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7 Police Servicemen Killed and Wounded During Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Egypt

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7 Police Servicemen Killed and Wounded During Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Egypt

The new information appeared at 23:00 EET August, 8.  The one police officer was killed and 6 policemen were wounded during the operation. They were wounded of varying severity. Sources reported that the killed officer was Major Ahmed Abdel Fatah. He reportedly was the one of commanders of the assault group.

On August 8, police conducted a raid against ISIS in the city of Qena southern Egypt, killing some 3 members of the terrorist group.

7 Police Servicemen Killed and Wounded During Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Egypt

One of the killed police servicemen – Major Ahmed Abdel Fatah

According to sources, security forces conducted the special operation in Qena and in the nearby mountain area where they found an ISIS training camp and seized arms and expolisive materials.

7 Police Servicemen Killed and Wounded During Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Egypt

One of the killed ISIS members

According to police, the group was involved in attacks against churches in Alexandria and Tanta in April 2017 and the recent attack in the Isena city. Terrorists were also preparing for newattacks against the army, police and religious sites in southern Egypt.

7 Police Servicemen Killed and Wounded During Anti-ISIS Operation In Southern Egypt

ISIS has increased attacks against the Egyptian Christian minority in an attempt to expand its zone of influence outside Northern Sinai. The goal is to draw the security forces resources from the ongoing anti-ISIS efforts in northern Sina.

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So, ISIS want to take over Egypt with 2 fighters ????

Why don’t sunnis make political parties just like shias do ? Oh thjey can’t. Saudi Arabia is always playing against them just like with Muslim Brotherhood that have been called terrorists by Saudi Arabia.

Also, when MB came in power, first thing they did is to make war against Syria. What a bunch of stupid people.


I visited Qena in the 90’s as a backpacker. It’s close to the temple of Dendera. Other then that it was a shithole. The hotel I was in was riddled with fleas and mosquitos, and the less said about the bathroom the better.

Back then it was a stopover where busses coming from the Red Sea would enter the Nile Valley and go south to Luxor. Busses from Cairo would also take this route to avoid Central Egypt, which at the time already saw major clashes between Muslim extremists and local Christians, and which created a low intensity insurgency between those extremists and the security forces. Trains and busses with tourists ran the risk of getting shot, so taking the Red Sea detour was advised. I did try to visit Central Egypt at the time, I was pretty hardcore (read: stupid as fuck) at the time, but each time I arrived at a train station the security forces would detain me, inquire about my reasons to visit, and either escort me to my destination (Abydos and Tel El Amarna), or put me on the next train or taxi out. It’s really weird to be taken to an Egyptian temple with armed guards, with additional magazines taped to their AK’s. Even more so because at the time what the extremists were really shooting at was not the tourists, but the army and police that were guarding them.


That’s a very cool story, it sounds like quite an adventure. Egypt is doing a good job of securing the country against Jihadist I think. It’s probably more tourist friendly now, as long as you stay away from some Sinai regions.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Israel sees the Sinai as the biblical lands and wouldn’t be surprised they are backing ISIS in this region with medical and military supply through Academi (Blackwater) and Dyne operatives as facilitators of the weapons transfers as they have offered these services before , but had that intercepted by the CIA and redirected towards Al Qaeda/ISIS groups instead of FSA at the time.

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