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70th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War – the Eastern Front

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The video was first published by SouthFront in May 2015.


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Lest we forget. Without Russia Nazis would now rule the world !


Yes they do!!!!


No future in neo-fascism nor the lgbtq dud (period)

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Where is the declaration of.war?

Will be a great day to collect tears, prediction os showers.all.day, let the crying beginn 😂😂🤣🤣😂

P.s. where was the air force?? Haha they are afraid to fly in moscow 🤡

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin bitches tears taste like heaven
Russia is a paper tiger with no air force


G2 man

Russia is far from a paper tiger, but a hibernating BEAR, the fury of which you low IQ paid trolls have yet to see. In 71 days of rather mild operations, the Red Army has inflicted over 35,000 casualties on the puppet Ukrainian Forces armed to the teeth by NATO with more than $70 BILLION in weaponry and 5,000 NATO troops, but still losing. Russia has liberated over 75,000 sq kms of Don Bas and eastern Kievan-Rus at a very low cost. Ukraine is 60% destroyed and simply can not be put together as even a rump state again. Even the brainwashed 15 second sound bite western sheeple don’t give a damn about Ukraine.

Ukraine simply does not have the manpower or the strategic mass to even make a dent in Russian power. Now that the Victory Day festivities are over, Russians will get down to business and hammer the Ukrainian Nazis. Russia can not and will not lose this battle. You trolls can save my posts for future reference.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Amazing how you pulled só many Numbers out of your ass 😂 can you provide at least One single source for One of those claims? Can you do it or you Will simply crawl to your safe space?

Ashok Varma

Ukrainians are so desperate that they are asking civilians for cars and trucks as Russian SU-25 are dominating the battlefield, watch Indian TV or even Twitter feeds now. The Ukis are being battered. JAI RUS!


Something about bears. youtube.com/watch?v=MZxvI3cQKfE


Knocked off any 3 ukrapa talk jets today too,so much for your kiev ghost.drongo!

G2 man

All childish trolling aside, every decent human being owes a debt of honor to the great Soviet people who defeated German Nazis and their Ukrainian and European collaborators at a huge cost of 28 million noble and brave Soviet lives. The US which is today engaged in a undeclared war on Russia, barely lost a few thousand soldiers in Europe as Russia has already won the war by the time the US cosmetic entry into the conflict, albeit much hype and revisionist history by Hollywood Jews.

Russia will not “declare war” as this Operation Z is a very minor undertaking for the Russian superpower, which as only committed 5% of its total combat capability and achieved astonishing results, including destruction of 90% of the Ukrainian puppet forces and Nazis and badly dented NATO criminal designs.

Russia will slowly achieve its objectives as today’s immense display of public support and patriotism in Moscow amply demonstrated. Russian people are stoic and will rally around the flag and the Red Army as history has shown. Russian military chain of command is very cohesive and loyal to the Motherland and western propaganda about any dissent in Russia is absolute nonsense. The same Jew disinformation also fed lies like Putin is ill, Shoigu has “had a heart attack” and majority of Russian generals have been killed. ALL NONSENSE. President Putin and Shoigu calmly walked two kms to the eternal flame for the Patriotic War heroes and lay the wreath and flowers on the HEROES OF THE SOVIET UNION. It is really laughable how stupid western propaganda is. President Putin is at the peak of his power and enjoys very good health.

As intelligence analyst and global observer, it was interesting to the watch the professionalism of the President Putin’s security death and Russian security services which undoubtedly are the best in the world. Russia is in safe hands and will prevail. The Russians are now prepared for a very long fight and will surely whittle down the Ukrainian puppet forces and humiliate their NATO masters who are spilling Slavic blood for spite. Russians are proud people and will see this conflict through to a successful conclusion. NATO should be ashamed for using the hapless Ukrainians as cannon fodder and an evil Jew Zelensky as the cheerleader for a Slavic fratricide. Russian should now take the gloves off and decapitate the puppet regime in Kiev.

NATO is laughing at you

5%?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


No,its atleast 2% considering reserves ya noob!


How can you pretend to be against jewish subversion while supporting the jewish controlled, openly zionist, openly anti-Russian USSR under the non-white, middle eastern puppet ruler for jews with the fake Russian name of “Stalin?”

Until ethnic Russian men stop having Stockholm syndrome to the anti-Russian USSR, Russia will stay a garbage country.

Any Russian who does not hate the USSR with all of their mind, all of their heart and all of their soul is a race traitor to the Russian people.

Opercion Z

You are certified MORON, USSR was a phase of Russian history and many Russian look at it as a great period. Every Russian unit marching today has a Soviet Flag on it. You must be a dumb American fool.


You liberal ranting,let me tell you something,You are not russian but liars!


“great Soviet people ”

according to Putin’s speech today, it was Russia that defeated the nazis. clearly not the “soviet people”.

What is great about the soviet system anyways? No private property, children indoctrinated in state schools, with essays given to them such as “what do your parents think about the arrest of Trotsky, Kameniev and Zinoviev” (=snitching, also see the case of propaganda hero “Pavka Morozov”), state-enforced atheism, priests and faithful killed in horrific tortures, just because they were Christians, the FIRST state that legalized abortion was the Soviet union, divorces shot through the roof, wide-spread alcoholism encouraged by the state monopoly of vodka, gulag camps, where 35 million people were taken, and so on.


Where was Gerasimov?


Frolicking with female members of your family ?

M from Romania

quite true what you said, but you forget to mention England did the same and was also rulled by an autocratic dictator, same as the USA that provoked Japan into war, and same as Japan, Italy , Romania, hey , pretty much every country was rulled by an asshole dictator. Funny thing, is the same thing today

Joseph Day

America being the biggest dictator. Do as we say or else

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?


Yes, you won the award for the dumbest NATO troll in here. But don’t stop, your competition is as dumb as you are. BTW, must be a real bummer to see Mariupol liberated. Hope you will not kill yourself over that. I told you, reality will come crushing at you. Now look what you have become.




Yeah right, Europe and US never ever did anything bad to other countries after WW2. US and their vassals murdered more people than all the others so called “dictators” all together. Look how the US lied about murdering 10 people (7 children among them) while fleeing Afghanistan. They lied until it was clear to anyone that they murdered civilians and lying would only add to their shame. No-one went to jail for that. Shows you how great all those western democracies really are. They have been murdering people for decades and will keep it that way.

Only total brainwashed dimwits won’t admit to that. They are happy living a lie. World has changed now. US and their vassals are facing certain extinction if they won’t back down. The world is not siding with fascism. West is done financially, economically and socially.


False. Slavic languages and culture came from the north of Ukraine, largely in and near what is today Belarus.


More silly BS from you, how embarrassing. No one was forced to “be” Russian. What a bunch of utter nonsense. I guess by your logic it was no coincidence that people who live in “Germany” speak “German”. They were all “forced” to learn it. How bad is that?

People learn life, language and social behavior by taking in their surroundings and their cultural and social environment. If someone has nothing original about them, then it would be the US. In the end they are all criminals who escaped prosecution in Europe by fleeing to North-America murdering the natives and taking over their land.

All your BS is obvious envy about Russia and Russian achievements. Ukraine is a artificial creation and has no real roots. Is was bad enough that they sided with fascism and were willing to murder people just because those people did choose to stay Russian-connected. Now the Ukrainian regime is about to pay for their crimes and are even about to loose their statehood.


You are right up to a certain point. Yes, Stalin was an evil monster, who killed millions of Soviet citizens, mostly Russians, and Soviet Union back then was an open air prison, where literally people lived in terror. This being said, Hitler knew Stalin was in cahoots with ”the Allies”, who declared war on Germany, but not on the USSR, despite USSR invasion of Poland, Finland and Baltic States, so he knew Stalin was preparing the invasion of Germany and decided to act first. In this story, Germany was the one country least willing to go to war, but was forced into the war by reckless behaviour of Britain, France, USA and alleged ally USSR. Germany had long tried to find a negociated solution in order to put an end to the arms race, to settle the corridor and Danzig issue, made tens of very balanced and generous peace proposals but was met with rejection after rejection. Hitler had simply no choice but to invade Poland and strike a deal with USSR to cover his back. Now everyone depicts him as a monster. This is a monstruos lie. This initial lie allowed Western powers to fabricate another blatant lie, of Putin being a blood-thirsty monster.


Ukrainians are like Russians culturally but worse in every way. Stupider, less modern, lazier etc. Anyone in the world who has dealt with both groups knows this. As an American who is very well travelled, I can tell you that Russians are seen positively in most non-Western countries, including China and India. The vast majority of people in the world live in Russian-sympathetic cultures and that’s becoming more so with time.


RIP to the fallen, all these idiots who bring todays politics into the past and history, have no empathy for anyones grandparents as a british Indian i respect all sides who sustained losses throughout the war. remember these weren’t just military deaths lots of these were normal innocent people who just wanted to live their lives. Russians, Indians, Brits, Indonesians, French, Polish, Ukrainians, Chinese, etc. For all the scum commenting and supporting today’s Fascists I spit on you and your graves, you bring shame to your parents, grandparents. Unless the were part of the Third Reicht I guess your doing them proud being what you really are a vile disgusting piece of shit that you are. Karma will come for you.

Wagner nazis

How dare you to spit on US pajeet?


Well said JD


If you notice the comments from the Ukro-Nazi supporter crowd, it is mostly ignorance, lies and psychopathic joy over seeing some civilian’s home in Russia being on fire..etc

While these people are too pussy to actually go to the real front and fight, they enjoy sounding real tough from their keyboards. The reason they do this, is to try and compensate for being powerless, pathetic losers in real life… Only a real POS psychopath could cheer for the Ukro-Nazi US puppet regime and their war crimes against civilians.


Russia’s weak and cowardly way of fighting this war invited contempt from all. No one will feel sorry for Russians, no matter what happens, because Russia invaded Ukraine. The only way out for Russia is to win the war FAST, before NATO gets more involved. That means mass mobilization and a fight to win mentality.

The problem with Russians is they like to talk and act tough then cry like a bitch and try to get sympathy. It doesn’t work.


Saw footage nothing near usa /ukrappa cowardness,using human shields,LIAR!


Russian websites where the discussion is in the Russian language are full of nationalists criticizing Putin’s liberal cuck-war. For some reason, 98% of English speaking Russians online are government policy loyalists. The contrast between English speaking Russians and the majority is huge. The formers are liberal leaning and like the idea of fighting the war like a bitch.


Ukraine is loosing badly every day. That is a fact. Everything else is just the way west deals with failure. Put out lies after lies, proclaim some sort of a victory and move on tho the next crisis. What a joke you are pretending that anything in the west is somehow true. Trillions of debt and no way out of bankruptcy but only by war. EU can’t even exist without the support from Russia. What a shame they have become. EU will be a ghetto of the world in about 10 years from now. Crime, corruption and death rates are already up. More pain coming. Smart people leave if they can afford it.

supratim barman

70th? 77th anniversary

supratim barman

keitel surrender to zhukov on the 9th of may 1945 in berlin, thus today is 77 years since that day. my father fought in that war as part of the Indian 8th Army in north africa as a radio operator. i have his picture framed as part of the Immortal Regiment on this historic day.

Florian Geyer

Slava Rossiya.

Remember Bucha!

USA saved russia’s sorry azz in WWII…should’ve let Hitler take that shithole country…heheheh…

Mario Ceva

Churchill was worst than Hitler.


Like they will this time too? Don’t insult intellects and CCCP patriots poof,usa was a dud!


Liberated, more like rape and plunder and subject to a worse slavery, why do you think Eastern Europe hates Russia now? There were no good guys in that war. And considering their limited manpower and resources, the Germans outfought the USSR, as they did the US and British.


My wife’s grandma used to tell us the story of 1945. It was back in the small village in Moravia (Czechoslovakia). In the morning Germans were retrieving through the village. She gave them the scrambled eggs. In the afternoon Russian came and she gave them roasted chickens

I grew up behind iron curtain and the life behind iron curtain was nothing how it was described by West by western propaganda. We had many problems but the life was completely different from western narrative


German failed to capitalised,russia men were simply too strong 1 on 1 (period)


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !




I’m sure they like the smell of burning ukrainian too !

It’s a smell that EVERYONE loves … it’s a lot like the smell of fresh-brewed coffee —- only better !

You have a point here, sub human uKRAPiTrash POS ?

Last edited 2 years ago by LoveTheSmellOfBurntUkrainian
Von Tzu

Huuurrrrrahhhh!!! Happy Victory Day Comrads!!!!


Washington, Israel and their allies are NAZIs. They have butchered so many Jews in Germany. The former CIA director Pompeo declared that we lied, we cheated and we stole… The coward and corrupt regimes would be allied with these global terrorists.


ZIONISTS are the NAZIS of today mate!


What is your IQ mate, you sound like a high skool drop out drongo?


Russia Belarus China Iran North Korea Cuba and so on should do to the Anglo Americans what they do to us in Ukraine. First pick a country near the US or the EU and start a proxy conflict there supply that country with massive amounts of weapons and munitions let’s say Mexico and then sit back and watch . But that is the way of the war mongers in the West they use Slavic people against each other brother against brother. Ukraine your real enemy’s sit in Washington Brussels and London

Russia is a paper tiger

You keep crying for chinese help since the war Started where os it though? Their russian imports keep quietly shrinking, and even Xiaomi and Lenovo are silently getting out of the russian market. Great friends huh


Sounds like SOMEONE is in dire need of a fresh tampon, sub human uKRAPiTrash POS !

Running out of those in uKRAPistan too, eh ?


Russia is a paper tiger

Are you 5?


Awwww….. you still sniveling, sub human uKRAPitrash ?


Sounds like SOMEONE is in dire need of a fresh tampon, sub human uKRAPiTrash POS !



russia has better,though as do i!


This is the first intelligent comment from a Russia supporter on here. The liberal traitors in the Russian government would never do something so bold and smart.

Barba Papa

If you want to read a good book on the Eastern Front, read When Titans Clashed by David Glantz, which destroyed the many myths of the Eastern Front that arose thanks to German generals whitewashing their involvement and performance in that war. And without becoming a pro Soviet hagiography. I’ve read, I can highly recommend it. As is his 4 book series about the battle of Stalingrad.

For good youtube channels on the Eastern Front, check out TIKHistory and Stalingrad battle data.


Putin’s government promotes USSR/WWII nostalgia as a way to repress Russian ethnic nationalism. No one under 50 in Russia cares about this commie crap.


Sounds like SOMEONE is in dire need of a fresh tampon, sub human uKRAPiTrash POS !



YOU KNOW NOT! millenial sodomised homosexualised destined to 3rd world status fascist!


The USSR was an anti-Russian state run by Jews. Any Russian who sympathizes with the USSR at all is a race traitor.

Muhammad your Prophet

70th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War here’s what’s left of the shitty T-90M Russian tank to celebrate it. I thought this piece of garbage was supposed to be the most advanced tank from the Russian military arsenal. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=312807121032373&id=100069092624537&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline


Sounds like SOMEONE is in dire need of a fresh tampon, sub human uKRAPiTrash POS !


SIDDOWN, fewI —- you embarrass yourself with your clownery !



Muhammad your Prophet

You mean embarrassing yourself the way Vladimir Putin was humiliated after his shitty army was obliterated in Kiev? Something like that?

basement in us embassy in poland

about 80% – 90% of all german troops killed during world war 2 happened in the eastern front fighting russians.


Indeed. 607 divisions lost at the main front against USSR and 176 divisions at other fronts. Or ~10 out of 13,6 million people. Could be more, but many nazis prefered to give up to anglo-saxons. Very interesting point, isn’t it?


People can talk all the s#it they want but Russia has once again caused a massive earthquake in less than 100 years that has completely shifted the tectonic plates of international power. This time they are much more powerful because they have true allies in China, India and other loyal nations. Most people who hate on Russia do so because they lack any historical knowledge and are brain washed into believing the typical propaganda and lies about Russia from the western fake news media outlets. I salute Russia for their sacrifice and for their Victory in the second World War.


Salute to all anti-fascist forces!


After all, that victory, too, was obtained with completely insane victims. The greatest killers of men, brutal and ungifted leaders like Marshal Zhukov, rose into worshiped heroes — not the Mosurs who did all the bloody work and suffered everything.


Those cunts lost 168,000 soldiers killed in Winter War (105 days) and gave reasons to Hitler to think that maybe Red Army was not as good as they have bragged. Then they lost 14,6 million soldiers killed in 1941-45. USA was beating Germany and Japan with just around 300,000 combat deaths. Why is Russian military so ineffective? Are its commanders born incompetent because bloody Russian military tradition to waste its soldiers?


Your numbers are way typical of a current askenazi sodomised goym try 2.5 million dud!


I am Catholic and affirmed that: The Orthodox Church has suffered in the twentieth century the martyrdom of the first Christians and then resurfaces more purified, holy and strong than ever, soon we will join forces with the faithful remains of the Catholic Church and the eagle of 2 heads will reign again. Russia defeated the pagan demon of Hitler, survived the atheist demon of Stalin and now as a nation consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, fights alone against the demonic troops of Davos, New York and Shanghai, now Russia fights against the Antichrist


Maximilian Kolbe, he prophesied: “One day you will see the statue of the Immaculate Conception in central Moscow; It will stand well above the Kremlin “.

Hopefully Kolbe’s words are fulfilled. And perhaps even they heard at Fatima.

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