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A Fragile Balance Of Power In Transnistria Slips Towards Military Escalation

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A Fragile Balance Of Power In Transnistria Slips Towards Military Escalation

A convoy of Russian vehicles

Moldova is reportedly preparing for military action and cleansing the socio-political field amid the military conflict in Ukraine. Potential combat operations against Transnistria, where a Russian peacekeeping contingent is deployed, has been a source of speculations since February. Such attack that will potentially involve the Armed Forces of Ukraine and receive support from NATO is being considered by at least a part of the Western leadership as a useful tool against Russia in conditions of the slow but steady collapse of Kyiv’s forces in the east of Ukraine.

The elimination of the political opposition, and such demonstrative sweeps of the public field from independent, neutral, or pro-Russian players, such as Igor Dodon, brings Moldova to the brink of an invasion of the conflict. The ideology is being radicalized under anti-Russian slogans.

However, the Moldovan plan may be somewhat broader, as the Moldovan aggression against Transnistria does not make sense in itself, because Moldova has always tried to resolve conflicts on this territory, but the military factor should be taken into account here. This may be a part of a broader plan – the counter-offensive of the AFU on the southern flank in the direction of Kherson, the entry of Polish and possibly Romanian-Moldovan contingents on the territory of Ukraine.

The project of “new union” of Ukraine to Poland, also can give a second breath of political integration of Moldova to Romania. Anyway, by the autumn, to be exact already in August it is necessary to wait for active political and military actions against Russia, the more so there are already unofficial rumors about the next stage of the special operation of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.

The exact intention is impossible to predict, but the transfer of part of the missile weapons to Ukraine, activation of the headquarters control structures of the US Army on the territory of Romania, redeployment of the 2nd and 4th Infantry Division of Romania to the border with Moldova indicates a large-scale strategic plan.

NATO also has certain interests in Transnistria. Back in April 2022, NATO supported the independence of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.  Support for the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic takes place in different formats.

Thus, French President Emmanuel Macron promised to double the defense budget of Moldova. For this purpose, 40 million euros will be allocated from the European Defense Fund. Macron made a statement on this subject in Chisinau, where he was visiting for the first time.

In general, the situation is uncertain. Chisinau and Tiraspol are looking for points of contact and have different views on the situation in the region. NATO is indirectly acting in the region through French investments. Russia is waiting for the moment when it can activate its military contingent and use it for strategic purposes. Poland, on the other hand, is trying to realize itself through Ukraine.


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Moldova is Russian land and needs to be reintegrated with MOTHER RUSSIA. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Muntii Carpati

Liar. The “Moldovan” language is 100% Romanian, only the regionalisms differ. Moldova is and will be Romanian, no matter how much or how little we dislike Ukraine.

Tony Lim

There is no Romania, but a bunch of gypsies with no culture or even a Slavic language. Russia must take over Romania to get rid of druggies, pickpockets and now NATO Nazis.

Muntii Carpati

you may be complex about who you are, which is why you throw invectives. invectives bother when they are true, otherwise we treat them as mental or educational disabilities. these are your problem, rain man. the fact that there is a Latin island in a sea of Slavic peoples is something remarkable and respectable, because neither the Great Russia nor the Habsburg Empire, nor communism, managed to erase this country. and we are orthodox, which is even more remarkable.



Hans raus

Russia is done, nobady want to be in russian sphere of infuence. Russia is able to offer only poverty and nothing more.

porc halal

you are retard?!


To Odessa already; a Russian city since German Catherine the Great liberated it from the wily Turk.

Z and then Z


NATO nations, in particular the UK US Poland, just have it in for Russia, they want to steal their resources and destroy them putting in a yes government, distort the christianity, destroy the family and put them into debt slavery.


The rules of this war against Russia will change, the goalposts and red lines will alter, they will up the ante and Russian pacification will not help at all. NATO, the US UK, the deep state, NEED to be taken down before we get nukes flying about. Russia may just as well up the ante and have NATO decide on how far they are prepared to go. Russia should be prepared for NATO inviting the destruction of everything but hope that NATO will not go that far and that negotionations will result from Russia upping the ante.

L du Plessis

Russia needs to use more force to show Moldova and Polish interferance whats coming…


The only purpouse of Transnistra ‘s creation by Stalin in 1924 is to anex the eastern Romania also named Basserabia ! Sorry to dissapoint you guys, but Transnistria is a FAKE counry same like Ukraine. The solution is that Moldova should reunite with its mother land Romania and Transnistria with Ukraine or Romania.


Transnistria with Novorussia/Malorussia you mean. Don’t forget Northern Bukovina, Hertza Region, and Snake Island (liberated by russians) currently occupied by hohols.

porc halal

those are Romanian territories, stolen either by Austro-hungarian empire (like in the case of Bucovina de Nord) or Russia/USSR/Fuckraina (ucraina) … sooner or later, they will be again part of Romania

porc halal

Basarabia without the other territories currently under ucrainian occupation is not a real / complete reunification…


Just another step to Nuclear annihilation of the world.


At the moment Russia is at war and Transnistria serves a very important strategic purpose for the Russian Federation. Russia did not instigate this conflict, nor did they want to resort to such measures. The proxy NATO states which include Romania, Bulgaria, etc. are all partially guilty and responsible for arming Ukraine and providing military assistance therefore the time to argue whether Transnistria belongs to Romania or whether Moldova is part of Romania will come in due time. Putin knows he cannot convince the corrupt puppet politicians who have usurped power in these former Warsaw Pact states to do what is right. Instead what Putin and the Russian military are doing which is much more important is to win the hearts and minds of the citizens of these nations including Ukraine. This is the only way to achieve long term stability and prosperity for what matters the most which is the people of these nations. I’ve come to the realization that Russia’s SMO has characteristics of even higher virtues than what I had originally thought.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Hans raus

Transistria is part of moldova, not russia. Nobody want to be in russia sphere of infuence. coinsidence? no! russia=poverty and no economic growth. Now we can welcome moldova and ukraine in superior western sphere of infuence. Russobots will cry but fact is that russia hava nothing to offer, deal with it ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

You’re only looking at the economic side of things, even so, your assessment is incorrect. Quality of life in Moscow and many other Russian cities is higher than many EU cities.

Hans raus

Moscow? ;) come one. Cost of living is also much higher in Angola than is EU/USA but Angola is still 3rd worold country. It doesnt change anything. Quality of life in russia is 4x worse than in EU and its based on statistics and data. 90% of russia is closer to african standards when it comes to quality of life so i am not surprised that many young russsian dream about west…..sorry but I must be desperated to compare it to EU ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
Hans raus

,, of the slow but steady collapse of Kyiv’s forces in the east of Ukraine.”

yeah,, i heard same story two months ago xD Russian COPE at its best.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Romania is led by a bunch of traitorous stooges of the families of banking parasites. These families of parasites who own the politicians in the Western world orchestrated every single war and conflict for the past few hundred years. Romania like Germany, Great Britain, USA etc are only sovereign in name but in reality their citizens are slaves to these global tyrants. Russia is standing up to these psychopaths but unfortunately a large percent of Romanians are brainwashed in believing that siding with the criminals in the West is in their interest. It didn’t help that the Russians stabbed the Romanians in the back after the Romanian army helped them defeat the Turks at Plevna. As a reward for the help and the sacrifices the Romanians made, the Russians turned around and stole Moldova. Today though, this is a different Russia and Moldova would gain nothing by reuniting with Romania. The only thing it would gain is be privileged with the anti family, anti Romanian, pro LGBTQ agenda geared towards complete destruction, degradation and decay of the dying Romanian nation.


STFU dement. The only degradation is in your damaged brain

Insert name here

Wow great argument. Love the thoughtful and intelligent logic you bought to the discussion. Amazing insights and analysis. You must be a beer guzzling, McDonalds munching, sports lover, tv addict, avid Fox News watcher that drives a massive gas guzzling pick up truck with a piece of straw in your mouth and likes to wear overalls and a dirty Mobil logo cap while you drive into town to pick up another carton of beer southern country hick? Or maybe the European equivalent? Or at least a knuckle dragging Neanderthal? At the least someone who is way below most of us here in intelligence anyway. Phucking moron. 😂🤣

Peter Jennings

Shysters dealing with shysters. What could go wrong? With 40 million poured into the pockets of other political shysters who only care about money and not the consequences of being given it, probably everything. Just what the people of these countries think is probably yet to make itself apparent. Maybe Moldova might become smaller, like Ukraine.

We are now at the end game of decades of reckless western policies.


Moldova is making a serious error in judgment

mike l hutchings

do the fighting in Poland…. Poland will annex west Ukraine and Moldova and monkeys will fly out of their ass


Moldova (Romanian in Moldovan Uniform) will attack Transnistria and kill Russians there. This will not be covered in any news on the planet besides Russia (yes i guarantee you china and india will not cover it as well).

Than Russia will either have to let the russians die there which will prop up ukrainian will to fight and raise the numbers of eastern european volutanrys. Or they will move to safe Transnistria which will raise the number of dead russian soldiers and ukrainian civilians cause russia is forced to move fast through enemy teritory.

By that point the wolrds media will wake up and tell of the sudden, unprovoked, barbarian attack on innocent Moldova with no reason.

This will then be the moment where the entire planet including the UN will sancion russia. China and India will still buy russian oil and gas but only through hidden means and with much pressure on the preces like they did to Iran allready.

Everyone wins besides russia and the people in ukraine and moldova but these are just sacrificial lambs for the greater western god in the first place.

Natalia Guberna

Nobody will attack Transnistria. Stop your shit propaganda idiots.

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