Photo: Russia’s Defense Ministry
Four Russian military serviicemen were killed and two others were wounded in a car blast in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on February 20.
The blast targeted a column of the Syrian troops en route from the Tiyas military airbase towards Homs, according to the statement.
“On February 16, 2017, four Russian servicemen were killed in the Syrian Arab Republic as their vehicle hit a remote controlled bomb. The Syrian troops’ vehicular column that included a vehicle with Russian military advisers was moving from the area of the Tiyas aerodrome towards the city of Homs,” the statement reads.
The ministry added that Russian military servicemen were playing a role of military advisers to the Syrian troops in the area.
This could indicate that Russian military personnel were involved in the recent advances of the Syrian government forces against ISIS near Palmyra.
If this would’ve been heavy APC like Namer or T-15 they should’ve survived, probably some BMP or something
or maybe they are raiding them on top, like russians, you know?
Four more good Monotheist killed while fighting Zionisms-Atheist-Terrorist. Their are only two sides to this war. #1-Monotheist side #2-Zionist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iW3xlmdYmo
They were atheists, too.
I bet there is no way to know or argue on that. Really, it’s very rude and obscure to talk like that about the fallen ones.
Same chance as the argue of upper comment.
He was stupid, i only showed on his stupidity.
Ok, but sometimes it iss not the most important thing to prove who is stupid and who is smart. Let’s all of us show some respect. I tell you from personal experience as survivor of four civil wars: if you behave like that… the Fife will put you in situation to understand the point on your own skin. It’s not some mambo-jambo-bullshit – it is brutal yet observed reality. This universe is very strange place, in distant, peaceful environment it seems “normal”, “neutral” … nothing, only space and time – no God, no spirit… but when they bomb your town 76 days in array, every single day, all day long, when hidden in shelter you only hear and fill detonations mixed with fighter jets’ truster screams high above reach of your handgun… then you get the point and see the real reality where disrespect of the fallen one shifts probability distribution toward your own death and tragedy. Don’t fuck with wave-function collapse and power of thoughts
Ok, but sometimes it iss not the most important thing to prove who is stupid and who is smart. Let’s all of us show some respect. I tell you from personal experience as survivor of four civil wars: if you behave like that… the Life will put you in situation to understand the point on your own skin. It’s not some mambo-jambo-bullshit – it is brutal yet observed reality. This universe is very strange place, in distant, peaceful environment it seems “normal”, “neutral” … nothing, only space and time – no God, no spirit… but when they bomb your town 76 days in array, every single day, all day long, when hidden in shelter you only hear and feel detonations mixed with fighter jets’ truster screams high above reach of your handgun… then you get the point and see the real reality where disrespect of the fallen one shifts probability distribution toward your own death and tragedy. Don’t fuck with wave-function collapse and power of thoughts
Rest in peace my brothers in arms. May your families be comforted by Gods graces.
If the Russians would be much more aggressive in killing the jihadists then they wouldn’t be crept up on by them and exploded. Russians need to act crazy-scary and much more energetically (towards the jihadists) so they are too busy escaping Russians to sidle up to them or their vehicles and equipment.