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Abortion Of Future. The Largest Polish Protests In Post-Soviet Era

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Since October 22, large protests against abortion ban have been taking place all around Poland. The capital faced the largest throngs of people. Dozens of thousands of protesters marched through the streets of Warsaw on Friday evening.

The current protests are the largest since the fall of communist regime in Poland in 1989.

Earlier in 2016 and 2018, the ruling Law and Justice Party had already tried to introduce the restriction on abortion, but nationwide demonstrations erupted twice. Today the law was accepted by the Polish Constitutional Court, who de facto prohibited abortions. The judges found unconstitutional the provision of legislation that allowed a woman to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus was found to have a serious and irreversible defect or an incurable disease that threatens its life.

Abortion Of Future. The Largest Polish Protests In Post-Soviet Era

Woman wrapped in sheet with writing “hell for women” takes part in protest in front of Constitutional Tribunal. Photo: EPA-EFE/TOMASZ GZELL

Poland is a Catholic country where one of the most restrictive abortion laws among the world’s wealthier countries was adopted in 1993. In recent years, the ruling party has strengthened this line. The conservative measures were provoked by the high number of abortions in the country. Inter alia, this is due to the fact that there was a large flow of young girls from Ukraine and Belarus who were engaged in prostitution in the hope of easy earnings. This provoked cultural differences and an increase in illegal abortions, as Polish doctors retained the right to refuse surgery or not prescribe pills.

Despite the fact that the current demonstration was largely peaceful, there was an important police presence due to concerns that the clashes could break out with right-wing counter-protesters, who were also widely present on the streets of Warsaw after the call of the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the ruling party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Poland is the center of gravity for students from Eastern Europe. Plenty of young people from Ukraine and Belarus actively come there. They represent a large ardent crowd that mostly supports the modern aggressive neoliberal agenda. Crowds of women filled the streets of the capital, joined by thousands of men and a wide array of groups who were not satisfied with the conservative politics of Law and Justice Party.

Abortion Of Future. The Largest Polish Protests In Post-Soviet Era

People take part in a protest against renewed coronavirus pandemic restrictions in Warsaw, Poland, 28 October 2020. EPA-EFE/PAWEL SUPERNAK

Except the abortion ban, the protesters propelled a larger liberal agenda. The separate target is the Polish Catholic Church, as an institution that allegedly restricts the rights of citizens. Throughout the week, the protesters broke into the churches,vandalizing church facades and staging sit-ins.

These protests put into question the implementation of the strong Pilsudskiy-style national project. The one that Polish elites have been striving for decades.

Today’s events in Poland have a lot in common with left-wing protests in Latin America. In general, their logic is formed in the American neo-liberal think tanks, but are taken up by the masses of protesters with left-wing views. An interesting paradox is taking place, when elite remote groups use the masses who profess very different views.

This is the way the future emerges, where society will be divided into two unequal groups. The first is represented by a narrow circle of elites, families, who are adherent to neo-liberal ideas with a somewhat esoteric and mystical perception of the world. The second group is much more numerous and represents the masses, a kind of new proletariat following left-wing, mostly neo-Marxist views.


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Probably Germany will offer free abortions for Polish women. People that prefer abortions instead of condoms should not reproduce anyway.

Fog of War

This is another “color ” revolution, Abortion is just used as the cover story. These protests are designed to destroy one of the last mainly Catholic, mainly indigenous White countries on the planet and is led by the usual tribal actors.


In EU next years project there is no place for strong , independent country with tradiciional values or own army . They plan to create one big ,,country” and there is no place for conservative countrys like Czech republic or Poland .

Ivan Freely

A rather foolish project. Forcibly erasing borders does not erase culture and values. It will just go underground and pop up whenever the authorities are not looking. AND if the cultures are not compatible then this EU super state will be inherently unstable.

Fog of War

” Forcibly erasing borders does not erase culture and values. I ”

How is this working out for the Whites in the US ? What about Scotland ? France ? Italy ? Sweden ? etc …………….

Ivan Freely

Remember the Soviet Union and their quest to supress religion? Once the oppressing force is removed, you’ll see a return of those culture and values.

Fog of War

Once you flood a nation with ” migrants ” then its almost game over for the indigenous population, as the only remedy at that point is war and racial / ethnic cleansing. These abortion protests will be used as a catalyst for that and other depravities ( gay rights, sex changes, Feminism ) and so forth.

Jens Holm

Thats correct. Those debates are used to make solutions. You probatly predict the wrong winners. Things devellop. Here we have green strawberries before we eat the red ones. This is not day to day but devellopments.

Its the same for most things. Parts of Eastern Europe never has had real parlamentarisme. They cant jus change from day to day but has to be in a many years learning proces implementing a lot of bahaving as well as trucvtures, before they are like the ones in Western Europe.

And maybee something between the contrast are the best for them for many years and we have to accept and respect it like permanent or 5 steps forward and 3 back.

Those sex things are same thing. Its a mind thing to accept statistics all over the world says close to 10% are not as the rest of us. Number two is letting them live in peace as yhe rest of us instead of a life in deniel and punishment. Not letting them to me is being psycopats needing to have victims to feel fine themself.

cechas vodobenikov

can u be more shallow stupid? try Seroquel

Vox Populi

Religion is basic root of conflict. It is best to remain secular and progress.

Jens Holm

I will remind You that sekulars made WW1 and WW2.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b79e79d18590a3132f5ebe555bbd42463509b187b4ef0ca9ae2e934637ef715e.jpg GOD WITH US

Davide Herzog

You are mad . Completely ignorant about history .

Ivan Freely

IMO, money is the basic root of conflict. Religion is just means to an end; an excuse to rally the unwashed masses for the benefit of the few. I agree about the secularism part.

Vox Populi

Good point. I believe the west has destroyed our societies and values with total greed and lust for money. Consumerism is God now and even education has turned into a business with dumbed down populations chasing “business degrees” and unemployment lines.


No evil is the cause,mainly they whom represent such in guile eg the pope n sht!

Jens Holm

No it wont go back. Those religios parts are re-discoveries as “ours” with a lot of fokus, but next they will found a much more moderate level and be incorporated making their ID stronger.

I do remember Jaruselsky Poland and Solidarnost well. They were all either Communist or Catholic.

What You see right now is Duda close to winning and a moderated level. Catholocs and right wings now run the state by 51%. Some years ago it was maybee 80%.

Bill Wilson

It’s been no big deal in the US since immigrants’ children quickly become Americanized because it’s the dominant culture.


dont be so sure , its about next 50 or 70 years , not now. It’s all about indoctrination of young generation by leftist media , step by step. Look what media can do with young people in UK , their young generation lack any tradicional value – just jastin bieber , rita ora and being drunk every weekend :D

Jens Holm

This is not about lefties medias at all. The indictrination for old days are by someone like You.

And Your relations to what ppeople do in UK is far out and from ancient very bad days too.

You are no white male unless Your are painted. You probatly dont learn Your children, what the rest of us do according Our traditions, where things mainly works well.

Traditions seemes to be maing children in the kitchen reamaining even more stupid then You, so You can have fathers control by fórce and women remaining as second class citicens.

Jens Holm

I agree. We more or less are as the Poles. We dont want to erase Our local cultures and economy. In the other hand Our cultures are not insisting to stay in the old days.

So we add Ourself and the world has changed, so we do get in a lot but we also are in a replacing situation, where we also need to replace bad old days with better updated ones – and hopefuly for the better.

In abortion I do remember very very well how children during their whole life too often was treated very very bad. We have seen it as more extreme in Poland all the way to Roumania, Russia and for that matter Korea.

Denmark has movies about it. Those are very tragic. We also allowed abortion, because people made abortions in the kitchens and many mainly Young women died by bleeding. We here has seen so many Young women has been expelled and the men was not responsible as well as those women was forced to sex by masters, where they should be safe as implyed as very Young girls.

Thats why I am for unwanted and fórced made children. W have stopped main parts of that. We do see abortion sometimes dont sole things´for everything forever.

But Poles should be allowed to and very much using the different kinds of contraseption.

The “no sex” dont work. It only lower a little. We see it very we´ll among the poor in USA. So many are poor because they make children long time before they stop going to schhool and by that not even get the lowest educations, so they can support themself.

Here we also see the men too often not even contribute, because they also has no traditions for making an income – and hardly for themself.

So and important part of this – and for poles too – is a poor people problem and very much in the rural districts too.

Vox Populi

Europe is very diverse in values and cultures. So forcing EU integration is futile. It is time to revert back to individual states and many EU nations are fracturing. In Spain, there is Catalonia independence issue, Basque and even in tiny UK Scotland wants freedom. The EU has been a disaster.

Jens Holm

We are not forcing. Its decided by its member states by Parlament, Ministers and the administration.

And main problems actually are the same all over. But maybee You sit different at the toilet then me. Well maybee, but some not even has toilet.

All also wish their chilldren to do well. Those kids need food, clothe, toof, safety even against their parents – they need school, they need education and if there is no jobs, they need jobs, where they by work are paid, so they can make the next generation.

Thats and many other things are exact the same for all.

You narrowminded description is a NO MORE.

And the EU influence: We pay 1% in tax.

And yes EU do devellop. When people want more local independensy, it because they FEEL SAFE.

And why not. We are safe and in that by how we live can effort that. So we can restructure EU different versions and levels.

Here You of course forget, that by that´You actually get some more local deciding too even its kept into frames.

You also are forget EU has grown very much by its succes and not fiascos. By thats we try to include new members and affiliates, which of course makes bigger differences.

There are no futilities in this. We add and subtract and mainly add to each other. Its very visible all over in living standards by GDP, living age and a lot of samll and big things.

Its also the best we have as a contrast to what happend at WW2.

You focus should be all the parts, where things are doing well. There is nothig wrong in realistic changes. Denmark fx now has 2 automies because we dont insist in being one hard runned by Copenhagen. The same goes for several other parts of Europe. We and they find solutions, but changes cant be done by some local dictatorpresidents as well as riots but by consenssus inside limits.

So You have to subtract normal democratic processes from the independent debates.

As a private person I have always wished or wanted a “thinner” EU, where the fewer things are kept better. By that I am for dividings even across country borders where the make sense.

I was very happy for Nothern Ireland and danes for fre can cross to sweden and Germany as they wish and fx partlyu share hospitals, police, firebrigades and money from EU and the Goverments to local united devellopments.

So we sill see. Just naming is as futile makes no sense. EU is a succesfull organisme, which has to change during time.

We never has had so good conditions for all, where I live. The ones against EU predicted we all would be poor and told pensionist probatly was very poor. I see none of that. Next Year I will retire. I see things now are much better then they were for my parents. I also see they are much much better, then what my Grandparents got.

You dont throw a car away just because the tires are bad.

cechas vodobenikov

EU=failed and disintegrating…BREXIT now Italy, Hungary, Vinograd nations, Austria rejecting numerous EU mandates…either u r colony of Germany or USA–no both

Fog of War

Not just the that. Poland refuses to take in ” migrants ” and is also 98% Catholic and Slavic White. The Khazars cant allow this to be.

Jens Holm

Yes, Poles has to follow EU decidings and also share and solve Our problems. EU has never asked so many refugees and imigrants to come here and we have to share to integrate and for that matter “store”.

In Denmark close by we estimate well, that about 50% of the incommers are minus. We every year spend close to 3 million ECU to them.

Here Poles and others has to take their parts and related to economy and seize. We do the same for UN too and pay according Our GDP but also related to how many or few we already has.

By that Poles has to take their parts too.

…And I can add Poles insist in using polluting coal and the smoke and sulpur reach Denmark very much.

Poles in that too has to understand, that many things are across the borders.

They have to remind a part of the internal help also is Poles are equal to take any jobs in the whole EU and by that send money home to their old days and devellop things.

Porc Halal

Who invited the hordes of invaders should keep them and “integrate” them…good luck with that!…

Jens Holm

We try to follow the UN decidings about it, so its not one country has to do this and that.

The rest is crap. We in EU as several others in te world actually are trying to help each other. Thats what UN is fo. Thats what EU is for. Thats what Nato is for.

We are not like You some singularis dotted moron daft prics.

You have no idea abut what communisme, imperialisme and neo ditto is too.

Most of us certainly and happyly are not like You. You are just like Our unwanted children, which should have been an abortision.

…Our preditions are not Ours as well. So far we build out and expand and has made that since we started those internal good relation building instead of revenges after WW2 as USSR did.

We also has systems, which is much better then Communisme in the dirty Moscow versions as well as those primitive Arabistani ones.

And Yes we have problems, but we also think we have tools for handling them and fx EU has not to be as made in stone and iron being the same forever. We change as some very big organisme having 500 inhabitants.

Its seemes ignored by You people in Eastern Europe actually has joined us as well as other want better and more normal relations.

You also ignore, that those many refugees are commin TO US. And why do they prefare to be among among christian sekulars and infidels.

There is a long list for that, where the main part seemes to be, they wont be related to something You represent.

We only has asked for incommers needed. And why are they needed. WE create jobs and are raising the living standards for people able to take a job.

By UN we are forced to take refugees and has done that. We never expected so many could be refugees and for that matter emigrant looking for anything else then where they could not live. NO WAY.

And its very visible for Sweden and Germany. They were extra open for incommers and had very good integration plans for it.

But – as You write – so many are comming in as hordes its almost impossible to make a good integration even we as well as Swedes now are a kind of professionels.

The main problem is, its not possible to send those hordes or at least the ones we never can use home.

But we can share the problems and try to do. Incommers as number one goes by Spain, Italy and Greece. So we send help to them and also take some few of the incommers.

For some it could be tempting to shoot some 1000s of the incommers and hoped no more would come. But we are not like that too. We even pay people to leave and very few does.

Your version of burning and rebuilding in the ashes is a no go here, if we can avoid it.

Look now in caucasus again. Before that it was Tjetjenia. Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia. If so those countries should be burned down first and the agressive parts of the populations too.

Compaed to all those muslami fobias, we are doing fine.

Porc Halal

You are nothing, a big fucking zero..besides that, you are just a fucking retard who in your big fucking ignorance condemn others to be enslaved and killed…this is not a virtue, you know…

Jens Holm

Thats not a comment.

Try to be a vomen with and unwanted child Yourself …

cechas vodobenikov

doing fine with extreme poverty and rotting school system where u now rank nearly as bad as amerikans–Russians far superior—PERLS comparison–dennies humiliated, norther Irish #6, Russians #1 and Russia no extreme poverty—u now in Arhaus shooting heroin in a tent?

Great Khan

Your mother must get obortion…or more stoopid kinde like you hahahhahaa


i told you ape that you are invited tou our zoo in Berlin. banana and carrot for free for great ape khan

Great Khan


Jens Holm

You seemes to forget we actually are helping Poland with billions of Ecua every year as well as trade and even military equipment.

You are worse then blindfolded.

Its populisme of the worst kind to write as You do about unite things more and better. We many years before Poland joined has rules for it. We elect by all cuntries and Our main ministers are in the top. We also do have an administration.

So here Poland are equal partners with the rest of us and has joined a system. Here Yoi cant insist in palying badminton inside a fooball match. Try that.

Poles has to floow whats decided and today is a great economic sucees and partly a social one too.

Those ancient side people should not decide against Our constitution or not be a member.

Sure Nato is same thing. You are members or not. You are affiliated or not. You can be a friend only too.


In the minds of the globalists. But these people are so stupid that they don’t understand that muslims will never bow to them.

These people protesting for abortion, will meet Sharia. A lot of these women will be hanged.

I am an atheist, but I really am disgusted by people that think it is a right to kill a baby in the uterus.

Jens Holm

Thats incorrect. Its about reducing catolic and right wing nationalisme to a better level.

Fog of War

I wish I could reduce you to a better level.

Jens Holm

Mabee You like bee better. A glass to full is a waste and make Yourr hands with beer. If You dont fill the glass, You will remain thirsty.

Too many beers has a result too.

Poles have to find FIT.


Since Red October all revolutions are colored. China, Thailand and other Asian nations even had color civil wars.

Jens Holm

DEnmark expect more poles will come here for abortion.

Vox Populi

Spain under Franco banned abortion and that caused immense social and health issues and many women died. Others who could afford it went to other neighboring countries. The same will happen in Poland and create a mess. These right wing governments are out of touch with reality with their myopic social engineering agendas.

Jens Holm

Yes out of touch so far. The Irsh ones also more or less goto UK for abortion.

And kind of funny but about repair many norweigians come to here with their cars:)

I think we have to write something like this now and then instead of no smiling.


Sht oil + fuel,what you get there,not surprised one bit:


Many soros advocates suicided in france,what you get for serving satan,eu/dorks!

Davide Herzog

Franco was a catholic hero . Banning the massacre of children saved mlions of lives ! Few bitches died triing to kill babies as at that time the society still had christian’ s values and there weren’ t many feminists and zombies around . You are a deep ignorant ! The social engeneering agenda is promoted by progressist clans and global mafia ! Moderate and democratic narional goverments and parties try to oppose resistance against the neoliberal/neonazi murderers .


Soros money and another neo-marxist protests

Great Khan

All Polish fat beeble stoopid…whole cuntry need abortion….hahhahaa

Fog of War

Vienna 1683.

Great Khan



Whats to defend infmamous cockheads,incest hitlers 4th reight scamdemic? It takes guts to choose whom to serve not sighniung for cia/nazi uncle scam n sht! fake mccancierhero,luciferian demented debt rotted to the core wanker johnsones

Davide Herzog



Yes they are but great Khan ape need to locked in zoo as soon as possible


Great Khan



Too bad insolence,nothing you anmd your fake mates can do about it biden gimp!

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Sheep in Muslim countries have meant that many of Trump’s equals have not been born.

Jens Holm

I care less and less about mosty of the muslims. They even blame Trump retreating and as usual he is weak.

Something i sterribele wtong in their definitions for common sense, honor and respect.

Davide Herzog

An abort would have prevented you .

Guibus Guib

go buy a brain, yours is full of sh.t.

Porc Halal

He is just one of the turkish trolls playing the roll of a mongolian fan of “ intl turkoid brotherhood”…he’s on the turdish islamist authorities payroll…


Insolent soros b00fs,go and jump off its balcony and do society justice neo-bludgers: (LOSERS)

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Not abortion but de-Christianization and more schooling. The same should apply in Muslim countries as well.


I wonder. Muslims are a tough nut to crack.

Davide Herzog

Scandinaviam countries are full of ignorant , bigot and intollerant .Those beasts have no religion . The only one they have is the hole of their asses . All the world goes there to fuck their mothers , wives and daughters so that nobody of them knows he is his father . Men are like carpets , completely subdued to those cows they consider women .

Jens Holm

What do You use all the unwanted children for Mr Zero.

Vox Populi

It is not for right-wing “religious” governments to decide women’s reproductive rights. The world is already plagued with poverty stricken impoverished and over-population. Poland has enough problems and adding more unwanted babies is not the answer.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

yeah but not in the EU! Maybe in Africa India and china!

Jens Holm

Its very wel descriebed in the Human rights declaration. Women and men decide about their own bodies and not family or religion.

Having seen the results here in Denmrk for what happens without contraseption and there abortion too was terrible for the women and certainly very very bad for most of the children being herashed all theri life also being porr with no education.

So thats how I vote.

Putting in China and India makes sense. In the other hand I would say number one is to clean my own house and next tell others, they can make improvements by cleaning theirs. I do know we send a lot of rubber and teachers, so many only get the children they need and can feed.

Vox Populi

You nailed it senor. Western nations have done more damage to the environment in the last 100 years than any other civilization. We are hardly in a position to lecture others. Poland is a developing country and that is the reason millions of poor Poles work overseas and asking them to have more children is absurd. A woman’s reproductive function depends on her choice and socio-economic circumstance. It is not of the church or state to regulate that.


Raise a kid first before mouthing off you know not insolent ignorant sick fktard!

Jens Holm

You dont know anything about his background. Just because You can make children dont say You are a good parent just You are fertile.

Fog of War

Poland’s birth rates are barely above sustainable levels. They actually DO need more children.

Jens Holm

To me thats more and more upside down. Europe has doubled in population the last 100 years even we have had several civile wars and WW1 and WW2. We also has migrated many to USA, Canada, New Zraland and Aistralia.

And production is not dependent in hands but brains and inventions, we can handle well.

We see it in wars too. Many soldiers is no guarenti for winning. Wars are in front to replace people and do destroy very well like in Syria, Yemen or Azarbaidian & Armenia.

So I am not worried when danes also are reduced by Ourself.

It make no sense for me we now are about 7 billion and fx Egyptians are 10 times as many within 100 years.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

use a condom or the bill afterwards! If you lazy killing unborn children is murder!

Porc Halal

That’s absolutely correct. abortion is not a human “right”, it is simply murder…

Porc Halal

PS…it’s more like of a satanic ritual


They make money from baby organs and blood,these people (soros+ co) are truly sick followers of murder,which is why there is zero tolerance need be capped!

Porc Halal

I know…it’s sad…it need to be capped

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

You probatly is one of those, which has amputated dick. So many has a bad sexlife because of that.

Jokes says Jews buy and sell that kind of skins to convertites:)

Jens Holm

The Satanists are the ones, which dont help those women to get an education and a life as well as herassing those unwanted children all thir life.

Those children not even has asked to be born. Much like legalising psycopatisme and create victims to be above someone being very smal themself.

Jens Holm

Its a matter of definition. You are incorrect. You dont remeber the results. I do. Vomen with no education living in artificial shame the rest of their life and children from being born treated bad and named as bastards and accidents.

In the other hand You have men, which too often sometimes even are named as fertile heroes, bacsue they can make babies because they are in power.

..And of course the limitations for sex ny age and marrige is there too only allowed in marrige and with 10-12 children, which hardly can get food and clothe.

Jens Holm

Thats sementik for me and a choise. I have the results so many times for mainly vomen being blamed the rest of their lives as well as the children are named “bastards even being bæamed, they ever was born.

And in the other hand I also has seen fathers telling its the vomens fault and they wont pay fot the child. Sometimes they even are treated as heroes of the fertile kind.

No more here, where I live.

Nothing is simple in my oppinion about that.

Jens Holm

I agrere in the contraseption part. Unfortunatly many of those against abortion are against contraseption too.

I know how things were before abortion and NEVER will go back to how things was. NO WAY. Kitchentables, toilets….

It was horrible and it is horrible, where it still happens.

Jens Holm

I agree, there are many versions of contraseption, but You forget that where people are against abortion, they also are against contraseption as well as they ignore that Young ones do have sex no matter what their parents has told that.

On those areas we also often see mature married or not makes many more children, then can feed and put clothe on.

I cannot define “unborn children” as You do. To me we should choise to take better care for those already alive for real and give them a chance for a good life.

I have the same for funerals. Funerals mainly are made for the ones still alive, so they can handle missing their belowed and regain and fx take well care of their children.

…Of course its both, but the main thing is the ones alive going on in a new context.


Tards not god ,have no heart got no right frgn lowlife can’t afford a condomatics!

Vox Populi

Really does not matter, western consumer societies are doing more damage to ecological suitability and we are pushing our materialism and vacuous consumption patterns to the developing world who watch US TV and think that all western nations have streets paved with gold. US has the worst poverty and social unrest amongst all of OECD, so having more poor people in the US is even worse than Africa where there communities who help each other. Our western model is narcissistic survival of the fittest.


ra,ra can’t even run a pc properly,how frgn fkd up can soros trolls truly be then:

Jens Holm

I agree 100%.

Poles have a long list. Danes get smoke from their dirty coal in their powerplants too. It takes time to upgrade Poland, but we do help them by whip as well as chocolate.


Coal ain’t the problem,insolent dementy creedy trolls of not purpose are (period) Either way we smashed the fk outta the inept greens/abortion clan,worlwide too: Have a nice day’sukrrz’


fkoff you lazy pathedic excuse artist of adult,just because you are so scabby can’t affor a condome screwger:Life is life gimp,you hate life ,by god life shall hate you!

Davide Herzog

If killing children is for misanthrope/feminist beasts a ” women’s reproductive right ” so the ” human beings reproductive rights ” must be the killing of misanthrope/feminist beasts .

If you think human beings are too much for Universe ( still and always in expansion – like natural resources do ) terminate yourself : the world will be a safer place .


Africa India china Islam is multiplying and some in the west are asking the western countries to stop over populating as if there isn’t a decline in the population there


SEXY? – https://cutt.ly/HgOqoKi

Porc Halal

Speaking of multiplying…Sofia23 wants to multiply with you…


Porc Halal

Quoting “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”…

“ We might have reason to apprehend a union between the “clear-sighted” force of the GOY kings on their thrones and the “blind” force of the GOY mobs, but we have taken all the needful measure against any such possibility: between the one and the other force we have erected a bulwark in the shape of a mutual terror between them. In this way the blind force of the people remains our support and we, and we only, shall provide them with a leader and, of course, direct them along the road that leads to our goal”…

Porc Halal

Further more…

“ The ill-guided acquaintance of a large number of persons with questions of polity creates utopian dreamers and bad subjects, as you can see for yourselves from the example of the universal education in this direction of the GOYIM. We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order. But when we are in power we shall remove every kind of disturbing subject from the course of education and shall make out of the youth obedient children of authority, loving him who rules as the support and hope of peace and quiet”

Jihadi Colin

To hell with Poland, the most anti Russian country on the European continent. Let them eat each other alive.

Doom Sternz

Poland went to hell in 2013…….There is substantial evidence indicating that the Poles had been participating actively in the formation of death squads in Ukraine since September 2013. Also there is substantial evidence that the Right Sector militants were trained by Donald Tusk’s government in Poland two months in advance of what was obviously a pre-planned coup. The Polish press even published the role of Donald Tusk’s government in preparing the coup where the Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski invited 86 members of the Right Sector to the police training center in Legionowo. There, they received four weeks of intensive training in crowd management, person recognition, combat tactics, command skills, behavior in crisis situations, protection against gases used by police, erecting barricades, and shooting, including the handling of sniper rifles.

Donald Tusk, who is now President of the European Council, whose grandfather, Josef Tusk, served in Hitler’s Wehrmacht, has consistently demanded that the Kiev regime imposed by the US and EU deal with the Donbass people brutally, “as with terrorists”. While the Polish special services were training the future participants of the Maidan operations and the ethnic cleansing of the Donbass, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs made this official statement (02-02-2014): “We support the hard line taken by the Right Sector… The radical actions of the Right Sector and other militant groups of demonstrators and the use of force by protestors are justified… The Right Sector has taken full responsibility for all the acts of violence during the recent protests. This is an honest position, and we respect it. The politicians have failed at their peacekeeping function. This means that the only acceptable option is the radical actions of the Right Sector. There is no other alternative”.

In this statement by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs we can see that the Polish government (NATO) is using violence (radical actions) as a means of ensuring the Ukrainian politicians fail in their peace keeping functions. Ukraine illustrates the role assigned by NATO to Poland. To overthrow the government of its neighbour state, Donald Tusk resorted to neo Nazi activists in the same way that NATO in Turkey uses Al-Qaeda (Al Nusra Front) to overthrow the Syrian government.

The Maidan demonstrations in early 2014, which led to the overthrow of the legally elected Ukrainian government witnessed an estimated 15,000 people marching in celebration of Stepan Bandera’s 105th birthday. The neo-Nazi Svoboda Party along with the Fatherland Party of Yulia Tymoshenko both supported this commemoration of the former Nazi ally and war criminal. In the late 1930s Stepan Bandera became the leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) was the name of the Ukrainian partisan paramilitary force that arose from the OUN and fought Soviet armies in the 1940s. During World War II the OUN worked with the German occupation and participated in the massacre of Jews, Poles, and Russians.

In 1943 Bandera’s followers massacred 70,000 Poles the majority of whom were unarmed men, women, and children. This mass killing took place in Volyn, Western Ukraine. In the spring and summer of 1943 peasants of Volyn under the leadership of the Galician intelligentsia using bullets, axes and other improvised means assassinated tens of thousands of Poles living in the villages and towns of the region. The political leadership of the OUN had suddenly realised that the Germans might lose the war. So because of the presence of the Polish population the political leadership had simply decided to get rid of that population to prevent Poland’s claim to Volyn. By 1945 the OUN had, in Eastern Galicia, killed 130,000. Many people had their eyes gouged out and were then hacked to death. After WWII the OUN kept fighting against the forces of the USSR and People’s Poland until 1949.

Jens Holm

No more USSR neocolonialisme all the way west of Berlin.

And we dont eat Poles. Its a plundered country, which is regaining from many years of darkness made by Germans and Russians.

That will take time as well as new Polans wont be as the old ones ebven Pilsutsky did a lot from where Russia as the only ones lost WW1 three times.

Jihadi Colin

Yeah, they’re doing famously ?

cechas vodobenikov

no idiot–Germany lost WWI…Even Hungary, Serbia produce vehicles–u produce bad cheese…u can’t plunder…so weak u couldn’t resist the nazis in WWII and today u r a de facto US colony

Lazy Gamer

There is another solution for people who abort because the fetus has defects. And i think it is justified with the selfishness displayed by these people. I dont think the fault is in the fetus. Where sex is for fun, where the only life that matters is the self, where the only time that matters is now – maybe the real murderers should be subjected to the fate they wish to inflict on others.

Jens Holm

I cant follow anything like that. I see the vomen amd the unwanted children always are the loosers and mainly the rest of their lives.

Men mainly goes free and sometimes even are heroes, because they have shown, they are abe to make chïldren and find a vomen putside the marrige context.

By limited and none contraseption woemen are in no equal rights and defined as second class citicens.

Woem decide for their own body. Its not owned by others. They are their own persons.

Thats for Islam too. People come to Allah by Gabriel and one by one and pay for what they have done during their lifetime. If thats not true the whole family should die at the same time and join heaven as a team.

Porc Halal

Have anyone ever wondered why there is no such thing as pro-abortion marches in the islamic countries or other third world class countries where they are over populated?!…


Soros neo-demonstaters lost the fight in belarus,getting crushed by the 90% majority + legit elect leader, so they heads to poland try out their 21 gender crap on the polaks,nice if eventually they figure out who the incest wannabe dementy facist worms are so to put them outta buisness for good,good call Poland:


Doubt the protests deserve the political label given by the media


A woman should have the final say on whose seed gets to grow in her womb.


The onus is on men who ain’t got the sack to back their balls,we adults must be accountable yet,

preventative maitenances better than its curse,love may break it down to reason,family,life or sin?


Young people do stupid shit so accountability is an issue for me especially if the parents were not on par, it’s not the young person’s fault. I believe in second chances…… How about this, every girl has one abortion pass that expires at age 24 (when college is done and adulthood begins) I take this stance coz I know a girl who if she had her baby at 18 today she’d have no degree, good job and would be stuck with a mentally and physically abusive guy. Her life would be shit and she deserved a second chance

Lazy Gamer


Fog of War

I guess the multitude of Black men in the US are ” fuckbois ” since a majority of abortions are in the Black community ? Right ?


Not only fuckboi status that may lead to an abortion. Socioeconomic circumstances too can warrant it. As for the black u.s community they are fixing themselves from 400 years of malevolent sabotage. Their numbers should even out with others eventually. We are talking about Poland dunno where that came from.


Not only fuckboi status can warrant an abortion also socie economic state. As for black Americans , they are still recovering from 400years of sabotage that continues till this day eventually as their figures will even out with other people . The begining of this recovery will be in this election and the sign will be massive voter non-turn out (it begun in 2016 but will be epic this time) . No longer are they slaves to democrats, we have Obama to thank for that… his betrayal was the slap in the face we needed.

Davide Herzog

So why she fucked with a fuckboy ? It was she that choosed him ! Isn’t it better to check before to kill a human being ? If she were wrong about the fuckboy and she is not worthy enough to grow a son , why kill him ??? How can consider guilty the child ? Millions couples are waiting years to adopt a child . Let him live ! And let them give him love ! Babies’ homicide supporters are haters . They live hating everything and everybody . They hate the world , they hate Life .


Chill dude…. Im worried about the parents, having an unplanned baby when economically screwed creates a tocic environment to raise a child. Also when young people make bad choices, I don’t think we should be denied a second chance . As for “killing” I put a limit on how far gone the pregnancy is if maybe a month into pregnancy at that point the fetus isn’t even developed . Don’t you care for the parents readiness?

Lone Ranger

Abortion = infaticide Its a satanic ritual and for profit. Since 1950 100+million babies were killed. Biggest holocaust in Human history.

Ishyrion Av

Some women think they can kill an unborn because is their right. What a hypocrisy to think you are allowed to kill someone only because you can!


Poland has been under neoliberal economics since 1990. No point in defending the Polish Government seeing the stances they took. As for abortion, it’s mainly good in the case of rape and incest.

Davide Herzog

The same beasts that support children murders support also legalization of incesto . You said a non-sense . So , by you, in case of rape of not pregnant woman which child should be killed ? ” Anyone but male – I guess following your feminist way of not thinking – as male are always rapers when make love with a female because without a patriarch and religious society every female would naturally make love only with other females . Women that desire men are slave to religion and patriarchy . ” And today what do feel to be ? A male…a female…a straight female …a gay male….half female and half male….5 minutes gay male and 5 minutes lesbian….a dog… a car….Napoleon….?


Dude, fix your english, it’s atrocious. Btw how would you like it if someone you hated raped your sister or wife? Do you still think they should give birth to that? Who knows how that kid will turn out. It’s also a fact that incest is a redneck thing (the same rednecks who embrace zionism and neoliberal economics) and incest isn’t natural. An uncle and a niece or a father and a daughter having a child is just too fucked up. Trust me


Isn’t it amazing how many women get off on killing preborns! Here’s some solutions…. Stop spreading your legs. Take the pill. Be neutered. At least then you won’t have to murder so many kids.

Jens Holm

You really dont get NONE of most of it. Women are fysical weak and mens right are defined as a right in most countries and religions in the world, so its about raising men to behave themself.

In seveval mainly muslim countries even not guarded women are seen as whores and treated like whores – apart from not even being paid. Look at India and gang rape here too.

You also write that women dont decide about their own bodies. I remember how women was treated if they got unplanned children and the children was treated very bad and named as bastards by so many and was told “shame on You” even they had not decided they should be born.

We dont have that anymore. Some few women gets psycic crisis after abortion.

And as we also see for USA that where abortion is denied by most people contraseption is forbidden and its not even accepted almost men and vomen learn about it. They sometimes has to go 100 miles to get those pills and the other possibilities too.

I see no kids with early abortion and I anytime prefare that solution compared to whats I wrote about it above, … And its not only Youngsters but also inside marriges, w¨here they for very bad reasons gets more and more children, which hardly can ge food and clothe. Vomen are destroyed below too and can hardly walk looking like seasicks. We see muslim women like that in Denmark. They have no choise in fathers and grandmothers rule.

Davide Herzog

That’ s right ! If you choose to go around fucking for fun , do it in a prooer way ! If you are a bitch you don’ t need to be alsa an assassin ! But I guess these are no more human beings …..to fuck is just for pleisure , like beasts , and to kill children is just for fashion : you are in , you are cool , you are radical shit if you demonstrate to be progressist , secularized ! ” Only biggots and fascists don’ t kill children ! “

Guibus Guib

When people think as a liberty and liberation what is actually their damnation, they are doomed.

Jens Holm

Well, thats because You are not able to see, we connect own responsibilty hard to freedom.

You descriebe anarchy. By not understanding thatimportant part, You most likely is a muslim, because the muslim thinking is the old ones – mainly men – has the responsability.

Here we say old men should not decide, what Young women do or not. Its the same for Young men.

We learn them responsability and by that old men and women also have a more limited job in raising and supporting.

When muslims dies they go to heaven and pay one by one, if not they should die in family groups.

Its the same for the black tents. Faith is inside the brain and no camouflage can cover that. And the descensy is ssame thing. If men in fx Islam from the start leaned to behave like Our here all men and vomen could run around naked.

Guibus Guib

I’m a buddhist, fckng idiot. Where do I ‘descriebe’ anarchy ????? Looking at your other posts, it seems you should go for mental help.

cechas vodobenikov

the Poles should decide this according to the own values

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