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MARCH 2025

A Revealing Video On European Super Activist Who Were Deliberately Sent To Death By Brussels

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This video was published on the Juan Sinmiedo / Fearless John Telegram channel. Ukraine exposed  and had a commentary:

Pablo Garrido Mancebo, ‘Turbito’,
A well known Neo Nazi from València, Spain.
He is in Ukraine defending the democratic values of the EU.
He says at the start “look at this the bullets brand new” . I personally don’t understand how the bullets or the shells could be already used.

Earlier, the Russian Defence Ministry said that since the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, “the Kiev nationalist regime has brought 6,824 foreign mercenaries from 63 countries to Ukraine”.

The largest group came from Poland – 1,717 people. About 1,500 mercenaries came from the USA, Canada and also Romania. From the UK and Georgia, up to 300 each. From the Turkish-controlled areas of the Syrian Arab Republic came 193 people.

Moscow claimed that the number of mercenaries had been steadily declining as a result of the hostilities and currently stood at 4,877. Russian armed forces eliminated 1,035 foreign mercenaries in hostilities. Another 912 mercenaries refused to participate in hostilities and fled the country.

The Russian figures may be exaggerated, but there are already dozens of videos on the Web of escaped “European super activists” justifying their fleeing.

All foreigners who come to Ukraine to fight fall into two categories, either fools who seek cheap publicity thinking that computer games sufficiently describe real war or professional soldiers of NATO countries. The first are loading “new ammunition” and taking selfies, while the second are actually fighting in the ranks of the AFU.

It could be said that this is a fairly obvious situation. However, there is a persistent desire from Brussels to burn as many EU’s disturbing “super activists” as possible into the furnace of the Ukrainian war.

Otherwise, we would not be seeing selfies with Kalashnikov rifles, but training in the handling of artillery systems, drones, tanks or other military equipment.

Of the hundreds of EU citizens killed, only a dozen are professionals, the rest are taken literally just as a meat for Washington and Kiev generals, the same as mobilized Ukrainian tractor drivers and combine harvester operators.


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Tweaking like a meth user, face tattoos, has never loaded a magazine of the most common rifle in the world, spaghetti arms.. Typical but at the same time very sick that these little boys are being sent to frontline combat.


Im glad that spic was sent to hell.

Aunt Polly

Many think amalek belong there too. Ask those dribbling rabbis.


That war is a great opportunity for for the NATO countries to burn its useless scum. This is a function of war.


The bad news are, that usually the best, bravest people are killed in war.


This guy wasn’t brave at all….. He was just a Blabber who died while defecating on his pants


Looks like a complete moron and loudmouth, doesn’t have enough finger strength to load the mag. I pity him in a way. A brainwashing victim.

Black Russian

6824 Mercenaries from 63 countries!

Are these Vaccinated Fighters or Unvaxxed? Ukraine Soldiers dying in combat is low probably because they are listing them as Covid-19 Deaths. The West looks pathetic trying to find ways to hurt Russia. It ain’t working.


https://tapnewswire.com/2022/04/did-russia-take-revenge-for-targeting-of-moscva/ Putin’s already blowing up ammo dumps in London.


Speculation just as the Brits do…. And if it true, Good Hunting Tovarish President !!


Lucky Strike by a smoker.

It’s doubtful RU would expend a medium range hypersonic missile for a modest ammo depot. And politically it would also look bad.


what is going on in marioupol? did Russia flooded them already?


Flooding would be wise, corpses and evidence would remain intact. Some might even come out alive which is best. But if they drop a vacuum bomb to vaporize what is down there, there may never be an end to well deserved speculation of intelligence circle conspiracy, weather whatever, whoever was down there is actually in the hands of the Russians and being used to do some under the table negotiations within the global intelligence circles. There is rumor there be some high ranking officials there with testimony that can place European leaders to jail or worse… so plenty of reason to be suspicious if they go for the vaporizing weapon.


zionists.= Bad

invading commies = Bad

dead ‘traitor’ commies = good


zionist nazis =evil invading americunts= evil dead nazi/anti communist = prophecy

Live and bear it,FIXED!


Where is Hans Raus? I need him to make sweet love to my asshole!

Bob - Enough

I have a tin hat conspiracy theory about = “However, there is a persistent desire from Brussels to burn as many EU’s disturbing “super activists” as possible into the furnace of the Ukrainian war.”…. have a think and you will catch on soon – especially with the continued mass immigration of Asians, ME, North Africans that you are not being told about. KALGERI PLAN – if you do not know it; look it up.


It’s Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Pamfil Military Academy

Exactly. A very old plan, aprox. 70 years old to replace the white population, which was considered too ‘old’, obsolete, not viable and steadily declining, from Europe with other nations, especially arabs and african. Was also used by Germany to ‘import’ millions of turks in the 60’s because of the lack of (cheap)working force (now in Germany are over 7 million turks). I also believe there was and IS such a conspiracy between the high rings of power and influence in EU.


This is exactly why the nationalsocialsts fought that fierce to the very end. Because they knew they were fighting not just for HGermany and their government but for the survival of the whole white race on this earth. At least now, 80 years after their military defeat in WW2, slowly also the rest of the world realizes that they were true in what they stated.

Better late than never, I say.


The comments section still controlled by CIA/MI6 obviously…. As I said nothing untowered about Russia’s efforts!

Slava Rossiya!!!


Napoleon: ‘The army marches on its stomach.’

As for untrained volunteers flooding into the war: great. Thank you for providing a target rich environment. These violent racists won’t be killing anyone elsewhere. The lies currently filling their mouths will be replaced by earth and worms. The idea the most corrupt failed nation on Earth could manage a war is laughable. Wars are fought and won based on logistics: on supply, training, and timely movement of troops. Ukrainian defence is designed to protect Swiss bank accounts. The Russian offensive is designed to interrupt all three of these absolutely necessary military acts. Logistics have never more important than recently as weapons are more complex, vastly more expensive, and incredibly destructive. This has slowed research, development, and serial construction to the point wars will now be fought with weapons on hand until exhaustion compels defeat and surrender.

Bertrand Russell: “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”


The conflict in Ukraine is serving a secondary purpose and that is, to eliminate the world of more Nazi/Neo-Nazi scum. Cannon fodder, happily consumed by Russian bullets and bombs.


“I personally don’t understand how the bullets or the shells could be already used.” Who are these people that make this type of comment? The term is reloading. Unless you can collect the projectile/bullet, typically lead, you buy them. The lead can be melted and cast, though. The casing’s primer is removed and cleaned, a new primer is pressed, the proper amount of propellant is poured and a new round pressed. A lot of people reload their own cartridges. I doubt it being done in an active war zone.


Me neither,There’s munitions in every basement.

Izlom Camo

It is always the “professional” soldier thing – stands for 2months of basics, 2 months of weapons specific, 2 months of battalion based usage, now some mountain hiking and after all of that beeing driven to bosnia or kosovo (the most boring phase!), once you return the rest of your contract will feel like battalion usage until sergeants academy – then you can feel the slow transformation into the office jobber – congratulations now you are prefessional… huzar everyone!


“Balas nuevas” (new bullets) hahahaha, that’s why here in Mexico we make a lot of jokes over Spanish people, some of them are really dumb.

Pamfil Military Academy

This conflict make a huge gift for the world, to as many dumbshit nazi idiots hitting the ground, the greater gift will be. Me too, I think the mobsters from Bruxell are extremely happy to sent them on the grinding machine, especially when they have an excellent motif. They are searching for almost 70 years that kind of ‘situation’, to get rid of the white supremacists in Europe to proper implement theirs satanic Kalergy plan.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Foreign mercenaries from Poland? They are Ukrainians going back home to fight Soviets. Yes, some of them got Polish passports as they gain it after 5 years. 200000 Ukrainian man working and living in Poland went back to fight russian aggression


Drug addled cartoon tatted monkey playing with his toys. This one is already bagged and burned. Next plea$€ coZ the dying angloZionaZi empire of shit needs all the idiots it can muster for the Ukrop death pile.

Onward to the EUSSR politburo runts in Natostan sewer brUSsels!


That nice AK is going to be ruined when he gets hit with a bomb.

Cornelius Pipe

Man. What are the Chechens going to do with THAT? He looks like the type of little glue-sniffer/teenage vandal I’d toss to my dog as a chew-toy.

Richard Pannell


Thomas Paine

DISCLAIMER:     If YOU are too easily triggered and too  lazy to carefully read this entire flyer THEN DON’T READ  IT and give it to the most intelligent person you know.

The men the American people admire the most extravagantly are the most daring liars: the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. – H.L. Mencken


Take  Off  Your  Mask  And  Get  Off  Your  Knees  !    COVID-19 IS FAKE  ! Unquestioning Gullibility And Obedient Compliance Are Unbecoming Of A Patriot  !

FACT :   Thousands of highly credible and qualified doctors and scientists from around the world are adamantly insisting that Covid-19 is either completely fake or practically harmless and are being deliberately and systematically censored by the Mainstream media and governments.        ( Numbers Correspond To Links In CVHOAX.COM )                                                                2,3,7,8,9,11,14,17,32,33,34,35,36,40,44,55,59,60,61,62,63,69,76,80,82.83,86,90,104,  147,157.

FACT :   Covid-19 has never been scientifically proven to exist because it has not met any of the four criteria of Koch’s Postulate which is known as the Gold Standard of proof of a virus’s existence. The scientific study of germs is known as Germ Theory because it’s a THEORY !  Germs have never been proven to be the cause of contagious disease yet have been used to sell vaccines for over a hundred years.  Exosome Theory is far more plausible.  If you don’t know what Koch’s Postulate and Exosomes are then you’re not as smart or as well informed as you thought you were. This is an opportune time to drop your know it all attitude and open your ears. 4,5,6,10,11,13,16,17,32,37,43,49,73,78,79,86,87,94,110,111,112,115,116,117,118, 136,137,138,143,145,147,157.

FACT :   The creator of the PCR Test used to detect Covid-19 said it was never intended to detect any virus.  Every Covid-19 death was caused by something else and falsely attributed to Covid-19. Do you believe hospitals would be tempted to claim that a patient who died of the Flu had instead died of Covid-19 if the Government gave them $50,000.00 to say so ?   Dr. Genevieve Briand, Assistant Director for MS in Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, has proven the alleged Covid 19 has resulted in no excess deaths.       ( 157 ! )      12,23,24,29,40,94,103,120,122,130,135.    9,10,16,17,27,56,88,89,96,117,118,129,143.       21,25,30,67,68,72,84,150,151.      37.

FACT :   Wearing a mask is utterly ineffective at blocking a virus. A virus can pass through a mask as easily as swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. Prolonged mask wearing causes brain damage and respiratory illnesses. The first step to overcoming your mask fetish is to admit you have one. Do you wear a mask in your vehicle or outdoors when no one is near you ?  Until recently it was common knowledge that hand sanitizing inhibits one’s immune system while exposure to dirt and filth and other people strengthens one’s immune system.  “ Mask Mouth ”.  If the Mainstream Media  and Government could convince you to do the Hokey Pokey they most certainly would. Unconstitutional and criminal mask mandates are a mass Asch Conformity Experiment.  If you’re worried about getting sick, then suffocating yourself is probably not a good idea.  Any person wearing two or more masks is actively engaging in Natural Selection.                   40,57,59,70,(71),78,79,87,95,101,102,132,139.140.

FACT :   The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was planned years in advance and has been surreptitiously introduced into the public consciousness through popular culture. Many news articles reporting on Covid-19 are bizarrely coded with strange numbers.   19,20,38,42,46,47,48,52,53,54,56,77,121.         22,39,47,48,52,156.

FACT :   Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are destroying your freedom and your economic livelihood and your future.  Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are causing the starvation deaths of millions of people in poor countries and soon in formerly wealthy countries. Is it wise to inject yourself with a drug falsely labeled as a vaccine, designed to alter your DNA and sterilize you, to prevent a virus that has never been scientifically proven to exist ? Is it wise for the U.S. Military personnel to be injected with this ‘vaccine’ ?  A perfect analogy to comprehend the social dynamic surrounding the public’s enthusiastic willingness to embrace the Covid-19 narrative without question can be seen in the video titled “Key & Peele, Pegasus Sighting”.  Simply change the word “Pegasus” to “Covid-19”.  Orson Welles’ War Of The Worlds broadcast also comes to mind. Throughout history rulers have used human being’s deep desire to feel like they’re contributing to the greater good to manipulate the public to act against their own best interests.  “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte.   The Emperor wears no clothes.                         Educate yourself or perish.           105,126,127,146,149,154,155.    18,50,51,65,74,75,85,92,100,106,107,108,113,114,119,128,134,149,152,153,158,159,160,161.

FACT :   Lawsuits are currently being pursued against governments and other players that deceived the public to accept unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws based on a fraudulent test to detect the nonexistent Covid-19.    58,59,64,91,124,131,141.

FACT :  Four out of five Stanley Milgrams surveyed recommend critical thinking for their patients who want to live in reality and not blindly follow orders from whomever they consider to be an authority.   147,157,162.

FACT :   Decades of thorough documentation of placebos and nocebos conclusively and irrefutably prove that human beings can both heal and sicken themselves with their thoughts and feelings alone.   Ray Charles.   Thalidomide.   Catherine Austin Fitts: Planet Lockdown, the missing 21 Trillion Dollars and FASAB 56.                      (163).


Will your ego allow you to examine the proof that Covid-19 is fake ? Although, the thought of the Mainstream Media and Government lying to this extent is frightening, your denial of this deceit is absolutely terrifying.

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