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A Series Of Deadly Attacks Leaves Israel In Shock

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A Series Of Deadly Attacks Leaves Israel In Shock

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A Series Of Deadly Attacks Leaves Israel In Shock
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A Series Of Deadly Attacks Leaves Israel In Shock

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

A series of deadly attacks has left Israel in shock. Now, the country appears to be inching closer to another military confrontation with Palestinian armed factions.

The attacks began on March 22, when a Palestinian man, allegedly affiliated with ISIS, stabbed three people to death and run over a fourth killing him in the southern city of Beersheba. The man was shot and killed by an armed civilian.

On March 27, a second attack took place in the northern town of Hadera. Two Palestinian gunmen shot and killed two Israeli police officers. Both gunmen were gunned down by undercover police officers. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. The Amaq news agency shared a photo allegedly showing the two perpetrators embracing in front of an ISIS flag before the attack.

In the wake of the attacks, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) deployed four additional battalions to the Western Bank to tighten security.

Despite the IDF measures, on March 29 a third attack took place in the central Israeli city of Bnei Brak. A Palestinian gunman shooting four people to death, before being killed by two police officers. One of the officers sustained serious wounds during the clashes with the gunman and was later pronounced dead.

Ultimately, the strict security measures in the West Bank led to tensions with the Palestinians in the occupied region.

On March 31, a commando force of the IDF raided the city of Jenin in the West Bank, setting off a skirmish in which two Palestinians were killed and 15 others were wounded. The Israeli media claimed that the violent raid targeted several Palestinian individuals suspected of planning attacks in Israel, as well as some thought to be tied to the Bnei Brak shooting attack.

The IDF said that the raid was a part of a large-scale operation codenamed “Break Water”. At least 31 suspects were arrested in the course of the operation.

On the very same day, a Palestinian stabbed an Israeli man on a bus in the settlement of Neve Daniel in the West Bank before being killed by a bystander. The man was seriously wounded as a result of the attack.

Palestinian factions threatened Israel following the deadly raid in Jenin. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad al-Nakhaleh called for the group’s armed wing to be put on “high alert.” From its side, the Hamas Movement threatened to meet “escalation with escalation” and warned of a “comprehensive explosion.”

Following the Palestinian threats, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed an order issuing the call up of 300 reservist Border Police officers.

Tensions between Israel and the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank could soon spread to the Gaza Strip. Despite this risk, Tel Aviv does not appear to be planning to tone down its security operations in Palestinian areas.

Israeli officials have already warned of more attacks during the holy Islamic month of Ramadan, which is set to begin on April 2. Israeli authorities will scale up their security operations in the West Bank even further during the month. More protests, confrontations and even attacks are to be expected.

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Bigg Chungus

I never thought I would live to see the day when ISIS actually attacked… you know… the main enemy of all Muslims and Arabs for the past century…

Truly astounding things are happening in 2022.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bigg Chungus

Looks more like an excuse to attack Palestinian areas and abduct people. I haven’t seen any Palestinian connections to ISIS in the past decade.

Elohim Kosher Bar

False Flag or not, the more judaic terrorists dead the better. 1 Palestinian dead = 6 judaic terrorists dead.

Elohim Kosher Bar

The AshkeNAZI crimes against humanity must end. There is a reason why the jews have been evicted from so many countries throughout history. Put ALL AshkeNAZIs under Palestinian management.

Hava nagila poobah, nasilla foofah, its all just shite!!! Slava Palestina!!

jeff montanye

shooting or stabbing them a few at a time will certainly reduce their quality of life but the one state solution and the vote for the palestinians (which will receive the support of nearly all the world) will do it better, cheaper, safer and far, far quicker.


https://www.rt.com/business/428625-rothschild-help-deripaska-stake/ https://i.imgur.com/IDxPyWN.jpg https://i.imgur.com/QP4R1mL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/GlCu1GP.jpg https://i.imgur.com/F8hbKsR.jpg https://i.imgur.com/n0tevjd.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CBq3kcE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/TMGRj7L.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wJzG4CE.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r


helene matz

when has the so called world ever supported any occupied oppressed people answer never,the west which believes itself to be the world which controls all finance resources and plunders butchers rapes and steals all over the globe have not done a thing for the palestinians in almost 100 years


ISIS never attacks Israel. I do not know what this is. I do know what it is not. It’s not ISIS.

Icarus Tanović

I have never seen thise whatsoever. But Israel wanted and created Isis and Wahhabism, so now maybe it turned against them.


False flag carried out to attack the Palestinian population during the Ramadan period…it’s clear as daylight

Bob - Enough

But we must continue to have sympathy for the zionist Khazars, because they were innocent in all the Countries they were kicked out of and are innocent now.. and we must be distracted and feel sorry for them again by sending money BECAUSE THEIR PLAN in Ukraine has been well and truely fcked by the Russians.

PS History all over… “Eastern Ukraine was home to the Khazar empire, a kingdom of Turkic people that arose in southeastern Russia in the 6th Century CE ” … didn’t know that did you ?

PPS You could be right with the false flag, but I think itis more a diversion for the Yanks.

jeff montanye

don’t let jew hatred, however well deserved, blind you to the opportunities that a real democracy in israel would bring to the palestinians. especially now that the power of the dollar and the u.s. is reduced, the one state solution has a real chance at happening.


That is on the false assumption Israel’s an American colony, the USA was always completely screwed over by Israel. Look to Johnathan Pollard, the USS Liberty, and much, much more.

The jews will never grant ‘equal rights’, they can only be removed by force. With jews it always boils down to might is right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gppaJq2ibyI

jews and arabs are cousins, both are slimy but no one matches jews in terms of manipulative cunning. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/unit-8200-and-the-censoring-of-the-internet_ZxOub2kpMt7OsI5.html https://i.imgur.com/CzlSLdW.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Many jews (2 million) from Russia and former USSR/Warsaw Pact countries have immigrated to Israel thereby meeting the conditions for so-called ‘aliyah’. These same jews are hardline Zionists and shameless hypocrites like any other jew.



Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r



That’s not the real ISIS.

Last edited 2 years ago by ISISrael
Bob - Enough

Yes it is – Israeli secret …. hmm Indigo ShIts.


I’m as shocked as you are

Bob - Enough

But quickly, forget Ukraine has been beaten (annihilated in a nice way) and look over here !!.

Joao M...

Israel’s checks probably started bouncing…

Iron Nappy is Constipated

Shhhhh… We don’t want them knowing about ISISrael 💩🇮🇱💩



BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

And I’d never thought I’d live to see the day when a Muslim terrorist group actually did the world a favour by killing more Muslim pigs than Jews and destroying their own places of worship. Muslims killing Muslims and blowing up their own mosques. Now that truly is astounding. Especially as the less Muslims and mosques there are in the world, the better. Long may it continue into 2022 and beyond.

Last edited 2 years ago by BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer
helene matz

its not isis do you think there arent enough angry occupied palestinians in palestine? isis is a terrorist organ created by yankfascistan,the palestinians are freedom fighters,and have every right to fight against the regime in telaviv

S Balu

Bigg Chungus What LIAR YOU ARE THESE PEOPLE FREEDOM FIGHTERS They are not terrorist like zionist


ISIS is in itself created by zionist. They the zionist have different interest then the civilians of Israel. Using their own terrorist group against the israelis who are already highly misled by zionist propaganda from a young age. The zionist create a motive for these attacks by these drug craving isis members who never survive these attacks as part of the plan. I believe that this plan is of a wider strategy and involves a next step of puting pressure on Syria and keeping them busy from enforcing Russia in Ukr. For them it really is like a game of chess.


created by USA not Israel

Zionist Whores Not Welcome

STFU inbred!



Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r


Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

The zio terrorist children of Lucifer are never shocked when they slaughter in cold blood children, women and old people in Occupied Palestine


ISIS attack Israel ??? Now I know the space aliens are coming !!!

Looks like the Palestinians are going to need some MISSILES I think Russia has a FEW AMERICAN MADE ONES TO SPARE


It’s IsIsrael

Edgar Zetar

Come on Israel, you are too smart dealing to this acts of terrorism. Secure your land and people.

Iron Nappy is Constipated

I love ISrAel as much as I love kiddy fiddling. Do you like it too? Let’s meet and fiddle together in Tel Aviv 🍆😘


Look at this g0y. “Secure your land and people.” You fuking ape Zion, they are doing just that. You suck on Zion you should know this…it is okay some Jews die – but they died to achieve other Zion goals. Remember ISIS is Mossad/Zion. Be a good g0y and follow alone ape.

BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

Careful Edgar. With comments like that you’re open to the usual drivel from the Jew hating fags that populate this laughable website!


ISIS is Mossad Zion. None of those attacks were from ISIS but from Mossad. Zion openly killed Jews, it is not news to anyone. White Zion would love to kill Middle Eastern Jews or African/black Jews, I remember White Zion calling Afrcina Jews the N-word and wanted to kill them. Zion are white fake Jews.


Zion are white fake Jews. Look at the Biden team, most of them are Zion.

BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

Lol! You deluded Jew hating fags all sound the same! Just like a stuck record repeating over and over again with nothing ever intelligible to say so you just spew the same old shit again and again thinking that you sound knowledgeable and clever!


Happy to see a g0y cry.

jeff montanye

why the palestinians continue with warfare, killing and, more, being killed when if they laid down their arms and demanded the vote there would be an arab majority and they could have a new and much better life far sooner than these horrible killings (on both sides) will lead to any improvement.

the one state solution that trump put on the table.

helene matz

what are you smoking in lala land


I remember ISIS fighters wounded in the Syrian Civil war were given medical shelter in Israel, haha

helene matz

the izrahelli offence force,they arent defending anything except their racist apartheid state,why should isis need to be involved there are enough oppressed angry palestinians who are sick and tired of these fascists,and want their country back,no need to make excuses for the zionist regime,please,who funds the maidan kolomoisky,correct?

BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

Israel is strong enough to rise up and carry on regardless of these incidents by these deluded, desperate pig fucking, shit stinking sand niggers. Hopefully it’s made the world despise Islam more than before and with any luck , there will be revenge attacks across the world against this vile death cult and many more muslims will be slaughtered like the pigs they are.

L du Plessis

Israel and the US created ISIS for Syria, now its backfiring.


Tel Aviv created ISIS – now comes blowback

BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

You people do talk some utter bullshit don’t you? SouthFront must be very proud of clueless, ignorant cretins like you


So leave this site. There are many other alt-news sites that promote your point-of-view. Go away. It’s that simple.

BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

Oh I’m not going anywhere thanks. I love reading SouthFront’s skewed, clueless view on reality and the comments from it’s deluded, deranged band of Jew hating/US detesting supporters.


Do you get paid extra for weekend work?

the ghost of sep11

Typical of israel to attack during a holy period of peace. Nothing jewish about israel at all- theyre all militants/terrorists. UK+USA needs to cut off funding and military support to that illegal settlemetn.


The vaccines will kill more Israelis than ISIS!

Greg Schofield

One word Mossad. Having worked closely with ISIS against Syria, they want Isreal to stop dallying with Russia and join the US crusade. No basis for asserting this other than the logic of the attacks who clearrly could not cross from Palestinian side armed, but if they were not already in Is real were armed. Killing Palestineans unites Isreal with the US by antagonising every body else. The pattern is old and repeatedm the new element is ISIS, which is working as it was designed to.

Brain dead

So basically is a joint operation isis America and Israel to justify more bombing in Gaza.

Paul Citro

Attacks like this will only stoke the flames of hatred and fear and will lead to more fighting.

William White

“Deadly Attack” my arse! This is chicken feed.


I support the death of all Jews.

BrentonTarrant - Muslim Killer

I support the death of all Muslims. Starting with Ken and his family of shit stinking pigs.

Timmy Temperance

Fight terrorism. Support Israel.

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