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About 100 Female Cadets Prepare To Serve In Syrian Army As Electronic Security Sepcialists And Communications Operators (Video)

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About 100 Female Cadets Prepare To Serve In Syrian Army As Electronic Security Sepcialists And Communications Operators (Video)

A screenshot from the video

About 100 cadets are preparing in a military training school in the Damascus countryside to join a female battalion of the Syrian Army, the Russian military’s TV channel Zvezda reported on June 10.

The female cadets are passing firearms and line training. However, they are set to be specialists in communications and electronic security as well as communications operators.

According to the The Damascus military training school is actively preparing female officers. Currently, there are 8 female generals in the Syrian Army.

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Lena Jones

And yet we support saudi arabia, the uber wahabi misogynists on the planet.

Go Syria!


The power of having SHITLOADS of money. And of course making yourself useful to the Empire.

John Whitehot

having shitloads of any commodity means nothing good, especially when the markets are about to reject that commodity completely and turn to other goods.


I don’t think the markets are about to reject shitloads of oil just yet. The changeover to alternative durable energy sources is a slow process, and not yet steady either, as witnessed by the Trump government’s policies. And no country is about to reject shitloads of Saudi cash either. Because there is no alternative to money and when you have shitloads of it everybody is suddenly your friend.

John Whitehot

you said MONEY. not OIL.


True. I forgot to mention in my first post that the Saudis have shitloads of oil too. My bad. So money AND oil. Two commodities that will make for instant friends in the West.

John Whitehot

yeah yeah

Promitheas Apollonious

It is one of the main forces promoting the petro$. Not much of a choice supporting them.

You can call me Al

Go Syria, with our and God’s blessings.


Thank you Russia on supporting humanity and protecting world from child butchers US and Israeli migrants.

Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey emerging one united super power.

Promitheas Apollonious

what you smoking?


You don’t have any other business just taking care of my smoking.


Pakistan still hooked on Saudi money. Dont expect Them to aid Syria. Where do think the Saudi funded militants got their training? In Pakistan.


During 1967 war Pakistani pilots shot down a total of ten Israeli jets without losing a pilot or aircraft. http://thelondonpost.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/PAF-pilot-Sattar-Alvi-Air-Commodore.jpg

Famous Pakistan Air Force PAF Pilots Who Shot Down Israeli Jet Fighters – Air Commodore Retired Sattar Alvi During the 6 Day War in 1967 Pakistani pilot Saiful Azam on Jordanian front engaged four Israeli jets over Jordanian Mafraq air base. He shot down a Mystére commanded by Israeli pilot H. Boleh and damaged another that crash-landed in Israeli territory. Two days later, Jordanian airforce commander sent Pakistani pilot Saiful Azam to help Iraqi airforce. There they shot down two of the Israeli attacking planes.

During the 1973 war, on Syrian front the PAF pilot Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi was flying a Syrian aircraft and shot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat. Similarly on the Egyptian front, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif , flying an Egyptian MiG-21 shot down an Israeli F-4 phantom in an air combat. Pakistani Air Force did not lose a single pilot or aircraft in any of the wars.

John Whitehot

excellent information.


Thanks. Pakistan is a very strong country. 20 years ago Pakistan requested to America that give them F-16 fighter jets but America refused. So Pakistan made their own fighter jets JF-17 with better capabilities that can carry nuclear weapons and all types of missiles. Now Pakistan developing a 5th generation fighter jets which will be better than our F-22 while F-35 is a fail project in this sense that F-35 feature is between fighter jet and Helicopter.

John Whitehot

Pakistan made the JF-17 with heavy Chinese help (actually it’s basically a Chinese designed plane), and iirc its engine is Russian, and the weapon systems are either Russian, Chinese or US made.

As for Pakistani 5th gen fighters, it’s the kind of propaganda bordering laughable, as their aeroindustries can’t produce a “4th gen” fighter (the jf-17) on their own.

I’m not being unrespectful towards Pakistani aeronautical industry, but respectful towards the reality of things.

“20 years ago Pakistan requested to America that give them F-16 fighter jets but America refused”

that isn’t true, Pakistan deployed F-16 in the early 80ies.


Regarding request for 10 F-16 jets was launched in 2000. For 5th generation fighter Pakistan have launched a program called Azzam for which a huge building construction is in progress for aeronautical university because Pakistan want to design and develop 5th generation fighter themselves which is better than US F-22.

John Whitehot

“Regarding request for 10 F-16 jets was launched in 2000.”

F-16 are in service in PAF since 1983.


“In December 1981, the government of Pakistan signed a letter of agreement for the purchase of up to 40 F-16A/B (28 F-16A and 12 F-16B) fighters for the Pakistan Fiza’ya (Pakistan Air Force, or PAF). The deal would be split into two batches, one of 6 aircraft and the other of 34. The first aircraft were accepted at Fort Worth in October of 1982, and the first F-16, flown by Squadron Leader Shahid Javed, landed in Pakistan at Sargodha Air Base on January 15th, 1983 as part of a package of 6 ‘Peace Gate I’ aircraft (2 A’s and 4 B’s).”

the article continues by explaining how more F-16 were added to the PAF inventory.

Soviet MiG-23s shot down an undisclosed number of Pakistani F-16 during the Afghan War (possibly 2 or 3 according to ACIG)

A PAF F-16 shot down a Soviet Su-25 flown by Colonel Aleksandr Rutskoy in 1986 (or possibly 1988, sources conflict), who ejected and was captured by jihadists, but freed afterwards.

in regards to 5th gen fighters, it’s propaganda, i won’t even waste a minute looking for it.


There are more than 70 F-16 fighter jets with Pakistan but Pakistan requested for ten more F-16. Which US refused to supply. This is on websites and then Pakistan have begun design and developed their own fighter jet JF-17 with the help of China and Russia.


These informations are available on Pakistani websites. Just copy and paste it in google translation to translate it to your required language.

Joe Dirt

Population running a little thin? Need to recruit women into the Army? Lol


Wow, that was lame troll effort. Women have had presence within military communications sector in modern armies since 1940’s.


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

his name is joe dirt like the guy from the movie how much intelligence can u expect? lmao

You can call me Al

You really are a stupid, immature, pathetic POS – fuck off.

Joe Dirt

Oh fuck off muzzy

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

go back to ur trailer park lol

Joe Dirt

Lol at least I got a home, SAA and Russki blew up every house in Syria! :D

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yea and none of the terrorists did? Lol inbred moron PUNK!!!

Joe Dirt

how air raids have the “terrorist” done? ZERO! lol nice try but SAA and russki created this mess….

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

How much is israel paying u hasbara troll? Ur really pathetic u know that?

Joe Dirt

you know I’m right when your the argument goes off subject…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Nope I can argue all day long with u, just what’s the point?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

BTW you know terrorists air force is the USAF and Israeli air force?


in shitsrael women serve too

Joe Dirt

Because it’s the law. And Israel isn’t killing it’s own people either lol. What’s next for Syria child soldiers?


Syria is not killing “its own people”. Syria is defending itsself from foreign backed terrorist groups and domestic Islamist traitors who like to chop off heads and engage in sectarian conflict + ethnic cleansing.

Joe Dirt

You make a blank statement by labeling the whole Syrian opposition as “foreign”. Can you confirm the nationality of all the fighters in Syria?

neil barron

You aren’t dirt you Sh1te . Name a country that doesn’t have terrorist over there.


You have trouble with reading comprehension. I said “foreign backed” terrorists. Meaning terrorists that are foreign backed. I did not say the “whole” Syrian opposition is foreign. A very large percentage of the Syrian opposition is comprised of foreign fighters, particularly amongst the most hardened jihadist groups. Even among the ones that are Syrian citizens, they are almost exclusively Salafi Islamists who have a murderous intent on slaughtering or subverting everyone that doesn’t subscribe to their radical pan-Islamist ideology, and they are the ones that received foreign backing, particularly from Uncle Sam and his beloved “allies” in the region. Without that backing and support, which only dwindled very recently, the SAA would not have had to resort to help from the Iranians, Hezbollah and the Russians, which leveled the playing field.

I keep wondering, do people like you even know the structure and composition of the so called “Syrian opposition”. I can literally name you every single militant group from the FSA that has an excess of 10,000 fighers, and not a single one of them…. not a single one… after having read in depth about all of them… strikes me at all as remotely what I would consider “moderate”. The MSM has lied (not surprising). The narrative is that the FSA is “moderate” and that there are just some “bad apples” like al-Nusra/HTS dispersed within.

The reality is that while most of the FSA is not HTS, the other groups within the opposition are nearly just as intolerant, vicious and have an uncompromisingly backwards theocratic ideology that is not very different from HTS, so much so that other groups are willing to fight side by side with them, as the inter-rebel differences are relatively trivial. And yet neocon morons want to provide these people with support. How did that work out in Afghanistan? You want to turn Syria into another Islamist emirate like Afghanistan instead of a pluralist secular republic?

Joe Dirt

yawn….the whole war could of been avoided if Assad stepped down, but muzzy is muzzy and muzzy kills another muzzy…and thanks for hitting the buzz words “terrorist” “Afghanistan” “moderate” “MSM” …again yawn…

Again, can you confirm the nationality of all the fighters in Syria? I don’t think you or anyone can…


And why would Assad needed to have stepped down? This is the problem, a bunch of Islamist thugs riot in the streets and want to transform a society into a Sharia run emirate plus a whole slew of unnacceptable demands and everyone else in society needs to step aside and let them have at it?

Assad did the right thing by refusing to step down and by crushing the theocratic thugs that were trying to depose him. The war would’ve been over years ago if the United States and its “allies” spent their time minding their own fucking business instead of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. And none of those things I mentioned are “buzzwords” but are rather attributes of US foreign policy that has essentially culminated in a colossal fuck up of epic proportions.

Can I confirm the individual nationalities of every single combatant in Syria? No, but that is completely irrelevant. That’s like asking someone to “confirm the identity” of every Native American that died from smallpox to confirm that most Native Americans did indeed die from communicable diseases that they had no immunity rather than genocidal conquest.

There are well established educated estimates of the number of foreign fighters that have poured into Syria (with Uncle Sam’s and Turkey’s blessing of course) and they are not an unsubstantial portion of the jihadist groups that are attempting to overthrow the Assad government.

Congratulations on escalating the muzzy refugee problem by instigating and prolonging a war that you have absolutely no business meddling in. In due course these very same “moderates” will be asking for your governments to “step down” or “resign” to be replaced with their own beloved version of Sharia. And I’m certain clueless dirtbags like yourself will simply step aside so a “whole war” could be avoided.

Joe Dirt

Can I confirm the individual nationalities of every single combatant in Syria? “”””””No, but that is completely irrelevant.”””””””””

—-So facts are irrelevant now? LOL

“The war would’ve been over years ago if the United States and its “allies” spent their time minding their own fucking business instead of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. ”

—yawn, same old argument, demonizing the US…blah blah blah

“Native American that died from smallpox to confirm that most…”

—-yawn, what bullshit website are you getting this info from?

Assad is a psychopath dictator who continues to carpet bomb Syrians.

FYI, You can take any Revolution in history and the govt always calls it’s citizens “rebels”, “traitors”, or the new favorite word “terrorist”.

You are on the wrong side of history if you support ASSSSSSSSSSSS-ad.


“So facts are irrelevant now? LOL”

Facts are not irrelevant, the facts are on my side. It is well established that tens of thousands of fighters have flooded into Syria from numerous countries to fight on behalf of FSA or ISIL.


I find it incredulous to think that you believe I need to personally have on hand the individual biographies of tens of thousands of foreign fighters and knowledge of each individual’s country of origin to credibly make the assertion that a large portion of the armed opposition is comprised of foreign fighters. This is a common trolling tactic when common knowledge and basic facts are not on your side. Simply raise the bar unreasonably and unattainably high for “evidence” that you consider to be sufficient for a given claim by an opponent, and claim that anything short of this arbitrary standard is somehow evidence that the opponent’s argument is false. Sorry, but that’s not how it works. I don’t need to provide a list of all known stars in the galaxy to share the commonly established and evidence derived concensus that the majority of stars are red dwarfs.

“yawn, same old argument, demonizing the US…blah blah blah”

It’s the same old argument and it is a valid one that you have no cogent or coherent response to other than blindly dismissing out of hand because the truth is inconvenient and embarassing and the facts aren’t on your side.

“Native American that died from smallpox to confirm that most…”

It’s not from a “bullshit website”, it is well established that the majority of native American populations, which numbered in the 10s of millions, got completely decimated in a few generations by infectious diseases like smallpox brought over by the Europeans. No medieval european force, regardless of how savage and bloodthirsty was capable of conducting mass genocide on such a scale in such a short period of time, let alone colonize and occupy such vast tracts of uncharted territory (which took a good 2 to 3 centuries to do so after Columbus).

“FYI, You can take any Revolution in history and the govt always calls it’s citizens “rebels”, “traitors”, or the new favorite word “terrorist”.”

This isn’t an argument. You can similarly look at any group of terrorists and blood thirsty savages who like to portray themselves as “underdogs”, “rebels”, and “freedom fighters” that upon closer examination turned out to be tyrants that were far less savory than the so called “psychopaths” they overthrew. Any barbaric fuckwit with half a brain and a basic understanding of PR can portray themselves as a “victim” or heroic liberator.

The truth of course lies in the nuanced details surrounding any particular set of actors in a conflict, and in that regard, after some basic examination of widely available information on the structure and composition of the so called “Free Syrian Army” umbrella group, it becomes abundantly clear that the so called “moderate opposition” is a complete farce and that there is no realistic, stable alternative to Assad. History will vindicate Assad as a savior of his country and his people.

Joe Dirt

Hahahahaha funny how you bitch about the MSM and yet you throw soufangroup out as a reference…..hahaah you are fucking fake, do you even research the shit you read?

Please go back to the academy…

I don’t want you stupid shit on my screen any more. I’m blocking you…


Do you even know what the soufan group is? First of all, its an independent think tank, not part of the mainstream mass media that tries to push false narratives about the Syrian War. In any case it has no relevance to the fact that it is well established by multiple government agencies and conflict monitoring thinktanks around the world that tens of thousands of foreign fighters have ventured into Syria to fight on behalf of ISIS or the opposition while pouring in across the Turkish border. If you think the estimates are off or flawed in some way, feel free to elaborate. Simply attacking the source or the messenger isn’t going to cut it, fuckface.

I criticized the mainstream media narrative about the course of the war and their clearly biased characterization of the players involved in the conflict. I never stated that absolutely everything that comes out of mainstream media is a lie. Clearly that is absurd. But the fact that they have consistently misled and lied to the public about this specific issue is something that has been clearly demonstrated and exposed and therefore something to be weary of.

So when I criticize the MSM, I talk about specific nuanced issues that I have with it’s coverage (or lack thereof) of certain topics. I don’t use it, as you claim, as some type of “buzzword”. Unlike you, I make actual cogent, coherent, nuanced arguments to support my views. You’re the one that bloviates with “buzzwords” and euphemisms without substantiating any of your arguments or providing any reasoned counter arguments or valid counterevidence to anything that I have said.

That is because you don’t have any arguments, which is the real reason you are “blocking” me, as everyone here can see. You’re just one of those dumb flag waving hicks with a beer belly who thinks America can never do any wrong, no matter how much the overwhelming evidence may suggest otherwise. A typical ignorant, overly zealous “patriotic” buffoon who has never studied history and likely never stepped outside his country.

“Block” me all you want, fag. I’ll continue to call out your bullshit narrative out and continue to set the record straight whenever you post maliciously misleading garbage in your comments. And there’s not a damn thing an inept, worthless, weak piece of shit like you can do about it.


Pretty sure if someone would manage to turn some isra groups against their gvmnt. they would kill their own, remember how hitler who was brought to power and armed by jewish bankers was killing the jews from the east. It;s israshit, saudi camels and the rest of the western garbage govmnts that is destroying Syria.

Joe Dirt

yawn same old argument, bitching about the “West”, Saudi’s, and Israel…..M/E never wants to accept responsibility for their own actions and this is why no one takes the M/E seriously…


Yeah yeah, same bullshit from you, stinking jews and the rest of the garbage never wants accept resposibilty for the destruction they have caused abroad, it’s allways either Russia who has pooped in their shoes or they point fingers at eachother, like europe does when it comes to havoc in afghanistan or iraq, pointing the finger towards usa while they all have been doing it too etc . etc. etc …

neil barron

They aren’t killing their own people. There killing militants and higher up the ladder Isis! everything else is part of war.


You’re fucking stupid, these are volunteers, not conscripts. Just like the US military also has female military personnel. It only shows that Syria is an inclusive and tolerant society, unlike the Salafist jihadist retards the US supports who want to turn Syria into a theocratic emirate.

Bubba Junior

8 female generals was a number that suprise me.

John Whitehot

you’re a fucking idiot, the US put women in armed forces since like forever. This is Syria, not Saudi Arabia.


I expect CNN to now report that the Syrian army now has a dedicated Troll Battalion trained by Russia under the guidance of Putin personally, to ‘interfere again with the hallowed US Elections’ :)

neil barron

I can see it their hands on the joy stick of a drone, push the button, push the button. Bye Bye Jihadi. I would say this is women rights to the max over there.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice :)))

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