by not buying a turkey called the F35.

The Russians saved his rear the last time, he’s got no friends left now. The Turks will do for him.

Free man

“That worked out great for Russia.” – So true. LOL.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are devoid of reality

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s a regular pay check though, no doubt.

Wayne Nicholson

Unlike the Turks who are hiding behind Syrian civilians while arming and supporting terrorists.

Josiah Isaboke

I was wondering when the Turkish trolls are going to show up. We missed you! Things aren’t going according to plan are they? Look at your special forces DEAD AND PEACEFUL! No “Allahu bacbar” in the eternal sleep https://t.me/hamanews1/4297


Is your name pronounced Ka-ka? That is spanish for shit ;}

Free man

If that’s true, it’s sad. But you can only blame Erdogan. He sends Turkish soldiers to die in Syria, without air defense and even worse – without strategy. What exactly is the Turkish army doing in Syria besides being killed and being humiliated?


You didn’t understand with my respects. Now turkey is ready to pay the price , she assumes its natural role not like in the past. So russia had better to go out to Moscou or make agreement with turkey

Free man

Things are getting complicated. I hope an agreement can still be reached. The more Turkey is humiliated , the more likely Erdogan will do something stupid.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

More likely, Erdogan has his “et tu, Brutus” moment.

Free man

Or both.

Bobo Voxar

and without moral reason…

Free man

I believe the refugee issue is really bothering the Turks. So Erdogan can claim to have a moral justification . But I don’t understand the Turkish actions and how they will benefit Turkey.

Bobo Voxar

when logic thinking is on turish side,which is not,they send all refugees back into Syria – buffer zone was acupied for this reason- on Bashars shoulders and expense… but this is not real , because those refugees are families of hunted down ISIL and FSA and other f…ing scum families… his only chance is send them to EU and receive cash from EU

Free man

Even Western Europeans are not stupid enough to accept them.

Bobo Voxar

but critical ammount is near … and stupidity turns into blood – mainly theirs,rest will be islamized…


Turkey can’t do anything about it unless he really want a caravan of coffins all the way back to Turkey. Turkey can’t risk relations with Russia, Turkey is playing a bad hand of cards and everyone knows it.


Listen i can return you the same logical Russia can’t risk its relationship with turkey, but this is more true because russia are more to lost than turkey in the partnership. So let’s see further


Not true, Turkey needs Russia more than Russia needs Turkey. Russian has all the leverage. You may wish it was the other way around but it’s not.


Russia don’t need Turkey at all.. They will buy tomatos in Greece and Bulgaria will only be happy for a south stream to continue.. The last time it was Erdogan begging in Moscow for a embargo to stop – not other way around..


Who invited the Jew?

Hanny Benny

I LOVE erdogKhan !!!!! HE IS SOOOOO……. “send them to death for allah!!!!”

WOW !!!! He sends dumbests their couragious best soldierst to die!!!!! SO COOOOL!!!!

I love erdoKhan !!!!!!!!


Turkey tried to advance the other day and got a warning from Russian air support and turned around. Turkey despite that advanced into the area and now they payed the price for not taking the warning seriously.

Balázs Jávorszky

Erdogan: “We have already replied, we struck 123 regime targets and killed 1234 regime mercenaries”

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And a partridge in a pear tree.

Harry Smith

Partridge was heavy armed and was a part of the Assad’s special forces.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The pear tree being a spy mast in disguise!

Josiah Isaboke

Talking of special forces look what SAA did to Turkish special forces .Turkey keeps lying about number of soldiers killed but we know….https://t.me/hamanews1/4297

Xoli Xoli

Thanks for the link.It will atlease contradict Erdogans figures.


You sure it was 123? Because I heard for 124, I might be wrong though.

Balázs Jávorszky

123 and half

Traiano Welcome

It will be fibonnacci next time. Look for the patterns in the numbers.

The Man

I think maybe it’s a ‘random number generator’!


erdoguns : for every 1 turkish soldier killed we neutralize 751 syrian soldiers and we destroy 826.15 tanks and artillery units, if this continues we will capture damascus by end of the week…

Porc Halal

I wonder how retardog calculated the 1/751 ratio…he must be very good on math!..fucking retard!..

Lone Ranger

Erdogollum will do stand up at a run down bar in Brooklyn after the war, given he stays alive…



Bobo Voxar

correction…1/751.002547 precisely

Porc Halal

Next time, the shish-kebab dickhead will declare, on paper of course, that his pathetic midget army killed 100000000 syrian troops…fucking pathetic son of whore!!

Porc Halal

And retard son of bitch!


please don’t insult the female whores.

The Man

OK, good point. How about “… fucking pathetic son of a Jew whore!!”

Traiano Welcome

He at least display a rudimentary understanding of sequences …

klove and light



The Turkish government is officially undermining the honor of the Turkish military.It’s crazy to be in an operation without air support. Are we in medieval ?

Traiano Welcome

Indeed. It appears we are “in medieval.”

The Man

Piss off you slimy, turdy Turk. Easiest thing is for you Turds to get the f*ck out of Syria before you get sent back in pieces and in body bags, you scum…. and take your terrorists with you if you love them so much.


Why the Turkish military be outside the border, the Turkish military should not be outside the safe zone. The Turkish military can easily bomb within its borders.

Josiah Isaboke

NO THEY CAN’T!Turkey is a paper tiger and their leader is a warrior in Twitter. Look at how their special forces are killed like flies https://t.me/hamanews1/4297


Turkish troops are very experienced and well-equipped, but it is a pity because of the unnecessary policies of the government.

The Man

and again, ha ha ha! What a ridiculous comment from a ridiculous Turd!


i blocked u bb

The Man

I don’t give a f*!!!

John Wallace

The Man CHAOS • 2 hours ago I don’t give a f*!!! Seeing as you can’t see what he says but all the rest of us can.

Traiano Welcome

Experienced at standing around on the border, yes. Experienced in war? No.

I don’t remember the last time the Turkish army liberated a dozen villages from the clutches of daesh. I can’t find recent articles detailing how Turkish forces trod the strategic line between 2 superpowers, Israel and a dozen terror groups while still managing to liberate countryside villages.

I do remember they were nowhere to be seen when the Israeli IDF stormed the Mavi Marmara though …

The Man

ha ha ha – what a ridiculous comment from a ridiculous Turd, I assume!


Turks are driving into a conflict zone in Syria. Shit will happen. :)

Xoli Xoli

Go back to your country Turkey or die You Erdogan terrorists are not welcome in Syria. No need for bilateral ties with Turkey.


Idlib is the cage for ISIS. No cage – they go to Turkey with their guns.


Mixing with terrorists wasn’t such a great idea after all…..

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan cant count.

Jim Bim

The Turks shelled the Syrian troops around the village of Neirab, Syria retaliated.


Turkey is a proxy for NATO. And the terrorists are proxies of Turkey. NATO is getting kicked in the butt.


Israel is behind all of this and Trump is an Israeli agent


Well since Turkey did it’s best to try and integrate it’s forces into HTS/ISIS, I think even if Russia wanted they couldn’t tell the difference between ISIS/HTS and turkey now lol. HTS/ISIS now got turkish uniforms and turkish equipment so what exactly makes them different from regular turkish soldiers? Maybe the beards but it’s pretty hard for the drone operators to zoom in and focus to see if the guys they gotta kill got beards or nor lmao. Soon though turkoids will start to grow beards while ISIS will shave in order to confuse their enemies which will lead to more dead turkeys. Which is in the end good cuz more dead turkoid invaders/mercenaries is always a good thing. :)

Lone Ranger

Play silly games win silly prizes…

Traiano Welcome

The game of “Russian Roulette” should be renamed “Turkish Lottery”.

The Man

ha ha – love it… the turdy Turks will be shitting it if they have to take part in this lottery. Will they be popped off by a Russian jet, a Syrian jet, a Syrian army guy… now that’s the type of Turkey Shoot we like!

The Man

This last sentence “If the February 24 incident is confirmed, the number of casualties of Turkish forces in their Idlib gamble will become over 30” is pointless as 30 isn’t some milestone number. What it should read is… “If the February 24 incident is confirmed, the number of casualties of Turkish forces in their Idlib gamble will be 34”!!! We want an exact count so we can gloat!

Josiah Isaboke

Thast’s the media number….The hidden figures could be 5 times high as someone in the ground put it because this Turks are sharing uniforms and equipment with the jihadis so they are getting killed together by the loads..There are videos popping up online that the SAA even admitted they can’t differentiate the Turks from the jihadis. So for PR purposes the Turkish govt will play with the numbers to a pleasing level to save face and look Strong….You noted every time they release a number of their death they report 10 times SAA were killed? Just observe

The Man

Absolutely… just like the scum Yankees, these Turds will down play their dead. And yep, multiply by 10 to get a more realistic figure (and then, add the first number you thought of!!!). erDOGan is really in the shit, so deep in fact, it’s going to be hard to get out of. I suspect that this cretin’s days are numbered. I even think that he may even get ‘popped off’ soon, resulting in all the Turds in Syria returning back to Turkey, a sort of ‘saving face’ act. Then we’ll get to hear the truth about how many dirty Turds were killed in this ill-thought-of adventure.



Traiano Welcome

Innovative serving suggestion!

Peter Jennings

The likeness is uncanny. How did you do it?

Alex Mjoge

Let them pay the price for the chaotic situations they caused for more than 8 years of war in Syria.

The Man

Yep, absolutely… nearly 10 years actually, but yes!


Erdogan is the main terrorist, drop some ammo on his head

The Man

Send an S400 missile up his slimy, turdy butt hole, seeing that he ‘wants it’ (the S400 that is ha ha) so badly… He might as well, seeing that his soldiers are being ‘f*cked’ in Syria, he can be ‘f*cked’ as well but in his palace!!!

alejandro casalegno

Yesterday the RuAF send a clear nessade, they bombed a few hundreds meters of the convoy……….TAF didn´t listen………….today…..KILL DAY!!!!!!

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