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A New Front In The SMO?

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A New Front In The SMO?

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A New Front In The SMO?

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Amid the ongoing fighting on the fronts of Donbass, there are risks of inciting another military conflict on the south-western borders of Ukraine. Ukrainian troops are amassing on the border between the Odessa region and Transnistria. Mass movements of the Ukrainian military in the immediate vicinity of the border are also confirmed by resources in Tiraspol, capital of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR).

Large forces are accumulated along the Kirovograd highway a few kilometers from the Platonovo checkpoint. The number of military personnel has been increased at all checkpoints in the region. Some special operations forces from the Bakhmut and Donetsk frontlines were reportedly transferred there.

It is expected that Ukrainian forces will strike at the territory of Transnistria in the near future, probably on the anniversary of the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

The village of Kolbasna is likely to become the first target. There is a giant ammunition depot. Dozens of tons of ammunition are stored in Transnistria. The seizure of warehouses would allow the Ukrainian military to replenish the emptied depots with ammunition for Soviet-made systems.

The warehouses in the PMR are under the control of the Operational Group of Russian troops, which numbers about 10-15 thousand servicemen. Forces of the Russian grouping would not be enough to repel a massive offensive by the Ukrainian army.

In this case, the Russians will either have to undermine the giant weapons depots, or give them up without a fight.

It is possible that the attack on Transnistria will be carried out by joint forces of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.

It is no coincidence that the newly appointed Prime Minister of Moldova, Dorin Rechan, has already confirmed his commitment to bellicose methods and defrosting of the conflict in Transnistria. He said that Russian troops should leave the PMR, the region itself should be demilitarized, and its population should be economically and socially integrated, which means the deployment of the Moldovan military there.

Preparing for the outbreak of a new military conflict, the Presidents of Moldova and Ukraine continue to assure the world that it is Russia that is trying to destabilize the region. Zelensky recently stated that Russian troops were allegedly going to carry out a coup in Moldova, having previously seized Chisinau airport for the transfer of troops through it. Such a scenario is certainly more suitable for a blockbuster, but it does not bother the Kiev regime and his Western patrons.

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Moldova and Odessa will fall. Game, set match


These are for me also signs of coming tries to capture and divide the rest of Ukraine, between Romania, Hungary and Poland , not the whole rest but as much as possible. So Romania would be the first. Ukraine , the failed state grounded on false arguments , with false behavior to all neighbors has only false friends. These deliver actually lip service how deeply they love Ukrainians but will be the first to distribute loot , when the battle is lost. On the other side , the attack on Transnistria will encourage Russia also to escalate and take Odessa etc. Not to mention: the offensive against Transnistria would cause again huge losses of Ukrainian manpower , which must be transfered from Donbass etc. Finally it doesn’t matter where they fall , in Slavyansk or in Transnistria. Just another nail in the coffin.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, No Really!

So you tried to censor me SF huh, well guess what I’m still here!

Mr. Nigel Maund

Your right and the stakes just keep on rising in Ukraine as the EU, UK and US Globalists want. They want an all-out war in Europe to blame their total economic collapse on and distract the idiotic public and hide their hideous crimes! No stakes are high enough for these maniacs!


That is the most retarded, ignorant, out of touch, contrary to reality thing I’ve heard. Ukraine is the “darling” of the international zionist cabal, at the very least it is to be turned into a forward bastion against Russia, (if any parts of it remain independent after the war) and there are strong rumors that jews will settle there turning it into Israel 2.0. They would sooner give parts of enslaved “NATO countries” to Ukraine than vice-versa.


The Russians fuckedoff that chance when they fled from Kherson.


One thing. A disaster in Transinistria would be politically non-tolerable , that would be one disaster too many. That would create a very serious internal situation for the Russian government. Heavy conventional aerial firepower (heavy bombers, foabs,) must be brought against the Maidanist force concentrations near Transinistria. (even the use of thermonuclear weapons and the minor foreign relations problems that would create (they’ll make very loud threats but they won’t do shit) is preferable to the kind of internal unrest the fall of Transinistria would create. Better international tension than internal rebellion.)

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London!

Time to teach them Nazis a lesson for life https://vk.com/video-22167015_456239088?list=0b8c7e91f790594362


Someone is going to regret this deeply. Moldova is going to vanish.

Mr. Nigel Maund

The someone is the whole of Europe. The US doesn’t give a damn!


10,000-15,000 troops, if they have the corresponding weapons and aviation, is a lot. However, others gave the size of the contingent as 1000-1500 so maybe that is a typo. To be honest, if it is 10,000-15,000, it will take several months for Ukraine to defeat them and may not even be possible


Si Rumania presta tropas, puede ser muy peligrosos y una escalada muy importante

Romanian whore

I have little doubt, as KUKraine is loosing badly on almost all fronts, to try improve its ‘balance’ in the eyes of its west masters that they will not do that. But there will be a perfect occasion for the russian to pay ukroshits with the same weapon: stay in heavy urban area in defense and grind as much hohol imbeciles as they can, to add those casualties piled up to the total ones and reach that damn minimum of 500 KIA ukronazi/day at least 1 month continuously. 700 would be much better and 1000 the denazification perfection. That is in favor of the russians according to theirs strategy.


I see it exactly so

Latin Americans for Russia

Russia has the full support of Latin America: youtube.com/watch?v=hUEL9FJ4nWs

Irish gerry

Wtf warehouse full of ammo and weapons right on the border cant make this stuff up.


Makes perfect sense to me. Look at the shape, size and location of Transnistria. It is a Russian enclave with nowhere to store ammo away from the borders of 404 or Moldova.

Captain Hohol

I don’t think that Ukraine has any ability to mass any sort of offensive, however I think that If the Russians cannot appropriate the contents of the PMR weapons depots for their own use that they should take the advice of Rechan’s advice and “demilitarize” by way of destroying those weapons depots and regrouping along more defensible lines.

The opposite of what Zelensky would do.

I would advocate it solely on the fact that it would be a massive middle finger to Zelensky if true.

Last edited 1 year ago by Captain Hohol

I think that if the Kiev regime attacks Transnistria, they would have to transfer vital units from the East to do it. Then the Russians would pour in from the East and South and take the lot, including retaking Transnistria at a later date. 404 would lose Kiev, Lvov and Odessa and be reduced to Snake Island.

I agree with you that 404 is unable to mass any sort of offensive. But if Zekensky went ahead anyway, those munitions in Transnistria would be used by the Russian troops there, rather than being destroyed. After all, those Russian troops aren’t there just for fun. You also have the troops massed on the Belarus border to consider as well.

Captain Hohol

Very true, I think the UAF is overextended far worse in this circumstance, although I don’t know how many of us knew about the persistence of Russian troops in the PMR region. I feel like the Russian strategy is no longer to swarm Kiev, so I feel that any forces amassed on the Belorussian side are merely there for the time being.

I think that emphasizing security and not sacrificing personnel or assets should be a principal concern for Russia at this point, whereas contra to Zelensky allowing thousands to die in Bakhmut, Russia should elect to maximize gains and minimize losses.

I’m not sure if the autonomous region of Moldova is presently a critical goal outside of ensuring that those ordinance stores are not in the hands of the AFU, by whatever means that entails. I feel if it were necessary at present to withdraw troops Russia could do it after destroying the ammunition depots in the PMR and could with relative ease reinforce other groupings at their will.


Those Russian troops have been there for years, and Kiev has been trying to find a way to get their hands on those munitions for just as long. Considering that the UAF are now resorting to inflatable howitzers and sending 14 year old kids to the front, and the West are running around like headless chickens trying to find ammo to send, I don’t think that the UAF has any chance of invading anything. Zelensky will be crying uncle soon.


If those stored munitions are seized by the Ukronazis they could explode in a chain reaction. They are very old and unstable. Only crazies would try it. Zelensky and his crew are crazies. Attacking Transnistria would accomplish two things: genocide against the ethnic Russian population and dragging NATO into a hot war with Russia. These are two very dear cherished ideals in the hearts of lunatic Banderites.


True, no one knows how much ammo is left there, or how usable it is. Transnistria is a part of Moldova I think. Is Moldova a member of NATO?


Russia has no real army, there is nothing to pour in anywhere.


Be quiet and eat your dinner, little boy.


Its a sure sign Ukraine is in deep trouble when they are trying to open a new front to draw Russian forces away from other areas, I’m suprised it took so long for the morons at NATO central intelligence to trigger it.

It won’t make a difference, the East will fall and an attack on a Russian ally will only see more of Ukraine disappear forever.


“draw Russian forces away from other areas,” if they transfere troops from Donbass to Transnistria , they will rather help the Russians to take these other areas easier. No matter what they do now , they are lost.

Nose, Nose

If that’s really the case, get the ammo out of the warehouse and to the troops, and have them well placed to receive any attackers with blazing guns. Just storing the ammo all in one place is a recipe for disaster. Well, that’s just one of my ideas about how to prepare. It would also be good to have air support, and to warn any potential attacker that they would enter a state of war against Russia.

Uncle Ho

A couple of icbms makes for a sudden shortage of carrier task groupings. Tsk tsk. Can’t bully and intimidate people into submission without a floating field of knives at their throats. Expand the battlefield and let’s all have some real fun. Give the cowards in their bunkers something to really remember: how their own cowardice created this entire situation. Let them think about over Eternity. That should be sufficient for most of them. Revelation tells us they will cry out hoping for death, but sadly they won’t get their wish: make it happen.


“Zelensky repeatedly says he must have tanks and planes by August to sandbag his haemorrhaging defences. But contradictorily Zelensky is warned, It’s critical; “make significant gains on the battlefield” now – as it is the Administration’s “very strong view” that it will be harder thereafter”

The Ukrainians miraculous counter offensives were just traitors on the Russian side ordering withdrawals and the Ukrainians, almost accidently, filling the gap.

Zelensky being warned that such gains will be harder in the future may mean that some of the traitors will be shot.

Captain Hohol

There are no conventional assets that the AFU can receive in support from NATO that will make any difference now.

And there is a very real threat of things ratcheting up beyond the capacity that is desired for NATO if they were to bring in F-35s.

F-16s and Eurofighters are bullshit, they’re not going to do anything, they’ll get shot down just as every other plane has been. This is not a theatre of air dominance, but of aerial dominance prevention.

Both sides know there are significant risks of flying in Ukraine airspace and a staggering amount of ground has been gained and losses incurred to the UAF through missiles and artillery in terms of achieving the goal of neutralizing UAF capacity to go on the offense.

Battle lines have mostly shifted in nascent ways, however the human toll for Ukraine’s side is now considerable.


That’s alright. This leaves Moscow no choice but to take all of Ukraine and Moldova. Who’s next. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania? Poland?

Captain Hohol

No, no, this isn’t about that. This is about teaching NATO to mind their own business, and for the EU to keep their WEF garbage to themselves.

Rodney Loder.

We’ll see if jew pig Zelensky goes agead and hits Transistria Russia will take the gloves off.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rodney Loder.

Russia does not have enough troops there to defend against a Ukrainian attack? And Transnistria has the largest ammo dumps in Europe, at a time when Ukraine and NATO are running out of ammunition?

WTF? Is the Kremlin asleep? This wouldn’t be a crisis if — sometime during the LAST YEAR — Russian troops would have been deployed there.

NATO terrorists

Moldova makes a stupid move, Belarus would have to join the SMO

Vitamin Protein

Ukraine will attack from all sides, but Transinitra will fight back with fierce force and support from Russia will make them devastate Ukrainian desperate terrorists.

Latin Americans for Russia

UN is a US bitch. Russia and China (maybe even with the BRICS) should jointly make an ultimatum for that organization to become unbiased. If not, the BRICS should put their membership in that vassal gang in question. How it is now is unacceptable.

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

🇷🇺 “Today at 6 in the morning they reported that the shipment of ammunition was starting. Most likely, the train started moving. So far, on paper, but, as we were told, the main papers have already been signed. ㅤ I would like to thank all those who helped us make this happen. You saved hundreds, maybe thousands of lives of guys who are defending their homeland, gave them the opportunity to live on.”

Evgeny Prigozhin ++++++++++++++ So, soon there will party time in Artemovsk.

Romanian whore

That’s what I wanted to hear: denazification tools in the hands of the best denazificators yet !!!!!!! Now, the juggernaut upon ukro reich shithole is about to unleash. Seems Pamfil Military Academy was RIGHT again…..and again. After replacing 3 out of 4 front (west, south and central I think) commanding generals in no more than 7 days KIM’s ‘well stocked’ trains start to move.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian whore
Obama bin Lyin

Jewlensky feeling emboldened now that his boyfriend Pinocchio joe has payed him a booty call, expect escalation from now on.


There is no evidence of Russians moving into Moldova for nefarious reasons. I would doubt if NATO would allow Moldova to trigger a massive red line breach that NATO themselves wouldn’t participate in and would not fall in the ‘article 5’ of NATO charter. It’s clearly something that the little maniac in Kiev would love to do but I would expect NATO would be saying ‘No’. If the forces have moved up from Odessa to Transnistria, it might be a good time to drop a couple loads of troops on the south coast of Odessa to storm and take Odessa and have troops move in from the south of Kherson. Take all the Black Sea Coast.

jens holm

Everymen born bisexuel, rusticas tou. We respekt ,her in EU we achie ve are equal .Rusticas shuld too but noth there not aloved,you also born bisexuel to is acept have

Romanian whore

Even on maternity hospital he clearly have dinkie and no seen any other hole between. Oh, pardon, I forgot: fags mistaken always the cunt with the ass !!!!!!!!!


If it happens that the Ukrainians go to Transnistria, they have a great chance of completely defeating the Russians. As long as the Russians had a bridgehead across the Dnieper in Kherson, such a move by the Ukrainians would be tantamount to suicide, but since the Russians kindly gifted that bridgehead to the Ukrainians, the rear of the Ukrainians is more than secure and they can focus on conquering Transnistria with a calm head…

Romanian whore

You’re partially right. But that means Putin will go for more inside Ukropizdan; a lot more. And not Odessa. that is impossible without Kerson and Nikolaev. Sumy and Kharkov region is very good. And I bet 100% that this will trigger the TOTAL chinese support.


Attack Russia force in Transnistria will make excuses for Russia force in Transnistria to uses of tactical nukes.I think Russia can except loss of exchanges of tactical nuke war level.

Last edited 1 year ago by War
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