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4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

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At least 13 servicemen from the 2nd US Cavalry Regiment were injured on June 8 when their Stryker armoured fighting vehicles smashed into each other on in Lithuania, near the border with the Russian region of Kaliningrad.

The military column was traveling down Highway 130 near Prienai when the incident occured. One of the vehicles veered off the road for reasons still unknown. The three follow-on vehicles piled up.

No civilians were injured in the incident, according to reprots.

“Thirteen U.S. Army Soldiers were transported to local hospitals by host nation ground ambulances for evaluation of injuries,” Colonel Kathleen Turner commented the situation, according to Army Times.

The 2nd Cavalry Regiment’s home base in Vilseck, Germany. Currently, it’s participaring in the annual NATO exercise Saber Strike 2018, which described by Moscow as an attempt to show force along the Russian border.

About 18,000 troops (including about 3,000 from the US) from 19 countries are taking part in the drills, which began on June 6 in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland.

In the framework of the ongoing drills, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment is going to participate in a tactical crossing of the River Niemen on June 13 at Kulautuva, a town northwest of Kaunas.

Photos from the scene:

4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

Source: delfi.lt

4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

Source: delfi.lt

4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

Source: delfi.lt

4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

Source: delfi.lt

4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

Source: delfi.lt

4 US Armoured Vehicles Collide In Lithuania Injuring 13

Source: delfi.lt

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Comeone boys get your act together! Embarrassing in front of Russia god…!

Luke Hemmming

Driving under the Influence? Fell asleep at the wheel? Steering mechanism broke? Vehicle taken over remotely by Russians? Driver wanted to claim compo for work related injuries? driver wanted to go home early? Driver got distracted by porn? naked girl? naked guy? Driver was getting a Blow Job by navigator and lost control?

John Whitehot



Yeah, an massive piece of shit, weights what, an half planet, huh, and if the place/road isnt tarmaced, it will simply sink, and get stuck, but hey, wankees and others, in the insanely stupid NATO (the North Atlantic Terror Org) like big toys, more wheels, yeehaa, 8 wheel drive, yup, getting horny, huh, this things are useful for one thing, giving hens an solid home, or use them as anker weights, what else.

WW3, well, as I see it will be more like, I asume the morons would in fact attack Russia with what, an Brigade, 2 Brigades, whatabout 5 Brigades, why not, hehe, where half of them would be jammed into something from mires to mash lands, and Russia/BallTicks are just that, the Taiga, good luck. And to be honest, if attacked and the Russians are on vacation, they should probably give that episode to the Russian people, yeah, hey, come and watch for free the morons coming, because they are brain dead, cant read an map, etc, running in circles in the wast area of Russians plains, belivie me, its mind boggling flat and mirish, and then to maonver in that region, is hehe, prblematic to be gentla in this times where everybody is furous for been offended by something/anything, and if you like, hunt them to, and make it also, since we are after all, civilized, able for diableled people, and people with vision problems, etc, to hunt NATO soldiers, where its not easy to fight in high heals and poloshed nails, we all understand that. Poor shmucks whom dont even know what toilet that can use and this morons are going to attack Russia.

This, force, like the hillarious Swed dumb f….., witch I see as an political smoke skreen more than anything else, but my great sorrow is how stupid the Finns are, jesus I am ashamed, pekka, get your f…. head out of your own ass. There is an reason for statements our Hideous Hag from Hell, Iron Erna SolBerg, stated they undestud why the Imperial Banana republic attacked Syria, yeah, no shame, as to the second fact, Norway trained ISIS, fighted along with ISIS, helped the happy head choppers travel, military training, etc, even well fare wasnt tuched, they are not Racists, right, huh, refugees have right, natives have non, this understanding Finland, was the same understanding, from the same people, the Bolshewiks in Britain and Sovjet, was that made the exuse the Norwegians needed to not lift an finger to help when Sovjet attacked, nothing, like the Sweds, nothing, abolutelly nothing came, no help what so ever and still you drooling idiots think they are Alies, friends, when they never have stopped to loath and despice us, where they see us as Mongols, even to day, 2018. The thing is, Sovjet was then, the UssA is now, vassals are vassals, the NorDicks are nothing but scums, inbreed Khazars, the scum of this earth, and is not even native, despite their insane bullshit about Vikings or something like that.

But, to be frank, this is another more media hyped nonsense, than an actual threat, the problem is the orcs in the asylum fromerly known as Ukraina and their hate against Russians, witch ironicly they to are, just an dilalectic difference but the same people, where I talk about history, not the present.



The Stryker APC is known to have balance issues – a relatively narrow wheel base with noticeable frontal and rear overhangs – there have been numerous instances of of tipping and veering.




I personally think SF is using this to draw extra attention to the US deployment eastward, but either way.

I’ve driven an Abrahs before and, well, you really have to listen to the TC because he’s the one that actually see everything (I think they should upgrade the drivers place to have a better view than is offered by those portholes). My point is one guy mighy have went over a large bump he couldn’t see and in heavy traffic the rest of the company behind him couldn’t stop in time. There have been much concern that the roads in the former USSR would limit the ability to move large forces quickly.




So incompetent they can’t even drive the fucking thing but they are still looking cool, if you ask them. Meh poor kids.

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