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MARCH 2025

9/11 Revelations – Is Washington Now Throwing Riyadh Under The Bus?

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9/11 Revelations – Is Washington Now Throwing Riyadh Under The Bus?

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By Gavin O’Reilly

Recently released court filings outlining how two of the 9/11 hijackers had knowingly or unknowingly been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation, confirmed what was already open knowledge.

In July 2016, the infamous ‘28 Pages’ section of the official inquiry into the intelligence services activities before and after 9/11 was declassified, outlining the role that high-ranking Saudi officials and intelligence officers had played in the attacks by providing financial and logistical support to the hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.

Indeed the Al-Qaeda organisation itself has its roots in Operation Cyclone, a Cold War-era CIA programme involving the arming, funding and training of Wahhabi militants known as the Mujahedeen, who were then sent on to wage war on the Socialist government of previously-Western friendly Afghanistan in 1979. One of the most well-known of the Mujahedeen was none other than Osama Bin Laden.

The 9/11 attacks also served as the pretext for the US to pursue an aggressive foreign policy in line with the aims of Project for the New American Century, a highly-influential Neoconservative think tank which envisaged the United States maintaining global hegemony through radical changes in its military and defence policy, including the removal by force of then-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. In ominous fashion, a September 2000 report by the PNAC predicted that the implementation of such policy changes would be slow and incremental, and that only an event on the scale of Pearl Harbour would allow for rapid upheaval, with such a catalyst conveniently occurring a year later in New York and Virginia.

In further ominous foreshadowing, retired four-star General Wesley Clark would later recount how on a visit to the Pentagon in the days following 9/11, an unnamed military official had informed him that the decision had been made for the US to go to war with Iraq, despite there being no evidence to link Baghdad to the attacks. In a subsequent follow up meeting a few weeks later when the US had begun bombing Afghanistan, the same official informed Clark that a further six countries – Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran – would be targeted in response to 9/11, despite each one, like Iraq, having no established connection to the attacks.

The timing of the latest release of court documents highlighting Saudi involvement in 9/11 is also highly suspect.

Last month, in a seismic geopolitical shift, it was announced that the Gulf Kingdom and its long-time regional rival Iran, had resumed diplomatic ties in a deal brokered by China. Less than two weeks later, it was announced that Saudi Arabia would also seek to restore diplomatic ties with Syria in talks mediated by Russia, effectively signalling the end of US hegemony in the region.

The release of documents relating to Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11 in the same timeframe suggests that ties between Washington and what was perhaps its most strategic ally in west Asia after Israel – also with known connections to the 9/11 attacks – have now began to go cold following Riyadh’s pivot towards Beijing and Moscow; and in response, Washington has now began to publicise Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11, possibly in a bid to isolate Riyadh on the world stage.

Indeed, the US throwing former allies under the bus in light of new geopolitical developments has a historical record.

Iran, once a key US-ally in the region, has been the subject of Western sanctions and threats of war since the 1979 Islamic Revolution saw the US and UK-backed Shah Pahlavi overthrown and replaced with Ayatollah Khomeini, with a Syria-style coup attempt currently ongoing in the country.

Neighbouring Iraq would effectively be used as a US-proxy during the Iran-Iraq war that began a year later, with then-Middle East envoy to the Reagan administration and future PNAC member, Donald Rumsfeld, infamously meeting Saddam Hussein in Baghdad in 1983 in order to reiterate US support. Two decades, Rumsfeld would serve as Secretary of Defense in the administration of George W. Bush that would go on to invade Iraq, with Hussein subsequently being executed in the aftermath.

Now, with Riyadh’s pivot eastwards and the publication of documents relating to its role in 9/11 in the same period, it would appear that this historical trend is now beginning to take place in Saudi Arabia.


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Never trust the US

Von Munchausen

Israel did 911

Psionists slaves of America

And all this mess is because Treasonous Israel-First AIPAC slaves in the government, in the intel and in the military forget the USS Liberty incident and side with Neo-zionists, welfare funded illegal orthodox settler leaches who violate international rules, commit war crimes, spit at UNSC resolutions and get their psychopathic behaviour reinforced by the US puppets shielding them with Veto power at the UN. That’s why the Global South now hates America. Do unto others as you would want others done unto you.

Chris Gr

However, the non-Muslim Global South recognizes Israel so what does that mean?


Riyadh is throwing Washington under the bus.


speaking of buses, someone should throw jens holm and tom sawyer under the bus 😀


Yeah, but i’d like to drive at bus.


dont forget jhk


Tu je teraz pekne jasne vidieť, že USA vládnu a riadia ho bastardi!!! Všetkých tých smradov by mal národ vytiahnuť na ulicu a mal by ich začať lynčovať!!! Vedeli to a klamali a to vedome. A až teraz prichádzajú z pravdou von? To ozaj sú už ľudia na celom svete tak sprostí? To sa ozaj nechajú vodiť ako ten dobytok na jatky? VEDELI O TOM CELÝ ČAS!!! Mysleniu zdar!!!

Pawel Pawel

Da wird Saudi Arabien bald ein neuer Einsatzort für die Wagner PMC.


Ich sehe da eher eine chinesische Basis in der Zukunft als eine Russische.


Saudi-Arabien wird sicher enger mit Russland und China zusammenarbeiten. Vor allem aber werden die Länder des Mittleren Ostens vermehrt kooperieren. Multipolarität wird Spannungen überwinden.

Chris Gr

The regime in Riyadh has made many mistakes and crimes in the past, that’s for sure. However, there is a tendency now for them to go forward. A good step would be to be against both Qatar and the UAE and the groups they support.


The Haus of Saud has been brought to power by the brits and kept in power by the us there is not such thing as a future for them without those who brought them into power no is there a legitimacy for the nation of saudi arabia to even exist it will revert back to the territories it was before and have probably pakistan be it’s protector since they are allies of saudi arabia and the saudis funded the pakistani nuclear program.

Chris Gr

The Pakis have good relations with Iran though. The ones that can attack the Saudis are the Jordanians/Hashemites.


Aw w, we got a brainiac going on here.


Jordan is even less then Saudi Arabia without western support. What are you even talkig about. If Jordan was a real concern to the west, they would have suffered from the same things as iraq, syria, lybia and yemen. No was not even touched by so called arab sprong revolutions and the resulting al quaida/ isis movement just like Israel and Turkey cause they are all part of the extended western alliance. The Saudi position will change the moment somebody else is in the white house and they will revert back to the dollar.

Chris Gr

Because Jordan is allied to the west so they can attack the Saudis easily especially now with the Biden government who hates Saudis.


The bus is parked in G.W. Bush’s yard with Chaney.. the passengers are in Israel and other places .The cover for a crime like this requires constant maintenance.


The big steal is now on the cards


What a load of manure. This article is a restating of the lie told to Americans. How many Americans know there are ‘hijackers’ living in Europe, quite alive and well. Where is the mentioning of dancing Israelis, which the Orange Blob turned into dancing Arabs? How did a dead man keep running Al Qaeda? Israel and their minions in the US did it. The building had to go, slated for refitting (prohibitively expensive) or demolition, insured to the max by Silverstein, after leasing from the PA. All Jews were called not to show up, traitor Giuliani moved back to his old office. The Saudis are convenient dupes. Yeah, they were involved…as scapegoats. How much of this is going to be outed? None.

Last edited 1 year ago by zman

This article forgot to mention that it is Iran that are paying all the victims of Ԭ9/11.

The courts are taking the money from US seized Iranian bank accounts.

The funds are taken by force from Iran, NOT from Saudi Arabia, NOT from Iraq, NOT from Afghanistan.

And the ultra capitalist US people, that always screaming “its not us its our goverment”. Yes those people, they gladly joined in the sue and got all the money. Even if Iran was not even involved.

The only on involved was the US goverment itself.


At any rate, the US is in no position to do anything to SA now. Of course, they‘d try to instigate a coup but with the current rapprochments between SA and Iran etc. that doesn‘t seem very feasible. Also, 9/11 was just way too obviously an inside job for these „revelations“ to be of any interest.

Mark Dankof

The ultimate player in 9-11 was Israel.

Stephan Williams

What a confusing collection of contradictory information that only mentions the actual perpetrators of 911 in passing.

The author is carrying water for our enemies.

Who are our enemies, you ask?

pissrael and their knob-suckers, that’s who.

The Saudis had nothing to do with 911.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

Tudo orquestrado por Israel. Todos os países que os USA iriam bombardear, eram inimigos declarados do falso Estado de Israel. Simples assim. Israel fabrica o 9/11 e depois manda destruir os países inimigos de seu pseudo-estado. Mas não conseguiu. Hoje Israel está dividido, ninguém se entende dentro de Israel, a maldição voltou para dentro da casa dos sionistas e desta vez para sempre.


Since when did the U.$. stop blaming Riyadh?… Not that they weren’t involved in keeping their mouth$ $hut… Just like China/India…https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2002-01-27-0201270268-story.html and Russia https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
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