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42,000 Iraq Troops To Participate In Upcoming Anti-ISIS Operation In Al-Hawijah

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On Sunday, the Iraqi Army “Tigris Operation Room” held a meeting to discuss plans for the upcoming operation to liberate al-Hawijah area southwest of Kirkuk city from ISIS.

The Iraqi Army’s chief of the General Staff Colonel, General Othman al-Ghanimy, and the deputy commander of the Joint Operation Room, Colonel General Abd al-Amir Yarllah, attended the meeting, according to Iraqi sources.

42,000 Iraqi soldiers will reportedly patricide in the operation. The sources added that 8,000 vehicles, 650 armored vehicles and 200 battle tanks of the Iraqi Army will engage in the upcoming battle in al-Hawijah.

The operation aims to liberate 4,081 square kilometers between Kirkuk, Biji and al-Sharqat cities. Furthermore, the Iraqi Army will work to evacuate more than 100,000 civilians who are now in the ISIS-held area in al-Hawijah.

Iraqi sources confirmed that Iraqi and US-led coalition warplanes will provide an air support for the Iraqi Amy during the operation. Moreover, the Marines artillery and the French Army artillery force will support the attack too.

It’s still unknown if the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) will participate in the upcoming operation. Also the exact role of the Kurdish Peshmerga force is still unknown.

42,000 Iraq Troops To Participate In Upcoming Anti-ISIS Operation In Al-Hawijah 42,000 Iraq Troops To Participate In Upcoming Anti-ISIS Operation In Al-Hawijah 42,000 Iraq Troops To Participate In Upcoming Anti-ISIS Operation In Al-Hawijah 42,000 Iraq Troops To Participate In Upcoming Anti-ISIS Operation In Al-Hawijah

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Jeeze I dont know why they dont leave that pocket until later and head to the border now and destroy IS with the Syrians in a pincer movement. if the Iraqies cuck out now and swat the pocket (fly with a sledge hammer) they will have a much bigger fight soon after in their western desert with thousands of battle hardened IS fighters coming back in. The Syrians/Russians are not going to slow down their advance while Iraq pisses around, they have IS on the run and are taking the initiative while they can. What Iraq does is its own issue but they would be very stupid to ignore whats comming, leave the shitty pocket and go to the border – NOW!


This pocket will be resolved in a very short time. Most of the IS rapists are simply terrified. They know that they will be killed. Either in the battlefield or by hanging.


Iraq army is completely unmatched, they got 50- 60K of Battle hardened well trained and equipped troops ready for action. Will mop the floor with the ISIS malnourished pounded and unsupported ISIS remainings. This pocket will be cleared in a week or two, Makes no difference and will free more troops that are now facing and containing the pocket. Pockets are good but eventually have to clear them.


I agree


I agree with Lyubomir! This will be a 2 week effort! 3 max! Plus this protects the road to Mosul! (very important) I have a feeling the SAA will head north from DeZ rather than risk going south to Al-Quaim where the bulk of the Best ISIS fighters are! Id say they want to stem any land grabbing attempted by the SDF or FSA stationed in the Kurdish regions! From their they can head south and deal with the remains of ISIS and the much bigger conflict with USA and Israel who want a border buffer! I think this is where things get sticky! We can assume there will be a game of chicken between USA, Russia, Iran and Israel with this border war! So it would be smart to leave that until last and the SAA cover their ass by stemming off the SDF land grab of oil and gas rich regions!

And who knows, perhaps the SDF will be used against the SAA if shit really hits the fan about this border region!


Yeah I think they will wheel north and cut off Maadan, once Deir Ezzor is rejoined they should cross the river and go to the border, by this time the Iraqies should be finished in the pocket, then sweep down both sides of the Euphrates pushing them towadrs Iraq where the Iraqies will be ready and waiting. After this Idlib should be next with ghouta and the South waiting until last.


yes that sounds like a plan!

Red Tick Alert

I think you answered the question of “Jeeze I dont know why they dont leave that pocket until later and head to the border now and destroy IS with the Syrians in a pincer movement.” yourself.”

Iraq and Syria are slightly different. In Syria, the government willingly let the Russians lead the military planning whereas in Iraq, the Yanks took over the planning for their own gain.

They do not want Syria to win and my guess is that they will heard the scum and scourge of ISIS towards Syria.


the iraqis are equiped with the best weapons in warfare. all they needed was the motive, the cause….or the americans letting them attack ISIS

Red Tick Alert

Spot on…….”or the americans letting them attack ISIS”.

Cheryl Brandon

Iraqi Forces ; We applaud your tenacity/your courage/your steadfastness and your doggedness as, you approach this new offensive; Exterminate those pro Wahabhist/pro Israhelli and pro USA capitalists rats! Great news and good luck with your biggest offensive against terrorists.! Careful with the Bobby Traps and trip wires as you enter the city. Good luck;Watch and learn from SAA/Russian troops and Hezbollah strategy! keep fighting the terrorist rats!


If they are smart, they will tell the US to butt out. Seems every time the US ‘helps’ there is a friendly fire ‘accident’…or they ferry ISIS fighters out of harms way. The US only serves to delay their advance. Their idea of helping is to completely destroy any civilian infrastructure and civilians caught in the fighting.

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