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No Murder Charge For Israeli Soldier

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No Murder Charge For Israeli Soldier

The Israel Defense Forces soldier suspected of killing a wounded Palestinian attacker as he lay on the ground will face manslaughter charges, a military tribunal ruled Thursday, requesting that the soldier remain under arrest until the investigation is completed.

While manslaughter is considered the act of killing someone without malice or in circumstances not amounting to murder, a murder must be premeditated and carried out with intent.

Lt. Col. Aduram Riegler, the IDF’s attorney for operational affairs, said during the tribunal that “the soldier is suspected of shooting deliberately and without need from an operational standpoint while the terrorist lay on the ground after the same terrorist had previously been shot by IDF soldiers.”
Lawyers said earlier this week that they were considering a range of potential charges for the soldier, including murder, manslaughter and “causing death through negligence,” Israeli daily Haaretz reported.

The decision on charges comes despite the intervention of Christof Heyns, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, who said of the Hebron shooting footage that “the images shown carry all the signs of a clear case of an extrajudicial execution”.

“Whatever legal regime one applies to the case, shooting someone who is no longer a threat is murder,” he added.

MK Ahmed Tibi (Joint Arab List) said: “This is a soldier who is a murderer, who perpetrated a criminal act in plain view in the video. And the decision influenced by the remarks of the prime minister, who asked to take into account the soldier’s family, shows again how such cases must be investigated by an international tribunal as war crimes.
“We weren’t surprised and didn’t’ hang any hopes on the occupation army, which apparently is judging its own soldiers,” Tibi continued. “The soldiers and officers must be investigated and punished as well as the medical teams that stood there and didn’t lift a finger, neither before the murder nor afterwards. We wouldn’t be surprised if the charge winds up being downgraded to a lighter offense.”


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Zuzana Rehakova

this is how it ends, if you allow uncontrolled immigration, like now in EUrope. Plaestinians have allowed foreigners to settle down inPalestina, it started 80 years ago and today they are being killed. The same will happen to Europe.

Gregory Louis

Palestine’s fault they and they’re allies attacked Israel on its declared independence then afterwards the Israeli’s took more and more land. In the beginning Israel was a small state like how the US was a colony if the Arabs never attacked then this wouldn’t be happening. It’s a repeated cycle in history. Settlers come in peacefully then are attacked or attack then chaos then the inhabitants lose land :/ and so on and so forth I mean look at all the major wars against Israel only a hand full or less was Israel attacking it was the idiot Arab states causing the Palestinians more trouble


(( eye roll ))

Gregory Louis

Its just the truth


Pure malarkey..

Gregory Louis

Well its fact..believe what you do but I see what happens behind wars and conflict


For starters 98.5% of “Jews” in ” Israel” are NOT direct descendants Abraham per their own Jewish almanac..which BTW is put out by Jewish intelligentsia…they have no claim to Palestine!…. Next..DNA scientific facts prove Palestinians have more Semitic genes then ” Israelis “….plus there is NO archaeological records to back up the theory of israel being there….and finally… ” Israel” is the condition of one’s heart NOT a geographical land mass… You don’t read the bible? Jews against Zionism . org ….try educating yourself !

Gregory Louis

Judaism is the religion that makes you Jewish so obviously there would be DNA to say they aren’t direct decedents, when cultures mix shit happens they’re where Jews in Ethiopia they where proven to not be from there but from originally Judea not how they’re is artifacts from when the Romans conquered that land, and Judea did exist from Scrolls to the Western Wall or wailing wall its all real the state was never called Israel but Judea which was made up of tribes, if they’re wasn’t any archaeological proof how come different nations fought Judea in the B.C era hmm..there is evidence for that too. I know they’re are Jews against Zionism that’s they’re deal what does that give to this conversation


Haha….that is original “judea” ?ethiopia and Yemen.. Zionist filthy scum is what is running so called Israel….and carry their water !

Gregory Louis

Original Judea was in the Palestine region or Israel today what your playing is the blame game like Hitler scape goading another religion to escape your own countrymen’s wrong doing


Archeological evidence pls…. Jews against Zionism . org

Gregory Louis

All the Roman artifacts -.- you know they where conquered by them right? The Romans also had control over most of the seas around Europe and North Africa.

Doom Sternz

Few people know that one of the main initiators of the process of European integration, was also the man who designed the genocide plan of the Peoples of Europe. It is a dark person, whose existence is unknown to the masses, but the elite considers him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. ….

Kalergi proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and then the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration. In order for Europe to be controlled by an elite, he wants to turn people into one homogeneous mixed breed of Blacks, Whites and Asians. ….

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