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MARCH 2025

2 US Service Members Killed, 6 Wounded In Insider Attack In Afghanistan

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2 US Service Members Killed, 6 Wounded In Insider Attack In Afghanistan

Two American soldiers in June, 2019 in Wardak Province, Afghanistan. (Thomas Watkins/Agence France-Presse)

2 U.S. military service members were killed and 6 others were wounded in a firefight in eastern Afghanistan on February 8, the U.S. military reported.

According to the official statement, the incident is being investigated as a possible insider attack.

“Two U.S. service members were killed and six others were wounded in a firefight on Feb. 8 in Sherzad district, Nangarhar province,” U.S. Forces- Afghanistan said. “The wounded service members are receiving medical treatment at a U.S. facility.”

“Upon completing a key-leader engagement at the district center, current reports indicate an individual in an Afghan uniform opened fire on the combined U.S. and Afghan force with a machine gun.”

Earlier, the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) based in Eglin, Florida, had reported that “several 7th SFG(A) Soldiers were injured or killed during combat operations in Afghanistan on February 8, 2020. The families of the deceased and wounded are being notified. In accordance with DoD policy, the names of the causalities are being withheld until 24 hours.”

Over the past year, insider attaks by Afghan soldiers defected to the Taliban have become a major problem for US-led forces in the country. A notable number of local and foreign personnel were killed or injured in such attacks.


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Assad must stay

yankees need to get OUT of afghanistan, iraq, syria, you name it

Harry Smith

They can’t! Not yankees are those who decide.

Assad must stay


Harry Smith

USA is under the ruling of AIPAC.

Assad must stay

i know


What’s AIPAC?

Arch Bungle

Israel’s Foreign Relations department.


Ok they definitely are a controlling force but there are other groups involved like illuminati/ freemason faction who do seem to be co conspirators with the Jews or the kazars or whatever those beasts really are another interesting thing to know is that in the middle of the supreme Court building in isreal there is a pyramid with an eye on it and that suggests that there may be some truth in the theory that the Jews or kazars have taken over most of Freemasonry and illuminati which is a bit of a worry as that means those fuckers have a lot of power but it’s really difficult to work out how this power structure works


LOL…damn, this is becoming a tinfoil hat convention.

Harry Smith

American Israel Public Affaires Committee More interesting info you can get here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?459070-7/aipac-conference-nikki-haley


96% of the Democratic Party in the US Congress are dual Israeli citizens ( jews ).

Many in the Republicans are as well and those who are not ,are largely Evangelical’s ( crypto jews) or Friends of Israel members.


I think in Australia we have a duel isreali citizen as second in charge Josh frydenburg that sort of tells you who really is running the place


Australia and NewZealand are zionist nations now.


Well most all countries in the world are Zionist. Since all that means is that they recognize Israel as the Jewish National Homeland just like they recognize the Republic of Ireland as the Irish National Homeland. Try to get the simplist things correct.


He maybe Jewish but he is not a duel citizen of Israel.


Doesn’t really matter I know where his loyalty lies and its not with the state of Australia I can assure you of that


Well, then why lie about it? And your lie indicates you sure aren’t objective about his loyalties nor to be trusted on anything you say on this subject.


I didn’t lie I genuinely thought he was a duel citizan c’mon tell me who he really answers to it’s not Scott Morrison that’s a certainty


You made the claim. Up to you to back your claim with evidence and facts. Not up to me to prove you wrong when you’ve made no attempt to prove yourself correct. Anyway, I’ve already noted that you were wrong about his being a duel citizen of Israel.

Tiresia Branding



And paid ‘friends’ usually despise each other ,together with their paymaster.

They are only bound together by greed and fear of being caste out from the ‘gang’.


Nahhhhhhhhh…there is not one duel Israeli citizen in the US Congress and only about 10% of the Democrats in Congress are even Jewish, not 96%. As usual, you lie and are just an ignorant bigot, Adolf.


I don’t trust the details or numbers until someone other than US agent confirms it.


“A special source for Al-Mayadeen correspondent in Pakistan: 7 American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan after an Afghan soldier shot them in Nangarhar”


have they said much about the bombardier being downed in afghanistan a few days ago and did they say anything about this cia head chopper par preference. no not much so there is some fishy stuff going on there.


poor buggers, most likley under-educated white trash from the flyover states with just two relevant future options, the marines and the beckoning body bag or the methamphetamine business with prison beckoning for 10 15 years. but not a fair whack at anything relevant,like dukes, princeton, yale and what have you.


Spoken like some over-educated regimefag from the Clinton Islands


sure from one of these western affluent states where education is first rate offering a plethora of possibilities and none would entail being white trash with the choice of the marines and the body bag or cooking meth and the prison for 10 to 15. great choice for the morons, being screwed every friggin minute by the washington dc/eastcoast elite and idjeets like yourself, probably being one of them with an eye open when reading was on the schedule, is completely oblivious of the ongoing scam 80 pct of the american people is subjected to. I suppose poverty can be made fashionable if there is no choice.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Few years back it was reported that the cost of training a U.S. soldier was over a million dollars…

Looks like Taliban have inflicted another $2 – 5 million of losses on the U.S. taxpayer.


That’s a minimum of about fifty university degree courses :) Another US elite boondoggle. :)


Maybe if US taxpayers shovel a few trillion more dollars into the furnace known as Afghanistan, the Taliban will eventually accept left-liberal values and get on board with the Globohomo team.


Another good day for real democracy :)


however haven’t seen joke321 so much so maybe he’s come to the conclusion that he’s as popular as netanyahu or kushner on these fields and that he better stay away until he has something sensible and interlligent to say. and if he turns up ignore ignore and freeze him out until he won’t be back

The Objective

He doesn’t seem to me like the type you can ignore.


read whatever he offers up and it’s all negative and derogatory and denigrating defending anything israel does as well and good and if you can’t find yourself ignoring something like that, maybe you’re on the wrong thread.

The Objective

What I mean by not being able to ignore him is that his comments are easy to debunk. He has little knowledge of geopolitics and force posture in the Middle East. He still believes the myth of America’s invincibility. Maybe he believes these things in ignorance. If we keep replying to his comments with credible sources from American, European, or Israeli organizations and experts, he is very likely to realize the true situation of his country (Israel) and America. Only then will he stop making comments that lack proof or contradict reality.


Well, the only thing you’ve linked to so far is a 21 year old outdated Rand Study that only in the narrowest and very limited terms supported your point. As I pointed out to you, not only did it include a counter to your claims but it left out fundamental real world conditions that totally undermine your claims. No, Islamist Iran doesn’t have a prayer of beating the US in an all out war or bringing it down in any other way.

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