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MARCH 2025

A Year Of Russia’s Special Military Operation

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A Year Of Russia's Special Military Operation

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Regardless of whether the reports about the upcoming major Russian offensive are true, at worst, Moscow certainly has the capacity to continue and maintain its special military operation.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

After Russia decided it had had enough and on February 24, 2022, launched its counteroffensive against decades of NATO aggression in Europe, it had been 33 years since its military fought a major ground war (Afghanistan, 1979-1989) and approximately seven years since the start of Moscow’s antiterrorist operation in Syria. The last 365 days ushered a tectonic shift in the international geopolitical arena, with Washington DC and Brussels showing their true colors, as they pledged what US President Joe Biden called an “unwavering support” for the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. Apart from the full-blown economic siege of Russia, which includes attempts at illegal seizure of its massive forex reserves, the political West also launched an unrelenting propaganda campaign to discredit the Russian Armed Forces.

So, how exactly did the Russian military perform during its special operation in Ukraine? First of all, it should be understood that the Eurasian giant is a military superpower, meaning that its armed forces are a massive, multifaceted system that requires a deep understanding of its many aspects. The Western mainstream propaganda machine continues to push the false narrative that the Russian military allegedly “failed” because it didn’t take nearly 600,000 km² (Ukraine is the largest country wholly in Europe) in just two days while avoiding civilian casualties (unlike the Neo-Nazi junta) and being outnumbered approximately 2:1. Secondly, we should also take into account the task president Putin gave to the Armed Forces on February 24, 2022, best illustrated by two words — demilitarization and denazification. According to reports citing Israeli intelligence, both tasks seem to be going exactly as planned.

The staggering losses of the Kiev regime forces (including the virtually total annihilation of a number of purely Neo-Nazi formations) have no parallel in any conflict in recent memory, anywhere in the world and most likely since the end of the Second World War. And while Russia’s losses are certainly not negligible, the casualty ratio with the Neo-Nazi junta forces is simply incomparable. If nearly nine Kiev regime soldiers dying for every Russian serviceman killed means “defeat”, then yes, the political West’s mainstream propaganda machine is certainly “right”, the Russian military is most definitely “losing”. However, in all seriousness, as previously mentioned, being one of the largest and most important systems of Russia’s state apparatus, its armed forces have made some pretty dramatic changes to enhance their capabilities.

A somewhat similar scenario happened after Russia intervened to stop Mikheil Saakashvili’s NATO-backed attack on Abkhazia and South Ossetia in 2008. The Russian military performed all the given tasks in mere days, but the operation prompted the much-needed reforms that created the Eurasian giant’s modern armed forces. And while the discrepancy between the Russian military before and after 2008 was much bigger than it is now (before and after 2022), valuable lessons were learned and, most importantly, they’re being promptly implemented. In addition to enhancements in logistics and other crucial optimizations, new ideas are being adopted while the operational doctrine is being adjusted to meet the ever-changing requirements of the 21st-century battlefield.

This is particularly true in regard to unmanned systems and ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) capabilities, both tactical and strategic. Having the ability to locate and continuously observe enemy forces is of crucial importance for improving the precision of both the frontline troops and the units operating long-range weapons. The more traditional approach of pummeling the enemy with massive amounts of firepower, while still useful, is slowly giving way to surgical strikes at ever longer ranges. In addition, Russia’s already top-of-the-line air defense units gained invaluable insights and experience on how to better counter hostile long-range precision weapons and munitions. This is particularly true for short-range/point-defense systems such as the already legendary “Pantsir” which is now starting to implement crucially important updates to counter weapons such as the US-made HIMARS.

Other important changes include the comprehensive revamping of Russia’s military industry, which is now getting upgrades faster than at any point in the last 30 years. Many of the Soviet-era facilities have been restored and restarted (or are about to), which is also helping the Russian economy to become even more self-sufficient. The massive 1990s economic contraction in defense production and procurement (halted only in the early 2000s) is now being completely reversed, which will ensure Russia’s strategic security in the foreseeable future and beyond. As previously mentioned, it’s virtually impossible to avoid problems in such a massive system, but these issues are being tackled. This is particularly true in terms of the removal of decades-old bureaucratic procedures that were slowing down the necessary reforms.

With such obstacles (soon to be) largely eliminated, the command structure will surely become even more efficient, particularly as the flow of real-time battlefield information increases due to enhanced ISR. In turn, improving such capabilities will likely push further investments in Russia’s space sector, as space-based systems will become increasingly important. Additionally, although NATO’s vast satellite network has been preventing a complete defeat of the Kiev regime forces for an entire year now, this gave the Russian military precious experience to develop successful counters to such capabilities, including improvements to Moscow’s ASAT (anti-satellite) weapons. This could very well undermine NATO’s capabilities in the long run, drastically reducing the chances for a potential “Barbarossa 2.0” against Russia.

All things considered, the Russian military is continuing its well-over-a-millennium-old tradition of quickly adapting to new conditions and enemies. Regardless of whether the reports about the upcoming major Russian offensive are true, at worst, Moscow certainly has the capacity to continue and maintain its special military operation. Having destroyed over 70% of the original Kiev regime forces, the task of demilitarization continues unabated, which also explains the Neo-Nazi junta’s frenzied attempts to acquire ever more weapons. And while the mainstream propaganda machine will surely carry on with its attempts to discredit and denigrate the Russian Armed Forces, the Eurasian giant will continue to fulfill its primary tasks in Ukraine — the thorough demilitarization and denazification of the historically Russian lands occupied by a NATO proxy.


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720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

NEW YORK, February 28. /NBC/. Residents of Crimea, polled by NBC, stated their readiness to defend the peninsula in case of a Ukrainian attack, according to a report aired on Tuesday.

“This is our land,” Praskovya Baranova, 73, told NBC. “We will all put on uniforms and will go to the border to defend ourselves”.

According to NBC, Baranova speaks Russian and considers herself Russian.

Ruslan Nalgiyev, 36, adheres to the same position.

“[Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky] wouldn’t take [Crimea],” he said. “Even if there is a war here, we would still defend Sevastopol. Because, if we don’t defend our motherland, we would become slaves”.

NBC notes that the reporters arrived in Crimea by train via the Kerch Bridge, which has been fully restored. The reporters were able to move across Crimea and talk to people freely.


right. but dont wait till it may happen. russia should send now a few big cargo ships full of ammo and small arms to krimea, and hand out to every one males between 18-45 year old a rifle, sniper, mg or rpg and few hundret bullets. tha in case of emergency you have hundrets of thousands partisanst ready to welcome any attacker.


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Last edited 2 years ago by anni44
Peter Jennings

Ukraine could be a orchestrated distraction away from failing economies, raising crime rates, increasing poverty. Western rogue gov’ts don’t mind expending a couple hundred thousand Ukrainian’s to give the NWO time to take from you everything you own.

Whatever happens, keep a gun handy. You’re going to need it when the property police/bailiffs come calling. In Blighty, we’re not allowed guns, so we have to get in close with a bat or a knife.

Chris Gr

In this day and age, guns are not enough. We need much more.


As you were saying… America’s courts canabilizing “their own” through probate and child guardianship that has facilitated RICO human trafficking on an unprecedented scale the past 16 years, along with indiscriminate murder by domestic police and for-profit prisons that started in earnest under the G.W. Bush Administration when looting OCONUS the past 30 years under the guise of a pretext https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11 didn’t work out according to plan!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Takže niet o čom. Denacifikácia a demilitarizácia Ukrajiny a teraz už aj zločineckej teroristickej organizácie NATO pod vedením darebáckeho štátu USA. Citujem: “Podľa správ odvolávajúcich sa na izraelské spravodajské služby sa zdá, že obe úlohy idú presne podľa plánu.” Koniec citátu. Vsjo jasno!!!


So we won. WTF, not yet?! Jesus, are we waiting for armagedon or what?


what gains? russia lost now 40% of all gains they made in the first months. mainly due to two biggest mistakes, splitting the forces to east, south and the north move to kiew, and the total idiotism of sending in only 150.000 troops, instead of at least 500.000. witk 500k troops from the start and without wasting capacities in kiew direction, the whole thing would be over now including complete liberation of lugans and donezk, and the whole southwest coats including odessa, with landlink to transnistria. the third big mistake was the last years call in of only 300.000 reservists from around 2 million. why not more?

Last edited 2 years ago by TomB
jens holm

another americunt astrologer at SF


oh the next expert , I will recommend you to Gen. Gerassimov

Romanian whore

After one year since Russian-Ukrainian War began Russian Army & pro-Russian rebels currently control 84630 Sq Km, which corresponds to 14,02% of Ukraine: – Donetsk People’s Republic forces controls 15430 Km^2 (58,19% of Donetsk oblast) – Luhansk People’s Republic forces controls 26202 Km^2 (98,20% of Luhansk oblast)

Also 1 year means:

135.000 TOTAL DENAZIFICATED ukroidiots aka KIA 45.000 ULTRA DENAZIFICATED ukroimbeciles aka MIA 360.000 PARTIAL DENAZIFICATED ukrowhores aka WIA

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

@Romanian gypsi

The opposite is true. Widening the war will escalate into WW3. That’s for sure !

Putin messed it up big time. But not only in 2022 but already 8 years ago, when after US Blackwater jewish Victoria Newland (a jewess with real name Nudelman) Putin did nothing, and let the pro-russian president being chased away like a dog. Then he set beside and looked and watch calmly for 8 (!!!) full year, only to then suddenly decide that it is now time to invade. And with this kind of acting he messed it all up. And – and at least to me that seems likely – he did this on purpose. (resp. likely his Chabad Lubavitch masters ordered him to attack on this satanic date 666 / 24 F.2022 that is 2+4=6 , F=6 , 2+0+2+2=6 so it gives 666) . See, self-defence, you can claim when someone beat you and you beat back. But if someone beats you, and you do nothing, then you cannot come AFTER 8 YEARS kill him and his whole country, and then claim that to be “self-defence”. No, it is not. Not anymore after that long time of 8 fuckin years !

Btw. Russia has enough land. They do not need Donbass Donetsk , Lugansk for industrial survival of the Russian federation. But Ukraine does need this mineral-rich territories for its economical survival. That’s fact. The people in the mentioned regions, indeed are pro-russian, feel russian, and hate the ukraine government and all pro-government people. So these both different kind of people obviously can t live together anymore. Hope to this point at least, we all agree here. Then now look what the US and Europe are spending on war, and what russia is spending on war. Wouldn t it be much more clever, to instead of wasting all that precious money on stupid war, and kill each other to just sit on the table and give each Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass etc. family 8-10 mio $ for that they leave and move/re-settle to their beloved Russia ? With that money, they will be the kings over there, will have likely much bigger house and garden, and life will be much easier for them. No missiles, no war, enough money, only russians not “evil ukrainians” around them. So what’s the matter ? Where’s the problem ?

I’ll tell you ! The problem is: Both ! USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are not interested in making peace and solve the Donbass problem in a peaceful way. Why ? Because both (!) USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are controlled and dominated by jews. And these jews (behind the scenes) are the ones really calling the shots. And they do not want peace. They want that the christian nations and people’s jumping to each others throats and mercilessly slaughter each other !! That’s what the whole thing is all about. All else the medias are telling you to “explain” what is happening is just bullshit !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Je jasné, že RF čaká po ukončení ŠVO veľká výzva. A síce bude musieť nahradiť čím skôr stratu mužskej populácie!!! Teraz mám na mysli ozaj MUŽSKEJ!!! To znamená odvážnych, statočných, verných, silných odhodlaných, spoľahlivých vlastencov!!! A to môže RF dosiahnuť iba ak sa zvýši v Rf pôrodnosť!!! Tým pádom stojí pred RF úloha aby vytvorila pre rast populácie priaznivé podmienky!!! A tie sa dajú vytvoriť iba vtedy ak budú mať ľudia životné a sociálne istoty!!! Tak, že RF bude musieť pretvoriť trochu svoj model ktorý momentálne v RF existuje!!! Bude sa musieť trochu obzrieť späť do minulosti a oprášiť niektoré veci z čias CCCP!!!


POKRAČOVANIE : Ľuďom dať prácu a dôstojný život!!! Iba tak zabezpečí rast populácie, ktorý RF bude v nasledujúcom období veľmi potrebovať. Túto úlohu nesmú zanedbať, nesmú ju odkladať na neskôr. Musia sa jej ujať okamžite!!! Nikdy neviete kedy vás vlasť bude opäť potrebovať na svoju obranu!!! Verím, že Putin si je tejto úlohy plne vedomí. Nestačí iba vyhrať, treba zabezpečiť mier a poriadok a tiež prosperitu. Iba to ľudí prinúti aby neváhali obetovať to najcennejšie na oltár vlasti!!! Ako sa tý staráš o vlasť tak sa vlasť postará aj o teba a to platí aj opačne!!!

Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

A year after the special moronic operation invaded Kiev and stepped directly into an ambush. Now that all of Russia’s armaments have been destroyed Vladimir Putin is now praying that the worthless Russian cannon fodder can bail him out.


lol you total moron. even the americunsts say that russia lost only max. some 30 % of theyr heavy armament they have i ucraine, while still thousands of tanks and ifvs in russian reserve depots and russian tank and ammo factorys running and producing on high steam. but in fact, ukros are running out of everything in the next months, because all theyr ammo and tank factorys are destroyed, and theyr western supporters can not send as much, as ukros loose or consume in the same time. so till years end ukros will have nothing left of theyr heavy armament.

Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

Just like the Russian humiliating defeat in Kiev was just a diversionarry tactic secretly planned by morons like you LOL


Sure you saudummer volltrottel, because with the fake Kiew attack the russians splitted the ukro forces holding back many ukros for Kiew defence, while russians advance in the south and east.



Yes, the Ruskies special stupid operation indeed put them into deep shit. They thought it to be a cake walk and now they are in the quagmire same as back in 1980’s in Afghanistan, just bigger. Traitor Putin led them there, same as traitor Napolean led the french into Russia or traitor Hannibal the Carthagian troops into extra-size horseshit. But ok, may the russians keep hailing to their jewish cockroach Putin and his PMC Wagner vermin. Stupidity cannot be schooled away. They’ll need to find out the hard way.

Anyway, I feel Ukrainian make thing much too complicated for themselves.

Yes, I really don t know why the ukrainians do not sweep clean the whole Bakhmut area using Sarin or VX gas.

Because the russians themselves admit they are using nearly 100% illegal combatant troops, these PMC Wagner criminals in that area. Those imbeciles are not secured under any guarantee of the Geneva Convention, so no law of war is binding to them.

Can be killed like partisans. Therefore I’d advice the ukrainians to give the full sequel and release whatever chemical fun they or their amurikkan friends might have in their arsenals on these PMC criminals now.

Bring in some gas masks through the last corridors open, into the town, and then carpet-bomb the whole area, in and outside town and surrounding with that above mentioned chemical goodies. Let the PMC criminals inhale it deeply and watch these rats suffocating big time. Problem solved.

VX the best solution to PMC vermin plague !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

A hasbara hurenkind like you should be very carefull and silent about a wish to poison Gas others to death, otherwise ask your grannys an the other 6 million

Romanian whore

We soon will collect hundreds if not thousands of dead hoholist nazi bodies inside encircled Backmut. And with some luck just the same as prisoners. Hope all banderist nazi garbage will be executed on spot and only the regular army will be spared. Mariupol mistake must not be repeated.


@Romanian cunt

You cannot execute God. Truth will prevail in the end. Those who defend their country are the ones with the moral highground, and those who reject communism are much closer to the principles of Jesus than red satanist scum, that acts as marionettes for smelly bolshevic hook-nosed jewish vermin.

Chris Gr

KKK was created by the 33rd degree Illuminati Albert Pike. Stalin was also a big anti-Semite/anti-Judaic.



Erase my post again and again...

Great break down in the article, however, still not seeing the cause of the problem ‘Rothschild’ being openly mentioned. Shit, even Stew Peters is calling out Rothschild on this one, totally a Rothschild tantrum war… “You kicked my parasitic couterfieting banking fraud operation out of Russia, now it’s war, bankster proxy war style.”

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