Black smoke rises from a coalition airstrike Raqqa, Syria on July 26, 2017. Source: trtworld.com
On Sunday, the ISIS-linked Amaq news agency announced that 40 civilians were killed after a US-led collation warplane destroyed a civilian building in al-Bado district in Raqqa city.
Opposition sources confirmed the ISIS claims, and revealed that many women and children were among the victims. Amaq claimed that this was the most fatal airstrike on Raqqa city so far.
Meanwhile, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) repelled an attack of ISIS fighters in al-Mansour district in the eastern part of Raqqa city. SDF fighters killed 21 ISIS fighters and destroyed a VBIED of ISIS before it reached their position in al-Mansour district.
Amaq claimed that 8 SDF fighters were killed and 7 others were injured after they were hit with IEDs west of the children hospital in the southern part of Raqqa city.
Although more than 600 civilians were killed by the US-led coalition in Raqqa city so far, the US-led collation didn’t tune down it’s bombing campaign on the city or announce any new measures to decrease civilian casualties.
Well, that is what the US Air Farce (not a misspelling) does best; bomb civilians and civilian infrastructure.
of course, it’s their main target, not the friends from ISIS
And what are doing Assad and Russia ? Nothing.
USA kill Syrians and Assad doesn’t sue USA for crimes.
One can only Imagine how EVERY American across the globe will soon be treated. Especially If war breaks out, the whole world will be hunting down cowardly Americans and with every damn right to do so. Imagine it.??
Quite simply put, you American people have betrayed the rest of the world with your silence and compliance with your murderous criminal government’s actions. You all made that choice. You’ve betrayed everything you all once claimed to believe In. You’re revolting man, purely revolting. And you’ll pay the ultimate price, remember Germany? American tyranny is no different to Nazi tyranny. Have fun :)
The problem is that Arabs are most responsible than Americans. Americans tried to change things with Trump but Trump is f…. liar and stupid.
The real problem are Arabs and sunnis because they love killing each others.
They chickened out and buried their heads up their asses thinking they can now ignore the problem , the Anarcho-Fascists are running the mainstream press and all these events in the US are conveniently timed to block out any criticism from the world and international press. They are egocentric people and believe they are the center of the universe, spoiled and ungrateful children that is what they really are.
They are trying but it is very hard when the ignorant members of the UN and the Media are getting their kickbacks from the oligarchies to carry on with carrying on.
Compare how much (nihil) the mass-media of our Western regimes report about this compared to that incredible coverage of the few fake video produced by Al Qaida ‘s White Helmets re. the battle for liberating Alep from Al Qaida’s terrorists !
Why doesn’t Russia play the same game ?
USA is smart and ruthless. Can’t complain about someone smart. Complain about the stupid one.
All of you American people have betrayed the rest of the world with your silence and compliance with your murderous criminal government’s actions. No one In America has even bothered to protest their very own governments admitted recruiting, training, arming, supplying, protecting, paying, and using terrorists who have murdered millions by barbaric butchery? Does that make you American people proud? Not one American person has said a word. How disgusting Is that?? No, the American people are cowards and so self-righteous they don’t care.
Americans are not the same in every state . If you compare a New Yorker with, for example , a Texan you won’t believe that they are from the same country. The problem is that there is no freedom of press in Usa.They don’t let the average American to know what is happening in Syria. They have their ways to do so…
But you Americans fall over yourself’s scrambling looking for the next excuse as to why the Cowardly American says nothing about its own country’s ADMITTED (don’t even try to say the American people don’t know), the whole world heard your government admit its Recruitment – Training – Arming – Supporting – Protecting – Paying – Use of brutal terrorists/mercenaries who been sent into a country with only the purpose to commit brutal Inhumane acts on Innocent people who are no different from you or I who were going about their daily chores doing nobody or anything any harm at all. Just living their lives only to have US recruited vile thugs murder them in cold blood for absolutely no reason other than your country’s global tyranny and attempt at full global control? The excuses are never-ending… This is UNEXCUSABLE….There’s NO EXCUSE for what you’re all doing, or should I say not doing! No excuse NONE! Because, whether it be the CIA, The Jews, The Corporations, The Banks, The Illuminate blah blah blah…That should make NO DIFFERENCE!
What do you all REALLY believe In? THEN FIGHT FOR IT COWARDS… Before you’re no longer here!
So there’s the solution. THERE’S NO EXCUSE I mean nobodies asking the Americans to go to war with their government but to damn well Protest them – expose them – Block freeways, Towns – Cities – Railways until your government stops!! Do anything and everything you can to make them stop this brutal murder and foreign policy of eliminating leaders of Sovereign countries who won’t bow down to the United States of Global Terrorism. It’s sick, disgusting yet you people do nothing??? You’ve betrayed everything you all once claimed to believe In. I mean seriously the last time this happened was Nazi Germany, other than that one time every society that faced such tyranny from its leadership whether it be a Queen, King, Tsar, Emperor etc have always at very least Protested and made their feelings known whatever the cost, because it was the right thing to do and that’s what good caring people do. You’ve betrayed everything you all once claimed to believe In and because of that you’ve betrayed the world.
Yet read you all saying it’s not the American people’s fault the people don’t know blah blah blah COWARDS. YOU’RE DAMN WRONG IT IS 100% ALL YOUR FAULT.
First of all I am not an American. I am Greek. You have right about all you say. But I still think they don’t know. Ignorance doesn’t make you innocent. They are guilty all of them.In my country a citizen has the responsibility to know ,there is no excuse for ignorance.
Exactly but how could they not know? It was everywhere when they admitted it …All over the world, CNN and all US channels reported it. It’s an excuse used by the American people, they’ll say the Jews/Israel have taken over their government and really believe that means they don’t need to do anything, or they claim it’s the Banks the Corporations or the CIA etc…. But no matter who or what it is they must protest – they must expose it – and they must demand it stops. But they won’t. What don’t they understand?
Do they believe using terrorism to destroy entire countries and murder millions is perfectly acceptable?
To destroy Libya, murder the country’s leader and leave the US recruited terrorists to take it over that now sees brutal rapes, murders, and human slave markets Is perfectly acceptable?.
To purposely create an Illegal coup of a sovereign country creating a civil war that now sees fellow countrymen killing each other throughout Ukraine Is perfectly acceptable?
To purposely create an Illegal coup of a sovereign country creating a civil war that now sees terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Innocent people In Syria being supplied, trained, armed, paid and used by the US Is perfectly acceptable?.
To use NATO to encroach on a world nuclear superpowers borders while demonizing the country through the media using outright lies and blatantly Illegal sanctions and seemingly trying to use Europe as the battleground for its war against Russia Is perfectly acceptable?.
They’re a revolting – self-righteous – cowardly – selfish – arrogant – uneducated revolting – excuses for human waste. COWARDS!
May I ask where are you from?
Does it matter where I’m from? Surely all that matters is what the American people have failed to do? All i get told from Americans is I can’t blame over 300 million people.. Really? Then why are none of you 300 million people protesting your governments admitted Recruitment – Training – Arming – Supporting – Protecting – Paying – Use of brutal terrorists who been sent into a country with only the purpose to commit brutal Inhumane acts on Innocent people who are no different from you or I who were going about their daily chores doing nobody or anything any harm at all. Just living their lives only to have US recruited vile thugs murder them in cold blood for absolutely no reason other than your country’s global tyranny and attempt at full global control?
I mean seriously What don’t you understand?
Do you believe using terrorism to destroy entire countries and murder millions is perfectly acceptable?
To destroy Libya, murder the country’s leader and leave the US recruited terrorists to take it over that now sees brutal rapes, murders, and human slave markets Is perfectly acceptable?.
To purposely create an Illegal coup of a sovereign country creating a civil war that now sees fellow countrymen killing each other throughout Ukraine Is perfectly acceptable?
To purposely create an Illegal coup of a sovereign country creating a civil war that now sees terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Innocent people In Syria being supplied, trained, armed, paid and used by the US Is perfectly acceptable?.
To use NATO to encroach on a world nuclear superpowers borders while demonizing the country through the media using outright lies and blatantly Illegal sanctions and seemingly trying to use Europe as the battleground for its war against Russia Is perfectly acceptable?.
Quite simply put, you American people have betrayed the rest of the world with your silence and compliance with your murderous criminal government’s actions. No one In America has even bothered to protest their very own governments admitted recruiting, training, arming, supplying, protecting, paying, and using terrorists who have murdered millions by barbaric butchery? Does that make you proud? Not one American person has said a word. How disgusting Is that??
Do you not feel deeply ashamed at your governments admitted recruitment – Training – Arming – Supporting – Protecting – Paying – Use of brutal terrorists who been sent into a country with only the purpose to commit brutal Inhumane acts on Innocent people who are no different from you or I who were going about their daily chores doing nobody or anything any harm at all. Just living their lives only to have US recruited vile thugs murder them in cold blood for absolutely no reason other than your country’s global tyranny and attempt at full global control? Does that make you feel really hard? Does it make you feel ever so proud??
I asked because it seems that you are American or situated in US.
I am American teen, I really do not know what to do.
Moussa, what you can do is educate youself and than share with others. All this terrible mess is done for senturies with our support – those who don’t understand whats going. Also high level of self awarness is important. If you want some links to Russian thinking on this matters than I will gladly share. At this very moment I’m doing very simple thing – sharing knowledge that allows to see what’s going on for last couple thousand years on this planet.
Tudor Miron Absolutely right! Americans! You’ve all got to face this, times running out, the clock is ticking and Russia will not give the fourth warning as doing so would be like admitting defeat.
Americans seem to think in only one dimension – there own point of view – It goes from the top down through American society. It’s simply the easiest way to make catastrophic mistakes as Intelligence comes from the understanding of others points of view not only your own.
If you understood Russia’s point of view (the right point of view and there’s no denying that) then it becomes very clear, therefore easy to see the catastrophic mistake before making it. But not bothering to think or care about the others point of view means you can’t see the catastrophic mistake you’re going to make.
Russian Intelligence, I believe, is actually second to none. Putin has played the USA like a fiddle he’s got the US jumping through hoops. Not because he want’s to do that, only because he’s been forced to wise up to the US. He sees them ignore International Law and sees committing war crimes all over the world and sees them attempting to dominate the globe in a one-sided way.
We’ve witnessed Putin three times clearly warn them to stop this nonsense and the US have purposely ignored him every time. Because the US doesn’t want compromise, they don’t want talks, they don’t want peace, they must have war or collapse! American tyranny is no different from what the Nazi’s tried.
He’s right, and he knows he’s right. Everything he’s done when you look back to 2000 to now shows that he’s always known this was coming, and this is where again the US fail to understand that if he’s always known, you can be 100% sure he has a plan in place and will today be prepared for the slightest flinch from the US.
We see Russia quietly confident they do have the ability to take down US ICBM’s …We know the US can’t!
Today we’re at a point where Russia can’t believe a word the US says. Only an idiot would, and this is always where we see Wars begin… One side not understanding or even attempting to understand the other.
If War happens, history will see it as the USA attempting Global control/Tyranny fighting Russia who will be fighting for their belief in freedom and their Russian way of life (remind you of anything?). You could not make it up.
Tudor Miron We all know we’re being lied to but nobody bothers to ask why we’re being lied to and I can explain why!
For all Western governments and media to be following the same script you simply must know the reason is huge! It Is!
What we are seeing is the United States very close to complete collapse, the US has known for some time their economy had to collapse. We are witnessing the US at the point of no return, they have (knowingly) spent their way toward bankruptcy.
America has had a plan for well over sixty years they’ve always known their economy had to collapse so they planned for it. We’ve seen every year since the war the US spend vast crazy amounts of money on its military, they had an excuse with the cold-war but they continued even after the collapse of the USSR because their plan is to gain full world military dominance so they can then introduce/force a single world currency (What this is ALL about) … The effect as such would see the US overnight become completely debt-free and would see them achieve full global military control as well as full global financial control (a very nice achievement many might argue)
Now, the problem is, the US dollar Is the world ‘reserve currency’ and is currently used by most other countries to purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions if not trillions of dollars are kept by countries for their energy purchasing. What that allowed the US to do is print more and more dollars without showing the true rate of inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing. Now because so much of the US currency sits In vaults all over the world to purchase countries energy It would never find its way into the actual US economy meaning the US could hold their level of Inflation right down from what It really should be. The huge problem we’re now seeing is countries like Russia, China, Iran, lots of Europe, and many more now want to sell/buy their energy In different currencies not just the US dollar meaning that each country who now trades in other currencies, whether It be the Yuan, the Ruble, or the Euro will start to dump the dollars they held for energy purchasing and will replace them with the currency they’re going to use. The problem for the US is when those billions if not trillions of dollars start to filter back into the US economy (as is now happening) the Inflation will explode as It can’t be hidden anymore. It would see the likes of a loaf of bread skyrocket to over $200 and would bankrupt the United States overnight.
This is exactly why we’re seeing this attempt to drag Russia Into a war because obviously, they can’t force a single currency with the likes of Russia and her nuclear threat saying get lost.
They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR…What a bonus that was, it meant they could do it without war!! But they messed that right up because they took their eye off one man, Putin.
The United States REALLY believed they had finished off Russia after the collapse of the USSR to the point Russia could never be a threat to them again, they helped keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet.
When Putin came to power the US could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq and Putin (craftily as It bought him the time Russia needed to defend themselves) did not veto them they believed they had Russia under their control and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin. But while the US was invading countries all over the world with no one to stop them, Putin was quietly building Russia an extremely effective military defense and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own If not beat any nation on the planet.
The US blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Gadaffi, as they kept Iraq destabilised by transferring known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantanamo Bay in the hundreds to help keep it in chaos.
They then set their sights on Syria, and were preparing for a ground invasion as with Iraq when all of a sudden Putin vetoed that action! That stunned the US, stopped them in their tracks and they then took a close look at Russia again.
When the US understood how they misread Putin they then set out to demonise him in the West and globally the propaganda got so bad it could have been written by a spotty American teenager going through puberty. But it left the US unable to use ground troops in Syria.
This is when we saw the US and the EU start in Ukraine, we saw the US CIA and their neo-nazi recruited thugs start the marches and protests in Ukraine. America, if you all remember were all upbeat about Yanukovich winning the Presidency because he had shown an interest in joining the EU, It was only when he decided to go to Russia and ask for a loan, and stated he was trying to work on a closer relationship with Russia, did all this really kick off , then these CIA-led thugs murdered people, while claiming Yanukovich was a thief a tyrant and Putin’s puppet (yet they said none of this when he showed an interest in the EU, all these accusations only started after he asked Russia for support) they forced Yanukovich to flee to Russia in fear of his life
They then got the parliament to impeach him/Yanukovich (who were obviously under threat to do so, as the vote came back 300+ to zero) America then claims the Russian’s invaded and were fighting these thugs who seized control but the Ukrainian people say it’s the ”pro-Russian” Ukrainian fighting to get these thugs and this non-elected leader removed.
The West who have caused all the trouble in Ukraine (knowingly and purposely, as Victoria Nuland’s phone call revealed to the world) blame Russia and In effect Illegally Issue sanctions against Russia for something they have not been able to prove or even attempted to prove as In reality It’s just a financial tool used many times by the US and its vassals but It shows Russia how far they’re prepared to go to force war.
In Syria the US decided to use proxy’s in the form of terrorists, they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent these terrorists into Syria to murder people, everyday normal people, working people, people just like you or I, they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities through Syria by murder and butchery. I remember seeing them stood on street corners dressed in black standing around burnt out cars with their rifles at their sides, there were bodies of naked raped women and their children just lying murdered on the side of the roads. They were the Free Syria Army, only at that time nobody knew they were recruited, trained, armed and very well paid by the US, we only found that out after Russia went Into Syria three years after.
Yes, that’s right, the US Is responsible for all the devastation, murder, rape, and terrorism of people Just like us, they caused It purposely, and don’t forget this was all long before the so-called ISIS crossed over in from Iraq!
We’re being walked into a nightmare, a war against a world nuclear superpower that none of us believes in or wants.
Putin knows all he needs Is time, he must avoid getting into a war with the US but never lay down to them he knows sooner rather than later It’s all got to start to collapse, so he’ll try to avoid war and let them crumble (After all Russia had to start again, they did not cause a war, they just collapsed) but the US know that’s what he’s doing, so we see them provoke and provoke Russia, they’ve non-stop encroached further and further towards Russia’s borders using NATO’s ridiculous excuse of protecting the Baltic’s from Russian aggression.
If any of this had happened at any other time In history you can be positive the former USSR would have fired weapons at the US already, and with every damn right to do so.
Thank god we’ve got Russia with Putin who clearly knows exactly why this is all happening, everything he’s done shows that he knows exactly what the US is trying to do. If not for his wisdom the US would have already provoked WW3.
We’ve witnessed Putin three times clearly warn them to stop this nonsense and the US have purposely ignored him every time. Because the US doesn’t want compromise, they don’t want talks, they don’t want peace, they must have war or collapse! American tyranny is no different from what the Nazi’s tried.
Now you’ve just read this, take a few minutes to actually think about it… Think about all these actions we’ve seen over the last 20 years, actions that at the time you didn’t really understand… Bin Laden, Afghanistan, World Trade Center, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Crimea, Georgian war, Syria etc while keeping in the back of your mind ‘the US must force Russia Into war to survive’ (for all the reasons you’ve just read) and suddenly it all makes 100% sense.
And that’s when you should really know just what a nightmare we’re really facing, you’ll also know we’re on the WRONG side!
And when you get your head around It, you’ll then understand everything you’re soon going to witness from this day forward. Basically, we’re all waiting to hear the next US lie or waiting for the US to go too far In Syria, then as the US hope, It’s WAR! It’s a nightmare!?
If that’s the case then Russia will outmanoeuvre, out think, outsmart, and force the US to stop this madness or they’ll leave Russia with no choice but to suddenly attack them (you can only push so far and Ignore so many warnings we’ve had three clear warnings I don’t believe there will be a fourth).
It would be fully justified and Putin would be well within his right’s to do that. His Job is Russia’s security and the US/NATO are threatening that security.
We’re all being lied to, and we all know we’re being lied to and this explains why!
Someone (Ironically an American) once said the first casualty of war is ALWAYS the truth.
I mean what has EVERY other country on Earth always done when they get a rogue criminal leadership? Did you ever take history at school? Even if you didn’t what do you think every countries society across the world does? …..It starts with a P …..and ends in a T …..They all PROTEST …They stand out on the streets in the masses and PROTEST their criminal government or King, Queen, Tsar, Emperor or whatever/Whoever else. Throughout mankind’s entire existence the people of the country whose Governments have gone rogue by murdering at home or abroad have ALWAYS at very least Protested. If those leaders/dictators/criminals still refuse to listen then the people have ALWAYS stood up and fought, history is jammed packed full of revolutions. The people have never remained silent saying nothing or doing nothing…
Apart from one-time Nazi Germany!!!
Other than that one time the people have ALWAYS stood up and fought! That’s what good caring people do. It should come naturally to good people. Because they all know to do or say nothing is exactly the same as supporting the murder, supporting the terrorism, supporting the corruption and therefore supporting your own countries demise… EVERY European and Russian knows that!
My friend (I sinserely use this word), I wish you stop blaming American nation – there are reasons behind current state of US population and its elites/establishment/government is always a refelection of society in place. Overall level of self awarness is very low (deliberetely so according to common education practices). This rotten system that dominates this planet is based on slavery (promoted by most “popular” religion) and it is based on “knowledge limitation”.
Let me suggest that you ponder this: “A protest against something is actually counterproductive if one wants to stop the reason of protesting”(c)
Ask your grandparents what they all did during the Vietnam War.
Usa please stop killing innocent people,women and children!!! This is not a liberation this is a genocide of the arabs of Raqqa. Do you think that Syrian people worth less than Iraqis? Why don’t you take the same measures you took in Mosul and stop bombing!!! Maybe you are in a hurry because you loosing the war, ok let’s nuke them all then like you did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Why do you think they took reasonable measures (to not hurt civilians) in Mosul? What makes you think so?
It’s not my thinking. Read the newspapers!
Ice… I’m actually interested in YOUR thinking. I don’t care what MSM media (newspapers) feeds us. I look at the facts (they can’t hide everything) and who’s the beneficiary. Mosul was a massacre for civilians. There was no real press about Mosul and UN numbers are much higher than US numbers.
We all know we’re being lied to but nobody bothers to ask why we’re being lied to and I can explain why!
For all Western governments and media to be following the same script you simply must know the reason is huge! It Is!
What we are seeing is the United States very close to complete collapse, the US has known for some time their economy had to collapse. We are witnessing the US at the point of no return, they have (knowingly) spent their way toward bankruptcy.
America has had a plan for well over sixty years they’ve always known their economy had to collapse so they planned for it.
We’ve seen every year since the war the US spend vast crazy amounts of money on its military, they had an excuse with the cold-war but they continued even after the collapse of the USSR because their plan is to gain full world military dominance so they can then introduce/force a single world currency (What this is ALL about) …
The effect as such would see the US overnight become completely debt-free and would see them achieve full global military control as well as full global financial control (a very nice achievement many might argue)
Now, the problem is, the US dollar Is the world ‘reserve currency’ and is currently used by most other countries to purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions if not trillions of dollars are kept by countries for their energy purchasing. What that allowed the US to do is print more and more dollars without showing the true rate of inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing. Now because so much of the US currency sits In vaults all over the world to purchase countries energy It would never find its way into the actual US economy meaning the US could hold their level of Inflation right down from what It really should be. The huge problem we’re now seeing is countries like Russia, China, Iran, lots of Europe, and many more now want to sell/buy their energy In different currencies not just the US dollar meaning that each country who now trades in other currencies, whether It be the Yuan, the Ruble, or the Euro will start to dump the dollars they held for energy purchasing and will replace them with the currency they’re going to use. The problem for the US is when those billions if not trillions of dollars start to filter back into the US economy (as is now happening) the Inflation will explode as It can’t be hidden anymore. It would see the likes of a loaf of bread skyrocket to over $200 and would bankrupt the United States overnight.
This is exactly why we’re seeing this attempt to drag Russia Into a war because obviously, they can’t force a single currency with the likes of Russia and her nuclear threat saying get lost.
They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR…What a bonus that was, it meant they could do it without war!!
But they messed that right up because they took their eye off one man, Putin.
The United States REALLY believed they had finished off Russia after the collapse of the USSR to the point Russia could never be a threat to them again, they helped keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet.
When Putin came to power the US could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq and Putin (craftily as It bought him the time Russia needed to defend themselves) did not veto them they believed they had Russia under their control and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin. But while the US was invading countries all over the world with no one to stop them, Putin was quietly building Russia an extremely effective military defense and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own If not beat any nation on the planet.
The US blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Gadaffi, as they kept Iraq destabilised by transferring known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantanamo Bay in the hundreds to help keep it in chaos.
They then set their sights on Syria, and were preparing for a ground invasion as with Iraq when all of a sudden Putin vetoed that action!
That stunned the US, stopped them in their tracks and they then took a close look at Russia again.
When the US understood how they misread Putin they then set out to demonise him in the West and globally the propaganda got so bad it could have been written by a spotty American teenager going through puberty.
But it left the US unable to use ground troops in Syria.
This is when we saw the US and the EU start in Ukraine, we saw the US CIA and their neo-nazi recruited thugs start the marches and protests in Ukraine.
America, if you all remember were all upbeat about Yanukovich winning the Presidency because he had shown an interest in joining the EU, It was only when he decided to go to Russia and ask for a loan, and stated he was trying to work on a closer relationship with Russia, did all this really kick off , then these CIA-led thugs murdered people, while claiming Yanukovich was a thief a tyrant and Putin’s puppet (yet they said none of this when he showed an interest in the EU, all these accusations only started after he asked Russia for support) they forced Yanukovich to flee to Russia in fear of his life
They then got the parliament to impeach him/Yanukovich (who were obviously under threat to do so, as the vote came back 300+ to zero) America then claims the Russian’s invaded and were fighting these thugs who seized control but the Ukrainian people say it’s the ”pro-Russian” Ukrainian fighting to get these thugs and this non-elected leader removed.
The West who have caused all the trouble in Ukraine (knowingly and purposely, as Victoria Nuland’s phone call revealed to the world) blame Russia and In effect Illegally Issue sanctions against Russia for something they have not been able to prove or even attempted to prove as In reality It’s just a financial tool used many times by the US and its vassals but It shows Russia how far they’re prepared to go to force war.
In Syria the US decided to use proxy’s in the form of terrorists, they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent these terrorists into Syria to murder people, everyday normal people, working people, people just like you or I, they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities through Syria by murder and butchery. I remember seeing them stood on street corners dressed in black standing around burnt out cars with their rifles at their sides, there were bodies of naked raped women and their children just lying murdered on the side of the roads. They were the Free Syria Army, only at that time nobody knew they were recruited, trained, armed and very well paid by the US, we only found that out after Russia went Into Syria three years after.
Yes, that’s right, the US Is responsible for all the devastation, murder, rape, and terrorism of people Just like us, they caused It purposely, and don’t forget this was all long before the so-called ISIS crossed over in from Iraq!
We’re being walked into a nightmare, a war against a world nuclear superpower that none of us believes in or wants.
Putin knows all he needs Is time, he must avoid getting into a war with the US but never lay down to them he knows sooner rather than later It’s all got to start to collapse, so he’ll try to avoid war and let them crumble (After all Russia had to start again, they did not cause a war, they just collapsed) but the US know that’s what he’s doing, so we see them provoke and provoke Russia, they’ve non-stop encroached further and further towards Russia’s borders using NATO’s ridiculous excuse of protecting the Baltic’s from Russian aggression.
If any of this had happened at any other time In history you can be positive the former USSR would have fired weapons at the US already, and with every damn right to do so.
Thank god we’ve got Russia with Putin who clearly knows exactly why this is all happening, everything he’s done shows that he knows exactly what the US is trying to do. If not for his wisdom the US would have already provoked WW3.
We’ve witnessed Putin three times clearly warn them to stop this nonsense and the US have purposely ignored him every time. Because the US doesn’t want compromise, they don’t want talks, they don’t want peace, they must have war or collapse! American tyranny is no different from what the Nazi’s tried.
Now you’ve just read this, take a few minutes to actually think about it… Think about all these actions we’ve seen over the last 20 years, actions that at the time you didn’t really understand… Bin Laden, Afghanistan, World Trade Center, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Crimea, Georgian war, Syria etc while keeping in the back of your mind ‘the US must force Russia Into war to survive’ (for all the reasons you’ve just read) and suddenly it all makes 100% sense.
And that’s when you should really know just what a nightmare we’re really facing, you’ll also know we’re on the WRONG side!
And when you get your head around It, you’ll then understand everything you’re soon going to witness from this day forward. Basically, we’re all waiting to hear the next US lie or waiting for the US to go too far In Syria, then as the US hope, It’s WAR! It’s a nightmare!?
If that’s the case then Russia will outmanoeuvre, out think, outsmart, and force the US to stop this madness or they’ll leave Russia with no choice but to suddenly attack them (you can only push so far and Ignore so many warnings we’ve had three clear warnings I don’t believe there will be a fourth).
It would be fully justified and Putin would be well within his right’s to do that. His Job is Russia’s security and the US/NATO are threatening that security.
We’re all being lied to, and we all know we’re being lied to and this explains why!
Someone (Ironically an American) once said the first casualty of war is ALWAYS the truth.
kurds are genociding arabs in Raqqah and Arabs are watching. Arabs deserve what they have. they are so stupid and hypocritical.
What a great religion sunnism is !! Take your family, go in ISIS and wait for USA to kill you with your families !!!!
Why don’t they surrender ??? It’s f…. over.
Perhaps many pictures of the civilians killed by US airstrikes should be shown to Nikki Haley at the UN! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47d04f80de2b805eef8d24401d7fe4eb09a8eef24d54fe8059dcc46f3468da9d.jpg
why? did you show civilianss diad during russian and syrian bombing?
Jew, u have quite simple view of the world, what is your IQ, the today’s temperature?
i have normal view of the world. i will never applause for thing A at russianas and hate this thing A at americans. words russians, americans you can change with other nations. i am healthy integrated human. most of you not. therefore i am consequent, you not. i am happy, you not.
She is too thick and too heartless and too unethical to even consider the crimes of her government past and present>???
Nikki the bitch
There was an coalition airstrike on a village near Shadadi killing 41 and injuring over 35 people at a mosque in a small village that is known to have no presence of ISIS since in the entire area there are barely 15 of them which none were able to go near the village. Why does a name changed ISIS groups like the Ghosts of the Desert and Revolutionary Commando Army get to call in airstrikes both were hardcore ISIS units and responsible for much of the discovered carnage in the freed areas?
It is war, and civilians dies also. Mosul, Aleppo, Raqqa. Everywhere.
Solomon the zionist, kill as much civilians as you can, they are arabs. DISGUSTING !!
as few as is needed to destroy terrorists. russians also killed civilians in moscow theater (and much more the amricans during dis attack!!!!) and also in Beslan. etc., etc.
US should have to stop brutality in Syria and should have to move out from Syria.
USA Pilots=Psychopaths/Murderers; USA DEath Sqauds from the air. Go to f..k back to USA
We all know we’re being lied to but nobody bothers to ask why we’re being lied to and I can explain why! For all Western governments and media to be following the same script (unprecedented in history) you simply must know the reason is huge! …It Is! It’s actually very difficult to explain but I’ve tried… Well, there’s a clear reason we’re seeing this US abuse of Russia. I’ll explain EVERYTHING we’re now witnessing In today’s world! It all makes perfect sense and keeps making more sense daily. We all have a big problem, what we are seeing is the United States very close to complete collapse, the US have known for some time their economy had to collapse, they’ve been printing more and more dollars and increased its military spending yearly, even with the collapse of the USSR the US continued to build more military and gain more and more military bases across the world, we are witnessing the US at the point of no return, they have (knowingly) spent their way toward bankruptcy. They’ve had a plan for well over sixty years that if they can gain full world military dominance they can then introduce a single world currency (What this is ALL about) …The effect as such would see the US overnight become completely debt free (everything they’ve spent would be written off) and would see them achieve full global military control as well as full global financial control (a very nice achievement many might argue) Now, the problem Is the US dollar Is the world ‘reserve currency’ and Is currently used by most other countries to purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions if not trillions of dollars are kept by countries for their energy purchasing, what that allowed the US to do Is print more and more dollars without showing the true rate of Inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing, but because so much of the US currency sits In vaults all over the world to purchase countries energy, It would never find its way into the actual US economy meaning the US could hold their level of Inflation right down from what It really should be. Here’s the huge problem we’re now seeing, countries like Russia, China, Iran, lots of Europe and many more now want to sell/buy their energy In different currencies not just the US dollar, meaning that each country who now trades in other currencies, whether It be the Yuan, the Ruble or the Euro will start to dump the dollars they held for energy purchasing and will replace them with the currency they’re going to use. The problem for the US Is when those billions if not trillions of dollars start to filter back into the US economy (as is now happening) the Inflation now explodes as It can’t be hidden anymore. It would see the likes of a loaf of bread skyrocket to over $200 and would bankrupt the United States overnight. This Is exactly why we’re seeing this attempt to drag Russia Into a war because obviously, they can’t force a single currency with the likes of Russia and her nuclear threat saying get lost. They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR…What a bonus that was, it meant they could do it without war!! But they messed that right up because they took their eye off one man, Putin. The United States REALLY believed they had finished off Russia after the collapse of the USSR, to the point Russia could never be a threat to them again, they helped keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign, believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet. When Putin came to power, the US could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq, and Putin (craftily as It bought him time) did not veto them they believed they had Russia under their control and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin.(This single move of not vetoing the Iraq invasion will go down in history as the move that saved the world and saved Russia from American tyranny) Because while the US was invading countries all over the world with no one to stop them, Putin was quietly building Russia an extremely effective military defence and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own If not beat any nation on the planet. The US blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Qadaffi, as they kept Iraq destabilised by transferring known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantanamo Bay in the hundreds to help keep it in chaos. They then set their sights on Syria, and were preparing for a ground invasion as with Iraq, when all of a sudden Putin vetoed this action! That stunned the US, stopped them in their tracks and they then took a close look at Russia again. When the US understood how they misread Putin, they then set out to demonise him in the West and globally, the propaganda got so bad it could have been written by a spotty American teenager going through puberty. But it left the US unable to use ground troops in Syria. This is when we saw the US and the EU start in Ukraine, we saw the US CIA and their neo-nazi recruited thugs start the marches and protests in Ukraine. America, if you all remember, were all upbeat about Yanukovich winning the Presidency because he had shown an interest in joining the EU, It was only when he decided to go to Russia and ask for a loan, and stated he was trying to work on a closer relationship with Russia, did all this really kick off , then these CIA-led thugs murdered people, they started randomly murdering people in the streets and they bombed Kiev (none of this was reported truthfully and can all be proven to be deliberate lies) while claiming Yanukovich was a thief a tyrant and Putin’s puppet (yet they said none of this when he showed an interest in the EU, all these accusations only started after he asked Russia for support) they forced Yanukovich to flee to Russia in fear of his life. They then got the parliament to impeach him/Yanukovich (who were obviously under threat to do so, as the vote came back 300+ to zero) America then claims the Russian’s invaded and were fighting these thugs who seized control but the Ukrainian people say it’s the ”pro-Russian” Ukrainian fighting to get these thugs and this non-elected leader removed. If Russia were in Ukraine, then why can’t the US show any proof of this? We have no evidence, no pictures, no video footage of any Russian military in Ukraine? When Russia entered Syria, we saw the US putting out pictures, press releases, footage of all sorts of Russian military in Syria. Yet nothing of ANY Russian military in Ukraine. All those spy satellites, all those satellites capable of pinpointing targets In Pakistan with drones fitted with camera’s that can zoom Into someone’s face, all the footage from deep space of Pluto, Saturn, Mars etc. But no footage of Russian military in Ukraine?
The West who have caused all the trouble in Ukraine (knowingly and purposely, as Victoria Nuland’s phone call revealed to the world) blame Russia and In effect Illegally Issue sanctions against Russia for something they have not been able to prove or even attempted to prove as In reality It’s just a financial tool used many times by the US and its vassals but It shows Russia how far they’re prepared to go to force war.
In Syria the US decided to use proxy’s in the form of terrorists, they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent these terrorists into Syria to murder people, everyday normal people, working people, people just like you or I, they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities through Syria by murder and butchery. I remember seeing them stood on street corners dressed in black standing around burnt out cars with their rifles at their sides, there were bodies of naked raped women and their children just lying murdered on the side of the roads. They were the Free Syria Army, only at that time nobody knew they were recruited, trained, armed and very well paid by the US, we only found that out after Russia went Into Syria three years after. Yes, that’s right, the US Is responsible for all the devastation, murder, rape, and terrorism of people Just like us, they caused It purposely, and don’t forget this was all long before the so-called ISIS crossed over in from Iraq!
We’re being walked Into a nightmare, a war against a world nuclear superpower that none of us believes in or wants. And with this Insane EU/NATO stance, It seems that If the US collapses then so does the Euro and maybe the Pound. That’s the bottom line of what we’re really facing. It has nothing to do with ISIS, and nothing to do with Assad, nothing to do with Israel, Iran, Iraq or anything or anyone else, this is ALL about America’s attempt at global military and financial dominance. And It now sees the UK supporting global terrorism without any questions being asked! Things have dramatically changed and changed to such an extent It sees us becoming exactly what we fought two wars to prevent.
If that’s the case then Russia will outmanoeuvre, out think, and force the US to stop this madness or they’ll leave Russia with no choice but to suddenly attack them (you can only push so far and Ignore so many warnings). It would be fully justified and Putin would be well within his right’s to do that, but he’s smart, not suicidal, he will want compromise (all he’s ever asked for) only he also knows the US collapses without defeating him/Russia. Putin knows all he needs Is time, he must avoid getting into a war with the US but never lay down to them he knows sooner rather than later It’s all got to start to collapse, so he’ll try to avoid war and let them crumble (After all Russia had to start again, they did not cause a war, they just collapsed) but the US know that’s what he’s doing, so we see them provoke and provoke Russia, they’ve non-stop encroached further and further towards Russia’s borders using NATO’s ridiculous excuse of protecting the Baltic’s from Russian aggression. If any of this had happened at any other time In history you can be positive the former USSR would have fired weapons at the US already, and with every damn right to do so. Thank god we’ve got Russia with Putin who clearly knows exactly why this is all happening, everything he’s done shows that he knows exactly what the US is trying to do. If not for his wisdom the US would have already provoked WW3.
We’ve witnessed Putin three times clearly warn them to stop this nonsense and the US have purposely Ignored him every time. Because the US doesn’t want compromise, they don’t want talks, they don’t want peace, they must have war or collapse! We’re being lied to, and we all know we’re being lied to and this explains why! Someone (Ironically an American) once said the first casualty of war is ALWAYS the truth. Now, If you can come up with ANY other reason that adds up and fits like this does then go ahead and Ignore this truth. But you won’t be able to? because this Is the truth no one wants to admit! Now you’ve just read this, take a few minutes to actually think about it?, think about all these actions we’ve seen over the last 20 years, actions that at the time you didn’t really understand… Bin Laden, Afghanistan, World Trade Center, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Crimea, Georgian war, Syria etc etc while keeping in the back of your mind ‘the US must force Russia Into war to survive’ (for all the reasons you’ve just read) and suddenly it all makes 100% sense.
And that’s when you should really know just what a nightmare we’re really facing, you’ll also know we’re on the WRONG side! And when you get your head around It, you’ll then understand everything you’re soon going to witness from this day forward. Basically, we’re all waiting to hear the next US lie or waiting for the US to go too? far In Syria, then as the US hope, It’s WAR! It’s a nightmare!?