The US-led ‘anti-ISIS’ coalition are continuing to support terrorist forces, ‘accidentally’ ofcourse.

(Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Scott Reed)
At least 30 Iraqi soldeirs were killed and 20 injured in the US Air Force’s strike, the head of Iraqi parliament’s Security and Defense Committee, Hakim al-Zamili, said.
“Thirty soldiers from the Iraqi Army’s 55 brigade were killed and 20 were injured in a US airstrike on the town of al-Naimiya in the al-Fallujah province,” media cite al-Zamili.
The Iraqi politicial demanded “the [Iraqi] prime minister to conduct an investigation into the airstrike against the 55 brigade, which had previously had huge success in the fight against Daesh terrorists.”
I live near a US airforce base where tanker jets fly every day and a US army base where fighter jets fly out of daily. I can tell you that the jet flying has tripled in both bases in the last six months. These psychotic freaks want war. Don’t believe a word the US goverment says. They’re liars and killers – there is no truth or good in them.
They probably thought they were bombing a hospital.
They are f&^% ed in the head , typical zombie cowboys , what does one expects from a exceptional dying zio-empire , totally gone rogue , anyway I was reading this morning a report by Glen Beck as to who is actually is running the shadow gov behind the scenes , and it is none other than goerge soros , he actually fully owns the rebublicans and democrats and all of his manifestations and bills that go through the both houses of zio- gov first must be made up by him or must also be endorsed b4 it get passed .. surprises here..