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A New Frustrated Chapter in the Violent War Against Venezuela

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A New Frustrated Chapter in the Violent War Against Venezuela

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Submitted via resumen-english.org

In the early morning of May 3, there was a thwarted mercenary raid on the coast of Macuto, in the state of La Guaira. Interior, Justice, and Peace Minister Néstor Reverol reported that the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) together with the Special Action Forces (FAES) of the Bolivarian National Police countered an invasion by “sea” on the coast by non-state actors, officially called “Operation Negro Primero”.

The Venezuelan authorities reportedly killed nine mercenaries and detained two others, who were part of what they called “Operation Gideon”.

They also seized 10 rifles, a Glock 9mm pistol, two AFAG machine guns that were part of the Federal Legislative Palace’s weapons park stolen by seditious groups on 30 April 2019, six land vehicles in the form of pickup trucks, a boat with two outboard motors, two notebooks with details of the violent operation, satellite phones, identification, uniforms (including a helmet with the United States flag) and cartridges of various calibers.

Among those killed was former Captain Robert Colina, alias “Panther,” who had recorded a video that went out on Twitter this morning that called for “liberating” Venezuela. A few weeks ago, the Venezuelan fugitive from justice, now detained in the United States, Clíver Alcalá, admitted that he was one of his “trusted” men.

Last March, a defector from the FANB captured by local authorities, Rubén Darío Fernández (alias “Búho”), confessed that the aforementioned “Panther” was leading a terrorist squad to carry out selective assassinations against the main leaders of the national executive.

Reverol affirmed that this frustrated incursion came from Colombia; since Riohacha, Clíver Alcalá had been organizing a plot that was also dismantled last March, in which a cache of combat weapons that would be moved via illegal routes to Venezuelan territory was intercepted and seized by the Colombian police.

At that time, the Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodriguez, said that these weapons were going to be received by “one of the three groups” coordinated by Alcalá.

In addition, a recently published Associated Press (AP) story claims that a military contractor, Silvercorp, which has received at least a couple of contracts from the US government, was in charge of training mercenaries and FANB deserters from the Alcalá group in three camps in Colombia.

Shortly before noon today, May 3, the president of the National Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, confirmed in a press conference that the maritime vehicles used in the operation came from Colombia because of the GPS information from the satellite phones seized in the operation.

The remains of a shipwreck

Minister Reverol reported “that the operation is continuing and other arrests are not ruled out as a thorough search is being made by land, sea, and air.

Cabello repeated this to the press at the Federal Legislative Palace, adding that one of the subjects arrested in the early hours of the morning confessed to being a drug trafficker, an agent of the DEA, the United States’ anti-drug agency, and added: “It is sad that those who call themselves Venezuelans are financed by drug trafficking, by drug money”.

What is certain is that some of the weapons and electronic equipment seized in this operation coincide with the models used in last year’s incident, on April 30, 2019, when some defectors from the FANB and mercenaries took over the Altamira distribution center in Caracas in a failed attempt to overthrow the government of President Nicolás Maduro in order to place Juan Guaidó, the man chosen by Donald Trump’s administration, in power.

Among the weapon models that match both scenes is a rifle that does not correspond to those used by the Venezuelan state defense and security forces.

Likewise, a Motorola XPR3500 radio seized in Macuto matches the model confiscated by the Colombian police in La Guajira last March, as well as the AR-15 rifles and the helmet with the American flag, equipment that was to be used by “one of the three groups” that Alcalá Cordones coordinated to carry out armed actions against Venezuelan institutions and leadership.

In addition, a source close to the official operation carried out by the FANB and the FAES in Macuto confirmed to Mision Verdad, under condition of anonymity, that the maritime vehicles set sail from La Guajira in Colombia and made a stop in Aruba before running aground on the Venezuelan coast.

Aruba, along with Bonaire and Curaçao, is part of the Dutch crown colonies in the West Indies. Curaçao is located 25 kilometers off the northwest coast of Venezuela, and the Netherlands decided last year to recognize Guaidó as “president” for the geopolitical benefit of the United States.

Both Aruba and Curaçao are territorial headquarters of two U.S. bases, respectively Reina Beatriz and Hato Rey, from where the Southern Command coordinates an Advanced Operations Center (FOL), spearheading its alleged anti-drug operations.

It should be noted that the cruise ship Resolute rammed a Venezuelan Coast Guard vessel, the Naiguatá, on March 30 near La Tortuga Island (in the absence of a request for permission), and subsequently fled to the port of Willemstad, in Curaçao. The head of the FANB’s Strategic Operational Command (CEOFANB), Admiral in Chief Remigio Ceballos, stated in mid-April that the Resolute was aimed at “placing mercenaries” in Venezuela.

The evidence (the participation of alias “Pantera”, the seized equipment and the stop in Aruba before arriving in La Guaira) indicates that “Operation Gideon” is indeed part of the plot coordinated by Clíver Alcalá from Colombia with resources, financing, and logistics from the United States (via a private security contractor) and with the approval of the clique led by Juan Guaidó.

Early morning raids against the terrorist agenda

The frustrated incursions were anticipated by the Venezuelan state through an aggregation of information. Diosdado Cabello said at the aforementioned press conference that such an action was expected on the country’s Caribbean coasts.

Since the calls for insurrection by Óscar Pérez and former Captain Juan Carlos Caguaripano in 2017 and the attempted assassination by means of drone bombs against President Maduro in 2018, the terrorist-mercenary agenda has been increasing in its coordination and attempts at implementation under different channels and actors.

This is how Venezuelan state agencies have been managing to dismantle this agenda, in which the most visible face in recent months has been Clíver Alcalá Cordones himself. Minister Jorge Rodriguez informed the country last March that there was a detailed follow-up to the plans that emerged from what was being plotted in Colombia.

Recently, on April 20, four captains and one lieutenant of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) were arrested and charged before military courts for weapons theft at GNB detachment 441 in Puerta Morocha, Miranda state.

Before being arrested, and according to the opposition, these officers tried to take over the weapons park and proceed to the Ramo Verde detention center in Caracas, freeing other seditious officers held there and arming them for a “military uprising”.

According to information from anti-Chávez journalist Luis Gonzalo Pérez of NTN24, the “uprising” “was going to be amphibious, both in La Guaira and in Falcón”, and the detainees “had conversations with external advisers in order to be able to carry out their armed uprising”.

As a preventive measure, the Venezuelan state decided to block the accesses to the Caracas-La Guaira highway and the Cabrera tunnel based on the information provided (whether from Colombia or from the recently arrested and prosecuted military). This action was opposed by opposition journalists and Iván Simonovis, former commissary of the then Technical Judicial Police, head of Security in the Caracas Mayor’s Office at the time of the Puente Llaguno massacre in 2002 and now a US collaborator in an attempt to crystallize a coup d’état against the Bolivarian Government.

Clearly the Venezuelan authorities have anticipated such an agenda within this critical context of the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, in which the state is responsible for most of the official health care efforts for the population. The planners of the plot intended to exploit this “opportunity” to undermine the government of Nicolás Maduro, while the state neutralizes every attempt to impose a framework of violence, chaos and coup d’état leveraged again by the United States.

Source: Mision Verdad, translation Internationalist 360

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Jose Martinez

“Es triste que quienes se autodenominan venezolanos estén financiados por el narcotráfico, por el dinero de las drogas”.

Tanta hypocrecia! Que tal con el Narcotrafico del Gobierno de Maduro y el Cartel de los Soles? Mira lo siguiente:

“Roberto Méndez Hurtado, alias Pluma Blanca, es uno de los testigos. Tras hacerse pasar por muerto, fue capturado en Ecuador, deportado a Colombia y extraditado a Estados Unidos. Su abogado, el cubano-americano Joaquín Pérez, lo presentó ante la jueza Marcia Cooke, ante quien se declaró culpable y se convirtió en uno de los más importantes testigos contra el ‘cartel de los soles’.

Contó cómo se movía la droga desde el estado de Apure en avionetas. De hecho, gracias a su información, se hizo una entrega controlada de 330 kilos en una aeronave que piloteó el colombiano Sebatián Sánchez.”

Esta información viene de una fuente Colombiana. La maravilla de esa operación para la entrega controloda de 330 KILOS de coca es lo siguiente:

“Esa operación terminó hundiendo a Hugo Carvajal, quien intentó escaparse del indictment jurándole lealtad a Juan Guaidó y ofreciendo información.”

La verdad es que el Gobierno de Maduro es un Gobierno criminal que depende en el Narcotrafico para sus operaciones gubernamentales. Ustedes haciéndose las víctimas es una burla del mismo pueblo Venezolano. Su tiempo llegará. Fuera con Maduro.

El Mashi

Eres tonto, y peor eres traidor. Deberías tener vergüenza: yo te tengo asco.

Jose Martinez

Traidor de que?! Yo tengo que esta de acuerdo con un Narco Estado que beneficia de traficar drogas por que ellos son enemigos de los Estados Unidos?!

Tu sabes lo horrible que es cuando un cartel de Narcotraficantes secuestra una finca y obliga a campesinos a cosechar cocaina amenazandolo con muerte? Una persona que se rebela contra el cosechó de cocaina es desmiembrado y partes de su cadáver es gindado en mercados públicos para instalarle miedo a la población! Esa gente no hacen eso por agenda política lo hacen para ganancias! Nicolás Maduro beneficia de ese negocio de Narcotrafico! Hai que desmemiembrar a ese cabron!

Idiota de poco inteligencia. Tu odio a los Estados Unidos te empuja a apoyar un Narcotraficante/Narcoterrorista. El traidor eres tu mmg!

V. Mecki

Perdóname pero tu tambien eres bien inocente. Adivina quién manda en Afganistan a los soldados del ejercito alemán a cuidar los sembríos de opio? Y quién saca el mayor provecho de la venta? Te ayudo: No son los Talibanes.

Jose Martinez

Me puedes dar un dato y nada de lo que me dices me va a sorprender.

Los Estados Unidos corrieron drogas en Laos en los 70s. También facilitaron a Noriega y Pablo Escobar con la venta de drogas para financiar las Contras en su lucha con los Sandinistas en los 80s. La diferencia en este caso es que los refugiados Venezolanos salen a países Latinoamericanos y ellos desean regresar a su patria. Millones de refugiados corriendo del regiem de Maduro y nosotros, países Latinoamericanos, estamos en solidaridad con los Venezolanos. El pueblo Venezolano no quiere a ese saco de mierda en poder en Venezuela, además el Narcoterroismo es una plaga en Latinoamerica que debe ser erradicado.

El Mashi

Ingenuo. EEUU a sus vasallo les ayuda traficar en droga mientras apoyan los contras y soberaneas como Maduro y Ortega. Tu odio te ceguera de la realidad. Las drogas y su lucro siempre ha sido una arma del Imperialism. Prefiero ser borrego del comunismo que traidor y vasallo del Imperialismo Yanqui, enemigo historico.

Jose Martinez

Si.. El Comunismo funcionó tan genial en Cuba adonde Fidel Castro y su grupito se hicieron ricos mientra la población Cubana era obligada a vivir con lo mínimo. Fidel dependió de drogas también, a to el tiempo un enemigo de los EE.UU..

Yo no apoyo a los Estados Unidos, sin embargo, jamás le dará el poder a un gobierno para decirme que comer, cuando comer, cuánto puedo comer y amenazarme con cárcel y muerte por criticar y reclamar injusticias del gobierno. Usted puede apoyar el Comunismo en todos los países del mundo si lo deseas, pero en mi país nunca seremos Comunistas..

Alberto Garza

a mi me dan asco los borregos obedientes como tu naciste para ser esclavo de los comunistas.

Black Waters

¿Por querer alejar a madura vas a lamerle las botas al gobierno fascista gringo? ¿Tenés idea de lo que decís? Una vez que entran las corporaciones gringas no las sacas más, los gringos vienen con su papel sin valor y controlan los recursos acordados con los poderes en cuestión esto crea trabajo para los gringos NO para los venezolanos, mientras los habitantes de la nación que poseen la tierra se hunden en la pobreza, lo gringos comercian con los poderes que rigen saqueando “legalmente” la nación.

Queres evadír un mal pidiendo la guillotina directamente, por evitar un mal menor pedís invitar al diablo a tu casa.

Esto es una cuestión de control, una vez que les entregues los recursos cagaste fuego campeón.

cechas vodobenikov

tu sabes

cechas vodobenikov


Cronos Sin Apellidos

Pero nada de lo que dices empaña realmente al gobierno venezolano. Ahora, es seguro que algo de narcotráfico debe haber permeado algo del gobierno, como en absolutamente todos los países de la región y del mundo. Pero en venezuela sigue siendo mucho menos su penetración que en Colombia o Perú, los mayores productores, o México, que es donde hay más trasiego. O en Estados Unidos, que consume y compra más drogas que la que produce y trasiega latinoamérica entera.

Jose Martinez

Si claro por que Venezuela es un ejemplo genial de libertad. Gente buscando comida en la calle y la basura, la represión de oposición en todos aspectos del Gobierno, Maduro dirigió al ejército Venezolano a impedirle la entrada a el Parlamento Venezolano a Juan Guaidó y los demás miembros de oposición cuando era tiempo de celebrar un voto para Presidente del Parlamento con el propósito de bloquarle los votos a Juan Guaidó y instalar un Presidente en el Parlamento elegido personalmente por Maduro para callar toda la oposición a su régimen en Venezuela. Traficando algunas toneladas de Cocaina a la direccion de Nicolás Maduro y un gabinete de sus generales más cercano no es nada para que organismos internacionales se frustre.

Esa fantasía adonde usted está viviendo tratando be brillar un mojón es vergonzoso. Sueltame en banda. Esta conversación se terminó.

Cronos Sin Apellidos

Bueno, en primer lugar, que ya toda esa retahila no tiene que ver con el tema.

Pero, para contestarte: nadie habla de que Venezuela sea perfecta, como no es perfecto ningún país, y es mucho más libre que Colombia, Honduras o incluso México, donde mueren más periodistas y dirigentes sociales que en Venezuela.

Yo vi el video completo de cuando a Guaidó se le invitaba entrar a la Asamblea, así que no mientas. Él no quiso entrar por la puerta, y luego fue a hacer su espectáculo en la verja. Y eso porque sabía que no tenía los votos, y querían entrar a un diputado suspendido. Perdió por mucho, y el conteo está ahí. El parlamento nuevo, está dominado por la oposición, porque son mayoría, de modo que impusieron su presidente. Así que no mienta. Lo del tráfico, ya lo repliqué antes.

Así que no mienta.

cechas vodobenikov



La hoja de coca es una planta autoctona del continente “america del sur”. El estadounindense invencion de la guerrra contra las drogas es una guerra contra una planta y la libertad mas basico del continente entero. Cuantos milliones de personas han asesinado y encarcelado? Cuantos familias han destruido el gobierno EEUU? La culpa por esta guerra sin fin es del gobierno estadounidense. Fuck the USA and their global drug war and all the people they murder.

cechas vodobenikov

tonteria—tu escribes sobre colombia

Black Waters

So now the U.S gestapo it’s using hispanic people (paid trolls) to spread propaganda on SF, targeting people from South America and some parts of Europe.

A lot of tax payer money wasted in this psicodelic collapse.


Like Pink Floyd live at Pompeii!?


The US Zioterrorists are hellbent on igniting either a civil war in Venezuela or war between Venezuela and the US’ narcobanana republic clients like Colombia and Brazil. Venezuela with lotsa oil, gold, silver, gas, diamonds, coltan, etc., still to be exploited, can afford military and tech/know-how transfers from Russia/China, and that can help stabilise a new multipolar global reality where the US/West Zioterrorists can no longer afford to keep crossing oceans to attack and steal from much weaker less developed nations. It’s as window of opportunity like no other, same with Iran.

Tommy Jensen

US is a rough robber nation of psychopaths in charge. The skin of civilisation is completely lost.

Bobby Twoshoes

Haven’t seen you for a while, welcome back. I much prefer your serious comments, too much room for misinterpretation when you parody.


But the parody is fun!

Bobby Twoshoes

I will concede that only noobs fall for it and it does occasionally elicit a chuckle, I still prefer honest and straightforward communication though.


You should have seen his expose as it were with the 2018 cup finals and his ‘trip’ to Russia..a classic of comedy.

El Mashi

Similar to Iran-Contra, the US Deep States encourages self financing activities by its proxies to further its geostrategic ambitions. The drug business is the most effective in this pursuit. The Drug Enforcement Agency turns a blind eye to drug trafficking, and it also provides the market, American drug consumers. It is the US drug consumers who fund the Venezuelan contras. This has been working since the end of WWII when we financed the Sicilian and Marseillaise Mafia to breaks Communist led dock workers’ union.

You can call me Al

When I heard about this, the first thing I felt was sympathy (for the US), the second obviously anger.

I know how it sounds, but the US are digging their hole to bury themselves, embarrassing to watch.

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