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MARCH 2025

1,300 Kurdish Fighters Will Participate In Upcoming Attack Of Syrian Army In Aleppo – Report

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1,300 Kurdish Fighters Will Participate In Upcoming Attack Of Syrian Army In Aleppo – Report

YPG members in northern Syria

During the last two weeks, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) deployed more than 1,300 fighters in the government-held areas of the northern governorate of Aleppo, the Turkish Anadolu Agency reported on August 12.

According to the State-run news agency, these fighters will participate in an upcoming attack of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies on the remaining positions of the militants around the city of Aleppo.

Last month, Aldar Khalil, co-president of the executive body of the Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM), said that Kurdish forces are ready to participate in any military operation of the SAA in northern Syria if this brings them closer to retaking the Kurdish area of Afrin, which is located in the northern Aleppo countryside.

The Anadolu Agency didn’t present any evidence to support its claims. However, there is a good chance that Kurdish forces may participate in any operation of the SAA to liberate the towns of Hayyan, Haritan and Anadan north of the city of Aleppo.

Such operation will not only secure the government-held areas of Aleppo, but also the few remaining stronghold of the YPG in the northern countryside of the governorate.

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Ivan Freely

The Kurds should have helped the SAA a long time ago. Oh well, I guess better late than never.


the kurds helping SAA…lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll………. nope….not trustworthy…..they wanna get back afrin as a “kurdish area”…..they have´nt changed a bit…still working hand in hand with israel….but SAA is really smart..i understand why they will say yes….they wanna know exactly who is who on the YPG salary list…….be sure….as soon as the jewish payed islamists are finsihed off……SAA will go after the traitors, the kurds….and man they wont take no prisoners i promise u…… just sit back for a minute and think about what happened in syria for the last years.There is a very very small part of syrian society(the kurds) which made deals with outside forces(nato/jews) to steal the land and kill, and torture and kidnapp.These fucking bastards are the backstabbers. Imagine if it was your sister or brother or father or mother that got tortured,killed or kidnapped by those folks on the order of outside forces and i tell you to make peace with them.just an insane human beiing would say yes,They backstabbed once.They will backstabb again if they get the chance.assad will not give them the chance again. I quote Assad” Kurds are traitors.And they will be treated as such.period” good man.

Muriel Kuri

It seems like only Assad and the Syrian Army treats terrorists this way … allows them to give up their weapons and ‘all is forgiven’. If I were a Syrian soldier, I’d be afraid to have to have this guy cover my back – but so far these actions have worked for Assad. I hope the Kurds are being sincere now and will not backstab Syria.

neil barron

They don’t cover the Syrians back, evidently you didn’t get to see the video 18 months or so ago, it involved repatriated militants, aol and ones who hadn’t fulfilled their obligations for military duty. Some of the troops didn’t trust them and the disgraced ones where leery that they wouldn’t be accepted. There where no doubts about were they where going to be “IN FRONT”.

Tudor Miron

During Great patriotic war (1941-1945) there was a term in Red Army – Искупить кровью (repay in blood). That’s the way for those Syrians guilty of fighting against their country to return to normal life.


Искупить кровью

Dirty commies killed so millions of innocent people.

Tudor Miron

You have no idea what you’re talking about, Solomosha :) This is something far above your low life level.


unfortunately, i know your bloody nation


Take another swing жопа. It will be your last.

Richard M

Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland. All switched sides when the outcome was obvious. Kurds want to be on the “Winning Side” like anyone else. Except rabid Walking Dead Takfiri zombies.

Henk Poell

Italy really made it into an art form. :)

Muriel Kuri

That’s where I’d put them, if it were up to me!

Muriel Kuri

They’ve finally realized that only Syria has any concern about Kurdish regards. They have been abandoned by US, so know they will get no quarter there. They realize that Syria will retake their territory – better to make agreements with Syria now before it’s too late! Kick butt, guys! Destroy all the terrorists!

Jens Holm

How can they be abandoned, when they never were supported ?


What are you talking about ? there are several USA-NATO military basis on kurds side, kurds have admitted ISIS-Daesh fighter withing their files. Kurds have USA-Israel weapons and have been trained by USA-NATO. Kurds helping SAA looks like a USA-NATO step to get Syria partition.

Muriel Kuri

The Kurds were abandoned by US in Afrin. They’ve agreed to let Syria have control over some of the gas fields in their territory. Now let’s see what their actions are in Idlib – will they help Syrian army or hinder it? This battle has the capability to be the start of WWIII, if US and allies, having already began operations for a chemical attack in Idlib by white helmets bombs Syrian & Russian troops there. So the Kurdish issue would be a moot point.

Bill Wilson

The Kurds have been assisting the SAA in that region for quite some time.

leon mc pilibin

They should be on the Syrian SAA side from the beginning,,and helping to get rid of the zionist squatters in Eastern syria along with their isis puppets..Maybe they are coming to their senses after all.

Jens Holm

But they were. Idiot.

The rest is crap too.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

i dont believe that they need them… on the other hand maybe its true that trump-putin in the meeting of 16/7 decided ways to end the cold war between syrians and the kurds… we will see…


very good opportunity for both the government and the kurds. The ray of hope for the future of Syria.


Bullshit, kurds are USA puppets, and they just acts according to USA interest. Are kurds get rid of USA-NATO military basis ? Not way.


obviously this seems incomprehensible for u Gustavo. U r right that they r puppets of Americans. But the reality is and it is that they need USA to gain some power financially and militarily to be a solid stake holder in the seen. Don’t look under ur nose, look into long-term future. U will see that America is worthless for them and they will establish strong relationship with the Syrian government and also with Turkey Iraq and Iran.

Jens Holm

Hard to see USA is worthless. I they and other was not there, they all were killed or refugees in Turkey.

But of course that soes not even count in Your calculations. To You they are spedables as the more then 500.000 dead, several 100.000 handicapped and 11 mio refugees added to so many of the rest has been moved around like they are not even people.

You even name Yourself as Peacelover. Whats that ? When everybody is dead or what ? Could be You like peas and dont spell well ?

Jens Holm

You are an ignorant infantile in any facts even they are very well decriebed here in text as well as videos.

Not even Lego or Duplo can solve this.

Bill Wilson

Those two have been working together for quite some time. The Kurdish enclave inside Aleppo helped the SAA retake the city. The Kurds in Afrin chased out the rebel groups and ISIS to the north of the city. The Kurds and SAA have combined forces around Aleppo to hold Erdogan’s proxies at bay.

Jens Holm

Yes, Kurds from Afrin, Alleppo, Homs and Damskus are closer to Assads then the rest.


Having USA-NATO in kurds side……you are dreaming.


Kurds r not dumb as they look like. Look at Iraqi Kurds. Very balancing relations with all their neighbours and also with world players. (Having USA-NATO in kurds side……you are dreaming).Sides always changeable in world politics.unlike their leaders the Kurdish people don’t love USA. They have common religion common tradition common history common borders and common culture with Iraq Iran Syria and Turkey.


For the glory sovereignty and prosperity of stable Syria the expected alliance between Assad and kurds is essential. Both sides must understand this very fact. Kurds might know the treacherous nature of US diplomacy. I personally think they are double gaming with the empire.

Tudor Miron

They (Kurds) are very slow to learn and understand but Afrin was a good lesson.


How can the Syrians forgive them and so much rape, torture, murder and treason? They are only loyal when it is convenient for them to be. They stink as bad as the talmudists.

Jens Holm

I almost smell You here.


Are kurds being able to learn and understand this ? I ma not so sure….USA-NATO millitary basis are still there and USA training kurds continue, in kurds side. From my point of view, Kurds helping SAA is just a USA movement to get Syria partition, with USA on the side of kurds.


Syrian nation suffered a lot. Many innocent Syrians lost their lives. Many wounded and traumatised families left with unforgettable thoughts. Now it will take time to rebuild their home Syria once again.

I offer my condolences, thoughts and prayers to the all victims and their families. During this difficult time, our thoughts are also with the courageous women and men that heroically working hard day and night and protecting their home land Syria from foreign attackers that is obvious US, NATO and Israel.

God give wise to all those Syrians that take advice and weapons from US, NATO and Israel and on that they fight against their own nation. These Syrian people should end their agreements with US, NATO and Israel for the benefits of their own Home land and nation. All Syrian nation from Jawlan Heights to Hasaka across the board come together united once again and defend their country from foreign elements and powers and focus on reconstruction of their own country, institutions, economic development and their children education.

Matew Ivanson

what Syrians?? fcking Assad mercenaries, Basij, Hezbollah, al Nujaba dogs, this is a lie about Kurds attack Idlib, fcuk Ayatolah expansionism and terrorism, i am glad that Tahrir al Sham, Jaysh al Izza, Turkistan Islamic Party, Nour al Zenki, Ahrar al Sham, Jaysh al Islam are prepared to stop iranian invasion


Shut up benjanyahu.

Jens Holm

Why. I cant see anything in Your comment making sense for normal people. Even assads win, nothing is fine.

Thats the reason for the uprisers. And funny strange all the usual blamings of Kurds, which not even particupated in the uprise as well.

You write evil people in Syria are good people and good people in Syria are eveil ones.

And the responsible for that are those, which are alive and Assad supporters. They have supported so much wrong for so many years.

If they really felt anything for the rest, they should give their homes to all the 11 mio inhabitants having none – just a few Years.

Added to that the Sharia should be upside down too. Al men are given womens rights and all women er given mens right. Men certainly have showed how they run the business.

In dead and destructions.


This is not the place for literature writing go and do practice in library sights.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What a load of wahabist head-chopping rubbish. I almost feel sorry for your ilk. Have you thought about meeting your 80 virgins yet???


May each of their virgins will be Lindsay Graham

Jens Holm

Better then Assad, Erdogan and Bagdadi.


You get Erdodog

Jens Holm

Hard for me :) I am sekular getting none.


He’s not going to ask.

Jens Holm

Very well. I hope I dont get 72.

I could use 1 having cleaning as a hobby.

Jens Holm

If thats what You know about wahabism, You should join.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

No, I will leave that to people like you, whose leaders are in bed with the KSA head-choppers producing all kinds of mutant Wahabo-christian evangelists. Yuk! I do know a lot more about barbarian Wahabists: 1. They chop hands. 2. They chop feet. 3. They chop their own noses. The key phrase is: chop, chop, chop!!! 4. They love murdering kids in Yemen, with the full support of the US/EU/NATO gangsters. Gee, don’t you all love Wahabists of KSA? You should really join, Jens!

Jens Holm

What Syrians and Syria.

You have learned nothing.

S Melanson

Well this, if true, is sending a message to Erdogan:

Since Turkey seems unable to meet its Astana commitments, the SAA will use the Kurds, terrorists you do not like, to kill the terrorists you like. Deal with it.

Greg Schofield

This is PKK there was never ever any question where they would end-up and that was being in accord with the Syrian government and the YPG have been in coordination with the SAA for some time now. The US opportunistically became their allies, when their terrorist mercenaries, murdered Kurds, enabling the US to support them when the Syrian Government could do very little.

That is why the US uses these mercenary forces, to divide a nation.

Jens Holm

USA is doing fine. Enemy Nr 1 could either be removed, replaced or reseized.

Assads are reseized. That include 20% is SDFs. And of cource You are in deniel naming their territory as even taken by PKK and nothing.

Assads divided Syria and made the uprise. Kurds there not even participated – And You write THEY DID IT.

Where are Qaida, ISIS, Nusra, FSA, Hamsa, Sultan Murad and Tribers in that.

More like you shawed your head and took too much.

Greg Schofield

Jens I don’t quite know what you are saying here. The YPG cooperated with the SAA in the liberation of Aleppo in 2016, and have recently retired from the city returning control of it to the Syrian government and SAA.

The US has taken a big hit in Syria, and looks soon to lose Turkey as well. The PKK is not the YPG but as I understand it has a good deal of political influence, it is a a social democratic force in the area that is distinct from collaborationist Kurdish factions in Iraqi, that have long been supported by Israel and other US proxies.

There was no uprising in Syria, 35,000 mercenaries were sent from Libya, through Alexandria to Turkey and invaded Syria in 2011. They had been originally trained in Egypt from where they had invaded Libya from Faiyum and Siwa.

I happened to be in Siwa just after the invasion and saw thousands of tire-tracks following the old desert road to Benghazi, that use to be used by the British Long-range patrols for raids against the Axis forces in WWII.

Which makes the ‘Revolution in Egypt 2011’ another coup by the Americans, who then put a Muslim Brotherhood into power there.

Being an idiot at the time I was completely gulled, only in the following year did it dawn on me what had actually happened. Jens I suggest you think about it more thoroughly, perhaps it won’t loook the same once you do.

Jens Holm

Well, nice try. I wont look.

If they were that united, they never was in all those fractions killing each other as they do and have done too.

Sure some are trained well by outsiders – mainly the adwanced such as the ATGMs, but as usual You ignore all local supporters too.

Amerigans did it.


Large demonstrations in Israel today, Jewish and Arabs side by side facing the Zionist cameras and saying enough is enough. It reminds me that we paint groups of people with our all knowing brush of acquired knowledge. The Kurds take quite a beating. Perhaps they are like Israelis. 60 % agree, 27% disagree with the government. As is usually the case the rich guys get the poor guys to fight and die for profit. Is it really about some pie in the sky ideology? The more disparate groups join together and oppose F.uk.us and evil minions the quicker Empire loses their grip. Lets correctly identify where evil originates and respectfully join together and crush it.

Jens Holm

SDFs are milisias. They are not under command as You write. They all decide themselved, if they will join any figting and can do figting like they seemes to do now or fx being active suporters of Afrin.

Therefore their is no gab of disagrement. SDFs as the hat and Leadership dont support Assads west of Aleppo. YPG does and all of them are not even there – if 1300 are there is true. It semes so, they are there.


obviously this seems incomprehensible for u Gustavo. U r right that they r puppets of Americans. But the reality is and it is that they need USA to gain some power financially and militarily to be a solid stake holder in the seen. Don’t look under ur nose, look into long-term future. U will see that America is worthless for them and they will establish strong relationship with the Syrian government and also with Turkey Iraq and Iran.

pippo pluto e paperino

I’m sorry, but it seems that the Kurds are immensely stupid. Or maybe they are stirred up by the US, whose only interest is the instability of the entire region. Let’s see the facts: Against all necessity and logic, last year the US provided the Kurds with weapons that were not suitable to fight DAESH but suited them to become a regional force in the territories occupied by them. All this without taking into account the Turkish protests. When Turkey attacked them in Afrin they, convinced of the help of their brothers who are beyond the Euphrates and of the Americans, refusing to recognize the unity of Syria and therefore of its legitimate government, have refused the support of the Syrian government against the Turks. Result: they lost Afrin. Now the Turks are at home. Always upset by the US they continue to reject the Syrian sovereignty of the legitimate government. Now Assad is strong and does not need them. Moreover, if it accepts their useless help, Syria will find itself fighting not only terrorists but also Turkey, which would create a total chaos that only the US would enjoy, which, among other things, fear the exit of Turkey from OTAN. The Kurds do not even understand these simple things and do not realize that they are used by the USA as real stupid animals.

Jens Holm

You not even know where Syria is.


Time for 1300 friendly traitor tracking bullets

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