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MARCH 2025

A Large US Military Convoy Rolled Into Syria On 1st Day Of Biden Presidency

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A Large US Military Convoy Rolled Into Syria On 1st Day Of Biden Presidency


Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Two separate reports from Middle East news sources at the end of this week strongly suggest that both Russia and the United States are building up their forces in war-torn Syria within the opening days of the Joe Biden administration.

First, Syrian state media is alleging a major US build-up and reinforcements sent to “illegitimate bases in Hasakah countryside”. The report in Syria’s SANA details:

“…that a convoy consisted of 40 trucks loaded with weapons and logistical materials, affiliated to the so-called international coalition have entered in Hasaka countryside via al-Walid illegitimate border crossing with north of Iraq, to reinforce illegitimate bases in the area.”

A Large US Military Convoy Rolled Into Syria On 1st Day Of Biden Presidency
Illustrative file image of US convoy in northeast Syria


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Daniel Martin

Did the FBI ran a loyalty check on them before they sent them, so they don’t desert and join the Russians?


that is much more possible than Iranians doing the same thing

The Objective

It’s a signal for Syria civil war V.2


You hate those people?! They are Muslims like you and have right on normal life like everybody else. Syria needs peace desperately!!

The Objective

I know, and want peace in Syria too. In fact, I put them in my prayers. But I prefer a solution where the Syrians get to choose their leader, not be ruled by some dictator. But rather than the civil war continue, I’d prefer Assad to rule. what I stated abut a civil war V.2 is just fact, not my wish. My ultimate wish is for them to have peace, especially since they are largely Sunni Muslim like me.


Glad that we agree finally. good to hear some common sense. Russia was always for elections (once peace is established). Sunni are majority so they should prefer peaceful elections to chose Sunnni leader eventually But for the moment there is no alternative to Assad. If war continues Syria will be destroyed and even more innocent dead

The Objective

I’ve read a lot of news about Russia disagreeing with Assad on some issues, including the future of Syria. Assad doesn’t seem to like the kind of democracy the UN wants to establish in Syria (even though it’s transparent). One guy explains that Assad is worried because he doesn’t have the money to compete with Sunni politicians backed by the U.S and Turkey.

Russia’s recent moves signal a desire to cut its losses in Syria. For example, the arranged talks between Assad and Israel, the rebuke of Iran, and a greater effort to engage Turkey and the U.S diplomatically. Russia correctly understands that Assad cannot be reinstated to dictate over Syria.

Should the U.S and Turkey decide to really turn up the heat for Russia in Syria, Putin would be forced abandon its ally or fight a forever war. For example, the U.S and Turkey can supply rebels with precision missiles of 100 – 300 km range. This will threaten the very existence of Russian bases in Syria and exponentially increase the cost in human lives for Russia. With the current protests brewing in Russia, the sight of Russian fallen soldiers being shipped home will immediately lead to a significant drop in domestic support for the war. Plenty of Russians will even demonstrate for the withdrawal of Russian troops.

I don’t know why the U.S and Turkey haven’t decided to arm the rebels with these more deadly and effective weapons that will likely lead to an immediate Russian withdrawal. Maybe the U.S wants to maximize Russia’s loses before making Syria too hot for Russia to stay.

We’ll see what happens with the Biden administration. Because he and Obama were the architect of this Syrian civil war.


there is no alternative to Syria elections on the longer run …as there is no alternative to Assad now US or Turk missiles supplied to rebels can NOT put in danger Russian bases (100% sure in that). Protests in Russia are way exaggerated and of NO IMPORTaNCE.

“I don’t know why the U.S and Turkey haven’t decided to arm the rebels ” Because military stuff is not your strongest (so lets ignore that aspect of the problem) Today US is not even shadow of the US from 8-10 (Obama) years ago. Biden will start the war but his priorities are different now …

The Objective

You mean 300 km precision guided missiles will lead to an immediate spike in Russian casualties? I don’t have to be a military science student to understand that Russia’s bases will be severely threatened by such missiles. I don’t see anything particularly impressive about your knowledge of military matters only. All you do is regurgitate news about latest weapons (an engineer’s way of assessing military power). I think Afghanistan should provide a good example to you that high tech is not the only determinant of power.

Anyway, Russian forces hardly die in Syria because they haven’t committed to ground operations. They always fight from the air. Their bases and posts are sometimes less than 300 km from rebel strongholds. a good barrage of these missiles will overwhelm any anti-missile defense Russia might have there, including the S-400. After seeing what Turkish drones did to Russia’s AA defense systems, I have even less confidence in the S-400.

There are only two possible reasons why America and Turkey haven’t supplied these weapons to the rebels: 1) The U.S does not want Russia to do the same in Afghanistan by arming the Taliban 2) Turkey does not want Russia to do the same by arming Haftar with such missiles too. 3) The U.S simply wants to bleed Russia before driving them out 4) The U.S wants a continuation of the war in the hope of igniting a clash between Russia and Turkey.

Now, you tell me why the U.S hasn’t supplied such missiles to the rebels, since you are a military expert. And you also explain how Russia can defend against a barrage of missiles in Syria.


OK name the ” 300 km precision guided missiles” to me that are so dangerous, (beyond Russian ability to defend themselves) end I’ll tell you why are they not the problem

I agree there is literally nothing particularly impressive about my knowledge …the problem is that you have NO knowledge at all, to compete even with that kind of knowledge.

Oh, and why are Russian forces suppose to die in Syria?!?! Syria is not their country! They did their fair share of dying in the beginning. Many Syrian’s are in Europe, Turkey now and expect that somebody else fight their war. If they don’t want to fight, they don’t deserve to have the country. Turks and US tried with their drone swarms to attack – it didn’t work. Now you talk about missile “barrage”…

There will be no clash between Russia and Turkey (not yet) “300 km precision guided missiles” NAME of the MISSILE please!!!

The Objective

You need to read this article about an analysis by a Russian military analyst concerning your super-natural Russian tech. But I think you are more intelligent than this Russian analyst, even though you haven’t said which Russian Think Tank you worked with or work for. I’ll be interested to also know some of your military background which gives you so much confidence in your understand of defense. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/does-russia-have-weapon-can-stop-swarm-strikes-38517


“Russian military analyst” is some Jew living in US working for some US sponsored “think tank”. Only thing “Russian” about him is his name because son of RUSSIAN Jew emigrants.

I am not more “intelligent” but I know when those guys are Liars: because they write articles that are Propaganda. They are Paid for that ! “Pantsir” is not best short range Air defenses Against missiles – the “Tor” is the best for that. I do NOT read National Interest which is US propaganda outlet. Russia is practically in war with the NATO – why do you expect them to tell the facts !!?? You were manipulated and prejudiced about Russia. IF THEY COULD HURT RUSSIA THEY WOULD DO THAT LONG TIME AGO!!!

Servet Köseoğlu

Виктор Мураховский is a real Russian patriot and editor of Арсенал Отечества a Russian military journal.ı Remember his post about Pantsir,all of a sudden he removed it.Here his facebook account and living in Moscow..just look at his followers all hard-core russian patriots.



there is rivalry between Pantsir and Tor, which is normal since both “short range”. Form all I know “Tor” is better no doubt about it at all. Specially when it comes to all kinds of missiles threat.

I suppose the “advantage” of Pantsir is its auto-cannons and the cheap ammunition (comparing to expensive guided missiles) I just hope that they will switch to bigger caliber to extend the range in the future end take care of drone swarms also….. thanks for the link

Servet Köseoğlu

Tor is way better thats why Russians didnt sell tor to uae-haftar.İn case of loss they dont want it to be decrypted.


Probably they have statistics that military voted mostly for trumo. That’s why they wanted to humiliate their own national guard by letting them sleep on the floors and posting the images in media.


Harden the fk up usa,orr pwetty boi hoping to get luxury twump service on a platter’ Humanity rights?Heck,atleast they were given very expensive nuland cookies:


If they were Russians, palatial Putin would let them shit in his golden toilets.


Been comfirmed as hoax,I trust Christian orthodox transparency,some friend of a friends,nothing to do with his personal wealth,regardless great project, man no wonder the west are seething over russians in jealousy,no brainer!

Be honest now,wouldn’t you like to stay there if you were invited for booze?

These deluxe putins,toilets you say,you mean don’t let soros use them? May have a significant valid point,considering media carnage it caused!

Heck,even the suckereds,far most agree,putin deserves not one but two palaceor spanish castles whatever the fk that means:


I’m hinest now, I wouldn’t stay there fore a boze. Maybe at gun point. If you’d like to, well I feel sorry for you. Actually Putin doesn’t hae 2 palaces but 8. All made to asure comfort to his billionaire aquitances, as they have on their own yachts. And yeah, communists like you will say he deserves 16 golden palaces and 32. Because communism is a gay religion that kiss a man ass instead god ass. On your taxes.

cechas vodobenikov

bacon writes more CIA propaganda. buys more sausage in Poland village


Better than Siberia village


Biden’s administration is full of Jews. It’s going to be a complete Israel first disaster, assuming that Biden stays in office which is questionable.

The Objective

Well, I like this news. It looks like more difficult time ahead for Russia. Donald Trump had been too soft on Russia due to his total focus on Iran.

Russia doesn’t want any form of democracy in Syria. They prefer to reimpose dictatorship, but this is a dream too late. Through elections, Russia knows that one day Islamists would win in Syria, just as they are clearly winning in the Libyan political process. Russia made the mistake of labeling the world’s Muslims terrorists. More than 90% of the global Muslim population would agree with the Muslim Brotherhood’s global agenda of uniting Muslims under Shariah rule. That’s why they won elections in Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and any other Muslim majority country that experiences transparent elections.

By considering the Muslim Brotherhood its enemy, Russia has indirectly declared war on Islam and Muslims (something even America is careful not to do openly). I thank God for Turkey’s UNWAVERING support for Muslims. A lot of harm that would have befallen the Muslim world has been averted due Erdogan’s bravery in breaking with past traditions to OPENLY support Muslims wherever he can. For example, Libya would have fallen to another brutal dictator who’ll turn it into another Egypt for Muslims. Syria would have fallen to yet another dictator with sever future consequences for the Muslim world.

Muslims want democracy in their countries, because that’s the likeliest way power can return to the Muslim masses. And when power returns to the Muslim masses, Shariah would rule. Ending dictatorship in Syria is a good thing for all Muslims. Every dictatorship or monarchy is harsh towards their Muslim populations, except for Qatar. Kudos to Qatari rulers for being brave enough to support Islam and standing strong despite the four years of blockade. We now have Turkey, Qatar, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan. More will fall in line as time goes on.

I hope Biden gives more support to the Syrian rebels to put far more pressure on Assad and Russia than they can bear. Biden should also coordinate with Turkey to be more effective. At the same time, more sanctions should be imposed on Russia to make its Syrian campaign more costly. Regrouping the legitimate opposition and arming them with some precision weapons should impose more painful costs on Assad and his allies and maybe force them to sit at the table and negotiate a transition to democracy.

All the rebels need are precision missiles of 300km just like Iran gives the houthis. So that even Russia will not have any safe heaven in Syria and cannot kill the rebels with impunity. Syrian rebels have demonstrated their ability to kick the asses of Shiite militias, so I’m not worried if Iran ships a million Shiite militias to Syria.

The ONLY and BEST solution Russia can get out of Syria is a transition to democracy. Otherwise, Syria will cost Russia 10 times more than it’s worth. And in the end, Russia will be ejected just like the Soviet Union were in Afghanistan. Actually, this looks a lot like a replay of what happened in Afghanistan: America supporting the rebel (Taliban) to kick out the Soviet Union (Russia) who were supporting a client regime (Assad in this case).

The U.S is far more likely to drive Russia out of Syria than the other way round. Simply because the U.S has so much money and it can print much more. While Russia has to sell oil at dirt-cheap prices while dealing with sanctions.

klove and light

Muslims want democracy in their countries, because that’s the likeliest way power can return to the Muslim masses. And when power returns to the Muslim masses, Shariah would rule.

shariah rule……just proves the point….you shariah folks are soulless humans………

why dont you take your satanic zionist brothers to planet jupiter and cool down for a 1000 years….

degenerate moronic piece of useless atoms.

The Objective

LOL. Your insults just show your frustration and the fact that you lack any reasonable thing to say. I like it when my opponents feel and act this way, cos it makes me laugh. Shariah folks are the future of Islam. Over 90% of the Muslim population crave their return. The dictators and monarchies (except Qatar) all hate democracy for the fact that Muslims would vote them out for their submission to satanic powers. Especially, with daily images of Muslims being killed over some mini issues or fake excuses.

Diana Cornwell

Sharia means strict and literal application of the Quran. I guess you Muslims are literally dying to chop us Christians into pieces: Qur’an 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran.”


Muslims and lgbtq don’t mix nor do real deal christians with lgbtq, Turkey is russias strategic ally,Commonwealth Embraces multi culturism,but if viles think blair the lair is uk saviour,they shall not freedom,for ever more:

Diana Cornwell

You call subsidizing people who want to rape your wife and kill your children before they behead you “multiculturalism”?


No one dare try,they all failed,in a jiffy too (period)Fk the hornets nest!

Facebook,ruins familys as do cias and medias who collaborate genocides:No rocket science there either,

I do not support isis,Turnbull is a wanker,worse P.M in ozi history,why intelligence was enough to get this piece o sht tossed out the grass!

I don’t think lgbtq/muslims make sense,no future such fake democracy.

So why are you here,do you support brexit? eu-epp caused muslim influx into europe,thank your lucky stars,it has been restricted since brexit,

Here,indigenous peoples are respected far more than soros mobs’ let them march,peacefully which they did,but backfired on the fascist blm goons oh yeah.See We adopted a ww2 Policy,which means Security protocols than ally with they whom were not our blatant enemys then: Sounds more Commonwealth if you ask me,you got a problem with that?

Atleast your political leader,is doing a reasonable job,trying to reunite the uk,can only pray for your compassion and understanding,but you know,Our monarchy built Australia based on history,wrong or right,you cannot rape mother nature,it is real it is freedom,but if we don’t know how to care for it let alone democratic constituates,how can we ever to peace?

Who hired isis,kiddie loveth headchoppers,feu-epp,then turkish(gulen) pm,cia,usa and all the assad accusers,heck Assad dined with our Queen!

Stay safe:

Diana Cornwell

Brexit, definitely! We have enough of them here already.


No,the cia does and no worse head choppers than the french evilitionists of neo-liberties facftions,like I said gonna break the muvafkrz in two(period)

Got the vile bushy/blaied deep state,canadian drug syndicate too oh yeah! Time to bury these muvafkrz ,raise our king!

The Objective

Dig some history about Islamic rule, where Shariah is justly applied. Christians were far more protected than any Western government protects them now. What has the Christian West done to help the Christians of the Middle East that are being terrorized by ISIS? Your Christian countries instead create and fund ISIS which ends up killing many Christians. But even then, the Christian west is doing NOTHING to dismantle ISIS even when they constantly regurgitate in the news that ISIS is their enemy (which is a lie).

However, your misunderstanding of Islam will always put us at conflicts with each other. You misunderstand Islam, but you show no effort towards gaining even some basic knowledge about it. All you know about Islam is what your media and leaders taught you, which are mostly lies.

But one thing is certain, no matter how hard you try, we’ll hold unto Islam. It’s our only hope to a better life. The so-called Western democracy is in social chaos, which will one day result in violence.

I don’t know where you are quoting that Quran, probably from one of the Qur’ans your leaders gave you. But here is the correct verse you claim to quote: Qur’an 8:12 “Remember, O Prophet,˺ when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So make the believers stand firm. I will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So strike their necks and strike their fingertips.”

And fuck you with your ignorance.

Diana Cornwell

Taqiyya, my friend. We know how you Muslims are.



The Objective

Taqiyya is a Shiite belief. And I’m Sunni. We don’t hide our true blieves cos we fear you not. I don’t actually try to explain anything to the deaf, dumb and blind. So believe what you want, man. It ain’t gonna change anything.

Diana Cornwell

You Muslims can’t stop lying, can you? You were caught lying again when you suggested above that Muslims have nothing against Christians or Jews.


The Objective

I didn’t say we have nothing against the Christian or Jews. What we have against them is repudiating their lies about God, not beheading them, as you would want to believe. It’s only in Islam that the sin of killing one human being (Muslim or non-Muslim) is the same as the sin of killing the entire human race. No other religion says this.

Diana Cornwell

No other religion is hypocritical and dishonest like Islam. Your Quran speaks from both sides of its mouth just like you. The Quran does not repudiate its bad parts. So when you Muslims feel weak, you say nice things. When strong, you rape, torture and kill with abandon. You lied again when you said sunnis don’t practice taqiyya.

Tommy Jensen

Clean up the load of shit in your own house first, before you criticise the dirt in your neighbours………………………..LOL.

The Objective

You are blocked, man.

The Objective

You’ll never get the whole picture sticking to Islamophobic websites like that. I’ve been visiting this website you have linked to. And I know what they are up to. But you go tell them to keep trying to tarnish the fasted growing religion in the world.

Diana Cornwell

When the French police discovered what you Muslims had done to the concertgoers at the Bataclan in Paris, France, they couldn’t walk anymore. They were so sickened they were throwing up. The pro-Islam Zionist French government suppressed its reporting. You Jihadis had mutilated and ripped apart both men’s and women’s genitals. Same thing in Algeria. You raped pregnant French women then disemboweled them, ripping the fetuses from their bellies. The things you recently did in Armenia…unspeakable. Cutting women’s hands, feet and ears off.

Our Zionist politicians who imported your kind to Europe ought to be tried as traitors.

Islam must be banned and Muslims expulsed from civilized countries.


Sharia would not help them develop technology that can compete with high tech powers. They will be just training ground for foreign drones and will have to sell cheap their oil and gas. They will have no comercial fleets, no great universities, not being taken seriously by anyone.

The Objective

We ruled the world for more than 10 centuries in a row. And that happened due to Shariah. We were ahead in almost every field. Europe was using medical solutions by Muslim scientists as recently as the 18th century. Muslim scientists contributed a great deal to science and technology. Do some single google search. The numbers you are using right now, is an Islamic number systme (0, 1, 2, …). That’s why they are called Arabic numerals. You are constantly fighting us, not wanting a return to Shariah cos you know what the result will be. The chaos your governments create in our countries is to prevent any kind of development. There is no development without peace. Your countries use the monarchies and dictators to keep our countries underdeveloped. These despotic rulers are the cause of the underdevelopment of science in Muslim countries.

But your claim that we cannot advance in tech rings hollow. Turkey is a good example of what a WISE Muslim leader can achieve in a short time. Turkey imported some 70% of its arms back in 2002. Today, Turkey import only 30%, being able to domestically produce the remaining 70%. And Erdogan wants to eliminate even that 30%. given the next ten years, there’s no doubt he can achieve this. Turkey is also one of the best countries for drone technology. Turkish drones have destroyed LOTS of Russian armament in battles.

If you talk of nuclear technology, Muslims have the capacity right now to produce all the nukes they want. The despotic rulers are the ones preventing it at America’s request. But this will end. Also, our warriors in Afghanistan have denied two super-power Christian nations victory despite all the tech you boast of. Imagine what happens if the field is leveled. We’ll beat you like back then. It’s as much as you could do to even defeat a small group of Muslim rebels poorly armed in comparison.

You’re gonna have to fight forever, but you cannot subdue the Muslim world satisfactory. That’s Allah’s promise. You can trouble us for a while, but that’s all.


Fog of War

” We were ahead in almost every field. ”

With knowledge based on the teachings of Greeks, Romans, Etruscans , Egyptians, etc. Get off you high horse.

The Objective

“With knowledge based on the teachings of Greeks, Romans, Etruscans , Egyptians, etc.” Any proofs? Besides, it doesn’t matter where we got the knowledge. What matters is we were able to harness it while practicing Shariah law. That means Shariah law cannot be the cause of any backwardness. Every country acquires some foreign technology. Inventions are done by scientists scattered allover the world.

Fog of War

Does ISIS practice Sharia law ?

The Objective

“Does ISIS practice Sharia law ?” No. Otherwise you wouldn’t kill people like flies

Fog of War

According to them they do, as does the Taliban and the Saudis, all governments I want nothing to do with.

The Objective

ISIS is not a Muslim force. The Taliban is. It seems you also believe this propaganda about ISIS being a Muslim force. There are many hadiths by prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) that people like ISIS have left the fold of Islam even if they claim otherwise. That’s why the Muslim community rejects them. Note also that ISIS never attacks the Americans or Israelis. Saudi Arabia does not practice Sharia, otherwise it won’t be hanging and jailing scholars who criticize the monarchy. The Taliban is the only group that comes close to implementing Shariah. Research the history of their rule, how they all but eliminated opium in Afghanistan. the country was exporting about 60% of the world’s heroin, I think …… before Taliban came to power. Within two years or so, Afghanistan accounted for less than 5% of the global opium. Another strength of their rule was the peace and order they brought. Only Shiites were resisting the Sunni Shariah system, and that led to their suffering.

Fog of War

” The Taliban is the only group that comes close to implementing Shariah. ” The Taliban forbid dancing, music, and the education of women. Not to mention requiring full body Burqas and the destruction of archeological sites. I think I’ll pass on Sharia law.

The Objective

I don’t expect a non-Muslim to agree with Shariah law, but most Muslims prefer it than the secular law, which doesn’t help fix societal problems at all. The Taliban didn’t bar women education. They only set out rules on how women are educated, which is not to mingle with men in the same schools and classrooms. Islam has a very very large number of female scholars in history. The prophet commands EVERY Muslim (male of female) to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. You non-Muslims want to see women attending the same schools as men, so that fornication can spread. You just regurgitate CNN propaganda on Taliban stopping women education. Maybe you should research what the Taliban says about women education. Then compare it to other Islamic sources.

Fog of War

Nice avoidance technique, but you conveniently failed to address the following primitive behavior. ” The Taliban forbid dancing, music. Not to mention requiring full body Burqas and the destruction of archeological sites “

The Objective

The burga is not compulsory. What is compulsory is for women to cover certain parts of their body with whatever clothing they can. Only the face, hands (not arm) and feet can show. Burga is an Arab traditional dressing that predates Islam. Certain types of music are forbidden. For example, music that stirs sexual desire, or insults a person or group, or music that spreads lies and disbelieve, or praises evil things and people, etc. Not all music is forbidden. There is a criteria for determining the impressibility of a music. Dancing is forbidden, except when a woman dances to please her husband in secret or vice versa. Dancing in public can be seductive for both men and women. And anything that seduces the general masses is forbidden. The only people who can seduce each other are married couples. As for archaeological sites, not all items should be destroyed. Islam has no tolerance for idols, whether of humans or animals. Muslims are obliged to destroy idols anywhere because they are a sign of disbelieve and may inspire idol worship. The Prophet personally ordered the destruction of all 360 idols in the Kaaba. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Fog of War

” As for archaeological sites, not all items should be destroyed. Islam has no tolerance for idols, whether of humans or animals. Muslims are obliged to destroy idols anywher e because they are a sign of disbelieve and may inspire idol worship. ” Destruction of any archeological sites or objects is a sign of a backwards , primitive mentality which has no place in the world, modern or otherwise. I assume you also have an obligation to destroy archeology in countries that arent yours. Although, come try that in my nation and you would be slaughtered. Additionally, you are a hypocrite for using the ” Internet ” which is one of the ultimate expressions, of narcissism and idol worship.

The Objective

You are blocked for good. I don’t chat with people who can’t disagree without insults.


LOL :)) Cheers!

The Objective



One thing i need to say: the previous muslim regimes, which were moderates, before the Arab spring, could more easily get in possesion of small nuclear arms than Toyota kamikaze factions that wage war against each other now.

Stinky Man

your’e an idiot,

johnny rotten

Poor nations have been plundered for centuries, they really don’t know how to do anything else, but they are unable to understand that their turn has come to an end and there are 6 billion people outside the West who are starting to say they are no longer. willing to play the part of the victims, a bad end is up to the thieves, but they are looking for it.

cechas vodobenikov

objective paid by the word from CIA—-


US military footprint in Syria will remain small, no desire to put boots on the ground….except for special forces units.

Fog of War

Or so you hope.


If you understand military strategy you would know so. Putting more boots on the ground would increase their exposure and weakness leading to steady casualties without any real benefit.

Stinky Man

It is for Israels Benefit 100%, the people of the US have no strategic interest in Syria, none . The US is there as Israels foreign legion .


Yes, I agree, as Algerians and Vietnamese took care of the French legion, axis of resistance will take care of the American legion.

The Objective

The U.S is enjoying the show in Syria. Russia is dropping hundreds of bombs worth thousands of dollars. Russia is practically funding the war for Assad. I read somewhere that it cost Russia several million dollars a day to keep fight the opposition in Syria.

On the other hand, America doesn’t spend a dime, not does it risk the lives of its soldiers. The U.S is arming the rebels and ISIS, but it makes of for that from Syria’s oil. It even makes profit. So, why would the U.S deploy more troops? there is absolutely no need.

If the U.S really wanted to get serious about forcing Russia out of Syria, it’ll supply some short-range precision missiles to the rebels. But I think the U.S doesn’t do that because Russia can do the same to America in Afghanistan, by arming the Taliban with such weapons, which will lead to a dramatic increase in American casualties.


Russian expense in Syria is not much more they would spend on training and testing weapons they would otherwise do in Russia. Instead of stimulators Syria offers live war situation to test their weapons realistically. US has HIMARS, regardless of who fires them on Russian position they would be quickly neutralized.

The Objective

So it costs Russia millions of dollars everyday just to test weapons back at home? Well, I’m truly surprised


No silly, Russian ministry of defense deals in rubbles not dollars……not every day as you claim. Current forces in Syria are paid as if they were in Russia.


The only foot print the US should have is on their faces from a Syrian Boot.


Lol, well said.

Stinky Man

Israel has been officially declared the winner of the 2020 US election. Trump was pulling US troops out of Syria or in other words, Trump was removing Israel’s Foreign legion from Syria. Israel knew this, and was not going to let it happen. On Joe first day he ordered more American kids to be put in harms way in Syria to benefit ONLY Israel. Also Joe said everything Trump did for Israel will remain in place.. Israel won with Trump and will Win with Biden and select the next ruler of the USA. Hitler may have been right.

Tommy Jensen

Note that no one dared to scratch an American on the way to our own soil in Syria…………LOL.

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