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17.06.2015 Crisis News

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Three local citizens were injured in an overnight shelling of Donetsk carried out by the Ukrainian troops, the head of the city’s Petrovsky district Maksim Zhukovsky said on Tuesday. Two victims received shrapnel wounds, and another man was hospitalized and diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury

The Security Service of Ukraine has banned public passenger transport from crossing the disengagement line in Donbas. Prohibiting of crossing the disengagement line by public passenger transport is one more evidence of humanitarian and transport blockade of DPR and LPR by Kiev regime.

After 13 years of NATO-led combat operations, the Taliban insurgency continues to endure in Afghanistan as ISIL attempts to expand its footprint, the US Defense Department said in a report. “The Taliban-led insurgency remains resilient,” the report, released on Tuesday, stated. “ISIL will likely continue to try to expand its presence in Afghanistan during the upcoming year.” The insurgency in Afghanistan has already demonstrated that it intends to mount a significant challenge to Afghan security forces during the fighting season, which the Taliban launched on April 24, 2015, the report said.

Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan Ali Jalali states that ISIL is becoming a security concern in Afghanistan because escalating tribal feuds could trigger some tribes to seek support from the terrorist group. US officials and Afghan leaders have turned to the country’s tribes in the past to fight the Taliban. However, the results of US-led presence in the country are destructive.

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