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47 Syrian Soldiers, 51 Civilians Killed In Last Three Days: Russian MoD

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47 Syrian Soldiers, 51 Civilians Killed In Last Three Days: Russian MoD

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98 Syrian service members and civilians were killed in militants attacks in the last three days, the commander of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria revealed.

“Since January 16 of this year, as a result of attacks and shelling of militants, 47 Syrian servicemen were killed and 77 were wounded, 51 civilians were killed and 116 injured,” Maj. Gen. Yuri Borenkov said in an official statement released on January 19.

The Russian commander added that militants launched dozens of attacks in the last few days, noting that they were using regular ammunition and weapons from NATO countries.

Earlier this week, the Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) shared photos of the remains of a Turkish-made 122 mm rocket that was used in an attack on Aleppo’s city center. The attack claimed the lives of seven civilians and injured eighteen others, including children.

Militants began launching attacks following a ceasefire agreement on Greater Idlib that was brokered by Russia and Turkey.

Pro-government activists claim that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will soon launch ground attacks in southeast Idlib and southwest Aleppo. However, these claims remain highly-unconfirmed as for now.

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Xoli Xoli

Putin ceasefire kills Syrian soldiers and civilians.

Jens Holm

Raisins only demand ceasfire, when they are put of ammo.

Владимир Р.

Politically, this is not the time to attack Idlib, Turkey is not yet ripe to give it up. The Syrian army will not be able to take Idlib alone now, otherwise it will face the Turkish army.

As soon as Erdogan sells his proxies to us, by agreement in exchange for Libya or any guarantees. We will clean it.

it will be spring-summer autumn 2020- then when the sky is clear and aviation is working.

About the lives of Syrian soldiers. An attack on Idlib will take the lives of Syrian soldiers even more than active defense.

We are now grinding the best attacking units of the enemy in defense Idlib front line.

Teach your wife how to cook soup.

We know how to fight, and we have been doing this for more than 1000 years.

Idlib will somehow come under the control of Syria. By military or political means. But not right now))

Thanks to us, Syria returned most of the land under its control, and in fact won the war.

Now the Syrian year of 1945, the beginning is not a complete victory, but the finish is already visible

Jacob Wohl

Butcher Regime being schooled by poorly equipped moderate rebels

Aleks Chernyy

The Syrian ‘rebels aka barbarians already lost, but keep cheering for ghosts, terrorists, etc.


“Poorly equipped” : you mean the same kind of ATGMs that toasted one Merkava after another in 2006 and sent the IDF packing after 30 days of a humiliating war ?

“Moderate rebels”, yeah you just keep clinging on whatever has not been existing since 2012, we’ll take care of reality, we got you covered there bro.


Sure they had some successes I don’t deny that, too bad for them the new Israeli Chief of Staff is very determined to end it as fast as possible. Meaning? alot of dead bodies in Lebanon, either Hezbollah or their supporters. You think they can shoot rockets over here and put Israelis in shelters like in 2006? all of Lebanon will be in a one big shelter, and Beirut will be turned into dust. Not a threat gryzor, just what the IDF general has said. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-general-warns-lebanon-will-pay-heavy-price-for-working-with-hezbollah/ It won’t be like the previous war, I hope everyone understands it.


And Hezbollah’s arsenal has massively grown both in scope, size and accuracy, by the IDF’s own admission. Same for Tsahal. So it won’t be like the previous conflict for either side, and I indeed certainly hope BOTH parties understand that element full well, otherwise we’re in for a lot more body bags on both sides of the separation line.


True it would be destructive on both sides, I expect any conflict to start if and when the U.S or Israel engage Iran. But then it would affect whole of the ME, not just us.

Joe Kerr

Israel’s been threatening to attack Iran annually for the past couple of decades, but hasn’t. Now it’s too late to even dream of surviving Iran’s reply.


the mullahs will fall down, jsut a matter of time. And we don’t need to survive them, they need to survive us.


There we couldn’t agree more… nobody needs that. But it’s not up to ordinary citizens now, is it !

Ishyrion Av

Iron Zion has become rusty lately. Their messiah didn’t come yet, they loose small battles every day (avoiding the big ones is a policy – like the sataniahu statement that Soleimani killing is purely an American business and they have nothing to do with it), while IDF is training on kids throwing stones.

Jens Holm

If You are the winner, I will prefare to e the looser.

Ishyrion Av

Jens, I “will prefare” you “to e” smarter and wiser. And I’m not talking about spelling!

Jens Holm

I am the Chinese equalizer virus.

Soon there will be not a single Jew and muslim alive. Trump will be re-elected and ME re-populated by Mexicans.

Next Iran can fire nukes there as they wish:)


Don’t be confused between a corrupted Israeli government and the IDF itself, which gets the orders from the government. Soon it will change.

Ishyrion Av

Are you preparing a coup d’etat?

Jens Holm

Yerrrh change hip hip. They probatly all will become muslims because of lack of water by global warming less pots and panns.

Joe Kerr

Last time the IDF took on someone armed with more than stones and knives, they sobbed back to Pissrael and soiled their panties. Even your U.S. cheer squad was disappointed with that effort.


Fine then, so you have nothing to worry about.

Jimmy Jim


Zionist Internet Warrior

Hey Rocket NOSE, your moderate jihadi rebels are FAR from ‘poorly-quipped’. they’ve got loads of TOW atgm supplied by CIA, and loads of Turkish mortars/machine guns/helmets/vests, etc.

Boris Kazlov

The only butcher regime is the jewish one.

Jens Holm

Ha ha. News to me. Is it from tomorrow or what?

Jimmy Jim

lollipop wacko….

Jacob Wohl

says the antisemite whose ancestors are responsible for initiating pogroms against Jews in Imperial Russian territories resulting in the deaths of millions before WW2 even began

Ishyrion Av

There were no pogroms. If a thief is sent to prison, if a murderer is executed, that is no pogrom. And it seem to me you have a general lack of history in your head (I heard Americans are very weak in exact sciences, like they cannot point America on a map, but I wasn’t really convinced `till now). The Russian Empire died in 1917, along with the jew-german-Bolshevik revolution. That was before the end of the … first world war.

Jimmy Jim


Jacob Wohl


Daniel Martin

It is high time for Syria, Russia and Iran to root out the Takfiri cancer in Idlib once and for all.

Zionist Internet Warrior

unfortunately the weather clears up by monday/tuesday. So SAA has to postpone their aleppo/idlib offensive

Jens Holm

You were born as Haram.

Jimmy Jim

youse a lollipop….


These high casualties can not be sustained and Russia needs to revamp its air campaign. The SAA has barley reached 50% of its its pre-2012 manpower levels as Iran and Russia have been training a mix of conscripts and highly motivated volunteers and such attrition also has a demoralizing effect. Turkey and US are also increasing their recruitment, training and arming of different factions of terrorists for their proxy war strategy in a wider region that covers Libya to Iraq. Without an effective and relentless air campaign the SAA will be pressed hard on multiple fronts. The primary objective of Russia, Syria and Iran should be to liberate all of Idlib and then focus on expelling US occupation forces. Idlib is a festering sore that needs lancing.

Assad must stay

Agreed, how should russia revamp its air campaign?

Free man

This is what Syria and Russia are trying to do. Iran ended its part in this war a long time ago.


Putin helps Erdogan who helps terrorists…. that means indirectly Putin helps terrorists

Willing Conscience (The Truths

While the SAAF and Russia turned their attention to Aleppo and bombed the hell out of that area the terrorists exploited the lack if air support over southern Idlib and retook several towns there, that shouldn’t have happened. That’s like an episode of the keystone cops, a total farcical comedy that everyone on the other side will be laughing at, the Turks and terrorists will be rolling with laughter now, and rightly saying things like, “what a bunch of dumb retards they are”, and I can’t argue with them, they were a bunch of dumb retards attacking Aleppo like they did, they took their eyes off the prize and the terrorists took advantage of it. Whoever came up with the idea to launch a massive air campaign against Aleppo should be demoted and replaced, dividing the SAAF and Russian Air force’s concentration between Idlib and Aleppo has proven to be a disaster, it’s resulted in the loss of territory, SAA lives, equipment and moral, and should NEVER EVER happen again, SACK THE IDIOT WHOEVER IT WAS. The areas of Aleppo the Russians and SAAF are concentrated on are mainly urban areas with lots of industrial zones, the sort of places lots of people live in and work in, and it always results in a high number of civilian casualties if attacked by either air or ground forces, on the other hand southern Idlib where they were attacking is mostly rural areas with very few industrial zones, and there’s not many roads for the enemy to use for logistics, and it also has wide open areas making it easy to tell the difference between combatants and non combatants, the perfect place for the SAAF and SAA to be attacking. Attacking the weakest link in a chain is always the best option, and since Idlib is the weakest link in this particular chain that’s where the SAA/SAAF/Russia should be attacking, but attacking Aleppo is more like the linchpin at the end of the chain, that’s the last place they should’ve attacked. The SAA have Russian artillery at their disposal which has an incredible 50+ km range, the rebels at the best have 20 to 25 km range, so if the terrorists are attacking civilians in Aleppo why can’t the SAA just use artillery to take out their positions, they have Russian satellite and aerial reconnaissance to assist them, so I don’t see why they needed to divert so much airpower to Aleppo if they just wanted to stop the terrorists rocket bombardments that were killing civilians. So far it’s been a pitiful disaster on both fronts, we lost territory in Idlib and the Turks are crying SAA baby killers in Aleppo, not what I was expecting to happen straight after the SAA took back 320 km2 and 40 towns and villages in southern Idlib, keep your eyes on the prize SAA, Idlib is the key to any further advances against the Turks, not Aleppo.

Jens Holm

The 50 kms are very very expensive … But nice comment.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not as expensive as the loss of innocent civilian lives, and thanks.


That is the war. However, having a cease fire when you have strong offensive is really something wrong. Well, Putin has to please Erdogan somehow.

Assad must stay

This cant keep happening it needs to say hundreds and thousands of militants killed in last 72 hours NOT saa!!!!

Chris Chuba

Iran is the most heinous terrorist country on earth because they allegedly gave support to Iraqis who killed a single U.S. contractor (most likely killed by ISIS) but hey, it’s just fine for Turkey (or maybe the U.S.) to kick back up support to rebels to kill civilians in another country. It’s good to be king. God must love tyrants.

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