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MARCH 2025

A Year From Soleimani Assassination: Americans & Official Baghdad Fear Vengeance

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January 3, 2021 will be the first anniversary of the assassination of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani. For the whole year the USA and official Baghdad have been waiting for the response action from IRGC and Iraqi Shia forces. The first respond action from Iran took place on January 8, when the U.S. military bases were hit by rocket strikes. However, Iran and its Iraqi allies were satisfied with this only action.

Iraqi capital Baghdad is on high alert amid the reports of possible “complex attack” on the Green Zone and Baghdad airport.

Iraqi security forces were deployed in the Green Zone of Baghdad that hosts Iraqi government and international offices, including U.S. embassy. Strict security measures were deployed around US Embassy on the orders of Iraqi Prime-Minister, Mustafa al-Qadimi.

The U.S. has been actively reinforcing its military in Iraq in the recent days. On December 30, the U.S. deployed two B-52 bombers to the region.

The Middle East Monitor reported that the US had recently provided the Iraqi army with 30 armored vehicles in order to reinforce the security of the Green Zone. The MEMO cited the statement of the US embassy:

“The United States is committed to helping the Iraqi army maintain the security of Baghdad and Iraq,” adding that Washington had provided the Iraqi army with “30 armoured cars to help secure the international zone.”

The vehicles were delivered to the Special Command Division at Al-Assad Air Base in the western Iraqi province of Anbar. According to the report by U.S. embassy, the provision was only a “part of a larger plan by the US military’s Office of Security Cooperation with Iraq to support the SCD in securing the center of Baghdad.”

Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems that are deployed at the Al-Assad Air Base were reportedly put on high alert in anticipation of a possible strike.

The reports about the coming attack were cited from the documents leaked from the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. These documents claimed the preparations to target the Green Zone and Baghdad airport. However, no information about the parties intending to attack U.S. facilities was provided.

A Year From Soleimani Assassination: Americans & Official Baghdad Fear Vengeance

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The Green Zone in Baghdad is regularly targeted by rocket attacks. The last one, which was carried out on December 20, struck the U.S. Embassy, causing no casualties. It provoked increased tensions between Iraqi government and some factions of Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), like pro-Iranian Kata’ib Hezbollah, which denied any responsibility on the side of the Iraqi groups.

“It is our right to liberate our country and avenge our martyrs, but we specify the time to respond and it is not far away”. – Qais al-Khazali, the leader of Kata’ib Hezbollah said, probably suggesting the January 3.

On December 30th, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reminded that the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani would not go unpunished, threatening D. Trump personally.

The threat of the attacks on U.S. positions is growing. However, during the whole year, the U.S. had paid no price for the assassination. In the days after Gen. Soleimani’s death, Iran did launch a wave of missiles at U.S. positions in Iraq, though no deaths were reported. The plan to carry out “the complex operation” on the date of the anniversary seems to be hardly implemented; however, such reports justify the sharp increase of the U.S. military presence in Iraq in the recent days. It is possible that Washington is exploiting the pretext of growing threat of Iranian vengeance to consolidate its military forces in close proximity to Iran. These steps fit into the logic of a close military campaign against Iran in January or February 2021.


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One of the most cowardly act ever.

Just Me

Cowardly and counterproductive as the new Iranian military leaders who replaced Soleimani are even more hard core.

Jens Holm

It seemes You never has been reading what Soleiman has done and no done duiring time.

Emad Irani

he helped US soldiers getting out of Iraq without being attacked, he went for a plan to help US in Afghanistan. But US failed again in its policy


actually i listened to a military podcast about how america botched its stay in west asia and its years ago in which the military knew it couldnt stay because it lost the battle of hearts and minds to be able to stay


i often listen to military or intelligence because they are not as retarded as many other parts of a society and this is even true about the zionists some of their militaries i could probably talk with without feeling that the other side is suffering under retardedness

Jens Holm

You write as if You assume, I just arriveded from Mars.

You have no patent in knowing him better then me.

Just Me

General Ghaani is a more direct and serious man, he is very well respected and keeps a low profile and is described by Russian GRU which has worked with him for decades, as a “soldiers soldier”. He is fluent in Russian, Arabic, Urdu, Dari and Hindi and spent years organizing the northern alliance and other resistance groups from Afghanistan to Yemen. He has even visited Gaza on numerous occasions as recent as two weeks ago.


You missed the point – the assassination was carried out under the disguise of diplomacy – an invite to Baghdad for mutual discussions. It is treacherous behavior to offer an invitation for negotiations – and then murder the invited guest. This is; a.) basically how all mafiosi organizations operate, and b.) signposting to whole region that the perpetrators word cannot be trusted.


Iranian r@tards have been bluffing about a revenge for a year and they haven’t done anything.

Rhodium 10

Every week rockets fell in US embassy and every week many US supply convoys are damage by IED…Iran have destroyed 2 US bases, have shot down many US drones ( included 200M Global Hawk), have shot down a CIA Bombardier jet 130km south west of Kabul, have captured Brit petrol vessel to liberate an Iranian one captured by Brits, have sent petrol to Venezuela,….and could talk about Marines captives under IRGC…


Iran shot down US drones prior to the death of soleimani, taliban shot down the Bombardier jet not Iran, Iran captured british petrol vessel before the death of soleimani. Everything you said is not a retaliation against soleimani??

Emad Irani

and which weapon shot it down dear Idiot? You know General Qaani was long in time in Afghanistan before appointment khkhkh https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b459bb1d4e2ea767873f3ee513b89e30445e3b6bee42018031db08b8b9089836.jpg


We don’t know what weapon was used to shoot it down, could be 358 sam like you claim. What does it change? I’m still waiting for iran to take revenge on US like it promised.

Emad Irani

after Iran Iraq war nearly 180 Baathist pilots got killed :) Iran will take revenge, we are not puppets like Turkey prepare yourself could be also in Incirlik.

And yes it was a 358 SAM handed to Taliban or worked with Taliban, means sending a special force group from the IRGC Quds Force to Afghanistan to carry out the mission

Jens Holm

It makes more sense to take better care of the ones alive. No wonder if Iran is in bad shape when up to 50% not even has a job.

Fx farming need a lot of reforms and part of that can be done by low educated and some few relative well educated planners in structures and what to grow. Thats very important for the future, because we see Iran and many other countries will get much letter water for househoulds as well as farming.

Iran has a relative You population and will get even mpore mouth to feed.

Someone like me would say its not even near rocketsciense to make better conditions for people living in that kind ogf bad Omen.

Emad Irani

Like I said many times, I am in Iran. we are fine thanks. Take care of your own country. Beside the water got handled that is why the Urmia lake is the only known sea which is watered again, thanks dude hahaha

Jens Holm

Funny version. Facts are almost all in there will get less rain and by that there will be less water to take from the rivers runing into the lake as well as pumping groundwater will be less and less possible.

I didnt know that lake, but I can read and compare with others.

To feed the many Iranians, You have to make less evaporation and fx in classic explanation make 40 times back in 10 hektars in stead of 10 times back at 40 hektars.

You also has to replace the old system for plants and levels. Its often a fine system but better plants and trees are available or easy to make.

For towns even the smaller ones, You have to control and recycle all water much better. Its about wasted water. Plants and hens should have the same as ususal unless its needed to concentrate plants and hens in farms.

By cleaning the very water well, You also are get fertilizer as compensation for free – unless its full of lead and kadmium. In some countrues here it is allowed to use that polluted fertilizer by strict Govermental control. By that You You can use it for fx making wood for furniture and firewood – Never food.

Joe Bloggs

LoL you are an idiot – Despite MASSIVE sanctions since Dotard Trump’s arrival, IMF outlook for Iranian economy is 3.2% GDP growth.

The Objective

As far as your leaders did not openly take credit for the downing of that plane, then you haven’t revenged yet. It’s just another cowardly attack. Only a coward attacks and denies responsibility. In this instance, even ISIS is braver than the entire Iranian nation. At least they take responsibility for any attack. Same with the Taliban. When they attack America, they openly take credit for it even if U.S forces were killed. That earns them some respect and deterrence from attacks on their forces. In the case of Iran, many of your leaders and scientists have been killed by Israel and the U.S. Your retaliation never comes, or if you did manage to do something, it is always designed to be plausibly deniable. Hence, you haven’t taken any revenge. The goal of revenge is deter, punish, and satisfy. But obviously, you haven’t deterred your enemies yet, as is seen from the death of your top nuclear scientist.

Emad Irani

First of all, is is called hybrid warfare. Is Israel taking credit for their operations? No.

Beside that, intelligence actions need intelligence answer dude. Not that difficult. Before eating US shit educate yourself when it comes to policy and military. It is not a childish videogame.

Which leader got killed? Can you name me? The Nuclear scientist was a result of cooperation with UN and the IAEA. All the infos of the Nuclear scientist who got killed was because of giving data to IAEA and letting him interviewing with these inspectors who work for US and Israel. That was big mistake.

But you know what? Irans missile program survived and increased after the main missile architect passed away. How is it possible? Same goes to the Nuclear program. Beside that the last Nuclear scientist went to be a simple director and manager. You know difficult to deal with a 83 mil. populated country… science doesn’t depend on ppl.

North Korea 2017 scenario will repeat

The Objective

Then you shouldn’t be so mouthy. Israel always take credit for their attacks on Iran. Only they don’t do that explicitly. But they make statements that admits they did it, for those who understand. Iran’s nuclear program will still progress even without the assassinated nuclear scientist. But his death was a huge embarrassment for Iran.

You know why so many people (especially Sunni Muslims) hate Iran? It’s just because of the militias you destabilize Muslim countries with. You claim that you are fighting for Islam. But what you are doing is dividing our societies and sowing the seeds of civil war. do you know what will happen is the Sunnis were also to create militias in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, etc.? There will be a civil war when the two clash.

Iran claims the militias is to deter a U.S attack. A claim that is obviously false for anyone who has a speck of reasoning faculty left.

Joe Bloggs

Israelis NEVER take credit for Iran attacks because the are COWARDS


yes we do, many times in Syria.


you poor poor fool you will be suprised when iran will unveil all of its plasma weapons


who do you think melted the uss bonhomme?


who do you think did fire plasma particle wave emitter weapon at america over the last year and if you dont believe it look at the satellite images yourself the data is there and several amateurs even noticed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRPKPJR1k5Q


Oh yes it war iran, iran also melted uss bonhomme. Iran is responsible for all the bad things in US and other countries. Such a strong country


i repeat it was a plasma particle wave emitter weapon irans missiles cant be stopped because they also are emitting plasma particle waves its impossible to detect them meanwhile one of irans provinces is enough to deal with whatever pathetic entity you come from

Jens Holm

So what.

Jens Holm

The last trick by them is eating more pepper and grab chairs:)

Jens Holm

What is it? Is it I have a small carrot too:)

We all know seveal nations try and try and they do have some succes and those weapons are not good enough éven they partly do. They might be improved, so Im not impressed Iranians do the TOO.


so you dont know but again the evidence is there its recorded

Jens Holm

You even can find the other experimentels as Youtubes. There are many many for lasers as well.

Google fx give 12,2 milion hits on plasma guns.Im sure many are semilar.

Turks are proud of inventing an own railgun gives 8,3 mio hits.

So much is tryed and by that – as its best – is uner contruction. Anybody can build expensive things for prestige.

The Armata tank should be the worlds best. Is it? The Russians cant eveneffort to use it itself and none has money to buy it too. Sp common sense in devellopment also is best to the prices.

For the Armata it een seemes the German Leopold has deen upgraded against it. Whats the value then. Its also a fact Tanks almost never fight agains tanks, so why build them as such.

I expect a plasma gun of today will be like most of the harbour of Bandara Bash and an easy target for any weapons with more then one.


i would really want to like to know where you are from because it would be interesting to see who thinks that they can suddenly open their mouths like this but iam sure the answer is a ruinous suicidal turk and know that you would be entirely eradicated by now if not for us but you will get the chance to see your own cities blown up soon enough dont worry btw non of iranian territory is really possible to conquer you are delusional iam from mazandaran and we alone have enough firepower to burn down turkey azerbaijan twice

Emad Irani

He is a Turk without any military knowledge. Only from Twitter or SF or some other cheap pages. They couldn’t even fight in Syria that is why Erdogan went to Russia for ceasefire. Soon Idlib operation will start and they will cry again

Jens Holm

There is no need for military knowledge in his comments at all.

And You of course in stead of being sober Yourself throw dirt from Your behind random plastering.

…But it of course show You own low level well even we already know.

Emad Irani

of course there is. Otherwise talking BS is also an option for them

Jens Holm

As I read a few of his comments, they are based on facts and quir´te sober. Anybody sober from any country could write like that.

Most people fx know that iranians are not just west of Kabul, so shooting down thing there cant be a shiit thing.

Its also true masny kinds of missiles can shoot things down and do.


you do know that iran has allies in afghanistan and that even the afghani government is more pro iran than it would ever be pro american?


america is negotiating with taliban terrorists because the government is so pro iran

Jens Holm

News to me. Did You get it in 5 minutes ago?

Jens Holm

Thats right. Maybee he think some Iranians are more then displaced and landed there by bicycle.

The Objective

That is how these Iranian trolls are on this forum. We must always try to fight their lies with factual information. They want everyone to believe that they aren’t AFRAID of a war with the U.S. Saddam thought Iran a lesson slaughtering hundreds of thousands. The current generation of Iranian leaders have lived through that war. They know the horrors of war. If Saddam could do that to them, then there is no telling the extent of damage America will inflict on Iran, especially if Iran retaliates in a way that really pissed off Washington.

Emad Irani

cry me a riverrrrr North Korea flashbacks surprises on the way US will not attack Nuke country :)

Rhodium 10

It doesnt matter before and after…the messege is that Iran dont fear USA deterrence as people can think..otherwise they wouldnt have shot down Global Hawk or destroyed 2 US bases!…Bombardier was not shot down by Taliban.. other thing is that Taliban claims usual even with every accidents involved aircraft( Taliban even told that a cargo 747 crashed in Kabul was shot down by them) …that jets only could be shot down by Iran and Obviusly they wont claim responsability for that!….the Bombardier was flying after 130km at alttitude of cruise..it is about 6000mts…and only a modified R-27 air to air missile( Like Houttis used in Yemen) can shot down that plane…it was an snowing day with poor vision( so no Manpads)…therefore like Houttis the Special group had powerful thermal camera and surely would receive info from long range radar in Iran..US sources told that 2 only crw members was killed…but Witnesess told that 5 corps were lying…

Jens Holm

Whats next:) Shiits west of Kabul. Well the whole Iran is like that:)


iran doesnt care about religion you all think it does but its your misconception iran is religious but it doesnt care what the other side is it can deal with an atheist as good as with a sunni christian or buddist


iran has 0 problems with china therefore


iran looks at the world not from a religious view but from a civilizational view


large parts of afghanistan traditionally call themselves arian and they call their nation ariana which is traditional a province of iran aka eranshahr


obviously iran speaks the same language as afghanis so there is little problems on many levels actually the religious fanatic issue is one issue that is between iran and taliban but the rest of afghanistan is pretty much seen as partner by iran

Jens Holm

Your rest is not much and very visble on etnic maps. When Taleban grew those fghans fleed to Iran, was settæled and are now more or less forced back in some verbal support by Iran.

Thats how I see it. My worries are the etnic cleansings, where so many Hazaras are killed and killed.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farsiwan dont say Afghans are as much Iranians as You assume.

Another important thing is oil and gas found in the north east. Grabbers seemes to be many.

The Objective

All this does not provide enough justification to strike Iran. What Iran should do is KILL Americans O-P-E-N-L-Y like Zarif threatened days ago. That’s when Iran will convince the world that they aren’t punching above their weight confronting the U.S. But the Mullahs will never try this.

Jens Holm

Witin 14 says the Iran will be like a non human with no legs and arms.

They would not even see an american soldier.

Rhodium 10

They have shot down a CIA Bombardier jet…5 dead accord witness and 2 crew accord US sources….witness told that they hearded an explosion and later the Bombardier jet crashed while trying to land in an snow field…

Lone Ranger

Except taking out a few U.S. bases with rockets…


Taking out empty U.S. bases? Yes, that’s a lot of damage, how will U.S. ever recover from this.

Lone Ranger

You even denied this, so… Aside from that they werent empty, Iran was letting the U.S. save face to deescalate.


Yes i love getting hard on iran bombing empty us bases, that’s what they will do again


what did the patriots do which indeed the usa had several systems in iraq ciws aswell as patriot so how comes they didnt do anything maybe because iran uses a technology which nobody is telling you about and guess what empty bases were just a testrun of the missiles against american power and they indeed hit their target despite all the air defenses and again america lies it had ciws on place both patriot aswell as phalanx

The Objective

These guys are cowards but very mouthy. Their mouthiness would likely lead to their defeat. I have no doubt that should the Iranian military engage the U.S military, much of Iran would be destroyed within days. The horror of the Iran-Iraq war would seem like childplay. But there is no need to attack Iran directly. just bomb their militias across the region and keep bombing until they are dispersed and weakened beyond recovery. That is how to deal with the Iranian threat. Without the militias, the world can afford to ignore Iran, except for the nuclear issue. But with UN inspectors in Iran, it should present some challenge if they tried to sneak to a bomb.

Emad Irani

Iran is in possession of low yield Nuclear devices, US know it. One in test in North Korea was an Uranium made bomb, instead of typical North Korean Plutonium ones…

The Objective

The Israelis and Americans say Iran is NOT nuclear armed. If Israel could penetrate your security and defense organizations to the extent of assassinating top leaders who maintain a low profile, and also conduct sabotage bombings at your most-guarded nuclear infrastructure, then they should be able to know whether or not you are nuclear armed.

Joe Bloggs

They KNOW Iran has battlefield nukes, at least + some more purchased from Ukraine. Iran will survive 2021, Israel might not

Joe Bloggs

WoW Armchair General. If the US COULD do the above, they WOULD have, a LOOONG time ago. Thety CANT, The US are the IDIOTS that handed Iraq to the Iranians with their invasion. What a bunch of idiots.

Jens Holm

USA has left seveal bases, so they are empty. Others are almost more full.

Lone Ranger

They left them afterwards.

The Objective

You are one of the few who still try hard to whitewash Iran’s cowardice over the Soleimani assassination. If they killed any Americans, they won’t still be raving about revenge.

Lone Ranger

Oy vey… I know, Truth hurts but try to handle it Trollstoy ? No hit by the way… Happy new year ?

The Objective

What truth? much of what you say are lies. But I’m not hurt by them. Especially when I’ve countered many. I’m sure my comments on this forum have made a lot of Iranian supporters reconsider their positions. I’ve provided a lot of factual information about Iran’s anti-Muslim activities to turn many away from supporting Iran.

Lone Ranger

Projecting much Shlomo ?? Time to insert your Tampax Karen, you are bleeding all over the place ?. Truth hurts try to handle it ?

Lone Ranger

Anti isis is considered anti muslim nowdays by the U.S. and Israel. Oy vey..

Jens Holm

If people are not alive, You are correct.

Joe Bloggs

No, killing at least 200 retard Yankees that were shipped off to Jordanian and German military hospitals LoL

Potato Man

LMFAO I see why yankees die or get injury by landmines more than in action….horny dogs of Zion+Wahhabi after all.

“they haven’t done anything.” fuking Pepega

Jens Holm

I see several 100 others die each time a single American die.

But those of course already are counted as nothing in Your world.


the usa is a bluff and a fraud its a broken company acting as if its a world hegemon https://usdebtclock.org/

Jens Holm

That din-dong is only a very good registrator and says nothing else of importance.

You relate it to Muhammed or Marx/Engells economy which makes absolutly no sense.

You not even has a language for, what we do and how we do it and why and when.

We fx use it to make things fast and enough of it. Who makes the first class tested vaccines. We do and because Our systems has a lot of people in all levels for it.

6 western companies do it. China has one, buty they also were the first to see the Corona. Russia does toobut as a lot of their things, it has no safety build in by test and help.

cechas vodobenikov

u pitiful liar—western vaccines with vast number so allergic reactions that require hospitalization…Pfizer, astra Zeneca is not Denmark….they only agreed to release in USA if legislation exempted them from lawsuits…Russia vaccine no reactions also effective against your LGBT UK/dane variety—this is why Southerner’s Korea purchasing Russia vaccine—dane cheese makes them contract worse than Covid

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny blind—too much Hollywood, LSD 22 US veterans commits suicide each year from suicide…most drug overdoses….only industrialized nation where life expectancies declining…their fake mercenaries return to USA become junkies, die early among their 1 million homeless

Just Me

We shall soon find out :)

Ashok Varma

Iran will hit the Zionists, it will keep them off balance for while and then a rapid unexpected strike will come. Never underestimate the canny Persians, Indians know how they operate.


The only thing iran will hit is your mom’s cheeks. Indians? ???


i guess they remember the 100s of times we beat them in war with last time being nader shah who basically was a guy who according to a russian envoy would not stop conquering the whole world if he was not appeased and it was also noticed that he stenched of the blood of thousands

Jens Holm

Again I only see crap. Iran was a bad runned despotic coyntry by his father and Palavi wasnt better. Now we see some religios morons not better then that.

Its easy to cómpare with Russia. The Tzars were not good and was replaced by same kind of poeple named as Bolsjevics and also not good.

Cooming from that low level anybody can claimbig improvements een they are tiny.


iran is eternal


it doesnt matter what you think today because time doesnt work like this you dont work like this and tomorrow a change might happen and you will change your whole conceptual reality

Jens Holm

We as a country is not like that at all. We have a few beggers in trs streets mainly foreigners.

The rest of us work and plan for the future. Most of that is fulfilled and some with changes.

Thats the good thing about our systems. They are like fx the network in the brains. If some pipelines are closed, we can use the orher ones.

By that the systems partly are self-repaired in safety and we has time for building new ones and sometimes in a new context.

The biggst one I am little proud of, even I did none of it, is we invented windpower instead of fossils. Today 50% of all electrity is made by wind. Its cheeper, there is no smog, we are less dependent in import and by that save kroners for dollars and ECU.

And we are still building more, because its ´visible and expected we has to run fx the many cars by electricity. So here we do plan for the future.

My pension fond and I support it by being shareholders in Vestas and Siemens Windpower(Simens bought a danish company and produce mill here).

Going back to the Virus vaccine, we also has money by the sate to pay for it and free healtcare and hospitals for the hidden ones. I allow men to think more should do that instead of Yours build on randoms, which happens too.

cechas vodobenikov

liar —wind invented by God, not dinks Dutch had windmills long before Danes stole their invention


its basically like this https://img.libquotes.com/pic-quotes/v2/ferdowsi-quote-lbf9m2a.jpg

Jens Holm

That more narrowminded then any railroad build as toy for children.

Most people here dont live like that at all.

We qualify us for work and are rewarded by producing things or services. I started with nothing buit was helåped by free education.

Now I actualy have a small fortune, because my parents are dead and by that should not use their house anymore.

Im a typical middle classer. We are not in crowns and that kind of stuff at all.

Most writers here somes from their own illusions and see people here as very poor plindered by rich with crown. Thats because they dont make a middleclass themself in theirown countries.

Its horrible to see USA descriebed ahain and again as 165 million americans dont exist and millions just below them in lower incomes also dont exist.

You show Your own context and not fx USA. Where I live i western Europe we even has better levels and less poor then USA – and we do have a queen with a crown.

The main is simple. You descriebe a few people and some are in the od days as despots and feudals.


the issue is its hard to anger iran nowadays as much to go so far because we are simply said stronger getting back satrapies one after another while nader shah was basically coming in power while iran lost so much

Jens Holm

Everybody else are getting stronger too. There are more weapons in ME then ever.

Gravediggers and farmers making flowers seemes to be the new Oligarcs there.


useless weapons made by imbeciles who dont understand the first thing about war

Jens Holm

I often see the opposite. They dont know what living in peace is and how…

Jens Holm

I was thiking like that when I was 8 years old. I even tryed hard to make my family use more matches, so I could make the used matchboxes into tanks:)

A plus for You is, You are so many, that its difficult to kill all. I wouldnt live in a country being a spendable like that.

Many muslims are handled as spendables. Jews do protect their people. In Syria at least 500.000 has died as spendables. I several times has proposed Israel coulkd take the whole Westbank and give Assad the spendables there and Golan.

That shoud make sense in You universe Jews being like You.


Isn’t it nice? Iran (re)acts in a non-predictable manner, and quite unlike the despotic monarchies. Keeps Iran’s enemies on their toes. Retaliation will come. How, where and when drives them crazy. Keep it up Iran, keep the mischief makes in a state of anxiety.



Emad Irani

Said the Turk who used some Takfiri jihadist in a war against country with low military. Dude go play with your mommy don’t talk shit about policy and military


Don’t worry, we will soon invade iran ourselves. Be ready for it pussboi.

Emad Irani

hahaha we are ready only 6 minutes to destroy Istanbul and Izmir pussys





iran will not destroy their cities it will simply size down their whole critical infrastructure bridges and basically everything they ever build that isnt populated will be leveled to dust as first message in any possible conflict after it they will be in the iron age basically and the moment we have all their electricity gone and all their other possibilities minimized is the moment they will understand that they will have given us asia minor is basically on a silver tablet

Emad Irani

it depends on tactics. We are not like them killing civilian. But some IRGC officers and commanders are really warlords who would do that when it comes to sending message as a tactic. A Nuclear warhead would also do the job. But yes, there are too many key and strategic places, all of them in range of Iranian ballistic and cruise missiles


you are an iranian from outside of iran?

Emad Irani

doesn’t matter brother :)


pasdars are like a mix between a clergic and a soldier so these people are the purest people you will ever have the chance to meet


iranians dont use nuclear weapons


when we got our hands on nuclear weapons we already got our hands on plasma science aswell and iran decided to go for the latter also in matters of micro technology iran decided to go for nano the good thing about both decisions is that it can directly go towards post modern technology leaving all the tech of the long road basically to others and doing what the yankees did and yank the technology


turkey is with cooperation and support still 20 years away from being where iran is today in common technological knowhow and capability and every single year going forward will make more obvious to you how outmatched you are therefore if you want to attack better do it today because time is not on your side its entirely on irans side

Emad Irani

They are not even self sufficient. All of the their military industry and their universities are in cooperation with different western or eastern companies. For example their drones full of foreign components, their beloved “Altay” tank from South Korea, and many other things


You’re a moron Now I’m sure about that Never use ‘we’ word I know you from liveumap You’re just a scum in the eyes of Turks


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Ne diyon la değişik Acemleri savunmak sana mı kaldı lan gö.tveren amk çingenesi


Kimseyi savunduğum yok senin gibi piçlerin itlaf edilmesi gerek teröristlerle beraber


Aynen gel itlaf et edebiliyorsan xD Türklüğü savunacağına gelmiş burda bize arapları ve acemleri savunuyor yarrag kafalı


Anca internette havlarsın zaten kahpenin evladı :)) Amerikan yalaması nerelisin sen


Hala konuşuyor amk İnternetten havlayan sensin gavat senle konuşan mı vardı amk aveli Türkçe yazdığımdan Türk olduğum belli olmuyor mu


Kendi adına konuş bu sitede we gibi ifadeler kullanma Zaten sıçık Türk imajına daha fazla zarar verme küçük beyninle Bu sana son sözüm hadi ananın amına kadar yolun var




Good luck with that LOL!! i hope you have left a letter with your Mummy.


tell me who is we and what countries will we have to eradicate wrecking their cities destroying their infrastructure and basically turning them upside down also which are the enemy soldiers what language are you talking about where do they come from because i dont know about anyone who can take us on


We Turks will invade your lands, when the time comes. The only country you’re going to eradicate with your missiles is war-torn countries like iraq, syria, and yemen.


so you are a turk interesting you must be very stupid because you are way weaker than us we and to announce it like this seems to be suicide but be it that way we will force you on your knees anyway because your seem to be way to stupid for your own good and anyway you are no threat to iran nor to anyone but yourselves and if you are unlucky than russia will wage war against you and seize most of asia minor i dont call it your lands because you dont have any legitimacy to any of these lands neither in asia minor nor anywhere else you projects are basically human fodder you just dont know it yet


Bugger off iranian, you’re not going to do anything besides empty threats and writing paragraphs for nothing. You’re no match for any real country in the region.


hahahaha sure imbecile you are a match for the whole planet i guess XD


you are one of the cognitive retarded is see so you are basically believing that turkey might become bigger rather than non existent but unfortunally for you the facts are not in your favor but please if delusion is something you build on do it i wont keep you from suiciding yourselves XD


You are no Turk. Turks are not stupid.


Lol. You admitted defeat against sandal wearing, AK47 toting Afghans, how on earth are you has-beens going to invade Iran. Chrystalmeth really fried your brain.

Jens Holm

It just show, You are same of a kind.


he is obviously a so called iranian diaspora

Jens Holm

I dont know and dont carem, but I see several diaspora people reading and writing here.

Im not focused on that unless they tell how things are in the countries they live in.


he is also probably very young like most iranians because iran is simply said young

Jens Holm

Its not about Young. Even very small children can have attitude. Grown ups has no patent in that.


i understand you are like the bird who found the feather of the simurgh and you are basically freaking out about it but you should do it like its said in the tale the gathering of the birds or the story of the simurgh and learn a little bit about who you really are


they should, particularly the friggin jews in palestine on whose behalf the murder was executed. but rest assured, they, the friggin jews in palestine, will soon be minced and disappear over the horizon for good. there is nothing that will save them, not even the nukes they are threatening the world with. and once they’re gone, they will be forgotten as if they left for Mars.

Ashok Varma

US is not interested in a swan song endless war with Iran, a country several times more powerful that Iraq was in 1991 and later de-fanged by decades of sanctions and isolation in 2003, when US and 63 nations invaded Iraq and destroyed it. Iran is a large powerhouse with a resilient industrial base and huge military assets and US forces in the region are not interested in provoking Iran as Pentagon has rejected Trump’s curtain spoiler call in the dying days of his desperate presidency. In an highly unusual step, Pentagon Chief’s openly declared the unexpected withdrawal of US naval task force from the Persian Gulf. US has been busy sending messages to Iran via India and other friends about deescalation measures.

Jens Holm

I think its a very biased version.

USA as well as many other nations are changing their perspective from the cold war one and its armies of tanks and aeroplanes.

Here high teach says, You can do a lot much better by distance and send exactly was needed to anywhere in the world. Fx USA operate with “microbases”. They are much smaller but heavy armed and can get help fast.

In that perspective the Iran missiles very much is like Our happy new Year and not sdame kind of threat. The many soldiers are same thing. They dont have logistics for any real warfare unless they are meatgrinders against som Saddam Hussein.

But it is correct USA demand or ask people educate and pauy more for their own defence. The pathetic thing is that the relative retreat in another kind of defnece and armed forces here is taken as weakness.

People there has demanded for it for many years and should be happy and make pluss for USA in this.

I feel ashame as small Nato member, that USA pays so much here. We have less then 2% used at the military forces but has the same good economy as USA. By that it makes sense we should pay a little more and USA by that should pay less.

I finally will remind You that many in mainly west was criticts to what happend next in Iraq. I fx feel find the Sadadmns was killed.

The opposition was for making a rebuilding structure for Iraq and money for it hiring the organised soldiers to have a job which was paid and maid sense.

Instead the Sunis grow as viollent opposition and the Shiits were allowed to do thefts of the worst kind with western very bad people. I still dont understand fx how Maliki can go free and bue in the streets.

About TRump he in his election campaign was voted in by promisses to withdraw from wars – He did. But he didnt say we by that are nothing fx in the Gulf. He is like those B52 and by that replaces.

One more thing. Trump is the same all over the world, which is a bad President not to rely on.

Im no expert in Biden but Im sure we will see something where we at least can rely in most of it.

cechas vodobenikov

USA no economy—all imports, no manufacturing, increasing debt by .5 trillion$ per year, decayed infrastructure, illiterate population, similar to jens…stupified, LSD deluded


the antagonism against Iran in the white house stems from jew kushner, son in law of trump, and since trump can’t fit a coherent thought together, kushner is the man with some clout, being told by netanyahu what to do and say and as long as he is senior advisor to trump he can try to cause as much crap for the Iranians as possible.

Jens Holm

The miracle would be You learned and became strong and well organized like them.

Lazy bums like You should not decide things.

Your kind should go to school, learn things by education and by that be productive citizens by Your skills and hard work.

The main reasing everytime here is, that You want others to have fiasco, so You can say haha when they antidevellop to You low level.

Our culture as well as Jews very affiliated to that is not that kind of 1400 old insisting stupidisme, where the hard work is to keep women even more disfunctionerl then Yourself.

In Islam women by Aysia should take over. Old men has had their chances and where is the succes apart from making many children kept as poor.

Tempting to write and think like that, when I write Yours.

My first real job was on at hotel as Porter. The first I learned was all kind of people from different countriesd, fifferent etnicities, different religions should be divided in good people, people in the middle and bad ones.

I follow that for muslims too. At least 50% of muslims living here are good or very good people. The rest is divided in if they do harm against other muslims or my kind as white in color.

Bad people in court fx soon will be 2 Turks being spyes in Denmark against people not supporting Erdogan. That includes some Gülens but also total unpolitical people, which since 1970 has been sending money home to their relatives in Turkey as well as paying for extra doctors and nurses. Those also are not PKK at all.

How would Erdogan react if we sended in Danish police and Secret Service to blackmail and hotage taking in Istanbul and Ankara.

Even in Turkey 50% or less support Erdogan, so its not strange and forbidden the Danish Turks are divided too.

I only love on thing in that. When the Gülen schools has been closed the Turks living here cant learn their children Turkish language and culture well, By that they integrate and assimilate better and faster by Danish schools.

We have about 65.000 more or less Turkish citicens and almost all of them has settled, so they were close to almost any kind school.

I think You should think like that and make another kind of dividing as well as unification.

Just Me

All indications are that Iran will go after the Zionists. The decision has already been made. The US is trying hard to deescalate and will let Iran hit the Zionists.

Jens Holm

None says that. I expect they will go back to before Trump only. There again will be limitations but no real change.

Its nonsense Iran will go more against the viruel zinionists. Iran already are in max and will remain in max to keep the Iranians in line united in artificial fear kept isolated to te rest ofthe world, so they can be controlled.

Many as You ignore the internal way of uniting Iranians even its a very normal thing to do.


hahahaha are you serious you dont understand iran at all do you XD


hahahahahahaha this sounds so delusional


you should atleast have informed yourself because even somebody who did a little bit of research would understand that you are basically delusional right now with what you say as one can be


you really are clueless but i offer you to see irans megasis in venezuela the greyzone just did a short clip about it XD

Jens Holm

Thats most likey better then now.


i have 0 problems to visit dprk how about you can you so easily and relaxed as me go there meanwhile i have 0 problems to visit cuba malaysia china and many other places so how am i isolated exactly XD


U.S. sees some indications of possible Iranian attack on Israeli targets but not on US as tensions deescalate

There have been recent heightened tensions, but an official acknowledged reading Iranian intentions is “difficult and at times unpredictable.” The US officials also downplayed a US-Iran conflict but would not rule out an Iranian strike on Israeli targets, but ruled out a US response.

Jens Holm

Trump is almost out. I only relate to Biden. Even a load from a B52 should not change that.

cechas vodobenikov

jens wants sex w senile amerikan? jens only relates w LSD

Emad Irani

not only on 2nd or 3rd January, they will feel and fear that for their entire lifetime

Jens Holm

Unrealtisc science fiction. You are like that and maybee 5 times a day. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg

Maybee some good flashlight can find Your brain.

Emad Irani

we don’t have a Hollywood industry, thanks again dude to Europe, US puppets haha


I rather enjoy some Iranian directors / films

A Separation … 2011

The Salesman … 2016

Gives me glimpses of life in Iran .., it’s what you notice ‘in the frame’ … ‘the backwards culture’


cechas vodobenikov

the cultureless racist from US colony cannot compete w Persian poetry, philosophy, architecture, etc….”the absence of architecture in north amerikan cities is a dazzling denial of culture” J Baudrilliard your insecure envy amuses


Envy … hardly

They show how y’all think … how y’all behave … how y’all live

It’s interesting …. that’s all

I love the Turkish director Nuri B. Bilge Ceylon or


we dont know any timestamp for our martyrs every single of them is immortal and so will be the pain that their enemies will feel by spilling their blood they cursed themselves to utter misery

Jens Holm

Hard times for the winners in Your heaven. Each winner migt get 72 hostile virgins:)


Dead is dead … just like Jesus

They ain’t coming back … they’re just dead

This miserable existence of yours is all that you have …



Denial …


It is looking pretty certain that Israel will be hit hard after a long Chinese water torture of guessing and waiting.

Jens Holm

Science fiction


The psychic on Ave A … ? lol


NK and Iran have an excellent relationship and have been working jointly on many projects like ICBMs, SLBMs, nukes, subs, etc. Here is a video of NK SLBM launch some time ago and Iran probably has it also.


Jens Holm

Yeerhh. only 175 countries are against them.


BUT … who is for them?




Joe Bloggs

Who is no LONGER an ONLY superpower and has been shown the door out of the Middle East by Iran and Russia. HOW LONG does Israel have left? Count it in months LMFAO


It’s January … the countdown starts … big mouth braggart

cechas vodobenikov

titz takes too much LSD, Hollywood Star Trek….paper tiger crumbling near collapse….now empty plywood BLM villages populated by roving feral gangs


Your downfall is assured …


it is of vital interest to Iran and the world that Iran can cut a few corners and speedily be nuked up and that those nukes will be used against the jews (in palestine) if they, the jews, dare to even take a sniff on the nukes they have gotten by theft and double-dealings – bet that Iran will pay kim in readies when the nukes arrive to teheran.




Comin’ ta git ya


The only thing you Jew criminals are getting are petty things from UAE hotels:

Israeli tourists are stealing every carriable object such as lamps, towels, and paintings from Emirati hotels, a report said.

A month has passed since the start of flights between Tel Aviv and the United Arab Emirates, and there are already reports that Israeli tourists are stealing from hotels everything they can carry, Israel’s Yediot Aharonot reported on Tuesday.

The newspaper quoted a businessman as saying, “Many years ago I came to the United Arab Emirates and do business there .. Last month I arrived at the hotel I was staying in and I was terrified when I saw in the hotel lobby, Israelis open their bags before checking out and are being searched for Stolen items from the rooms”. Many businesses in UAE are warning about growing Israeli thefts and taking additional security measures to increase surveillance of “Israeli tourists and businessmen”.

Joe Bloggs

Yep, a Thief’s a Thief., right Hasbara Tzatz?, hope you got paid some good New Year Shekels for trolling SF forums? Perhaps 2021 will be better than 2020, IF Tel Aviv survives Nasrallah’s next attack



Joe Bloggs

Iran bought Nukes that went “missing” from Ukraine in 2000’s. The Iranian “No nuke” policy is just a bargaining tool – If they admit they have it, there’s nothing to bargain with. They Have it alright, thats why they are not concerned about an attack by US, because they will retaliate on Tel Aviv – ZioThieves know they will not survive even a conventional Hezbollah + Iran strike on their only two strategic cities, Haifa, HellAviv will be enough to defeat the baby killer land thieves


lol, even if they could shoot a nuke over here they would think it over 10 times. An action like that would not be the end of the mullahs – it will be the end of Iran and its’ 84M population.



It’s getting hot in here … and it’s WINTER … eh?


Those Iraqi so called officials are part of the problem,they are collaborating with the US occupation forces,they are no different than the Vichy French in the War and they should be just as much a target as the Americans.

Jens Holm

In contrast to fx Iran the poulation has been asked and has chosen that Parlament and its Governess.

Those Shiits dont see themself as a sattelite driven by Iran. A majority of the Iraqian support good relations to Iran only and are not the same crtappy version of Shiitisme at all.

By that Bagdads also are free to relate as much as they wish with anyone they wish. THEY. not You

You descriebe ot very well Yourself. If they dont do as You want, they should be targets. By that it makes even more sense, they fx has USA balancing things out and if needed with much more guns then lousy Iran.

Hard to compare with Vichy. Germany took most of France in Europe and let some of same knd as themself take over a corner.

The Public elected Parlament and its Goverment as well as Iran dont control therest of Iran in 24/7. Even the best microskopes wont say that.

cechas vodobenikov

in dinkmark peasant speak to microscope—microscope must give permission for sex: best prostitute in dk, cheese


the main target to turn to dust is netanyahu and his criminal cohorts. the incessant harping by the jews that Iran must be destroyed is the reason why the exceptional morons in the white house have their attention on Iran – nothing else. amazing really that the dumber than dumb exceptional morons can’t forgive the iranians for the embassy occupation while they quickly forget that they staged a coup which deposed of mossadeq, an elected politician which didn’t suit the dumber than dumb.


A little truth comes out … it’s a start

The finish will be epic … eh?


Just Me

Twatz, you Jew scum are going to be hit soon, stop stealing from hotels lol

The enigmatic commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ismail Ghaani surfaces in Mosul to state that “Iran has made all the necessary preparations to deal a severe blow to its enemies”.

So much for your daily BS…

Mazal Tov….Next



Fog of War

Should I laugh or cry ?

” A British security firm has been accused of tipping off American security forces so they could assassinate Iran’s top security commander.

G4S, which handles security at Baghdad airport, yesterday denied the allegation by the regime in Tehran. ”



makes sense, just to be mentioned in the narrative makes them a fair target and moreover they can be found in lots of places and if the head is guilty or perceived guilty such guilt sticks to all operatives of theg4s

Fog of War

However, my point was that Iraq’s main national airport, located in its capital city, is ” secured ” by a foreign, Zio-infiltrated, ” private ” corporation . This is like a script to a bad action-comedy movie.


So … maybe let the PMU handle security? pmsl

So … maybe let Sunni Iraqis handle security?

So … maybe let Kurds handle security?

That’s a solution … eh? pmsl

Fog of War

Tzataz my dear boy, how about you consider the radical notion that security at the airport should be handled by IRAQIS. Crazy thought huh ?


Obviously … the task is too difficult otherwise it should have been done already … hello?

I won’t be flying into Baghdad ever … so look after it … I’m ok with it

Fog of War

” Obviously … the task is too difficult otherwise it should have been done already … hello? ”

You’re not very astute are you ?


Look up the word … astute

Now what did I say that wasn’t astute …


Fog of War

No my Khazarian acquaintance , you look it up and then ponder how it applies to your statement. I’m well aware of its meaning. הַבָּא



Jens Holm

Too tempting https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c06800289efc2d0f391c9582034c58188d7927c571ae5b0a7b556961066248ae.jpg

Joe Bloggs

You wont be flying INTO or OUT of Tel Aviv either, poor, besieged, and hands tied behind their backs, HAMAS will flatten it


If they could they would have … like the March to Jerusalem … they didn’t get beyond the fence … separating the garbage dump and Israel … dead pos


Watch out G4S…. You’ll soon be G0S.

Jens Holm

A piy he didnt duie decades ago. I give a hip hip and celebrate. People making wars and being good add it, should be killed immidiatly.

Jens Holm

complaints from above:

None can die because the 2 meter Corona distance cant be kept. Jihads are complaining extra. Their 72 ones need a whole football field and Allah says no and none of the 73 has balls.

Copy pasted from liers Bureau.


I dare the mullahs to strike any American or Israeli targets, please do if you are suicidal.

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