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37 Civilians Killed, Injured In Series Of Mortar Attacks On Aleppo City (Photos)

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A series of mortar attacks on Aleppo’s city center have claimed the lives of seven civilians and injured 30 others, the Syrian state TV reported on November 21.

The attacks targeted the heavily populated districts of al-Jamelaiah, Adamiyah, New Aleppo and Saif al-Dawlah in the center of the city.

Local sources in Aleppo said that the causalities include a woman and a child. Some of the wounded are reportedly in a critical condition.

37 Civilians Killed, Injured In Series Of Mortar Attacks On Aleppo City (Photos)

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37 Civilians Killed, Injured In Series Of Mortar Attacks On Aleppo City (Photos)

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The attacks were likely launched from the western and northern suburbs of Aleppo, which are controlled by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL). The Turkish military also has three observation posts in these areas.

Earlier this month, 6-year old girl Roshan al-Utari was killed when a mortar round struck her family’s apartment in Saif al-Dawlah.

These repeated attacks on Aleppo could force the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to launch a large-scale military operation in teh city’s outskirt.

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Wonderful Turkey-Russia agreement for the terrorists and Turkey (NATO member), don’t you think ?

Icarus Tanović

This is one main reason for SAA to liberate those parts, and properly punish these prepetrators.


I’d love to see the SAA liberating western Aleppo. They cleared areas east and south of it, but never west. I think for many people it’s not clear how close the Jihadis are to Aleppo. They could launch large attacks against this city at any time, but as we all know the SAA won’t attack Western Aleppo no matter how many attacks are launched by the Jihadis. Slowly I start losing hope that Idlib will be liberated at all.


It all need its time. Simply there was been lot of another work which need to be done and areas which need to be liberated – but as you see they was been successfull and lot of these areas was been cleared ….. Idlibstan was been at upper part of list but then turkish jihadi spring operation was been started and SAA must spread lot of forces to the east ….. But as you can see at these days Idlib is still one of highest prioritires and I think its clearance will start very soon ;)


On August 31 a ceasefire was declared for Idlib. The turkish operation started on October 9. I don’t think the offensive was stopped due to this.


The offensive was been stoped because SAA are cleaver guys – they can liberate whole Idlib in few weeks BUT they are not able to secure it after that ….. Just imagine how SAA works: They start fight and expel terrorist from some area. Then SAA start looking for IEDs, weapon hideouts same as for hidden jihadists – and that need lot of time – liberation of Khan Sheikhun area was need very high density clearance …. If SAA dont do this then will be very easy for jihadists wait some time hidden and then backstabing SAA – and when you allow to refugees to go back to this area, then it is too late for securing operations

What I was talking about is that if there is no Turkish invasion then there is some another Idlib area liberated at this moment …. And at that moment was not possible to perform same grade operation as was been Khan Sheikhun ….. But it looks Eastern Euphrates spead is almost finished and Idlib is back as top target at this moment – with limited operations since now but it looks something bigger is nearby ;)


Hopefully the big operation will come very soon. I can’t wait to see Idlib getting red.


I think it will and will be this year – but it is only my estimation… But I dont expect something as big – my estimation is 10-15 bigger operations for liberating whole Iblib one after another with some pause between them as it was been in case of Khan Sheikhun – there is so much terrorists same as their cashes and hideouts in Idlib which must be found (and be realistic SAA never can found all but must found as much as is possible)

EDIT: Because previous Russian statements it looks as re-opening M4 and M5 is main priority in Idlib – with some buffer zone of course – then we can expect this in few months


Hopefully this will mean they will push north of the M4 highway towards Idlib city and its surroundings. I still can remember how they prepared for the big Idlib operation in September 2018 with huge momentum coming from Daraa. I’m still wondering how big that operation would have been.


Its not all about area …. Biggest challenge for future will be peoples – young brainwashed by jihadi Turks and older torn by all atrocities – and it will be run for very long time to cure this scars …. But Iam still optimistic and believe that occupied areas (except Golan heights) will be Syrian in few months to years


I hope the young brainwashed fighters in the ranks of the Jihadis will realize that they’ve been used by the terrorists. The biggest challenge will be the civilians. When the SAA is about to encircle an area, the civilians will flee alongside with the Jihadis like in Khan Shaykoun, so they have to live under the terrorists until Idlib is fully liberated and will be used as human shields.


Its time to clear that area from jihadi terrorists!

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