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MARCH 2025

959 Ukrainian Militants Surrendered At Azovstal Plant So Far

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959 Ukrainian Militants Surrendered At Azovstal Plant So Far

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On May 18, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that the militants of the nationalist Azov unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continued to surrender.

According to the Russian MoD, 694 militants surrendered over the past day, including 29 wounded. A total of 959 militants have surrendered since May 16, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 who needed urgent treatment were placed in the hospital of Novoazovsk of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

On May 17, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that 265 militants had laid down their arms and surrendered.

959 Ukrainian Militants Surrendered At Azovstal Plant So Far

Ukrainian militants from Azovstal recieve medical assistance in a hospital

On May 18, Ukrainian President Zelensky commented on the surrender of the Ukrainian militants. He lied that the surrender is a humanitarian mission overseen by the Ukrainain military and intelligence officers.


In turn, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, accused Zelensky of lying.

“To give the exit of people, which Russia has been offering for several weeks, for its humanitarian operation is to show the whole world how they have learned to lie over the past many years under the leadership of primarily American and NATO specialists in general,” the representative of the Foreign Ministry said in her interview on May 18.

Zakharova stressed that Russia offered to carry out the operation to withdraw the Azov militants from the territory of Azovstal in the same format since April and announced humanitarian corridors on a daily basis.


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Ucrania colapsa.

G2 man

That is pretty much the case, the Russians have simply worn down the corrupt UAF and have inflicted horrendous losses. Despite incessant MSM and Jew media lies and total distortions the truth is now even dawning in the deluded west that Russians are winning big-time. The Ukrainians have lost over 30,000 dead, wounded and captured. Russia took a 1,000 prisoners at Azovstal alone. US is only pushing Ukraine into total abyss as there is no way on earth that Ukraine can survive now as the Russians are bringing in fresh seasoned troops from the Far-East military districts and top notch equipment like Terminator infantry support vehicles, T-90 and Armata tanks. As I had initially assessed and now accepted by most western analysts as well, the Russians have barely lost around 5,000 casualties and 300 captured. Russian tank loses are in the 1200 range and mostly older T-72, which was deliberate tactic to exhaust the UAF and then bring in the top of line stuff.

That is the problem with Jew infested MSM journalism today and the totally whacky lies.

Look at their reports about Azovstal and the nonsense as they distort the biggest Ukrainian NAZI defeat and mass surrender as an “evacuation” LOL

The deluded western media keeps using the word “evacuated”, just to hide the embarrassment of mega defeat. The Russians are simply better soldiers and very disciplined and professional. I was very impressed by the way they disarmed, searched and removed the prisoners in Penitentiary buses from the Russian Federation escorted by Operation Z BTR-80 escorts.

Evacuated???? It is like the BBC propaganda idiots claiming that Paulus and 93,000 Nazis merely “evacuated” to Russian health spas in Siberia in 1943 and did not suffer a humiliating defeat.

Those AZOV neo-NAZI terrorists and rapists have SURRENDERED and are crawling at the feet of Russian victorious soldiers..

They are now officially Prisoners of War and held in a secure penal place, a Prisoner Camp controlled by Russian troops. They are not being evacuated to another country or place. A thousand NAZI criminals hid in sewers for 80 days behind women and children human shields and then meekly surrendered to Russia despite the corrupt basement dwelling coward Jew clown Zelensky’s braggadocio for gullible western populations..

Russia intends to charge them for war crimes as Nazi war criminals. Many are real criminals and rapists and have committed very serious war crimes

That is why in replying a question, I raised this question:

Who is LOSING?


The US criminals poured in $100 billion in NATO and US aid to the Kiev Zio-Nazis and the result is a humiliating mass surrender by thugs who claimed willing to fight to the last. The Azov Nazis are now begging Russians for medical care and blankets.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Have to agree with G2 man. Russia kept the best in Russia for a ‘rainy day’. Most of the fighting is done by DPR/LPR forces (2nd grade equipped and trained) and Russia is holding back with the coolest toys

G2 man

Russians are strategic thinkers, that is why they make the best Chess Players. Their strategy is always evolving and the Russian soldier is very adaptable and can take a lot of hardship. The problem the deluded west now has is how to keep the Ukrainian idiots morale up as this is a mega humiliating defeat and UAF cannon fodder is running out. There will be no men left in Ukraine at the rate Russia is killing the UAF. Even NATO intelligence is now very worried about the negative impact of this huge surrender beamed across the world. The Russians are acting with top level professionalism and have hardly suffered any losses. The Ukrainians need to get rid of the Zelensky Jew clowns and sue for peace or Ukraine will be leveled to the ground. Russian Forces are now advancing on a 400 kms front and will reach Dnieper River soon. The UAF is totally in a state of disarray and will collapse.

Verified UAF losses are in the 30,000-40,000 range. Russians has taken over 6,000 prisoners, just over 1,000 today at Azovstal. Russians are operating 300 kms deep in eastern Ukraine and are setting up three lines of defence. Even a complete NATO assault can not dislodge them from the liberated areas. The Russians are beefing up MLRS and long range artillery in these areas.

Interestingly, the Iranians have opened a large drone plant in Tajikistan, which is certainly for the Russian military as both Iranians and Russians have troops there.

Iran Opens largest Military Drone Factory in Tajikistan

During a visit to Tajikistan, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri inaugurated a factory manufacturing Ababil-2 military drones.

The drone factory was inaugurated in capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, on Tuesday in a ceremony attended by the top Iranian general and Tajik Minister of Defense Colonel General Sherali Mirzo.

The production of Iranian Ababil-2 UAVs in Tajikistan is considered as part of plans for the expansion of military and defense cooperation between the two Persian-speaking nations allied to Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

You think that new drone factory will be for Iranian, Russian and Tajikistan projects?


Mail order Ukrainian brides gonna be a big business.


Or maybe widows brides?!


Is it fair to send poorly trained and poorly equipped LPR/DNR conscripts and volunteers to death while hogging stockpiles of equipment they badly need? I don’t see any method here. Except for a method of wasting needlessly much needed manpower.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

hahaha Uki hohol assholes surrendering like chimps….SLAVA ROSSIYA!


They aren’t poorly trained and poorly equipped, and they are the futur Ucrainian Army.


Read what they (ŁNR) wrote themselves about assault on Rubiezhnoe. Look at what Girkin keeps saying all the time.


Go read Brothers Karamazov, and Taras Bulba. I will never understand how you anglosaxons can be such stupid. Nevertheless you are going to learn, as (sarcasm) William of Orange.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

The rationale is that the operation is spearheaded by LPR/DNR troops with RF military providing the backup muscle to support the breakaway republics in securing their borders


Look at the future Swiatowid. When they need manpower to shut Europe down, they’ll have it. Others will not. Simple.


they are not losing, silly. Take the 40$ billion ukranian aid bill that rand paul objected to because of no accountability, they denied him. No they aren’t losing, they are getting paid.


The country and people of Ukraine are losing. The oligarchs are getting paid, many with Israeli passports. You think any of that slush fund will be given to babushkas?


Babushkas don’t need money. Just a plot of land, to be buried. Senior Government will take the money, as usual.


Time to take care of bidenian scummy piece of shit state.


“The US criminals poured in $100 billion in NATO and US aid to the Kiev Zio-Nazis and the result is a humiliating mass surrender by thugs who claimed willing to fight to the last. The Azov Nazis are now begging Russians for medical care and blankets”. Money doesn’t build an army, morale does.


They already had collapsed, mate.

Z boy


James Brown

Z – V – O Uraa!

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown
[A3OB] KKKiller

Most of them are wounded the remaining are willing to reach martyrdom and kill some rushitdogs


But you won’t be one of them sat in your Mums living room.


That was a great one, mate.


Have your Nazi friends eaten the NATO instructors yet ? Nom nom


I wouldn’t advise eating anything lard filled. Especially not americans.


NATO hamburguers?


basement rat living off handouts….squeals in pain

[A3OB] KKKiller

I’m not unemployed like you dumb nigger I’m working in a western army in the logistics and my heart is filled with joy when we send our white brothers with crates of ammo and shittons of weaponnery I hope those disgusting mongolid mutts die.


In logistics? Pfft so you’re a rear echelon motherfucker.

James Brown

Basically a glorified warehouse employee, just issued with camo rather than corporate polo!

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown
Toxic Male

Lets be real. The only logistics he deals with are the crates full of sex toys (Azov fan merchandise) in his moms basement.

Last edited 2 years ago by Toxic Male

A loser kind of, too. Seemingly.


The genetic difference between a Ukrainian and a Russian is very small. So to use that as an argument to justify this war runs contrary to good evolutionary practices. There are many fine human specimens on both sides of this conflict and then we want it to end. Then the goal should be shipping the Moslems and blacks and other non Europeans out of Europe.


Yeah, the ‘blacks and moslems’ are the real problem, huh? Not the white skinned Khazarian’s though? Do the blacks and moslems run the banks? the govs? NATO? the EU? the MSM? No wonder the EU is a shithole. You don’t even know who the enemy is.


The bloodiest wars are always fought between whites because unfortunately white men are very good at waging wars. Still, manner in which wars are fought matters and history will be a harsh judge, regardless of who “tries to write” it.


Hummm, who fought the Korean war, and the Vietnamese war?



North Vietnam casualties- 849,018 military dead or missing

USA- 58,281 dead


North Korea – 215,000–406,000 dead

USA – 36,574 dead


Casualties aren’t a metric of success. You can kill every last Vietnamese, but if USA can’t occupy Vietnam, Vietnam won



Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

All you can do is to hope!

Michel LeBlanc

No your not, if you just blew op.sec and your getting court martialled.

Way to go idiot.

Your telling us you work at fedex?

Anyways, we know your a nazi bitch, were killing all yall 1 at a time and we aint stopping this time.

Watch your back, blacks are all around you.

[A3OB] KKKiller

@Michel LeNègre I’m behind Tor my nigger I’m not a secret agent @NATO Spy on your page (being in the logistics =/= a secret agent you dumb nigg) and my country officialy acknowledged the dact that they were providing ukraine with the sauce.


Do not say what you are not, say only what you are: An asshole!

Dummy Perez

Stfu racist piece of crap


Trillion dollars a year just to lose to the most sanctioned countries (Iran,Syria and Russia) in the Middle East


Logistics? What’s that? You’re the loser ain’t you? Man go live your sad life elsewhere and wait to die

Red Admiral

Alphabet +++++ what a quare fucked up creature you are. May the Good Lord show as much mercy to you as the Russian Army is showing to these despicable fuktards


oy vey those remaining will be buried alive. no one will enter the tunnels after them.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Gas the remaining hoholassholes SLAVA ROSSIYA!


the remaining ones are surrendering en masse

the cockroaches are only good at killing children and women

I spy...

How many US-army text You sew? Were those four women from USA?


women? they were azov pigs dressed as women, with beards and all HAHAHAHAHA


The bullshitting coke head gay kike puppet should just STFU and resign!


Like all naZi scumbags and the coming collap$€ of the evil angloZionaZi empire of shit……that’s how it ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

The real psycho SS tatted rats have yet to surface and especially the fat juicy filth, the contract killers from the Natostan sewer.

That’s when the fun begins.



The Americans and Zelensky are the biggest liars on the planet. So sick of America and its BS. Don’t forget the lying UK Tories, who are on a different level of lying and deceit. The world is sick and tired of politicians lying and twisting the truth. They all deserve to be shot for perpetuating lies and deceit. I have zero sympathy for a lying politician.


Ye Johnsons busy arming and training Kosovo to try and start a war with Serbia as we speak


Monika Zelenski, coke hoe and clown in chief of fast disappearing rump Ukropland, needs to keep his pointy little head down low there in that Al CIAduh “safe” bunker in Polakville because the frothing naZis that he is lying to and burning daily for his angloZionaZi owners in Washing town will shred his worthle$$ ass should he ever try walking the mean streets of Ukropland without his Al CIAduh goodfella squad.

It’s all basically over bar the USSAN owned Ukrop rats getting out of Dodge with their stolen booty (or for many of them a Slumville bullet in the back of the head) and a century of poverty and pain in the Nazi bit of Ukropland remaining under Polak oKKKupation, for those that bought into this disgusting Natostan prescribed suicide of a would be “nation”.


Are you writing a book?


Poor guys are losing, politicians will retire in their million $ worth mansions in the USA or UK after the war anyway. Poor guys will be invalids with no money to support themselves. Only the rich war mongerers are winning. Regular Ukranians and Russians are losing.


No, all the human race is winning, occidental conquerers are going to hell.




Force Russia. Your cause is just! Crushing the Organization’s Nazi Egg of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. “Z”


The reality of the cleansing of Avostal by the Russian coalition forces and the Surrender of the AZOV criminals will ripple around the Globe.

I would like to see ALL the ASOV and NATO scum from Avostal being paraded to the World by Russia. This would create a NATO shitstorm of bullshit that the world can judge.

The US and UK governments, especially, would be forced to hang their heads in shame for their support of global cannibalistic terror organisations. NATO must be disbanded.

Slava Rossiya.


NATO is the black beast, the second black beast from the sea are the dinghy invaders. The dollar monetary system is the red dragon. whore of babylon.

Clara Mafiova

as i said before, if you choose a wrong man as your president you will have the same situation in Ukraine

Clarence KING Goldsby

The Ukrainian military keep posting these lies on telegram and Facebook


I believe the front line Ukranian military is getting worn out and starting to be shredded. The strategic withdrawal of Russian troops from Kharkov was to try to draw the Ukranian defenders out from around the civilian population. This seems to have worked, I suspect once the Russians are done with the almost encircled AFU forces in the east, the Kharkov AFU forces will be targeted without mercy.


I think that after Donetsk, as they said, they will go till Transnistria.


Rightly so.

Mohd Noor Ismail

thank to PUTIN for ordering the Russian Forces to siege Avotsal instead going ahead with a full assault … but these Nazis criminals shall be court martial in russia millitary courts for their crimes …


There is no reasons for the UA solders fight and die for corrupted government. UA solders have been used as proxy to fight for the US empire. UA has been sold to the west long time ago.

James Brown

Zelensky: “we have evacuated ASOV from Mariupol’

Rest of world: ‘ASOV have surrendered and gone into captivity at Mariupol’

hunter bidé lab pork !

959 abortions of nazis issis talibans of rato !!! kaput !!! so much coke in vain !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Send Stoltemborg to the front !!!! is very pussy rat chiken parazite !!!!


Huge respect to the Russian army on the treatment of the Ukrainian military that surrendered, if this was USA/UK military they would have taped their hands and arms with a hood over their heads…remember the Guantanamo prisoners !! SLAVA RUSSIA !!


nazi rats finally are forced to crawl out of sewerage. Congratulation, Russian Army, very professional jobs you have been doing for the world peace.

Last edited 2 years ago by aes

Again brilliant, patient and calculated leadership by Putin. Now all these surrendered Azov neo nazis will be put on trial, confess to many crimes and expose the criminal commands of Zelensky and his regime for the whole world to see. There will be confessions of biological attacks as well as extrajudicial executions and killings carried out by the Ukrainian government. The entire Zelensky regime literally every single member of his party will have to escape to another country guaranteed. They will all be wanted for war crimes and not be allowed to ever return to the new rump state of landlocked Ukraine or face criminal justice.


proud of the proffesional attitude of the russian soldiers, do let them work in a camp or something untill the end of the war


Zelensky = We discussed the 27th package of sanctions with Macron who zeroed on the bad quality of the Cocaine in Europe these sanctions are resulting in…… Brussels promised Crystal Meth as remediation……

kogda mi byli na voinye

what some lucky guys! one way ticket for siberia ,wonderfull spot for its sweet winter,ski,trails,social activities!

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