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MARCH 2025

14 Sailors Died In Fire That Broke At Submersible Vehicle In Russian Waters

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14 Sailors Died In Fire That Broke At Submersible Vehicle In Russian Waters

IMAGE: Lev Feodoseev

14 submariners died in a fire that broke out in a submersible vehicle in Russian waters on July 1, the Defense Ministry said in a statement on July 2.

“On July 1, fourteen submariners – sailors died in Russian territorial waters as a result of inhaling combustion products aboard a research submersible vehicle designated for studying the seafloor and the bottom of the World Ocean in the interests of the Russian Navy after a fire broke out during bathymetric measurements,” the defense ministry said adding that the fire was extinguished “thanks to the self-sacrificing actions of the team.”

“The causes of the incident are being investigated. The Navy’s commander-in-chief is carrying out the investigation.”

According to the defense ministry, the submersible vehicle is currently staying at the Severomorsk naval base.

The military provided no details regarding the type of the submersible vehicle involved in the incident. Nonetheless, some Russian media outlets speculated that it may have been the Project 210 submarine (also known as ‘Losharik’).

14 Sailors Died In Fire That Broke At Submersible Vehicle In Russian Waters


The submarine is powered by a nuclear reactor and is believed to be able to operate at a depth of many 1000s metres due to the unique spherical construction elements.

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Daniel Miller

Amazing “safety”


The fact that it isn’t laying on the floor of the ocean still, is testimony that it really was “Amazing “safety”. Fire aboard any seagoing vessel is a catastrofic event. Anybody that has served their country, whatever that country may be, in their underwater service respect the heroism involved.

Daniel Miller

ok to be fair i was army so i may or may not have a bit of a grudge against navy guys.

AM Hants

Must admit, I thought the same. Thank God, they were able to bring it back home, for the families and loved ones to grieve.

Unlike the poor submariners on the Argentinian boat.

RIP and heartfelt sympathies to the Russian submarine community and people of Russia.

AM Hants

RIP and deepest sympathies to the submarine community of Russia and the people of Russia.

Toronto Tonto

Russia should stay at sea level anything below or above seems to not fair well .

Daniel Miller

Considering that the US has lost more subs i wont say that its any better. But then again whom are you to judge?


Most of the lost US subs happened in WW2, in Pacific, there are no exact data regarding USSR lost subs.


You mean like the Scorpion and Thresher?




Of course if one includes non-nuclear subs and all dates, the list is quite different. USS Cochino 1949 Also lost 6 men from USS Tusk in rescue USS Stickleback 1958 USS Thresher 1963 USS Scorpion 1968 Others sunk in peacetime or non-combatant incidents- USS F-4 1915-foundered USS F-1 1917 Sunk after colliding with USS F-3 USS H-1 1920 Grounded and sank USS S-5 1920 Foundered off Delaware USS 0-5 1923 collision with SS Ababgarez (United Fruit Co) USS S-51 1925 Sank after collision USS S-4 1927 Sank after ramming by USS Spaulding USS Squalus 1939-Flooded and sank near NH USS Sealion 1941 Scuttled in Manila Bay due to non-combat damage

USS-0-9 1941 Foundered off NH USS S-27 1942 Grounded and lost Constantine Harbor USS S-36 1942-Grounded and destroyed after running aground USS S-26 1942 Sunk after ramming by USS PC-460 USS S-39 1942 Grounded USS R-12 1943 Foundered off Key West USS Dorado 1943 Off Cuba-cause unknown possible friendly fire USS S-28 1944 Foundered off Hawaii USS Darter 1944 grounded and destroyed


And the USSR list?


That’s your department.


That’s what I thought ;)

Daniel Miller

I am not talking about combat losses i am talking post WW2 losses due to accidents this imbecile cannot comprehend how dangerous a job it is to be a submariner.


Is your deep knowledge of the matter backed by any source?

Daniel Miller

Google thats the best source the US nor Russia really hide their sub losses due to accidents. But then again this imbecile apparentely did not read that the sub was not lost but ether way i dose not matter his stupidity knows no bounds.

Anyway dident you claim that Ukraine can defeat Russia in a war? What source did you use xD


I could say Google, like you. But I’m not that low. I didn’t say Ukraine would defeat Russia, I said it would be that costly that Russian economy would collapse and also the support for president Putin, at home. Then more regions would proclaim independence. Ukraine has around 50 Million inhabitants, Russia around 140. There is no way Russia could control Ukraine with regular army. An the fact they didn’t pushed for Odessa or Harkov it’s my source of prof

Daniel Miller

Oh no google supports the fact that Russia wold kick its ass. But again your knowlage of economics is quite low. Also Russia dose not even try to it has no military inside Ukraine. And what makes you so shure that all 50 million Ukrainians (even tho the actual population is 44 million as of 2017) i mean ffs you dont even use popper numbres for your arguments…


You know who he is to judge. Him and ‘bacon are Israeli BS artists from the Hasbara camp. Probably fired from DebkaFiles for incompetence and landed in the troll brigade. Most of what they blab is non-sensical crap no one believes, relying one ‘each other’ for their up-clicks. Saw an article the other day on how Israel is becoming desperate and upping their efforts online to counter their piss poor reputation. Even those that have been pro-Israel in the US are tiring of Israel’s lies and immoral actions. One of their favorite tactics is multiple troll personas. They make one into 4/5. It’s called desperation. A criminal nation, run by criminals, committing crimes daily. Iran called the US and Israeli bluff and the Israelis are butt-hurt. I guess they didn’t like Iran’s promise that Israel would only have 30 minutes to live if the US attacked Iran. It also looks like people are going to be called out this next election over dual citizenship. Tom Cotton, owned and operated by Israel is facing competition next election and I hope that he is prosecuted for treason after he loses. His money men are being outed already…banksters and AIPAC. It’s beginning to look like Israel’s free ride may be hitting a few bumps. TFB.


What I’m gonna do, what I’m gonna do, I was exposed, now they will fire me or they will throw me to the pigs


Nah, they’ll just give you another persona to agree with yourself. Don’t worry, it’s all good.

Toronto Tonto

You are one sad azzz paranoid loser .


Yeah, me and the rest of the world, right? Who’s the dumb ass pretending to be an indigenous Canadian?


So that comment would make you around 12 or 13 years old?

Feudalism Victory

Shit happens when you press things to the limit.


Russia must keep Israels under observation. Israels are not friends of any one. They are friends of their own agenda.


Rob never fucks around the subject of the article or burden about the life of sailors. Rob is a true leader. Be like Rob!

Toronto Tonto

Rob the jew hating Russian Nazi that’s Rob .


Irrelevant people need to hate relevant people in order to feel a bit more relevant than they are in reality. It’s a frivolous delight for the small minds.

Free man


Albert Pike

You mean under ‘observation’ like this:

“A summit of the national security advisors from the USA, Israël and Russia has been announced in Jerusalem. The aim of this conference is to untangle the imbroglio around the Axis of Resistance, guarantee the security of all the States in the Middle East, and establish a shared suzerainty of the United States and Russia over all the actors,including Israël.” https://www.voltairenet.org/article206707.html

And for sure Russia kept Israel under observation during the entire meeting – which happened last week: https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-tells-russian-official-we-will-do-anything-to-prevent-nuclear-iran/


Putin just decided to deliver S-400 to Iran and Israel in revenge murdered 14 Russian sailors in the sea bottom.

AM Hants

Seriously hope it was a tragic accident, owing to not wanting the other scenario. As I again send heartfelt sympathy to the Russian submarine community and people of Russia. RIP to those very experienced submariners (hence why they were working on the research boat).


I wondered about that as well, AM.


Israel and CIA are involve in this incident. Our sincere, love and sympathy is with all deceased HEROES. They gave their life to protect Fatherland.


Rob’s intelligence shines one more time. He give true insight on what the real cause of the accident was. Mossad infiltrated the sub.

Toronto Tonto

You mean wasteland .

Albert Pike

Well interesting was the meeting last week in Jerusalem which Bolton and Patruschev attended. The timing for this incident which is described differently at Russian social media and also at HalTurner and DEBKAfile – is therefore most likely related to the incident since now media from the three attending states paint a much more dramatic picture:

“REPORT: AMERICAN SUBMARINE TORPEDOED AND SUNK OFF ALASKA COAST” https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/report-american-submarine-torpedoed-and-sunk-off-alaska-coast

“First reports reaching DEBKAfile’s military sources say that a US submarine intercepted a Russian nuclear sub in American waters opposite Alaska. The Russian sub escorting the nuclear submarine responded with a Balkan 2000 torpedo and scuttled the US vessel. Urgent consultations in both the White House and the Kremlin were taking place on Tuesday night. US Vice President Mike Pence called off an appearance in New Hampshire after being recalled to Washington for a conference called by President Donald Trump without explanation. Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled an engagement and headed for the Kremlin to confer with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and military chiefs, after learning that 14 submariners died in a fire that broke out on a nuclear-powered “experimental submarine in Russian waters.” ” https://www.debka.com/mivzak/urgent-consultations-in-washington-moscow-on-reported-us-russian-submarines-in-firefight/

So – Yes it seams like Israel is involved in the incident – regardless if it’s fake news or truth…

AM Hants

Is Debka, controlled disinformation?

Wasn’t an Israel submarine, taken out, around Hawai last year? Before it was due to strike?

Can see an US submarine being in Russian waters, but, not the Russian submarine in US waters, around Alaska. They would be able to access Alaskan intelligence by mainland communications, owing to close proximity. However, how often has the US been sniffing around Russia, whether by air or the seas, shallow or deep?

Saying that, interesting what other stories develop.

Out of curiousity, if the submarine was working on the seabed, what other nations have anything that can go as deep? Thought it was only Russian submarines, that could manage those depths (special submarines, not Naval)?

Albert Pike

Debka is forsure controlled mis- or disinformation, and the disinformation comes from three sides, which just came together last week. That’s as important as the submarine, which may or may not have been in Russian terretory at the time of the incident. But why does the Russian Minister of defence is laying such an emphasis on that? A research vessel can do it’s thing also outside the national borders – meaning this story is very shaky….

AM Hants

Like I said, don’t believe anything that comes out of Debka, including the story.

The submarine, if it was the Losharik, is not part of the Navy and it was that submarine which provided the ground samples of the arctic shelf, for the UN, in order to support Russia’s claim to the Arctic Shelf, based on DNA ground sample analysis. Together with laying the Russian flag on the sea bed, of the Arctic Shelf.

She is a research submarine and does not work under the remit of the Navy. So why would Russia wish to go public with an ‘above classified’ project? Alaska, you can walk to Russia, from there, depending on the weather conditions. However, how many US submarines are sniffing around Murmansk and isn’t there even a Norwegian Spy Ship, anchored just outside the harbour?


I have said a couple of times within last 2 years that Russia, US and UK should avoid Israel for own safety. All those countries that love and visit Israel will be disintegrated very soon.

Albert Pike

They all follow the Novus Ordo Seclorum agenda of the zionist messianic movement. That they will disintegrate is their aim and program. Just the citizens don’t know that, or think it’s all a big joke…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

my deepest sympathies to the sailors, families, friends, may they find peace and happiness again soon

Toronto Tonto


Dick Von Dast'Ard

This is the submersible equivalent of what the U2 aircraft was to CIA reconnaissance in the 1960’s.

Tudor Miron

Very sad news. We lost some of our very best people. May God give power to their relatives to be able to endure this loss. Rest in peace.


No doubt many well trained officers on board. The Losharik? Note the internal structure that gives it great strength to go deep. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79db0bbc79664c2f400a77f4019c0efc2d28f887c1e57a5236b9a4ba860a144f.jpg

AM Hants

7 captains, 2 ‘Heroes of Russia’ among those killed in fire on Russian deep submersible – Putin… https://www.rt.com/russia/463228-7-captains-2-heroes-killed-fire/


AM Hants

Well said. RIP.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Some non mainstream media outlets are suggesting both the Russian and U.S. senior level decision makers were involved in emergency security meetings around the timeline of the incident.


Probably SF perception management burying bad news from Syria. When SF reported that Iran and Lebanese proxies were secretly retreating From Syria, I thought an attack is imminent and boom, within hours all Iranian bases attacked. I’m guessing someone forgot to tell the Russian’s who were on the ground.

Romeo Pesiao

The accident was the result of going beyond the limit of nature. God prohibit it…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Space is beyond the limit of nature, been exploring it (utilizing it) for several decades.

friendly anon

Let me guess, you are a Flerf?


SF perception management burying bad news from Syria. When SF reported that Iran and Lebanese proxies were secretly retreating From Syria, I thought an attack is imminent and boom, within hours all Iranian bases attacked. I’m guessing someone forgot to tell the Russian’s who were on the ground.

Kell McBanned

Reports of a firefight between US and Russian submarine now surfacing. Fake news? Perhaps but here it is for you to decide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnEXMsqyQ0A

Kell McBanned

Some reports indictate US sub sunk and Russian sub sustained damage https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/report-american-submarine-torpedoed-and-sunk-off-alaska-coast


1:40/42, “president Pence” LOL that speaks volumes. Red October becomes red herring or red standard vodka – President PENCE WTF!!


That’s the Israeli and US Evangelists wet dream.

Toronto Tonto

More junk made in Russia , This cable cutter is toast .


RIP heroes. You have worked and served for the best interest of your Country. May the Almighty give strength to your families!

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