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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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Ahead of the Moscow Victory Day Parade, the Russian Ministry of Defense released more historical records, this time to commemorate 75 years of the liberation of Sevastopol from the Nazi army. The article is called “Beacon of Victory.”

In the final report of the combat operations of the troops of the Primorskaya Army in May 1944, it is said that on May 9th units of the 32nd Guards Rifle Division broke into the southern part of Sevastopol.

Fighting for every street and winning it over, in cooperation with parts of the 51st Army, they fully captured the western part of the city. Entering the city, the fighters of the division hoisted the Red flag on the Sevastopol panorama.

The Nazi occupants attempted to withdraw, but the Black Sea fleet, with the help of the Air Force and the long-range artillery prevented the approach of the Nazi vessels, making evacuation impossible. By 9:45 AM on May 12th, the Sevastopol grouping of the enemy was completely destroyed.

The logbook of the military operations of the troops of the Primorskaya cited the testimony of the captured Lieutenant General Böhme. He noted “especially the amazing work of the Russian artillery, decisive offensive actions and stubbornness in the battle of the Russian infantry.”

The captured general stated that on the Chersonese peninsula, at least 20,000 Nazis were killed, wounded and captured.

In a combat report dated May 9th, 1944, the commander of the 4th Ukrainian Front [it was named “Ukrainian” after the main area of operations], Army General F. Tolbukhin, reported that the front forces stormed the city and the Sevastopol Sea Fortress.

75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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Within the article there is also an album of the 8th Air Army which shows photographs of the liberation of Crimea and provides information on the number of sorties made by army units, damage to the enemy, including the number of planes and other equipment destroyed.

75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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The map underneath shows the scheme of the defensive structures of the ground grouping of the enemy and the basing of aircraft in the area of the city of Sevastopol according to aerial photography data between April 13th and 20th , 1944 and captured materials.

75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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On May 19, 1944, representatives of the 3rd Fighter Aviation Corps made a field trip to the combat area of the Sevastopol bridgehead. Throughout the day, the area was examined and detailed descriptions of the destruction in the areas near Sevastopol and in the city were given. Following are pictures documenting the destruction.

75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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75 Years From Liberation Of Sevastopol, Crimea: Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Historical Records

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According to the testimony of the German captive pilot Arnold Zeppelin (great-great-grandson of Count Zeppelin), shot down on May 6, 1944 in the region of Sevastopol, the Nazis were ordered to defend the city, because it hampered the forces of Soviet troops.

In the testimony of the captured German staff doctor, Dr. Rudolf Ruttensteiner he described the unrelenting offensive of the Russian army and that there was no hope, the only choice was to surrender.

In order to exclude the possibility of evacuating the enemy from the Crimea, in the combat directive to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force of April 10th, 1944, the following tasks were set: to destroy enemy transports and vessels at the sea crossing and in bases, to carry out mine-barrage operations at the exit from Sevastopol, direct ships squadrons, submarines and torpedo boats at enemy convoys 24/7.

During the period from April 11th to May 12th, 1944, the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet attacked 27 enemy ships, of which 23 were sunk.

Heavy fighting for the liberation of the Crimea claimed the lives of many defenders of the peninsula. But the memory of them remained in the hearts of comrades, who did their best to perpetuate the names of the heroes. A lot of work has been done by the political agencies in the area.

They took charge of the organization of the funeral and the design of the communal and individual graves of the army units from Perekop to Sevastopol that were lost along the way. At the initiative of the commander of one of the regiments in the Sapun-mountain region, monuments were erected to the heroes of the storming of Sevastopol.

The Military Council of the Army addressed the issue of preserving the site of the Turkish Wall as it was during the days of the assault as a historical monument.

In the days of fighting, the defenders of the Crimea – the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet found time to write poems, some of which are published on the website.

In the history of the 5th Guards Aviation Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet there are pages dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Major General of Aviation Nikolai Alexandrovich Tokarev. He died in the sky over the Crimea, performing a combat mission.

When the Soviet units liberated Sevastopol, they saw what the fascists had made with the once-flourishing city. There was not a single whole building. But the liberators saw not only the ruins, they witnessed the results of the atrocities the Nazis had carried out on civilians.

On May 14th, 1944, representatives of the Red Army, the local authorities and residents drafted an act of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis in the Sevastopol region called the Northern Side.

It said that out of three thousand people in the area only 10 people survived. The “new order” imposed by the occupiers was accompanied by constant beatings, drunken shouting from the Nazis, imprisonment, robberies, humiliation, and kidnappings to Germany.

Along with the Germans, the Romanians were operating in Sevastopol. The act, drawn up on May 13th, 1944, documented the destruction and atrocities of the German-Romanian invaders in the ship’s district of the city:

 “… The fascist barbarians turned the once flourishing region into ruins.

They completely destroyed businesses, schools, clubs, cinemas and many hundreds of homes. In their bestial rage, the fascists destroyed the historical monuments of the Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-55 … The executioners mercilessly dealt with the civilian population … A large number of residents of the Port area were forcibly driven into slavery…”

The liberated Crimea needed rebuilding. The report of the Military Sanitary Administration of the 4th Ukrainian Front reports on the activities carried out in order to assist the peninsula.

Thus, the necessary measures were taken to preserve the property of the Crimean sanatoriums, medical assistance was provided to the civilian population, areas of infectious diseases were identified, work was carried out to organize the construction of baths and sanitation for various villages and farms.

The command of the 4th Ukrainian Front in 1944 provided actual assistance to the national economy of the Crimea. 4050 tons of grain of various crops were transferred, assistance was rendered in partial restoration and commissioning of grain processing enterprises.


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Toronto Tonto

Get out of Ukraine Russia .


The Crimea is Russian, dude. The people there in majority want to be Russian. Deal with it. It’s always been Russian, until Khruschev, he himself from the Ukraine, gave it to the Ukraine. And it would have remained Ukrainian if the West had not decided to meddle in the internal affairs and overthrow the Yanukovich government. Which was legally elected. Corrupt, as all Ukrainian governments are, but still legally elected.

Toronto Tonto

To bad Russia has made it a shitthole like the mothershitthole .


Poor troll isn’t even funny. You suck at trolling.

Toronto Tonto

Yankobitch the guy with the gold toilets right .


He was still democratically elected. And people in the Ukraine had a higher and better standard of living then they do now. You want to get rid of a corrupt leader, vote him out of office, the democratic way. Mass protests in the street demanding resignations are not the democratic way. Otherwise Trump and Macron should have resigned as well.

Funny how its a sign of democracy when it occurs in countries that the West doesn’t like, but is considered dangerous populism or extremism when it happens in the West itself.

Brother Ma

Yeh,these ukro lovers hate it when the truth is mentioned. They cant admit they took ukraine from gold and turned it into shit! What really scares them is that the USA and EU now see them as poor relations and will dump them first chance they get. All this after raping their women and stealing the loot. Serves them right for making crap decisions.

Notice s/he could not respond to a thing you said. Dumb ,with no hard facts just crap s/he learned from tv and handdown stories from ukro migrant parents to Canada .


All ukrainian politicians have gold toilets. Also Tymoshenko and her president. maybe this is tradition there. :D

Brother Ma

Absolutely right but if you repeat a lie often enough idiots will believe it. “Northern Macedonians “,a fake country and people think they are Alexander’s descendants even though they were Bulgarian Slavs in WWII. Goebbels would be proud.


In all fairness though, why does it matter that much? Historically ancient Macedonia did cover that part of the world as well, even before Alexander the Great started his giant conquest. And lots of places in the world still carry old names, even though the original peoples that lived there got replaced. The name Britain existed in Roman times, but the ancient Celtic Britains almost all got replaced by Anglosaxon invaders from Scandinavia. And they in turn almost got replaced by Viking and Norman invaders.

As long as former Yugoslav Macedonia doesn’t claim Greek Macedonia does it matter much?

Brother Ma

Unfortunately FYROM does have design on Greece as does Albania as they are egged on by Turkey and the EU/Nato.

Why? Well because it keeps Unlce Sam’s whores jealous of one another for Sammy’s attentions. It drive a wedge between the Orthodox lands and the Catholics and Protestants. It keeps Greece beholden to Europe just on finding out that Greece and Cyprus will have more gas than Persia. It blocks off China’s seaborne and middle east road beltway through iraq ,syria ,lebanon from coming into Europe. Ut stops Russia from having influence. Etc

To the zionatoeu, screwing Greece is the gift that keeps giving. We get the spoiler fyroms and albanians to make trouble and we park the biggest us base full of drug smuggling in stolen Yugoslavian Kosovo! Boohah!


I love Eastern Front history. Even though its heavily colored it deserves more attention, especially here in the West. This must be the only time in history when the losers, in this case the Germans, got to write the history books, not the winners. Where the Cold War and the language barriers on both side prevented the true history of the Eastern Front to emerge.

The Nazi occupants attempted to withdraw, but the Black Sea fleet, with the help of the Air Force and the long-range artillery prevented the approach of the Nazi vessels, making evacuation impossible.

For what its worth wikipedia says that 113.000 Axis troops were evacuated from the Crimea. This does not in any mean demean the accomplishment of 4th Ukrainian Front, in successfully capturing the Crimea and Sevastopol, which Hitler was desperate in trying to maintain. Well done, Red Army!


What gets me is how bad US / Anglo intelligence was about the Soviet Union after the war. So the USA goes to Reinhard Gehlen not knowing that the failure of German intelligence about the Soviet Union was one of the main reasons for Germany’s defeat. Gehlen fed the Americans BS and got nice jobs for his men instead of prison for war crimes and we got the cold war.

THEN the Yanks hire Franz Halder to write the official history of the war in the east in which he blames the German defeat on Hitler and asiatic hoards and claimed that it was a few fanatical SS men that were responsible for ALL the atrocities in WW2 and the Wehrmacht officers didn’t know about concentration camps and Soviet prisoners kept in outdoor pens by the millions without food or water and left to die. THEN the Yanks gave him a medal.

Typical of this grift was the memoire of Erhard Raus, the German Panzer general who became a rearguard specialist during Germany’s long retreat from the east. To hear him tell it the Germans never lost a battle and always killed hoards of Russians …. one chapter he’s on the offensive winning every battle the next he’s retreating winning every battle until the war ends.

The USA bought right in to this. You can see the German influence in the US force structure today and by coincidence the USA wins every battle but can’t seem to win a war.

I question how the USA was conned so badly by German generals then they elected Donal Trump and I get my answer.


Speaking about Raus, have you seen the Courland campaign series on TIK’s youtube channel? Where he shoots holes in the German history writing (exclamation man!) and shows how Bagramyan’s 1s Baltic Front basically assraped Raus’s 3rd Panzer Army.


No but I love TIK’s stuff …. Im gonna check it out.


It’s true. I was stupid. I voted against Hillary the cattle futures trading expert and the woman who braved sniper fire at Sarajevo. She was the one,too, who kindly helped Billy Dale with his career and who, as a concerned citizen, examined those 700 FBI files on Republicans obtained by Craig Livingstone. She was fired from the Watergate investigation because of dishonestly but that was surely a big mistake. Now she’s on about how Trump stole the election from her. That Trump. What a scamp.

Toronto Tonto

Is this the same red army that with hitler started ww2 ?????


WW2 was started by the Western allies after they declared war on Germany. Germany itself only invaded Poland. And Stalin only made a deal with Hitler after the Western allies refused to make a deal with him. Remember Munich? Where the Western allies betrayed Czechoslovakia and proved to Stalin that they couldn’t be trusted.

Brother Ma

Actually Russia did invade Polqnd as well. As for Toronto Tonto? Don’t worry about him. I gather he doesn’t bring much to the table.


I’m not denying the USSR (critical difference) didn’t invade Poland. A contemptible act. I take offense that they were co-conspirators in starting WW2. The Western Allies played a role in what happened as well. If France and the UK had said and done nothing there would not have been a WW2. Otherwise it would have been a small war between 3 states. If France and the UK had agreed to an alliance with Russia in 1938, like Stalin wanted, things would have gone radically different. If France and the UK had not backed Poland with security guarantees Poland would not have refused Germany’s demands (well, chances are Hitler would have come up with even more demands, he pretty much wanted war with Poland). And if France and the UK had actually invaded Germany (LIKE THEY PROMISED) while Poland still stood a chance militarily things could again have gone different. Hitler threw pretty much everything he had at Poland, there was not much left for Germany to hold the line in the West.

There are many reasons why things happened the way they did, and it wasn’t just a case of ‘Russia evil!’ I reckon that if you knew that Germany was going to invade Poland it makes sense to grab a piece of Poland as well. If only to make sure to create a buffer zone out of Eastern Poland and not have Germany take all of it and have the Wehrmacht at the pre 1939 Soviet border.

Brother Ma

I don’t doubt what you have said at all which is why i did not say anything against it originally. I agree ,Ussr did make overtures to the “West”, only to be rebuffed! Stupid Arrogant West ruled by elites. We are heading in that direction again.

Michał Hunicz

First of all Soviets demanded a free passage of the Red Army via the Polish territory which was suicidal as Stalin would just swallow us, second Soviets invaded Poland by 17th September.


I think its utterly despicable what Stalin did. Poland got assraped by both sides, Wehrmacht and Red Army. But I still don’t think that Stalin is to blame for starting WW2. The traditional narrative of ‘Man with mustache bad, everyone else good’ is wrong. Hitler wanted a war, France and the UK didn’t stop him when they could and even rewarded him for his behavior.



Poland was the first military ally of nazi Germany. Together divided Czechoslovakia. Karma is bitch. :)

Brother Ma

Well wasn’t mueller’s( FBI ) father a Nazi general?


I wouldn’t know. But I reckon anyone who is German or of recent German descent has a Nazi or someone who fought for the Wehrmacht in their origin. It was pretty hard to escape not working or fighting for the Nazi’s at that time.

Tommy Jensen

One day the United States will plant its flag on Crimea. We paid $5 billion for to take over Ukraine and Sevastopol, therefore legally and historically it belong to America.


Honor to those who deserve honor, congratulation Russia.

Tudor Miron

“Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто.”(с)


Interesting article. The trouble with WW2 official histories is that somehow the war propaganda of the time became the official history which is repeated till today. Proper study into WW2 is not encouraged. Soviet official history is as suspect as the western version. Both had many reasons to hide various truths and blame everything on the “nazis”. In this article I don’t believe the official story about the nazi occupation of Crimea, it sound entirely phoney.

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