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MARCH 2025

4th Armoured Division Join Tiger Forces, 5th Assault Corps In Preparations For Battle Of Idlib

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4th Armoured Division Join Tiger Forces, 5th Assault Corps In Preparations For Battle Of Idlib

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On August 19, several units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 4th Division were redeployed from southern Syria to the northern Lattakia countryside as a part of the ongoing preparations for a large-scale military operation against the militants in northern Syria, according to Syrian pro-government activists.

A source in the 4th Division told SouthFront that more units and heavy rocket launchers will be deployed in the northern Lattakia countryside in the upcoming days. When asked if the upcoming operation will cover northern Lattakia, the source rejected to comment on this issue.

Earlier this month, the Tiger Forces deployed most of its forces in the northern Hama countryside. Furthermore, the Russian-backed 5th Corps deployed four brigades between the southwestern Aleppo countryside and the northwestern Hama countryside.

The northern Lattakia countrywide is a stronghold of the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and Chechen-led Ajnad al-Kavkaz, which are affiliated with al-Qaeda. According to the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which attacked Hmeimim airbase, were launched from there.

Many Syrian opposition activists doubt that the SAA and its allies will attack the northern Lattakia countryside especially that Turkey deployed battle tanks in a nearby Turkish village two days ago. However, the deployment of the 4th Division there indicates that the SAA is indeed preparing to attack militant positions the area.

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Great news, start already.

leon mc pilibin

Move back over your border Turkey,or you will get roasted.

You can call me Al

Syria can then have a Turkish Delight…….


Problem is they did nothing to stop provocative behavior including those drone launch as per agreement. They asked this to happen.


It’s very silly to think that SAA will not attack Turkish forces as if Turkish forces are to attack SAA, SAA would unleash YPGs etc on them together. That would be the last of Turkey in Syria.

Russia is not going to abandon Syria … and Turkey is in no stomach for real battle with enlarged SAA forces.

It is understood Idlib will fall … for certainty.


A major problem that Turkey has is that she does not want thousands of the ill disciplined terrorist gangs they have supported for years to flee into Turkey :)


I agree, that’s probably a big factor here. There is no longer an Idlib to dump unwanted terrorists in. And Turkey doesn’t want them anymore then Syria.

Tudor Miron

They should have thought before they started supporting that scum.


Nobody does something like this with an exit strategy in mind. Because they all expect to come out winning, not being stuck on the losing side. We can’t all be Keyser Söze and be 20 steps ahead of everyone.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol who is that?

Ivan Freely

Keyser Söze is a fictional character (myth) in the movie, The Usual Suspects. Kevin Spacy played the part. I liked the movie.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

like thrawn in star wars lol


The EU and Canada should accept them as they did with the White Helmets .


Can the EU have a pass please? Canada still seems enthusiastic with their SJW prime minister, let them have a go at it this time.


Would just a few hundred in Belgium be OK ?


Considering that in Europe it was France and the UK that supported the Jihadis, they seem as the far more likely destinations to receive what they have helped create.


The British Cops can’t even control the thousands Irish Gypsy Travellers illegal activities , so controlling ISIS etc would be impossible :)


That’s racist xenophobic islamophobic thinking. Shame on you! These people have a perfectly valid and proud culture that they should have every right to exercise in their new country. You should learn to be more tolerant of others. Now piss and die, you vile repugnant white man!


As UK cops explained to the owners of a club where the Gypsy’s had attempted to intimidate the staff and invade the large carpark and surrounding land with circa 40 caravans, plus being equipped with angle grinders, sledge hammers and axes. The useless cops said ” it was the travellers lifestyle choice “. :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

its very understandable however its a problem they created for themselves, and now they must deal with the consequences :)))


Erdogan is ”Islamist friendly” ,he openly supports the Muslim Brotherhood and 90% of their followers are religious conservatives and religious nationalists so at least now with Erdo as president of Turkey the Jihadists may have a home insured in Turkish territory.


I personally doubt that, if only because the Terrorists are bandits and thousands of them in Turkey would anger Erdogans voters due to theft and intimidation by these thugs.

Icarus Tanović

No, hell no. Turky won’t let them in. And Turkey won’t lift a finger for them. All that believes it will do something biting fake bait.


It is debateable whether the Tutkish Army has the ability to prevent tens of thousands of battle hardened terrorists from fleeing to Turkey I think.

Icarus Tanović

It is, but they are cowards too.


this is really the crux of the problem for Erdogan. the Frankensteins that he and the West have created in isis, al qaeda and all that ilk are monsters that will surely create blow-back in all the countries that created them (already seen recently in France and Belgium etc)


Karma is a great educator for the masses :)

Oscar Silva Martinez

Then Turkey has a big problem!!!


I do hope so Oscar :)


Well..the Russian government will not allow open conflict between the Syrian Army and the Turkish Army,we already know the Turkish-Russian relationship but the Russians are more ”biased” with the Syrian government,look for example the case of Ghouta,Deraa and Quneitra,which was supposed to be a fundamental part of the de-escalation zones. Assad will always have the last word for the Russians in Syria

The point is find some good excuse to take out the Turks of Idlib without firing a shot,for example now the Turkish economy is hurt and both the Russians and the Chinese could take an good advantage of this

Tudor Miron

“Many Syrian opposition activists doubt that the SAA and its allies will attack the northern Lattakia countryside “(c) I would better say that rats hope that SAA would not attack but they are for a rude awakening.

Pave Way IV

Da, da… I understand you’re very, very sorry about Idlib, but RuAF head-chopper neutralization operations have already begun. I know the terrorists and their families will stampede back across the Turkish border and you are powerless to stop most of them. Do you now realize what you have done? Maybe your ZATO buddies will step in to help you… [chuckle] https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0a31dfefbcb5e409bbbd59215c3ff514d83e4f231596fd12fc26a7e999e7a4c.png

Promitheas Apollonious

In an ideal world this scenario may have played out. In this one we live in, not a chance. The target is US not turkey even thought it is playing the role of a patsy, at the moment.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

go saa go…..

Manuel Flores Escobar

SAA will go there…they cannot allow that the rich part of Syria be under terrorist hands..beside hundred of SAA soldiers are buried there!…Idlib is a cancer inside Syria that must be erradicate!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i cant wait for SAA and russian forces to capture/destroy the sites from where those damned drones keep coming from :)))


I seriously doubt that the Turks will let the regime change terrorists in in mass to Turkey, maybe a few that are well connected. They may or may not let them in to Afrin. But other than that, for most of them their choices are probably reconciliation with the government, capture and imprisonment, or death. Or maybe the SDF will take some of them.

Icarus Tanović

Hahaha, you guys are naive! You believe Turkey will step and protect them. That’s not gonna happen. Maybe they’ll bw giving them transit visas to flee back and detonate them selves to the countries where they are from.


Erdogan is cruising for a bruising and I hope that Assad, Putin and Lavrov give him one… and then move on to take down/encircle the US forces in the northeast.

these rogue regimes in the US, Israel and Turkey never respect international law or sovereignty


The Turks shut down Israelistan in Affrin, and lost quite a few people doing it. They’ve also made clear that Israelistan isn’t going to happen on their border all of the way to Iraq. The Jews are a much bigger problem than the Turks. There’s a coalition that may be forming up to clear the IDF and Israeli government out of the occupied Palestinian territories under a UN mandate that the Turks could be part of. And that may include suspending or revoking Israel’s UN membership and giving it to Palestine as part of dejudifying and unifying Palestine to bring about the end of Israel and Jews in Palestine.


Think the terrorist in idlib are pretty much persona non Gratis. The perfect solution would be to send them into Israel.

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