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327 ISIS Militants Eliminated In Central Syrian Desert, Russian Military Says

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327 ISIS Militants Eliminated In Central Syrian Desert, Russian Military Says


Russian and Syrian forces conducted a joint security operation against ISIS cells in the Homs-Deir Ezzor province in the period from August 18 to August 24, a representative of the Russian military in Syria told RIA Novosti.

“Airstrikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force, artillery fire and actions of special surveillance and reconnaissance groups in the “white desert” liquidated 327 militants, destroyed 134 shelters, 17 observation posts, seven warehouses with equipment and five underground storage facilities for weapons and ammunition,” RIA Novisti quotes the statement.

The operation came in response to a series of successful ISIS attacks on Syrian pro-government forces in the desert areas in Homs and Deir Ezzor. One of these attacks, near Deir Ezzor city on August 18, led to the killing of Russian Major-General Vyacheslav Gladkih. Taking into the account the numbers provided by the Russian side, the August 18-24 operation likely delivered a powerful blow to ISIS cells hiding in the desert. Nonetheless, it is unlikely that the ISIS threat was fully removed. As long as areas not controlled by Damascus remain there (like the US-occupied area of al-Tanf), ISIS will always have where to hide and restore its forces.


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Roasted some rats in the desert. Good job. :)

Damien C

Brilliant results guys … but they really should have been dealt with a long time ago.

al Tanf is a festering sore but other areas have a higher priority especially east of the Eurphrates then Ildib then al-Tanf then the GOLAN!


Ayyyy man! The most important thing is to kick ISIS big daddy’s ass: ERDOGAN. Remember Turkey has always supported HTS, ISIS and co. First kick the Turks out, then close the borders and then finish the job. That’s it.


Turkey has never supported HTS, just tolerated them because they fight SAA and Assad and they show only minimum loyalty and obedience towards Turkey. HTS has fought so many times against pro-Turk terrorist in Idlib that nobody knows exact number any longer ! So saying now that Turkey “supported” HTS is at least huge exageration if not outright nonsense!

Give me one source that shows that Turkey directly “supports” HTS as their own terrorists please? That can write only some very ignorant journalist.


Turhey has undoubtly dealt with HTS, finding mutual interest in messing in Syria. That’s logically implies weapons and support.


Listen Francois maybe you are very precise person looking in every detail and bringing up some very distant periods when the whole situation was different. What I was talking about is:

Ever since Turkey has agreed with Russia certain things in Astana (that have targeted Al Qaeda groups thus Al Nusra also in Idlib) their relations with Turkey are in general not good ! It was more than obvious, through persistent inner fighting against PRO TURK terrorists many times …And all that was about who will have upper hand over some territory. That was clear singe of not being obedient to Turkey.

Servet Köseoğlu

Depends on who is writing whom and whatever the plot calls for it.

johnny rotten

Shelters, weapons, money, food, or the desert is a thriving and prosperous place or there is the hand of the Anglo-Zionists, if anyone had a different but possible explanation I would be curious to hear it.


They get by selling many tons of sand? Maybe also consider the lucrative lizard market. :)

Lone Ranger

U.S. airdropping supplies as usual. Hopefully a lot of CIA handlers were neutralized as well. No mercy for rapist cannibal headchoppers.


Yes indeed, a few US/NATO terror advisers amongst the death toll would be welcome.

Fog of War

The real question is why weren’t these things eliminated earlier ? How did Russia mange to find them so fast this time and not in the past ?

Lone Ranger

Maybe they werent there in the past. U.S. and Turkey did deploy and redeploy terrorists on multiple ocassions at multiple places.

johnny rotten

They’ve done this before and more than once, but these always come back, and you should know where they come from, it’s no mystery to anyone.


They are coming back again and again because SAA-Russia have not finished their job yet !!! There you have Idlib, Afrin, Al-Tanf, Kurds area, and Turkey invasion and Russia-SAA are doing nothing about it (just defending their position) because of such a ultra-intelligent Turkey-Russia peace plan.


Exactly, that is the question !!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s because Russia gets along with the local Sunni population and they get a lot of valuable help from them, high tech weapons and equipment can’t do much without good intel, Iran on the other hand turned the local Sunni population into second class citizens in their own country, so Iran got no intel from them and Isis got more recruits.


How unusual! :)

Russia that has only huge Muslim Sunni community is tolerant towards Sunni Muslims !

And I am sure that Russian Sunni are 100% behind Russia not taking sides in Sunni – Shia dispute but only fighting Zionist Takfiris as vulgar criminals and mercenaries supported by IsraHell and the Wahabi and Western regimes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Since mid 2018 I’ve only see more and more dispute between the Shia and Sunni faiths in Syria thanks to Iran’s greed, and Russia’s actually been taking the Sunni side not the Shia side, and believe it or not Putin even convinced Assad to come on board too [with some help from Assad’s wife], Assad may be an Alawite but I think he puts the Syrian nations needs first [most times], and Russia convinced Assad to do exactly that recently. I could tell you a hundred things to prove Russia is opposed to Iranian meddling in Syria, but if you find out exactly why Rami Maalouf fell out of favour with Assad and his telecom deal with Iran was terminated you’ll see what I mean, then find out about some of the other shady deals he made with Iran too. Rami was in Putin’s good books until he started doing better deals with the Iranians that he did with Putin, but Putin’s catching up to Iran, he’s cut out the middleman Rami and doing heaps of deals on his own with Assad now.


Assad and Putin are intelligent people. Whatever games are Iranians starting, they forget that they are still guests in Syria and nothing else. Situation can turn against them. I was always against unnatural domination of tiny Shia minority over huge Sunni majority Assad as president of all Syrians must represent all Syrians and give PROPORTIONALLY importance to every group. If Sunni are majority than that must be visible in everything to be representative of the number of Sunni. Of course I can talk like that to you but majority of people on these words would scream:”You are Hasabara, Jew!” and other nonsense! It is insane atmosphere here. It is forbidden to say anything against Iran or to be critical of their actions at all!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“It is insane atmosphere here. It is forbidden to say anything against Iran or to be critical of their actions at all!”

I know the feeling well.

Lone Ranger

Good job Comrades. Most excellent. CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage :) Ukropnazis too…


Good job Russia and SAA !!!

thank you for one big nothing Iran !

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Sorry I forgot Iran has already “cleared” the are area, that explains why were terrorist still there.”

Smirk. :]

Iran was there for 2 years and this is the end result, Isis is out of control and the local Sunni population is on the verge of revolting [in both Deir ez Zor and Southeastern Homs], and now there’s also the possibility that Israel and the rest of the US coalition might try to annex souther Deir ez Zor if they do attack Iran. So Iran is certainly reaping what they sowed, sorry I mean to say Syria and Russia are reaping what Iran sowed, and sadly Iran’s only sowed toxic weeds here for the last 2 years, and worse still Iran’s also been sowing them in Daraa and Quneitra too, and those weeds are just starting to pop out too now. :[ Pre june 2018 I thought Iran was probably Syria’s best friend and ally in the war, but since that date Iran’s become nothing but a dead albatross tied to Syria’s neck.


“and those weeds are just starting” to poop out. Assad belongs to the ethnicity and Shia sect and that is only reason why Iranian are stuck with Assad because he is their BEST bet for spreading around Syria insisting on his blood line! But Assad is well educated intelligent person that is not obsessed with religious dimension thus perfect for this multi-culti-multi-religious country a SECULAR country. I am sure that Russia is accepting him as person without alternative because supporter of secularism in Syria.

But that is not necessarily case for Iran! He is Shia Muslim “their man” -which is VERY BAD FAVOR in country destroyed with multi religious and multi ethnic war and puts Asaad in very difficult position that is already bad as it is.

I know that I exagerate about RUssia and that what they do is not always perfect but at least I am sure that Russia really wants all terrorist out of Syria with or without Turk cooperation. I can not say the same thing for Iran (that tries to make some arrangements with Turkey lately).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sorry for the late reply. Even though Assad’s an Alawite he actually married a Sunni woman, so he’s definitely not religiously bigoted, and even though he’s surrounded himself with his fellow Alawites, I think it has more to do with internal security issues rather than it does favouritism. Yes I agree that Russia has been a good influence in Syria in regards to their position on Iranian involvement and activity, but sadly in Darra and Quneitra Iran has been politically outmaneuvering Russia lately, so I’m hoping we see a renewed effort from Russia to intervene more forcefully to stop the internal dissent in Darra/Quneitra from getting out of hand, but I mean to intervene against Iran. Russia and Iran have both helped Erdogan many times and in many ways, but Iran is actually not doing anything at all with Turkey now, and that’s because Turkey’s now in the process of punishing Iran for attacking Aleppo last year. Iran is going to sue Turkey soon for failure to adhere to a contract to buy cheap Iranian natural gas, despite many efforts by Iran, Turkey is still refusing to adhere their contract obligations, which means sales are at 0 now, and Iran has lost nearly one third of all it’s export income, now Turkey buys US LPG instead at a higher price, which is a real slap in the face for Iran. Remember that Assad is an Alawite not a Shia, there’s a big difference, both the Shia and the Sunnis think the Alawites are totally nuts, the Sunnis and Shia have much more in common with each other than they do the Alawites, even the Druze are more like normal Muslims than the Alawites are, Alawites drink alcohol and believe in reincarnation. And besides that there’s the ethnic factor too, Alawites are all Arabs but Iranians are ethnically Persian, so they don’t have ethnicity in common. In Syria the Arab Alawites are the biggest Shia faith, then next the Orthodox Arab Shia, and the smallest group the Orthodox Persian Shia faith, and it’s only the Orthodox Persians that really have any real loyalty to Iran, that’s why Iran ships in heaps of Persians and Orthodox Shia from other countries, they get them to immigrate to the areas they control which is one of the main causes for local Sunni resentment.


“dissent in Darra/Quneitra from getting out of hand, but I mean to intervene against Iran.”

?!! Common man get serious! Russia can’t do that! They are invited GUESTS just like Iran and they are “partners” with Iran in fight against anti-Assad terrorists, not Syrian army and police protecting Syrian laws.

If Assad is against something he must get tougher with Iran (depending also what kind of agreement he has with Iran also) But Iran is officially “ALLAY” of Syria (unlike Russia) so WHY is so difficult for Assad to find agreement with Iran if they are “friendly countries”?!

Orthodox Shia from other countries, they get them to immigrate to the areas they control which is one of the main causes for local Sunni resentment. “Assad is an Alawite not a Shia, there’s a big difference, both the Shia and the Sunnis think the Alawites are totally nuts”

I am sorry for being ignorant as non-Muslim I don’t know much about those sects. I took that information from some Western article most probably…Info that Alawite are sect close to Shia (considered to be Shia)

I know that Iranian are Persians different from Arabs, I am not that ignorant.

“Orthodox Shia from other countries, they get them to immigrate to the areas they control which is one of the main causes for local Sunni resentment.” Strange, I didn’t have that information yet I knew …I had that intuition that Iranians are screwing up Assad somehow and for some reason Assad is helpless to respond. But in such situation he must take control over his country(liberated part) and tell Iranians to fuck off with their imposing of Orthodox Shia or else… I am sure that Assad would have Russian moral support because Russia is VERY INTERESTED in stability of terrorism free Syria. And Iran is after their plans and not after helping Syria, which is visible in Idlib lately… So Syrians are not stupid, they know if Iran is not interested any longer to give important help in liberation of Idlib and anti-terrorist actions in desert than why the hell are they in Syria as an “allay” of Syria doing nothing?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Quite simply put Assad owes Iran big time, so Iran will stay in Syria right up until Iran gets back every cent it’s invested. Russia’s doing what it can to help Assad but Assad’s really stuck between a rock and a hard place, he’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t when it comes to Iran, so I think Russia should be the one doing more to stop Iran when Assad can’t. Cheers.


OK thanks for valuable insight on situation in Syria !

Porc Halal

Finally some good news!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’ve all forgotten that this has all happened before, there’s no big deal to what’s happening, it only took Russia, Syria, and Iraq 2 months to wipe out Isis in a larger area than they’re in now, and Isis had 10 times as many fighters back then, so this is NOTHING compared to what they’ve done before. October 2017 Putin announced an operation by the SAA, Russia and Iraq to totally eliminate Isis from all the areas they occupied, that included all the areas they now occupy as well as more than half of Homs and a huge chunk of As Suwayda as well, and at the end of December 2017 Putin announced that Isis had been fully eliminated, only the US had Isis fighters left wreaking havoc in their stolen territory. The only question to ask is how has Isis grown so powerful here since the end of 2017. In mid 2018 Iran started moving in to this area and eventually took control of most of the territory, mainly southern Deir ez Zor but in Homs too to some extent, and Iran supposedly has 150,000 fighters here in Syria, so what have they been doing all this time, and before you say they were fighting the terrorist for Assad you’d better go check and find out they actually weren’t. Between august 2018 and the start of the Aleppo campaign right at the end of 2019 into 2020 the Iranians haven’t been fighting alongside the SAA at all, it was just Russia doing all the fighting, Iran was too busy kissing and cuddling Erdogan so they could sell him their gas, but the Turks don’t buy their gas anymore so all that kissing and cuddling was all for nothing. But now Isis is back in the picture and Iran’s going broke because the Turks refuse to buy their cheap gas anymore [they instead buy the more expensive US LPG], so don’t wonder why Isis grew so powerful in such a short space of time, Turkey played Iran for a fool and Iran played the part well. Only fools think the US is the reason Isis has become more powerful now, the smart people know it’s actually Iran’s fault. For 2 years not even one Russian aircraft has helped the Iranians put a stop to Isis in Deir ez Zor and Homs, so guess why the Russians haven’t helped with air support right up until just recently, there’s a good reason they haven’t.

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