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MARCH 2025

16 Arrested, Charged With 738 Offences In Australian Child Exploitation Bust

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16 Arrested, Charged With 738 Offences In Australian Child Exploitation Bust

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On April 20th, 16 people across 5 Australian states were charged with 728 child exploitation offences after a two-year investigation involving Australian authorities and US Homeland Security Investigators.

Starting in 2018, matters were regularly referred to Australian authorities by US officials following their investigations into an online website where users paid to access child abuse material.

With the assistance of the HSI Cyber Crimes Centre, the HSI EL Paso Forensics Program, HSI International Operations, HSI Forced Child Labor Unit, INTERPOL and EUROPOL, information on registered users of the illicit marketplace was disseminated to multiple states in the United States and to international partners around the world, including Australian law enforcement.

As a result, Australian investigators executed 18 search warrants, arrested 16 people New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia on 738 charges.

Authorities were also able to remove four Australian children from harm, three in NSW and one in Victoria.

16 Arrested, Charged With 738 Offences In Australian Child Exploitation Bust

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Queensland Detective Superintendent Denzil Clark from the Child Abuse and Sexual Crimes Group said strong law enforcement partnerships and a whole-of-community response are crucial to protect children from online predators.

“Queensland Police will continue sharing our expertise and working collaboratively with our national, interstate and international counterparts to target those who pose a risk to children in our community,” Detective Superintendent Clark said.

“Every day Argos investigators are online monitoring a range of platforms targeting predators who are attempting to exploit children.

But the first defense in the global fight against online child exploitation is parents and carers, who we ask to be vigilant with electronic devices used by their children and monitor their children’s online activities.”

16 Arrested, Charged With 738 Offences In Australian Child Exploitation Bust

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Australian federal police assistant commissioner Lesa Gale said the charges arising from Operation Walwa were a timely reminder of the risks associated with children being online.

“This has been a long-running joint effort by law enforcement across Australia and we’re happy to see the results that can be achieved when resources are used together, particularly in the current online environment,” she said.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak there’s been a spike in traffic across the dark web, including live-streaming and incidents of child sexual abuse and child grooming.

Homeland Security Australian attaché Adam Parks said the arrests came at a critical time.

“More so than ever, children are increasingly online for their schooling, to socialize with their friends and family, and to play games,” he said.

“Let this be a warning that law enforcement is undeterred by COVID-19 and remains on-duty to keep our children safe in Australia, the US and online.”


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Zionism = EVIL

Most are sick Jew fuck pedos like Weinstein and Epstein.

James Adams

Shut your fucking mouth, you do nothing to help the victims !!! KILL YOURSELF !!!


If you look from Australia to US, Jews, Rabbis and Catholic priests are known for pedophilia. In Australia mate, a Jew headmistress of a school in Melbourne abused almost the whole school and Jews in Europe and North America are the main producers of porn and human trafficking.

Aleks Noir

actually, most child molestations happen in the middle east, where fucking goats and children is as common as shawarma, look to your muslim brothers.

Peter Jennings

Humans may come in all sizes, shapes and colours, speaking different dialects and differing belief systems. However it’s still the same model for all, including the flaws.


Nazi you luciferian libtards are doomed wti crude @ – $17.00 (bush,cheney,cruze etc) Excuses are just that,either way soros.nazi assfloggeds luciferian trolls go down,facist kweer!


Statistics per capita name Jews as the most proficient perverts mate.

Traiano Welcome

Quotes from the Jewish Talmud:

Sanhedrin 69a: A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her, she becomes his.

Sanhedrin 54b footnote 26: Lev. XVIII, 22. Thus the point of comparison is the sexual matureness of woman, which is reached at the age of three.

Yebamoth 60a: There was a certain town in the Land of Israel the legitimacy of whose inhabitants was disputed, and Rabbi sent R. Romanos who conducted an enquiry and found in it the daughter of a proselyte who was under the age of three years and one day, and Rabbi declared her eligible to live with a priest.

Traiano Welcome

Actually, the leaders of Britain, Israel and the USA have been exposed for being part of a global pedo ring for decades. The Epstein affair was just one example.

Aleks Noir

that is delusional. Sometimes a pizza is just a pizza.


Wait, what? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3012658/millions-children-china-victims-sexual-assault


Google search ‘bacha basi’ most child molesters are muslims


Google pizza gate (aka neo-liberal culted sects) there’s your answer,you nazi kweer!


Jews are committing most crimes against children and humanity mate.


Just google that

Traiano Welcome

Quotes from the Jewish Talmud:

Sanhedrin 69a: A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her, she becomes his.

Sanhedrin 54b footnote 26: Lev. XVIII, 22. Thus the point of comparison is the sexual matureness of woman, which is reached at the age of three.

Yebamoth 60a: There was a certain town in the Land of Israel the legitimacy of whose inhabitants was disputed, and Rabbi sent R. Romanos who conducted an enquiry and found in it the daughter of a proselyte who was under the age of three years and one day, and Rabbi declared her eligible to live with a priest.

Traiano Welcome

Tell me, when Western ‘Civilisation’ has a long, rich, illustrious history of buggering little girls and boys, up to the recent exploits of the Epstein global paedophile network, how does Bacha Bazi (disgusting as it is) stack up? Answer: Nowhere near. The Greeks and Romans have pottery paintings of paedophilia as part of daily life. Now, how does this relate to islam? It doesn’t. Bacha Bazi is a criminal practice which arose among certain groups of Afghans, it is not related to Islam.


It’s practiced in many islamic countries, it doesn’t have much in common with Islam but with Persians.

Traiano Welcome

Your statement is one big collection of logical fallacies.


I will explain it in a simple way, for retards, like you. It originates in places that were in the Persian empire, nowadays occupied by islam. However it’s also mentioned around the globe, from Japan to Indonesia, Africa and Brazil.

Traiano Welcome

That’s not an explanation. That’s pure bullshit, from end to end. You can’t go around calling people retards just because they won’t believe your lies, you know?

For example, the Greeks, before they were invaded by the Persians, were well into paedophilia – as they documented themselves, so it’s that easy to show you what bullshit you’re talking.


Back then, Greeks, Romans, Persians, all were well into homosexuality and padophilia. There is a documentary made by RT about the boys on Java, Indonesia.

Traiano Welcome

Well then you seem to have now reversed your entire argument.

It has nothing specific to do with Islam then. You’ve just shown that paedophilia is another “shared heritage” of humankind. Kind of like genocide and war.


True that, still a little bit encouraged by the main character of this religion being a notorious paedophile, don’t you think?

Traiano Welcome

I think a large number of the main actors of all of Western culture were notorious pedophiles by and large. From the Greek heroes to the Roman emperors onward you can find some real sickos who also played a central role in the construction of Western society. But we don’t give Western culture any special monopoly on pedophilia – maybe we should.

Here in the West we only stopped marrying 12 year old brides 100 years ago (mostly). We have religions like Judaism and Christianity that either encourage pedophilia or ignore it.

Given that, attributing a special place to Islam or Middle Eastern Culture makes no sense at all.


I am aware that in the West billionaires are pedophiles, however in the Orient there are a lot more than the 1%, they always been, they still are.

Arch Bungle

In the ‘Orient’ as you so quaintly put it, the pedos are old white men on their sex trafficking and tourism jaunts. 90% of your pedos in the Orient are Westerners. To validate that just take a stroll around any asian hotspot like Pataya or Patong beach … Yep, white ‘CHRISTIAN’ men are the worlds champion pedos :-)


I don’t have a good replay to the last argument, it’s a very good one. Many Europeans and Americans go in Indochina and Phillipines to fuck child-like females. Though I don’t think they had the guts to bring those girls in the West. Asians can accept it for money.

Arch Bungle

Don’t forget the childlike boys. Equal rights for all.

Traiano Welcome

Western pedophilia is not only limited to Billionaires.

It’s a game played by even those with a little 401k.

Now you’re talking about “The Orient” … We’re not even talking about Islam or Arabs anymore, are we?


Bacha bazi is not a game invented by Afghans, you know?

Arch Bungle

I bet that old fag Alexander and his Greeks, who were known to be fanatical pedos infected Afghanistan with it when they minced through last.


Kings Saul and David were also gay and paedophiles and that was before Alexander. Oriental culture influenced Greeks long before Alexander the great


Did you say pedophilia? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3012658/millions-children-china-victims-sexual-assault

Traiano Welcome

Paedophilia is mostly practiced by Catholic priests in Anglo Saxon countries.


That is also true!


soros + co!

James Adams

Cut their dicks off !!!


Jews do :)


or balls. It works for steers

Jens Holm

That sound as bad as it can be.


wti crude @ minus $17.00 oh this is just the beginning,what was that you said about russians?

Pave Way IV

So they let (at least) four kids be abused for TWO YEARS because it took that long to get enough evidence for warrants/charges?

FFS, Australia spies on everyone doing anything on the internet there, just like every other five-eye’s surveillance state does. And just like every other surveillance state, ending the victim’s abuse as soon as possible seems to be a secondary consideration to punishing their abusers – as long as their abusers are trailer trash live in shipping container homes, I guess. Abusers living in mansions or that hold high government offices are exempt from little people laws. One law for them, another for us. UK knows what I mean.

And the US Department of Homeland Security ‘heroes’ above ignored Epstein’s operation for years, here that continued after he finished his one year nights-and-weekends jail sentence. Ghislaine Maxwell has to have recruited hundreds of children and sexually abused them along with Epstein over a decade or more. She makes whatever happened above look mild by comparison. Yet she’s running around free – probably sitting on a Tel Aviv beach next to Epstein right now scouting out their next ‘recruits’.


Your nose outta joint,or maybe you failed to realise all good things take time,either way this is just the start,soon there will be lots of microwaves with popcirn function to enjoy the show! One way or another the neo-liberals are going down and there shall be no soros+co soon!

Pave Way IV

I’m old, JIMI JAMES. Do you really think the whole ‘Q’ thing is the first time in US (or any other country’s) history that that same, exact technique has ever been used to pacify the little people and make them wait? Yeah, no internet before. But it was ‘zines, and before that, newsletters, and before that, mimeographed reports sent to mailing lists. Same IT’S COMING! US WILL BE SAVED mythical patriotic hero bullshit all prettied up for the latest gullible crowd/media looking for salvation.

There IS NO ‘EASY’ button to press that invokes an orange superman that can magically fix everything wrong with the US government – things that psychopaths took years to intentionally break in a permanent manner while making sure you and I (and Trump) have no tools or authority to fix them. After a few more decades and a few more Q’s, your nose will be ‘outta joint’ just like mine. I don’t have time to wait for good things to happen. It’s my responsibility to fix this evil shithole now.

Daniel Vogel

Well you have to look at how it works. The reason US homeland security also is involved is to ensure that this just stays on a low level without getting the high level pedophile ring exposed. That is also the reason that for these things they will not use too much spying technology. The wrong people might get spotted by lower level police.

Pave Way IV

The US uses a ton of illegal spying technology on its citizens using the internet, but only at the NSA level. It will never rat out the privileged. For little people punishment and control, it will pass on all kinds of ‘tips’ (but not any actual illegally-obtained hard evidence) to whatever local law enforcement agency applies. Those law enforcement agencies rarely investigate anything internet-related if its independently reported and, instead, will reliably chase down and surveil any ‘targets’ suggested by the NSA or IC and spoon-fed into their shady ‘enforcement software’.

Any knucklehead can see the potential for abuse in a system like that. “Trump supporter (or hater) using bitcoin for something. Monitor their computer for possible drug or arms purchases.” -or- “Social media user disparaging Israel. Monitor for terroristic activities or potential hate crimes. Interview employer suggesting criminal activity so they lose job.” -or- User critical of neocon narrative. Get warrant to search house for anything illegal, seize computers for examination, kill dog if possible.”

If the locals accidentally do stumble on the privileged committing crimes, the feds will step in and take the investigation and prosecution from the states (locals). Anything the FBI finds will just be dismissed by fed prosecutors as ‘not enough to bring charges’. If it does make its way to fed courts, the DoJ will intervene and insure the privileged remain so and any investigations or accusations against them in court records are safely sealed away from the public. This is exactly how they ‘managed’ Epstein’s Florida investigation by locals. Maxwell was always a fed investigation, not local, so it was easily derailed before prosecution.


Yeah, I was just about to congratulate them on a job well done, when you come along and put some perspective to it! It’s tru that high-level perps are relatively safe virtually all of the time, so yes, this is just a small bust. To keep us happy I guess.


Good job boys,lets get these vile soros/incest facist fukrz and bring them to justice,sweet justice!

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