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MARCH 2025

8 Turkish Personnel Killed, Several Others Injured In Syrian Army’s Ongoing Offensive In Idlib Zone (UPDATED)

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8 Turkish Personnel Killed, Several Others Injured In Syrian Army's Ongoing Offensive In Idlib Zone (UPDATED)

A screenshot from the video

UPDATE 2: The number of the killed Turkish personnel reportedly grew to 8. The Turkish Defense Ministry claimed that 54 ‘Assad regime’ targets were hit and 76 Syrian pro-government fighters were ‘neutralized’.

UPDATE: The Turkish Defense Ministry said that the number of killed Turkish troops grew to 5, while the number of injured troops grew to 13. A ‘civil service member’ was also killed.


If you use your troops as human shield to protect al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups, they may find themselves in a grave danger.

At least 4 Turkish soldiers were killed and 9 others injured (one of them critically) in the area of the Syrian Army’s advance on positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in Greater Idlib. The incident allegedly took place in the countryside of Saraqib.

The Turkish Defense Ministry said that the troops were killed in a shelling by “regime forces’. The Turkish side claimed that these troops were sent as reinforcements to the region to prevent conflicts in the Idlib de-escalation zone. During the past few days, Turkish forces indeedestablished several positions near Saraqib, the key stronghold of al-Qaeda-linked groups in western Idlib, and several other areas. Anakra tried to use its troops as human shields to stop the Syrian Army advance and paid the price.

According to the Turkish Defense Ministry, Turkish responded to the attacks and destroyed the targets.

“I wish Allah’s mercy on our four soldiers who were martyred in Idlib in the regime forces’ attack, condolences to their families and quick recovery to the wounded. This attack on the Idlib agreement was immediately retaliated,” Ibrahim Kalin, Turkey’s presidential spokesman, wrote on Twitter.

According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, between 30 and 35 Syrian troops were killed in Turkish attacks in response to the incident.

8 Turkish Personnel Killed, Several Others Injured In Syrian Army's Ongoing Offensive In Idlib Zone (UPDATED)

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So, what now? Why are Turkish aircrafts allowed to roam freely Syrian airspace?

Liberal guy

It’s a mere lie


For the same reason that Santa exist ! Imagination is not forbidden and gullible children are everywhere.

Free man

Erdogan claims of 30-35 Syrian soldiers killed are false. Erdogan claims of F-16 airstrikes on Syrian army positions are false. What a developed imagination these guys have.


He has no other choice but to spread false information’s in Turkey and among the Turk soldiers in Syria. To avoid back clash form the Turk population for Turk loses. Also incompetent obedient Turk generals support his game. It is not in their interest that Turkey (regional power on the paper only) looks weak against such opponent as SAA…Whom Turks underestimate as opponent.

Simon Ndiritu

Iran may support Syria through Covert and asymmetric means. In such a case, turkey will be to Syria what Saudi has become to Houthi’s


Imagination doesn’t have boundaries only reality has them. Time will only tell who will support who and why….. when push comes to shove.

Free man

No Turkish warplanes (aside from UAVs) crossed into northwestern Syria in the last 24 hours.


Aircraft doesn’t need to enter airspace to strike a target in that place.


Its been plain to see for years the Turkish troops presence has never prevented the militants from shelling civilians during past ceasefires. They are actively aiding them so that makes them the enemy. No other nation would put up with this so why should Syria

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

this last straw NATO now us ambasdr jame jefry promise usa military HELP TURKEY defeat butcher giaraffe war criminal assad and kick out russiya drunkards. usa promises to protect NATO ally and crush assad regime to save idlib once and for all. us f-15 soon to declare no fly zone over idlib just watch and see all you SHET head pieces of SHET antisemit nazis

sorry not best english because fluent yiddish/hebre speakr.

if u say mean stuff dont do it to my face or i knock ur teeth out IDF style


what age are you, 10?

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

old enough be ur grand dady now show respek or get out bEETC


Get a job a jacob wuhl.


I see your missing teeth, want to lose some more?


IDF style? Ok… IDF style: 0 vs 1: Palestinian Tire. ?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eb33e2dba5ac6ea36085fb4296bcbff08d5e125c8524e2289be5f0d8f6e715f9.gif


So when do you come over here Joe? if we are so weak then you have nothing to be afraid of. Don’t think you will act so tough when me and my friends meet you on the battlefield, you enter our playground in our backyard.




What Yawn Ruski? you said you come to help your SAA friends didn;t you? then come.


Have you just finished cleaning the canteen and toilet in the army barracks? Talk to me when you have truly become a real soldier. Yes, kid, I’ve been there three times, and killed many of the terrorists you sent to Syria. And have observed directly when one of your f16 was shot down. Don’t worry, kid, most likely I will be assigned there again.


With pleasure Joe, you don’t know me and I don’t know you. Fair enough. I’m not afraid to die for my country and protect my home, let’s see if you don’t mind dying in Syria far away from your home. Peace.


Oh quit pretending your Rambo you keyboard typing little fagot, also you lost Syria get over no amount of claiming your macho man or how many civilians your going to kill, or that you blocked me is going to change that sewer rat.


I know you blocked me, but I’m back just for Jew ;} Check the initials!


So give me one good reason why I shouldn’t block you again Ramirez.


You lost Syria and your Salafist friends are done for, so go get real job, being a minimum wage mossad troll isn’t a job.


It’s funny flaccid zion because its true, an army of chickenshits just like you.

Eugenio Blanco


Damien C

Did you type Yiddish when you really meant “gibberish”


sorry not best english because fluent yiddish/hebre speakr.

You may test google.translator, or deepl, anything, because this is terrible.


Eugenio Blanco

Son of Satan..

The Man

F*ck off, you dirty Yid Jacob… Any lying Jew/Yid f*cker like you who lies about imperfect English while writing perfect English in other posts, reveals his dirty scum Zionist self. You are one good reason why Hitler wanted to burn you scum creatures. A real pity he failed!

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

im no jacob you son of beetch

The Man

Even a second grade african can spell ‘bitch’, so enough of your lying, Yid!


It smells like it came out of the Tel-Aviv sewer, it sure smells like you, jacob whul.


learn how to spell Bitch!

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

hitler nazi did burn 6 million innocent jew where have u been holocaust denier piece of SHET but overall he fail because allie britain france usa save us and divince intervention for prohpecy

The Man

Of course I’m a holocaust/holohoax denier, you Yid fool. There were never 6 million of you scum in Europe and if there were, which wasn’t the case, you sure as hell breed like rats to have increased your numbers. BTW, holohoax denier for the supposed Hitler one, oh and yes, wasn’t there a supposed holocaust of you vermin around 1915!!! ha ha… Filthy scum species! And yes, you are Jacob Wohl with that ugly hook nose!


What’s that stink on the comments it’s jacob whul.

Eugenio Blanco

I have jews ancertors also my friend but remember Yahve LOVE and demand holocaust FOR EVER to his people in israel and his people was THE LAST HOLOCAUST and you need be proud of that no sorrow, cappichi ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, are you still pretending to be Jewish Mustafa, Jews don’t ever say,

“usa military HELP TURKEY defeat butcher giaraffe war criminal assad and kick out russiya drunkards. usa promises to protect NATO ally and crush assad regime to save idlib once and for all.”

they say this,

Assad can remain in power, Turkey has to get out of Syria, Russia cooperates with Israel to secure middle east security, that what the real Jews say, only pro erdogan Turks say what you said,

“usa military HELP TURKEY defeat butcher giaraffe war criminal assad and kick out russiya drunkards. usa promises to protect NATO ally and crush assad regime to save idlib once and for all.”

LOL, I have to give you Turks some credit though, you seem to have everyone on the SF forums fooled, I think I’m about the only one who realizes that most of you aren’t really Jewish at all [or maybe I’m the only one who calls you on it], and that’s despite the fact I keep pointing out the obvious discrepancies in your totally out of character rhetoric. In my 56 years I’ve never heard Jews talk like you guys do, you just sound like Turks pretending to be Jews. The US might call for a no fly zone that’s true, but not just yet they won’t, they’ll give Assad a chance to avoid that if he wants to, and then hopefully we can get back the business we should be, but next time we’ll be just a little more careful and try not to stir up the hornets nest like we did this time, at least not until we’ve covered up with some protective clothing first. Did you notice Trumps got one of his predator drones hunting Erdogan’s pet terrorists in northern Idlib right now, so the US already has a no fly zone on force in northern Idlib anyway, and the US no fly zone stipulates that any pro Erdogan/Muslim Brotherhood terrorists that raise their heads any higher than ground level will be considered to be aerial objects and deemed viable targets, LOL. Good old Trump’s hitting the terrorists in the north of Idlib, while Assad’s hitting the terrorists in the south, gee it’s nearly like they’re cooperating. Bye Mustafa.

Thanks for the laff


Oh fuck off jacob whul.


Says the child molesting, women killing Jew. let me see how much you know about your history with a simple question.

Who is the most famous Jewish cook? Adolf Hitler ;}


GTFO Erdogan, don’t cry foul when your invading troops get killed for protecting terrorists.

Free man

The conflict with Turkey cannot be resolved militarily. A war with Turkey would be devastating for Syria. Only Russian diplomacy can help.

Rhodium 10

and also would be devastating for Turkey.

Free man

Turkey’s dilemma right now is – what’s worse for Turkey? Entry of hundreds of thousands of more refugees into Turkey or war with the SAA. I think they will choose the war against the SAA. Such a war would be far more devastating for Syria than for Turkey. It may not sound popular but it is the painful reality.

Rhodium 10

Sure..and do you think that Russia will just watch?…

Free man

I believe that Russia will find a political solution.


Well… They should be grateful it wasn’t Tos who did the action. But next time I can’t guarantee it.


Assad’s war is not with Turkey but with NATO. Somehow, Greater Middle East Project is not on hold because of Russian Intervention.


So are you suggesting that NATO is invading northern Syria, not Turkey.


Correct. But invasion is not what it is in fact disintegration of syria/iraq and even turkey is somewhat aimed by NATO (Zio-US) for the Greater Middle East Project and the formation of 2nd Israel.

Assad must stay

excellent job SAA keep pounding and laying waste to torki lorkis


How can they have been martyred if they are involved in an unjust and illegal war against Muslims?


Count increased to 6.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Turkish news will tell you everything you need to know if you don’t already, Turkish news is now the best place to find out what’s happening and also find out what’s about to happen, usually I say you can’t trust anything written in the Turkish news but this time there’s an exception, they are the only ones telling the truth, choke splutter vomit.

“President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Feb. 3 that Turkey will continue to retaliate against attacks on its forces in Syria’s northwestern Idlib region. Speaking to reporters before departing for a visit to Ukraine, Erdoğan said Turkish artillery hit some 46 targets. “Those who test Turkey’s determination with such vile attacks will understand their mistake,” Erdoğan said. He added that Turkey would not accept attempts by Russia to calm the tensions, saying Moscow was told that Ankara would not stand for any “situation where we are prevented.” “It is not possible for us to remain silent when our soldiers are being martyred,” Erdoğan said. “We have responded in kind to these attacks and will continue to do so, whether it is with our artillery or mortars. We are determined to continue our operations for the security of our country, people and our brothers in Idlib,” he added. “Those who question our determination will soon understand they made a mistake,” Erdoğan added. At least four Turkish soldiers were killed and nine were injured, one of them severely, in intense shelling by Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Idlib on Feb. 3, the Turkish defense ministry said. Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) retaliated immediately, destroying targets in the Idlib region, the ministry said in a written statement. One of the injured soldiers is in critical condition, the statement said. The shelling by Syrian government forces was carried out “against our elements sent as reinforcements to prevent clashes in Idlib, despite their positions being coordinated beforehand,” the statement read. He also conveyed that F-16s were also involved and said that between 30 and 35 Syrian troops were killed. “Turkey determined to continue operations in Syria to ensure the safety of homeland, Syrians in Idlib,” he said. Syrian regime’s forces, backed by Russian airpower, have recently made advances in Idlib. Erdoğan said on Jan. 31 that Turkey may launch a military operation there unless the fighting is halted. Syrian forces now ‘targets’ around Idlib posts In the meantime, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Ömer Çelik said Turkey will view Syrian regime forces as “targets” around Turkish observation posts in Idlib. “The [Syrian] regime is from now on a target for us in the region after this attack,” Çelik said. “We expect Russia not to shield the regime or protect them because after the clear attack on our armed forces, regime forces around our posts are targets,” he added.”

https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/erdogan-says-ankara-retaliating-after-syrian-shelling-killed-turkish-troops-151677 ………….

“Turkey has told Russian authorities to avoid confrontation with the Turkish military in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, as the country is retaliating against the Bashar Assad regime for a recent attack that killed four soldiers and left nine others wounded, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Monday. The president noted that they have spoken with Russian authorities regarding the situation in Idlib and have told them to avoid confronting Turkish forces in the area during an operation to prevent incessant attacks by the Assad regime. Erdoğan noted that Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has already spoken with his Russian counterpart, while Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and the head of National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Hakan Fidan are planning to discuss the issue with their counterparts. “More importantly, if we do not reach the results desired then I will speak with my counterpart and convey to him the critical nature of the matter,” the president said. He continued by adding that the ongoing Turkish operation is carried out based on frequent talks between Turkish and Russian generals on the ground. Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed the Turkish military came under fire from Assad regime troops as they were allegedly targeting opposition forces in an area west of Saraqib. “Turkish troops were changing locations at night in the Idlib de-escalation zone without informing the Russian side,” the ministry said in a statement. The Russian ministry also noted that Turkish fighter jets did not violate Syria’s border and no attacks on regime troops were recorded. Erdoğan noted that around 30 to 35 regime troops were killed after Turkey retaliated against the Assad regime for attacking Turkish troops in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, where the attempts to establish a cease-fire have failed numerous times. Expressing determination to stop Assad regime attacks in the area, Erdoğan said there is an ongoing operation. “Those who test Turkey’s determination regarding Syria’s Idlib with such treacherous attacks will realize their mistake,” Erdoğan told reporters ahead of his departure for Ukraine. He noted that Turkish F-16 fighter jets and howitzers continue to carry out attacks against regime targets in Idlib. “We are targeting around 40 places,” the president said.”

https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2020/02/03/turkey-told-russia-to-stand-out-of-way-in-syrias-idlib-erdogan-says …………..

There’s hard times ahead for everyone, this game of snakes and ladders might not be over by a long shot but we’ve just hit the biggest snake on the board, now we have heaps of ladders we have to climb back up before we can get back to where we were.

Joe Doe

Putin playing danger game pleasing Turkey at the Syria expense. It’s very obvious Turkey is supporting and protecting terrorist in Syria and systematically conquering Syria. Furthermore, selling S-400 to Turkey Putin made mistake. Turkey will not leave NATO and NATO will help Turkey. In the conclusion, Putin is not really friend of Syria. Syria for Putin is testing new weaponry and trying Turkey leave NATO, which will not happen and one day the S-400 could be use against Russia fighter planes.

Mehmet Aslanak

Russian Today network claims that Turks have forgotten to tell Russian HQ about the convoy entered to the Idlib. So it was a misunderstanding or perhaps miscoordination, a mistake.

good american

More like a polite cease and desist request.


GOOD, kill more of Erdogan’s minions (6 of them died btw, 4 is old info)! Turkish invaders GTFO of Syria and GTFO of Libya! In both cases you are illegal invaders supporting islamist terrorists!

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

The Turkish elites and government don’t give one damn about Turkish soldiers. They are sending them to get wounded and killed in a hopeless situation at the end of an immoral war against Syria. They can rot in hell.


I hope Russia stop any possible attack of Turkey (NATO member), including air attack. Russia has more than enough capabilities to do that. Also I hope Putin stop supporting the criminal Erdogan in Syria.


How can Erdogan know how many Syrian troops were killed? If he stonked the Idlib region at random with 155s, he ran a good chance of killing head-choppers by accident

Joe Dickson

Turkey is a state sponsor of terrorism, it is time Russia treats them as such. No one invited Turkish troops into Syria, it is time for them to leave.


Zio-US (NATO) is supporter of terrorism. Even worse, they created islamic terrorists. US had always supported islamic fundementalists/ religious cults against communist Soviets. In the 19th century and early 20th, the Brits used to do that in the middle east against Ottoman Empire.

Turkey is just a mere NATO member.


Liveuamap.com says that an MQ-9 Reaper was seen over Idlib, so it seems America is getting involved again. Not sure why it isn’t just shot down

Stinky Man

One can only hope those dead Turks rot in hell.

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