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3 Russian Servicemen Were Injured As A Result Of ATGM Strike On Their Armoured Vehicle In Idlib

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3 Russian Servicemen Were Injured As A Result Of ATGM Strike On Their Armoured Vehicle In Idlib

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3 Russian service members received minor injures as a result of an ATGM strike on their armoured vehicle in Syria’s Idlib, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on December 29.

The report said that an armored personnel carrier of the Russian Military Police came under attack from the territory controlled by Turkish-backed militants.

Russian forces, in cooperation with the Turkish military and Syrian security forces, are looking for those involved.


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Russia, forget/anull your agreement with Turkey for noncompliance on their part, and allow Syrian, Hezzbolah and Iranians clean up northern Idlib.

Arman Melkonyan

They won’t. Russians are the same shit as Turks.

Tudor Miron

Little Armenian troll. You very nation exist because Russians saved your sorry a$$. Becoming west’s whore didn’t help you much did it?

Arman Melkonyan

Slav=slave of the Jews

No-one is saying the Russians are responsible for the Armenian side’s defeat.

However the Russians defrauded, weakened and betrayed the Armenians, hurting Russian national interests in the process.

Now NATO via Turkey, Azerbaijan and Israel, encircled both Iran and Russia by way of the Caucuses.

Putin is a Jew as are Lavrov and Shoigu. Welcome to the Bolshevik destruction of Russia Part 2: “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.” ― Alexander Solzhenitsyn https://russia-insider.com/en/history/solzhenitsyns-forceful-condemnation-jewish-influence-russian-people/ri22600

Tudor Miron

Get lost troll. “Armenian magic” doesn’t work here.

Just Me

You Armenians are your own worst enemies and cowards. Why blame Russia when you were sold out by your own pathetic treacherous “leadership”. You people are so shameless that Pashinyan is still in power. Even in the worst banana republic he would long have been lynched.

Arman Melkonyan

Russian whore,

Armenians killed as many Azeris as the Azeris killed Armenians, with their Turkish F-16s, Turkish terror drones, Israeli Harop 10-million-dollar-a-piece loitering munitions, Israeli LORA ballistic missiles, their fleet of SU-25s that did 600 sorties over Karabakh — none of which the Armenian fighters of Karabakh had!

Go lie to someone who doesn’t know any better, Russian dog.

And don’t forget to suck one Turkish dick and one Jewish dick a day.

Have them squirt their jizz all over your face. It’s good for your complexion. Whores need to look good, you know. It’s required for the job qualifications.


Stop being a sour puss. The Russians, Iranians or anyone is not responsible for Armenian laggard military and its defeat.

Arman Melkonyan

And you can stop lying.

No-one is saying the Russians are responsible for the Armenian side’s defeat.

However the Russians defrauded, weakened and betrayed the Armenians, hurting Russian national interests in the process.

Now NATO via Turkey, Azerbaijan and Israel, encircled both Iran and Russia by way of the Caucuses.

Putin is a Jew as are Lavrov and Shoigu. Welcome to the Bolshevik destruction of Russia Part 2: “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.” ― Alexander Solzhenitsyn https://russia-insider.com/en/history/solzhenitsyns-forceful-condemnation-jewish-influence-russian-people/ri22600


Your beloved Pashinyan slut opened his legs to the west and got fXXed. After Pashinyan rose to power he got rid of most capable generals, installing only those who submit to him. Naïve Pashinyan thinks the west will save Armenia when SHTF. Pashinyan should have studied the history that US are indeed lizardmens with forked tongues. Just like how they fxxked Poroshenko over during Crimea crisis. Your wife slept with another men, got battered, now comes crying asking for help? Thats Armenia. Pashinyan sold Armenia to the west. The slut got fxxed and humiliated. No, not even a hooker because hooker gets paid or reward. Armenia got nothing.


Frankly, these Armenian donkey herders have proven to be very inferior and not worthy of any assistance. They are cowards and ingrates.

Arman Melkonyan

Russians are depraved liars, thieves and whores.

Russians have neither brains nor honor.

Don’t forget to suck one Turkish dick and one Jewish dick a day.

Have a nice day.


“Russians are depraved liars, thieves and whores” Russians never promised to help Armenia in the first place, since Pashinyan side the west. Russia prevented the total annihilation of Armenia. Thieves? Azeris stole your land with the help of Turks and Israelis, not Russia. In fact the forces are sent in to prevent more “land thefts”. Whore? Whos whoring support from West and Russia (when SHTF, and Trumpet refused to help). Sounds like Pashinyan to me. Now bend over in your basement, keep deepthroating your daddy yankee lizardmen, while being fxxed by Azeris and co from behind.

Arman Melkonyan

You Russians are WHORES for the following reason(s):

Erdogan shoots down Russian aircraft and says he’s proud he did it and promises to do it again. The Turk who shoots and kills the Russian pilot who ejects alive, is NEVER prosecuted for the Russian pilot’s murder even though he’s caught and tried for illegal possession of military-grade firearms.


Russians are SUBSIDIZING (read: PAYING FOR) and building NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS (teaching the Turks how to make nuclear weapons) in Turkey AFTER having delivered S-400s which AGAIN the Russians vendor financed, in other words, paid for.

Now don’t forget to suck one Turkish dick and one Jewish dick a day, Russian WHORE.

Have a great day and smear that Turkish and Jewish jizz all over your face: it’s good for your complexion and WHORES like you Russians need to look good otherwise no-one’s gonna wanna keep porking you up your collective chimneys for much longer.


So much hate and im not even Russian. Grand scheme of things. Now US is sanctioning turkey. Enemy of my enemy is my FRIEND. Like it or not. Russia is closer to China now also because of the West.

Arman Melkonyan

Each one of your sentences is a non sequitur.

Scintillanting, genius.

Great Khan

hahahahaaArmeni loser kiskmish boltu mamtu….angry shmushin…hahhahaa


Great Khan you are true linguist :)


They would if they could Jose.

As a matter of fact , they dont have the slightest chance without involvement of Russia.


Russia needs to rapidly arm its allies as this could become an existential threat to the Russian Federation, which is the long term Turkish neo-Ottoman agenda regardless.


Lets change yr wording a bit ; ” USA needs to rapidly arm its allies like Georgia , Poland and Ukraine to the teeth , as this could become an existential threat to USA, which is the long term Russian Empire agenda regardless. ” Did you like it ?

Arming your opponents neighbours from thousands of miles away and finding excuses like ‘halting yr neighbours imperialist agendas’



The existential threat to US is the Sarmat and Avangard among other things, arming Poland, Georgia and Ukraine will be not be any different than arming the Islamic groups that acted as proxies for the US.


That grouping includes Russia as a partner.

Just Me

‘Pro-Turkish terrorist gangs’ attacked Russian troops in southeast Idlib: Defense Ministry

It is obvious that Turkey wants to bog Russia down in an Afghanistan like situation. Russia unlike USSR should retaliate by arming Kurdish and Arab resistance groups and let Hezbollah organize the defence of Syria. It is already happening to some degree but needs to be a bigger scale. The Arabs are getting fed of Turkish led destruction of their societies.


Frankly, the Russians need to bitch slap the Turkeys, it is time to stop pussyfooting around.


Yes it’s time.

Lone Ranger

Thankfully only light injuries. That APC must have had a beefy armor to defeat an ATGM.


APC’s normally are not heavily armored, possibly an active protection system submunition took care of the threat.


I suspect it must have been a near miss or grazing-hit to only cause light injuries.

Steve Standley

“atgm” includes a broad range of capabilities. If this APC had slat armor or ERA and it was a single hollow charged warhead, which is more often than not the case, that might explain it.


Frankly, even the best APC has no chance against a modern ATGM fired by skilled operator. The terrorists armed by Turkey, mostly use RPGs and older TOWS and their aim is also pathetic so the chance of survival is pretty good. Russian armor is quite robust anyway and with modern anti-ATGM suites most ATGM can be defeated.


Well when I hear ATGM I don’t think of an RPG. No currently deployed APC would stand a chance against something like a Kornet or TOW.

Steve Standley

Agreed about Kornets and Modern TOWs. However, there are some Russian ATGMs that are not nearly as good as the Kornet. For instance, the Malyutka (T-3), which is used in this Syrian conflict. Some “RPGs” are pretty damned good, as well. For instance, the RPG-29 is a reloadable tandem warhead with like 600 mm penetration AFTER ERA with good accuracy to 500 meters without a tripod.

Steve Standley

If you want to see the effects of a hell of a lot of ATGMs (on Saudi APCs), for instance, there are a few Yemeni war channels on Youtube.


probably the ATGM penetrated, the molten jet made a hole, didnt cause any fire, didnt set off any ammunition or hurt anyone.

Lone Ranger

If the jet would have penetrated they would be all dead. Its like a molten plasma shower, once its inside its not a straight jet but like an expanding plasma bubble cooking everything inside.


I dont think thats the case. The famous RPG29 videos shows the tank being hit and the crew still managed to evacuate the tank before ammo cookoff. Similar things happened to Saudi abrams being hit by ATGMS. The crew still managed to escape.

Lone Ranger

Thats because neither of those were full penetrations. I only saw dead saudis exploding with the tanks. One T-90 was hit in Syria and the Syrian crew panicked and escaped, 24hoirs later the tank was back in action. Only shows some even bail when they dont have to. Non the less I have yet to see saudis get out of a direct hit tank alive. Have a nice day ?


Looking for those involved LOL!! they were probably turkish soldiers or terrorist rats living with the turks,only thing that surprises me is that no Russians have been killed since that stupid ceasefire in Idlib

Just Me

Very astute observation. These are Turkish special forces in mufti. It is the Afghan model when Pakistani frontier force in civilian garb became the “Afghan resistance” and then later on the Taliban. General Mohammed Yousaf of the ISI has described the whole modus operandi in his illuminating book the “Bear Trap” on how the CIA and ISI defeated the Russians by bleeding them. Now the same people are sitting in Ankara. The Russians and their allies need to impose a cost on Turkey.


All the Jihadi groups from the Chinese Uighur to Chechen are controlled by Turkish military intelligence. Turkey long term goal is to create a neo-colonial buffer incorporating the best agricultural lands of northern Syria and Iraq and also reclaim the Caucasus and Libyan oil. The battles in Syria, Iraq and Armenia are just the opening phases by an emboldened Turkey.

cechas vodobenikov

jihadis trained by CIA EXPLOSIVES “experts”

Just Me

Turkish MIT and Pakistani ISI are involved in training the Salafist headchoppers from 20 countries at a dozen camps in Syria, Azerbaijan and northern Iraq. It is the time tested Afghanistan model. Turkish special forces in civilian garb lead these terrorist attacks. A Pakistani general openly acknowledged that.


The Jihadis are being trained by CIA. MI-6, DGSE, ISI, Mossad and obviously Turkish MIT. There is a division of labor. The CIA, NATO, ISI, MIT are more interested in killing Russians. While Mossad is in there for destabilizing the Arabs and Persians. This is a very insidious nexus.

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