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800 Civilians Taken Hostage In Azot Plant In Severodonetsk – Report

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800 Civilians Taken Hostage In Azot Plant In Severodonetsk - Report

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About 800 civilians are “sheltering” at the Azot chemical plant in the city of Severodonetsk. This was reported by the Agence France-Presse (AFP), citing the lawyer of the owner of the enterprise. 

“About 800 civilians took refuge in the shelters of the Azot chemical plant owned by Dmytro Firtash’s Group DF,” the lawyer of the Ukrainian tycoon Lanny J. Davis said in a statement.

According to the statement, the civilians include about 200 out of 3,000 factory workers and about 600 residents of Severodonetsk. He was reportedly talking about the employees of the plant, who are also responsible for the vital processes of the chemical enterprise.

A large number of chemicals are stored on the Azot plant, the detonation of which can cause damage to the city and the several regions.

On June 8, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova warned about the plans of the Ukrainian military to carry out another provocation in the city of Severodonetsk. Kiev’s forces are mining the containers with toxic chemicals at the Azot plant.

“According to Kiev’s plan, the explosion of tanks with more than 100 tons of saltpeter and nitric acid should delay the advance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the republics of Donbass. Russia is supposed to be blamed for the man—made disaster, as always,” Zakharova said at a briefing.

She also confirmed that Ukrainian militants plan to keep “more than a thousand factory workers and local residents” in the underground shelters of the enterprise.

800 Civilians Taken Hostage In Azot Plant In Severodonetsk - Report

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On May 31, retreating units of the AFU already blew up a tank with nitric acid on the Azot territory. After the explosion, a poisonous orange cloud rose moved towards the settlements of Kremennaya and Rubezhnoye. As a result, the explosion was used to cover the retreat of Ukrainian forces from the city across the river to Lisichansk. The Ukrainian troops attempted to create a zone of chemical contamination and delay the offensive of Russian-led forces.

The Ukrainian military is following the “Mariupol plan” in an attempt to delay the full control of Russian-led forces over the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk metropolitan area. Fighting has already reached the territory of the Azot plant, and the satellite imagery confirmed that some of the facilities were already damaged. The Azot plant is smaller then the notorious Azovstal plant in Mariupol. In turn, the Russian military is yet to surround the industrial area and the city of Lisichansk. The Russian advance around the AFU positions will likely determine if the Azot plant will be stormed or blockaded. The Ukrainian strategy of using civilians as human shields had no strategic results and lead to casualties that could be avoided. It does not stop the Russian advance but may only delay it.


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That’s what you get when you give the west time to prepare one trap after another so maybe one will work out …

jens holm

Its a very visual thing. The Russians are not able to do something like that.

But the Russians outnumber them but its told they hardly has any tanks and tranpostations.

maybee walkman wil be re invented in Russia:) .


Russia’s inability to engage in modern combined arms tactics allows the Bandera plenty of time to prepare any atrocity they wish.


Jew Girkin (shooters), what are you doing here? why not on the battlefield? Weird Hero!! You made this mess, you bastard!!


Givi dead, Motorola dead, Alexander Sakharchenko dead. All the leaders and fighters from Donbass had a real security problems on home ground. Strelkov was told to beat it or he’d get dead too. In Capitalist Russia oligarchs hold peace talks with Turks on their own initiative.


How did Strelkov “make this mess”, and not the Putin-Medvedev-Lavrov team’s stupid decision to not let the Donbass separate and join Russia in 2014-2015 and to “give the Minsk processes chance after chance after chance”?


This hostage situation can be resolved very easily without firing a shot. Just make a few phone calls to Europe telling them you have to shut off gas delivery temporarily for a few months in order to flush out the Ukraine Nazis. Next thing you know the EU morons wake up and call the Zelensky clown to order the Nazis to surrender. Then shut off the gas anyway and send Europe back to the stone age so they will be busy trying to survive instead of waging war. All the Ukraine airports and fuel depots should have been destroyed day 1 instead of allowing them to be used even to this day. Balkanize Ukraine into 10-20 small entities or you have a Vietnam in your back yard for years to come.

Michel LeBlanc

Comparing vietnam to ukraine is a dumd argument.

Ukraine has a land border with russia and the people speak the same language.

Vietnam had the pacific ocean as a border to USA, and americans certainly dont speak vietnamese. Americans were there in their usual role of colonizer.

You dont shut off gas to europe, that hurts the little people the most. You go after the big fish, the USD.

Besides, we are well on our way to comitting economic suicide. I filled up my honda crv for 115$ this morning!!! What a joke! It supposed to cost 60$ a tank.

jens holm



You are right, it is more like Russia lost a civil war when the Bolsheviks won their revolution and Ukrainian Nationalism is one of the foul fruits.


Perhaps I should say quagmire instead of Vietnam. It is quite possible for western Ukraine to be turned into a prolonged battle field between Russia and the West — something the world and Russia do not need.


It had already become a quagmire. The truth in the matter is Russia has always fought under these conditions. Quagmire or not, they are precise with mopping up their liberated and occupied regions. EU risks having a radical western Ukraine which would be dangerous for their own security. Gangs, terrorists, criminal enterprises and extremists will emerge and spread Westward toward capital sources unavailable to them in the east. There is always money to be made, and power to be gained through the west so long as you know where to look and who to target.


Cheap regular,cold plug-1, +10% plug gap,throttle the turbo ,relocated knock sensor,last resort.

Abraham Lincoln

No wrong.

If Russia wants the war and sanctions to end etc. simply place a number of large nuclear weapons in Syria aimed at Israel, so big even is destroy them on the ground they will totally destroy Israel, as Israel is the capital of the racist supremacist global Jewish, Judeo Nazi satanic slave empire dictatorship which has conquered what used to be the West along with Japan etc. Instant peace as well as the end of 90% of all global conflicts.


ukrops—immoral and desperate like their imperial master–the nazi amerikants


Here again a small story about the current conditions in the western world:

The current state of affairs in germany looks like this. The government seems to be hostile towards germans. It is no longer possible to start a family because the woman can file for divorce at any time and as a reward the man is forced to pay alimony to her. Or if a german man makes a child then the state forces him to pay money to the woman. “because the tax payer should not pay for it”.

At the same time millions of people from the third world are lured to germany and then fed with tax money. For them there is suddenly tax money left over. but not for german children. So the Germans are displaced on purpose. Then they call it demographic change and act as if it were fate.

And of course as always, if you criticize that then you are a “racist” so a klu klux klan hood-wearing psychopath who just wants to kill people because he doesn’t like the color of their skin, or something like that. Then of course it is justified when upstanding good citizens show “courage”. by the way, it is typical for bolshevists to criminalize Critics.

And zelenski does he care if ukrainians die?? you can guess the answer…

Last edited 2 years ago by Ano

Anything to reduce the birth rate to extinction levels. Self imposed sterility is one of Europe’s fundamental values.

SM Sparviero

BS. the slow rate of reproduction seems to be valid only for europeans and korea-japaneises, the third world, esp. Africa and Middle east, is exploding, this is the real problem of future: Africa doubling within 30 yrs.


This is what you get for centuries of colonialism dude. Europe was built on other people’s blood, especially Africans and Middle Easterns. In the grand scheme of things, the chickens are just coming home to roost. Tough but that’s it, this universe can’t let you get away with things.


Well, that, and stupidity. How else can one explain the Euros repeatedly buying in to US NATO leadership and all these regime change fiascos that blow up in Europe’s faces? Making the same mistake over and over and expecting different results each time is the definition of STUPID. Now, the Mother of All Stupidity- this attempt at regime changing Russia itself by turning Ukraine into a monster. Enjoy your self-imposed misery and decline, Europe…


You are right. That is the way when German foreign minister is Anal-Lena Baerbock, WEF alumni of year 2018. Anal-Lena, eko-fascist is as, the rest of her kind both stupid and prone to evil. But basically, she is as dumb as log. But never mind…she and her sort will probably taste the noose around her neck, sooner or later, or, as soon as average German finds his cojones.


the dangerous thing is that europe will soon run out of money to provide for all the “guests”. the statistics are clear – it is almost only native europeans who work and pay taxes. Then the guests will probably leave europe again. Before that, however, they will burn everything down out of rage… you can already get a foretaste of this in paris or stockholm…


Are you saying a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose a divorce or only at certain times with the man’s approval? Also man can divorse a woman at any time as well, so it is equal rights there. German immigration policy is bad, it is not that people from under developed countries illegally entered ( although a minor proportion has), but they are allowed work visas, student visas, scholarships etc, so you open the gate, the sheep will come in…thanks.


The spouse who earns more money must pay compensation after the separation even if he/she is innocent. can of course also affect the wife if she earns more than the husband. if they can just separate for no reason, then no one should have to transfer money afterwards. You can be made a “cuck” so to speak if the woman cheats on you, then is with someone else and you are forced to pay money to her…

such things are done on purpose by the government that is not a random thing

jens holm

The commant above is a hostage against truth.

Everyone of them prefare to be among Ukras. I dont blame them.


The only place Bandera would have use for you is in prison. Then you could be sisters together.


To be clear, there where large amounts who did not go voluntarily. Many were taken to the plant under the guise of protection. Because surrounding yourself with dangerous chemicals during a war is meant to guarantee your survival? Clearly, suicidal population of Ukraine is.


All blood on the provocateur s hands.

Gary Fraser

The provocateur of course being Ukraine.


Usa (deep) state department aka 2014 illegal annexation of Ukranian Democracy, Everything else after the fact is the by product of such cunning,illegal criminal provocations,FIXED!


This time, cut off the surrounded forces ability to communicate with the outside world instead of letting them make videos for political show.


Nothing the NAZIS do surprise me. Hang them with a hemp rope.


Yet none of this will be reported in the western media, it’s sad how low journalism has fallen.

Isser Harel

With the criminal leadership of Ukraine they are their own worst enemies. If only we lived in an honest world those criminals would be on trial for their crimes.


If we lived in an honest world, the Western elite would be on trial.




Time to air drop the Viking midget guardian of the planet and all things green, Greta Thunfisch on those dastardly aZoV naZis before they blow they place to bits. With the mouth on her the aZoV scum will be stripping and showing their tatts quicker than the western presstitutes can say “evacuation this way, gentlemen”.

How dare you!

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo

Ukrainian cowards !


Just level it, who gives a shit what type of Ukrap scum is in there ,army or civilian. They have had it coming for 8 years dumb fools.


So where are the Western “human rights organizations” and the Western, European MSM about all this? Why the FUCK aren’t they covering this? Where’s all the hollering, all the condemnations? WHERE?


The fault is with you for imagining human rights orgs are actually what they claim they are.. every sane person knows they are a cane to whip the under developed nations into submission and sanctions… The last thing they like to do is actual humanitarian work. So relax.


And how would NATO like to comment on this one? Perhaps the old “NATO approved TM*” Nato inspired, weaponized, funded..? Smth like that?


Maybe it is time to give an example to those ukros. Just bomb the factory and everyone inside of it. Maybe they then understand that approach won’t bring wanted results and abandon this strategy, which saves lives in the long run.


Idiotic propaganda by SF, again.


Lanny Jesse Davis, owner of the chemical plant, is a Hillary Clinton operative, not a Ukrainian oligarch. Shows how deep the tentacles of American corruption reach into Ukraine.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Same old playbook from brain dead Nazis. They don’t have the ability to evaluate and redirect.

Fook Yu

These cocksucker nazis have no scruples whatsoever: exterminate the vermin and save the planet resources.

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