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More Details about Foreign Sepcial Op. Forces in Northern Syria: 50 German Troops Deployed

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More Details about Foreign Sepcial Op. Forces in Northern Syria: 50 German Troops Deployed

Soldaten des Kommandos Spezialkräfte sichern die Hubschrauberlandezone.© Bundeswehr/PIZ Heer

In previous publications, SouthFront have informed that some reports are circulating about deployment of German special forces, the KSK, in Northern Syria. It’s known that German troops are set to support the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces on the ISIS-controlled city of Manbij and then on the terrorists’ self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa.

However, numbers and a role of the German military contingent haven’t been known, yet.

On June 15, the so-called “Syrian Observatory For Human Rights” (SOHR) released an article about the topic, arguing that some 50 German troops, including 20 military advisers have been deployed in Syria. The report says they provide mine dismantling, technical and consultant services and participate in clashes at the second line of the front:

It should be noted that a special German, American and French forces, are taking part with The Syria Democratic Forces in its offensive against the organization in Manbij, where the German forces -which are estimated at about 50, including about 20 military advisers- are helping in the tasks of mine dismantling and in the technical and consultant services, also the US and French troops are taking part in the second line of the front.

The SOHR is well-known UK-based source of information for the mainstream media. If, for example, Reuters needs a report about big bad Russians that bomb democratic activists of Al Nusra, they just use the SOHR as a source. SOHR reports are well-coordinated with the Western diplomatic line over the Syrian conflict and the MSM’s need of content to support this line. Such situation could be explained this way: the SOHR is a part of information warfare operations of Western special services. In this case, the SOHR’s article is a first step to, at least, un-official recognition of the increased deployments of Western troops in Syria.

On the other hand, we can just believe that all mainstream media outlets quote and promote a small UK-based media outlet, that calls itself an NGO, accidentally.

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chris chuba

Many are cynical here but the presence of small contingents of U.S., French, and German soldiers might be a signal to Turkey that the shelling of Kurdish forces will lead to disaster since it would involve the killing of NATO troops.


You are right. The direct involvement of the US, Germany and France prevents Turkey from “counter measures” against Kurds

Pave Way IV

Wait… isn’t that the same thing as using human shields? I thought only ISIS did that?

Joseph Scott

Military personnel have always been used in that fashion by pretty much everyone. Indeed, the larger body of military and political theory would hold that that is one of the major functions of military forces: to achieve political objectives, including making political statements, potentially at the risk of their lives.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Turkey has killed NATO troops in the last 5 years. One was chances last week out of a tenth floor window with a gun, and the US-NATO solder died. Turkey has already conquered Europe with the womb. No one can make Turks behave.

Random guy

Blue handgun?


Tend to be used during training. Shoots paintball type ammo called simunition that uses gunpowder instead of air to propel the projectile. Good training aid that Russia should copy imho.

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