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MARCH 2025

A Flying Disaster: F-35B Jet Shoots Itself With Its Own 25mm Gun

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A Flying Disaster: F-35B Jet Shoots Itself With Its Own 25mm Gun

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The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program – the most expensive military development project in history.

It could potentially also come to be known as the record-holder of the most issues with a single piece of military technology of all time.

The most recent problem that the F-35 fighter jet was faced with is likely one of the most concerning.

On March 12th, A F-35B Joint Strike fighter was significantly damaged. It happened when a round fired from its underbelly 25mm gun pod exploded shortly after leaving the muzzle of the cannon mounted within.

It suffered friendly fire from itself.

This is a “Class A mishap” – it results in a threat of the pilot’s life on the ground or in the air. It also needs to cause damage of more than $2.5 million.

Still, to be fair, if one is to keep in mind the F-35’s cost, any damage whatsoever probably results in damages that cost more than $2.5 million.

Prior to this incident, the F-35 has still been plagued by various incidents. Back in May 2020, a F-35A fighter jet crash-landed on runway 30 at Eglin AFB. The jet rolled, caught fire and was entirely destroyed.

Currently, the F-35 fighter jets fly with 871 flaws, having improved that number by 2 throughout 2020. On the upside, “only” 10 of these deficiencies are “Category 1” that can result in the aircraft being destroyed, or heavy injury or even death of the crew.

To rectify the chaos that is the $300 billion F-35 program, the Block 4 process was introduced.

It failed.

The US Government Accountability Office report found that the current 2027 goal for finalizing the Block 4 modernization is “not achievable.”

The most significant issue is the software delivery, and how it impedes integration of key subsystems, such as radar enhancements, to keep pace with the growing threats from adversaries.

This is in line with the concerns that the Department of Defense’s current modernization plan is so bad, that the US should be prepare for the rest of the 2020s to be “terrible”.

Still, these issues are possible because the F-35 still has engines, which are under threat of running out. Surely, there would be a way to simple push or pull it on the ground and it would manage to crash-land then, too.

On the upside, the US managed to successfully launch a nuclear-capable of Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Luckily, the launch went successfully, and even if it didn’t the missile is without nuclear or conventional payload.

This provides the potential for a justification for future actions. After all, if a missile were to accidentally hit a US city, or maybe a warship in an F-35-esque incident, it could easily be blamed on Russia. Or on Iran. Or on China.

Still, any casual observer would be impatiently looking forward to the United States beginning to test out its hypersonic technology, since if the F-35 is any indication, it promises to be quality entertainment.

After all, the rush to gain air superiority and more, provided one of the world’s biggest money pits and some of the most humorous incidents.

The endless claims of how promising the F-35 is, and the numerous customers it has, the fact of the matter is that it represents a flying, incredibly expensive, disaster that gets more incidents than successful operations.


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The solution is to remove that 25mm Gatling gun and keep Flop-35 somewhere safe, protected, on the ground…Far away from very expensive flying (40 000 maintenance per hour) and incidents of any kind…

Ashok Varma

US is in decline and its military has always been all Hollywood hype. The F-35 is an unmitigated $2 trillion boondoogle in a unprofessional airforce used to bombing civilians in countries that can’t fight back.

Jihadi Colin

Did you see that Amerikastan wants to make India join NATO? I doubt even Modi is stupid enough for that.

Raptar Driver

I wouldn’t doubt his stupidity.

Tommy Jensen

Modi wouldnt hesitate 2 seconds. Remember India’s national sport is cricket….here Captain “Cool”……………………..LOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LwM2Kr_Ctc

Jihadi Colin

India’s official national sport is still hockey.

Jim Allen

Civilians don’t need to fight back, F-35 does that for them.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The pilot was confused, and pressed the false flag button instead of the heat seater, lol.

In real life though, it was the Russkies did it. According to the highly likely theory, and other trusted anonymous sources.


LOL and more LOL :)

Damien C

Could you imagine the absolute riddicule that would be poured on the F35 by western main stream media if it had been manufactured by Russia? The cartoons in the newspapers alone would have been endless


Is it being discussed at all?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Same as SputnikV. The West derides it, while it’s losing more citizens to the Western vaccines than the scamdemic.


I read an overview of all the vaccines in the world by Bloomberg and the Russian vaccine wasn’t even listed despite it being the fourth most distributed vaccine worldwide and an article in the Lancet claiming it to be among the safest most effective vaccines available.

In 2003 we stopped SARS in it’s tracks by immediately shutting down transmission vectors and stopping the spread. By contrast the response to Covid-19 was to use it a a political wedge issue and now unlike SARS covid is firmly rooted in the population and mutating like crazy.

Covid is here to stay … it’s worldwide and deeply rooted in the population. It’s always going to be a problem and we are just starting to get a glimpse what the long term effects are going to be.

So what’s our response to Covid 19 … fucken idiots in the west are using vaccines as an investment instrument. Sputnik was the first vaccine out of the gate and should have been distributed worldwide but big pharma …. especially in the US …. supressed and villified the Russian vaccine in order to get their own vaccine to market. Even today they are out there dealmaking around the world bribing and threatening governments to give them exclusive deals to administer vaccines.

These are the same people who brought you the plague of hilbilly heroin which was perfectly legal and widely prescribed until the mounting death toll on white Americans brought it to the attention of the courts.

Raptar Driver

There is no covid virus. It is simply influenza A&B renamed covid.


Interesting … how did you come to this conclusion?

Raptar Driver

I didn’t come up with that. A team of researchers who were given samples from supposedly sick people discovered that it was simply the influenza virus.

Concrete Mike

That an accurate appraisal of the situation.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The scam seems here to stay, but I don’t fear the Winter Flu or mildly stronger versions of it. I’ve never taken a flu jab, and certainly won’t take a vaccine. I believe the Russians are doing it because if they don’t, the West will cut them off with excuses they are not taking this seriously. I don’t doubt that SputnikV won’t harm you, simply because President Putin has not made it mandatory, he is the opposite to that. Whereas here, BloJo was yesterday trying to ensure Britons won’t be able to go for a pint unless they have taken Big Pharma designed poison. Imagine the hoops one will have to jump through to be allowed leave the country for a holiday. We are being force fed propaganda every day about our heroes in the NHS, Kate Garraways husband seems to be forever ill, without ever dying or having any improvement. We are told our hospitals are full of dying Scamdemic victims, but our funeral homes are not running out of anything, nor are our cemeteries getting mass pits.

They lie, all the time.


“We are told our hospitals are full of dying Scamdemic victims, but our funeral homes are not running out of anything, nor are our cemeteries getting mass pits.”

Bravery is a commendable attribute but there’s a thin line between bravery and stupidity.

A successful virus doesn’t kill the host … the really successful one sit and hide symptom free and replicate like rabbits until they either fuck up your system entirely or do nothing. Herpes is a good example, she just shows her pretty face as cold or genital sore … with the exception of shingles which sits for decades before becoming an excruciating rash. AIDS can sit silently for decades until your immune system starts collapsing. AIDS was spreading in the late 1960’s but only became evident in 1980. It’s a successful virus … it gets estabilshed in a population by stealth before there’s anything we can do about it.

Any guess what surprises covid-19 has in store for us? It’s only been a year but long haulers experience shows that symptom free covid patients can suffer severe neurological effects …. we’ll have to wait 20 – 30 – 40 years to find out what it REALLY does to us.

Personally I’m not very brave. I’m trying to avoid getting it at all costs. I’m not going to sacrafice what’s left of my life to be a lab rat for future generations. thankfully there are people like you so I don’t have to

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There’s a thin line also, between believing what bought and paid for ‘experts” tell you, and the experience of living life based on reality. I’m not being brave, just realistic. My brother in law got it. He was told to take Panadol. He was feeling crap at home, but no crappier than he was with a bad flu. 3 weeks before he went back to work. Go to a cemetery, ask yourself, where did they put all the supposed victims? They will arrest you if you go to a hospital, so as you do not realise there are no patients there, just empty wards where the NHS are saving billions with non treatment of life real killer diseases like cancer. Why has there been NO DEATHS FROM WINTER FLU this year? Has it been cured, miraculously, or do you think an illness called Winter Flu Season just gave up after eons to give way to Scam19?

Thankfully, there are people like you willing to take drugs that you know nothing about, or their long term effects. When enough of you are dead, or suffering long term illness because of your sheep mentality, then they will stop spreading their poison.

In the 80s, AIDS was a very frightening disease that killed many. A good friend of mine was murdered by the state with infected blood transfusions, which all Western governments knew about, but they were more concerned with preserving the reputation of Big Pharma and the brown envelope stuffed with bribes. Princess Di was wheeled out to shake hands with the AIDS victims, in an attempt to show to people like you that the disease was not something to run away from, like a medieval villager afraid of witches. She failed, not back then, but your generation are complete wussy’s.


“There’s a thin line also, between believing what bought and paid for ‘experts” tell you, and the experience of living life based on reality.”

I understand your scepticism and I am sceptical of experts as well however not in this case.

If it was one or two experts with a vested interest I would be sceptical but in this case it’s independent experts from around the world who are coming to the same conclusion.

My background is in engineering and construction so I have no real expertise in biology or medicine. My wife however has a great deal of professional experience in medicine and medical research. She was on the front lines during the SARS epidemic and today has friends and colleagues who are directly studying and treating this virus. She has a consulting company and is on faculty in two schools of medicine so we get direct information from health Canada as well.

It’s not influenza. It’s a corona virus in the same family as the common cold and SARS …. it has similar symptoms initially to influenza …. the same way that ebola and norwalk start out with the similar symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea but like those two diseases Covid-19 and influenza are very different diseases and have different outcomes. Covid 19 get through the blood brain barrier and causes neurological damage …. influenza does not.

I’m not your enemy. Please believe me when I tell you to avoid getting this virus. No one know if herd immunity or even immunity is achievable. The current crop of vaccines don’t keep you from getting the virus they can keep your from being infected but mostly they strengthen your immune system to fight the symptoms of the virus. With the neurological sysptoms it’s really not something yu want to fuck around with.

Covid 19 is related to the common cold and like the cold it may be able to mutate so quickly that well never be able to cure or vaccinate against it however it affects the body much differently and severly than the common cold it ways we don’t even know yet.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I have access to information about its severity, but I don’t see it as a pandemic. The Spanish Flu was a pandemic, killed 80 million. My grandparents, God bless them, told me about it. That was a time of people getting sick in the morning, dead by evening, all over the world. I know we are not experiencing a pandemic of grave consequences, when we are not next or near those figures. I successfully sued the hospitals here who blinded me in one eye, and left me as the only person on the planet to have a Trabelectomy, Tubular implant followed by a corneal graft. Not one of those “professionals” alerted me to what they were doing to me over 3 months, I had to go abroad and get a medical negligence specialist to confirm it. So you can see why I take their word with as much strength as I would the word of a conman. To get on in that industry, you have to be capable of hurting people without letting them know why, they are there for the money and position. While my new doctors abroad who saved my eye, though not vision, behaved wonderfully to me, but that was as a private patient, I’m aware of their bad reputation in the public sphere over there also. My daughter is a health worker, tested every 2 weeks, my wife works for a US medical company and is also forced to take a test if she feels sick with flu. None of us have it, and we live in a park with 40 other houses. Around 3 houses have it, no deaths or hospitalisation. That’s what my view is based on, experience.


“I have access to information about its severity, but I don’t see it as a pandemic.”

A pandemic is when an infectious disease is actively spreading worldwide. It has nothing to do with severity. Covid 19 is active worldwide so it meets the definition of a pandemic.

You’re assuming that the initial symptoms are the extent of the damage Covid-19 does to us. Many viruses infect us for years before showing symptoms then kill us. Covid -19 has already shown to be asymptomatic when first diagnosed only to result in severe neurological symptoms months later. How do you know what it’s going to do to you or your children a year , 5 years, 20 years down the road?

Would it not be intelligent to avoid diseases you know nothing about rather than find out 10 years later that it makes your balls and lymph nodes swell up and burst? I mean I like surprises but not that much. Then ask yourself if you’d like to pass on such a gift to your children or grandchildren.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How can you post that, while you are prepared to take just invented medicines which have already brought deaths to healthy people? Just what do you think an untested “vaccine” will do to your own system in 10 years time?, though that term takes on a whole new meaning today, as you are not immune to the illness the vaccine is for. Where is the sense in wearing a mask, when any person with common sense can see could never stop an airborne germ getting into a body. Does this virus get afraid to go into ears? What is the point to a lockdown, when thousands of people are forced to work next to each other, pass things to each other etc? If a guy offered you a pill in a club, would you be so stupid as to take it as you were told that this stuff is great? Do you not remember Dr Mengele? He was fully endorsed by his government, they were going to kill millions. Do you think those type of people just disappeared, as well as those tactics? I don’t. If there was a real danger, then real lockdowns would have occurred. None of this bollox about well its safe to go to shops up until 9, or 10. That’s how absurd these restrictions are. Nothing makes sense, except when you listen to the likes of Gates telling us we are too many. We do not live in an era of human development, we live with evil b’stards running the world, billionaires who buy islands for child abuse where the rulers of this world go to. And you want me to believe these gits care for humanity!

No way.

Jim Allen

Well genius, the Russian’s aren’t “doing it.” Neither do Russians “lie all the time.” Please explain how, and in what ways can the West “cut them off.” You can believe Russia takes this very seriously, despite the West having gone to impossible lengths to make itself the world’s laughingstock, and at the same time the most hated country on earth. “We are told,” which of course you believe what we’re told. As it happens Russia’s Sputnik V has been peer reviewed by US medical expert’s. A report was published in what’s considered to be the Holy Grail of Western medicine, the Lancet. This report may interest you… Wait…no it wouldn’t. If you’d troubled yourself to read it, it would dispel your entire narrative, and that would bring changes to your life. Well we can’t have that now can we ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s life Jim, but not as you know it.

I don’t need the Lancet to make up my mind. I won’t have any muppet tell me he knows what’s best. Now you take your poison sheeple, and don’t expect the rest of us to join with you. I’m not holding your hand walking off to take my poison with you.

Believe in your own convictions, get poisoned, and wear your mask like a good sheep Jim.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m well aware of the difference between Mrna medicines and non Mrna that both China and Russia have not used. How could they cut off Russia, Trump banned all travel to China, if they didn’t suit up, shoot up and mask up, the West will bar goods and services on the grounds of hygiene, blah blah. Do you doubt that the West would use any excuse to stop or slow trade from nations the West dislikes?

In your reply to Norico below, you tell him it’s all about reducing world populations, SO WHY DO YOU THINK I’M STUPID FOR NOT SWALLOWING THE BS NARRATIVE?


Well said.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Then read what Jim has to say to HB below Florian, the guy must have 20 personalities. He says I’m dumb for not taking vaccines, while he argues with HB that its all a plan to install nanotechnologies within our bodies. There is no Covid. wtf


Yes, I have noticed his , ‘All things to all People’ comments in the past. For what its worth, I have no intention of taking the vaccine either.

The Western leaders who are pushing the vaccines/treatments to ‘save lives’ are, in one breath, Wanting to save lives globally, and in the next breath they are arming and funding global terrorism against non conformist states such as Yemen and Syria.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s it Florian, how or why would anyone give credence to that idea that they would save us, given their wars and sanctions.

I can’t imagine Lockheed Martin shutting down production of F35s and convert to making masks, or am I being too cynical, lol.


It will be really funny when the hapless F35’s are delivered to the UK for deployment on the two carriers. The Royal Navy will have to dust off some old fairy’s to guard the F35’s.



Jim Allen

This is true, but you’ve missed a critical detail. The purpose of this not vaccine is not to treat COVID. It’s purpose is to change the individuals DNA in specific ways, and in ways not yet known, as well as unknowable at this juncture. Nanotechnology to track every individual, send telemetry to US Government alphabet agencies tasked with acquiring, and storage of data for future use against each individual. The not vaccine is a bio-weapon among an endless number of weapons developed by the Globalist’s for the purpose of reducing world population 90% by 2030 as defined under UN Agenda 21/2030 Sustainability Development Guidelines established in 1992. 179 countries signed on to this Zionist Khazar genocide. The Globalist’s desire the planned 500 million goyim to be absolutely passive, as our beloved Klaus Schwab has described. “You vill have nossing, und you vill be happy.” While you’re participating in the Globalist’s popular pastime. Starving the goyim, (and unruly Zionists) to death by the millions. The Globalist criminal Banking Cabal hate’s Russia, and Iran above all else, and are determined to destroy these countries at all costs.

Concrete Mike

So true, its hillarious as new astra zenca numbers show less than 80 efficacy.

This vaccine BS in the west is a scam to enrich these big pharma corps.

I knew it was as a scam as soon as our puppet media started denigrating the russian and chinese vaccines.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I knew it was a scam when our government told us there was a scamdemic and they were taking away our “inalienable rights to freedom and expression”, for our own good. Can you imagine the British state in WW2 putting us all into our own custom made bomb shelters, safe from danger?

When have any Western governments gave a thought to their own native populations? Not since the end of the Soviet Union.

Since then, they have infested our lands with the poorest people in the world getting the start up car and home that native populations had to do for themselves, while they get to tell us how ungrateful we are to have them. Then the rich boys set about lowering our standards to that of Albania.

Since the Clintons and their ilk came to town, this world has gone to the dogs.

Jim Allen

That happened long before “Clinton’s, and their ilk came to town.” About 2 centuries before.


Israel is having some difficulties with the vax as well. And by difficulties I mean the vax is making things worse.


Jim Allen

I can find no fault with that. (in Israel)

Jim Allen

The not vaccine is designed to kill.

johnny rotten

A couple of notes that have been well hidden by the fake-media main stream, an American general, one of the few remaining sane, wrote a couple of years ago that the US had lost the missile competition with the Soviets already in the 1950s and it has gotten worse ever since.

When the berlin wall fell the NATO military was able to test and study the Soviet planes of Eastern European nations that passed to the western side, the comments were that Westerners were lucky not to have collided with the Soviets, whose planes clearly outclassed the western ones, on the tanks there was never competition, too much was the difference, shown on every field in which they were used.

It is for this reason that from industries that have always aimed exclusively at profit instead of product quality, guaranteed profits thanks to political corruption and monopolistic positions, one could not expect I do not say excellence but not even a minimum of efficiency, in fact all the new weapons systems produced or put into service in this century have been colossal failures, except for the MIC industries that have made exaggerated profits, the Fake 35 is just one among many such cases, which respect the same modus fraudulent operands.


Low muzzle velocity plus maximum G’s turning downwards (in to the gun)?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That plane couldn’t pull a shopping trolley behind it, never mind reach a speed where g force would matter, lol.


The F-35 is a depiction of the rotting US domestic situation, it is a dud like Biden and slipping off the stairways. No wonder only US NATO puppets and vassals are forced to buy this flying junk. There are verified reports that the Zionist F-35 were picked up by Hezbollah radars so now they fire scarce missiles into Syria from Golan. The F-35 like the Boeing 737Max also show that US aviation has crashed.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There’s hope for Air Force One yet then, lol. I wonder how many refuelling stops it takes for them to reach the Golan Heights?


Biden will demand that Air Force One is converted to battery power in order to meet the US Green goals. Biden solved the problem of in flight charging by insisting on a charge cable from the White House.

Boeing have been given a large wad of cash to make the Green Air Force One, I am told by Jens Psaki.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I think the charging cable is to buzz sleepy Joe up every time he wanders off mentally.

It can’t be doing him any harm, seeing just how close he is too checking out anyway, lol.


Germans are all passed away from paper clip… Golden Age was 70s for us aviation design.


Check the designs implemented by US in the late 40s and 50s. These were mainly planes already designed by Germany during the war. Bell x-1 is a good example, as well as the femous shooting star. Hortens work helped the xb35 to get abetter handling, and all air to air rockets were based on the steering used in Kramer X4 and Henschels Hs293. Hawk is in principle the direct child of Germanys aint air rocket designs, and so on and on.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Not surprising given the level of US investment in Germany after WW1. Fords, GM, IBM all contributed to the Nazi war machine. Prescott Bush was still dealing with the Germans AFTER the US declared war on Germany. The US now hold the formula to synthetic oil the Nazis made in WW2. It was almost like the USA wanted a new European war to kick off, but of course they would never instigate hostilities against other states, lol.


and germany turned down the f35 and expressed desire in another of th yankee-twats’ mishaps, to the dismay of the twats.


The F35 suffers from premature ejaculation, I suspect.

rightiswrong rightiswrong




Dick Von Dast'Ard

Full spectrum domination might have to wait a little longer.

Concrete Mike

What do you mean, full spectrum dominance is here in the west, its corporations dominating.

Lone Ranger

They should make a movie about the Floppy, starring Ben Stiller. Tropic Thunder in the sky…


no one would see it and wish that stiller was in palestine and not making sh–tty movies in hollywood.

Captain Freedom

This time they can’t avoid going full retard…

Kenny Jones ™

Looks like Russia won’t even need to develop the S-500 anymore


Too late…S-500 goes in production this year

Kenny Jones ™

But that’s overkill, why waste a more expensive missile on a plane that doesn’t even fly


S-500 ‘re anti (hyper sonic) missile system (against ballistic, cruise missiles). They are continuation of S-300V4. While for aircrafts are specialised S-400. They are normally used against fighter jets (stealth or not), bombers etc….They are continuation of S-300PMU2. So S-500 are complementary to S-400…

Kenny Jones ™

But is there any projectile that the S-400 cannot intercept which the S-500 should be able to? Because I can’t think of any, all the F-series planes and Tomahawks are interceptable


Both systems are universal (can be used for shooting down aircraft’s and missiles) But each is also specialized (has better performance) S-400 are specialized for anti-aircraft and S-500 anti-missile system (specially against HYPER-SONIC missiles ! )

So once again S-400 are meant for aircraft mainly, while S-500 missiles mainly.

“But is there any projectile that the S-400 cannot intercept which the S-500 should be able to?” YES ! HYPER-SONIC missiles ! S-500 is ONLY system on the planet that can intercept hyper sonic missiles (that go Mach 5 and above that speed ) ! Tomahawks are only SUB-SONIC. SUB-SONIC = under the speed of sound HYPER-SONIC= 5 times speed of sound and above

Jim Allen

The range of each system is greater as their number designation grows larger. Designed to function as an integrated system, the “S” series are really badass. There’s not been much information on S-500. Russia’s being close-mouthed, and censorship has blocked so many sources little bit’s occasionally appeared. ICBM must leave earth’s atmosphere to gain hypersonic speeds, and that takes time. S-500 will be useful for many decades to come. Or, until the West’s arrogance allows it’s batshit crazy sociopathic lunatic’s to lose the last thread of caution, and connection to reality.


Radar range 800km (?) and declared missile range (tested so far on 500km). Planned range of 600 km for anti-ballistic missile (ABM) and 500 km for air defence. To be used even against lover orbit satellites. There is also naval version of S-500 in future plans. That vill permit Russia to have air-carrier despite US and other hyper sonic missiles.



Kenny Jones ™

Not funny, Russia’s economy isn’t too great, it can’t waste money on even more hypersonic missiles for a non-existent threat, the west is collapsing, the last thing they will do is attack the great bear, so Russia should focus on improving the country and the people’s well being

Peter Moy

Lucky for the Tom Cruise wannabe pilot it was only one 25 mm. round. Do you think he is a little gun-shy now with live ordnance? I say punish him – besides paying for the damage – your next sortie involves dropping a Rockeye cluster bomb, mounted on your plane by a few apathetic idiots.

Jean de Valette

BS or no, from this Hal Turner guy?



Ivan Freely

I’d wait for news from other more reliable sources.

Captain Freedom

The barely flying turkey even hates its own miserable existence, it literally attempted to commit suicide!


Missed again !… what else could be expected ;)

Simon Ndiritu

The problem might be serious if it is discovered that the 25mm shells of the Gatling Gun were faulty. This could suggest that they can no longer make reliable bullets too.


Not imported Chinese any more, but US… thus worse quality :))

John Mason

I have witnessed missiles fired from a plane that returned to sender but to shoot itself with a gun is something ‘new’. A misfired shell jams the mechanism and one that explodes prematurely will most likely be fatal to the plane and pilot. Goes to show, anything can happen in the US.


On the contrary … the F-35 is the most successful weapon in US history. No other weapon has liberated more money from US taxpayers and delivered it into the hands of investors while delivering so little in return.

Imagine being handed a cost plus contract to design and build something with 100% markup. You then give the client a shoddy design that’s completely fucked up along with a guaranteed to fail prototype and the client then pays you to fix that design over and over and over again.

Not only that but the client funds a PR campaign telling the world how great your product …. against their own best interests …. and the gravy train keeps rolling along.

It’s like lambs to the slaughter …. the very taxpayers you’re bilking are your biggest defender. Best con ever.


This is the state of US MIC, for the last three decades money was spent to the tune of hundreds of billions….and trillions without producing any adequate weapons that are viable. The trend is not going to change in the future as Russia and China press for new technologically advanced weaponry, while US will run its mouth and paint itself into a delusional reality.

Jihadi Colin

I love the F35. I hope Amerikastan spends all its money making them!

Blue In Green

“best combat air-craft in existence “– Said absolutely no one ever…..

Raptar Driver

This is hilarious? Lockheed martin is a criminal organization. Much like the government. We don’t even have a real president we have a usurper & Chief. We have become 3rd rate power.

Stinky Man


Goran Grubić HardyVeles

The article assumes that F-35 is meant to be the cutting edge of US MIC. But F-35 was envisioned nor designed to be better than F-22 (i.e. to be the best of US), but to be an exportable derivative of technologies developed for F-22. Therefore, parallel made with US development of hypersonic weapons is wrong.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Tommy Jensen

What really happened was our F35 can turn on invisible and fly with photonic speed. Thus it can open fire and fly so fast the bullets can hit itself……invisible. This is unfortunately what can happen when US technology is so unprecedented unique.


yep we know and we’re all flabbergasted beyond words,

Oliver Eitel

Just like Chuck Norris, he can give himself a roundhouse kick!!!

Arch Bungle

Attempted False Flag.


Assad must stay


cechas vodobenikov

a metaphor for everything amerikan

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