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MARCH 2025

About 11,000 Militants, Their Family Members Leave Eastern Ghouta In One Day – Russian Military

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About 5,500 members of Faylaq ar-Rahman and their family members left the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta on March 25 and were taken to the Idlib province, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The militants left the settlement of Ebreen was carried out under the agreement between the group’s leaders and the Syrian government with help of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria.

“Some 5,453 militants and their family members were evacuated via a humanitarian corridor on March 25 in 81 buses to the Idlib province,” the Russian military said.

In total, 6,441 militants and their family members have been evacuated from Ebreen to Idlib.

Separately, 4,979 militants [Ahrar al-Sham members] and their family members were evacuated from the area of Harasta to Idlib on March 25.

The Russian military added that a total of 103,606 people have been evacuated from Eastern Ghouta with the assistance of the Russian reconciliation center since the implementation of the daily humanitarian pause in Eastern Ghouta.

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Bravo Russia. If it wasn’t for Russia isis would be the ruler of the whole of Syria and most likely Iraq too. And they d be stronger in Libya and other countries too, not to mention the suicide bombings in Europe …! Yet the west still acuses and scapegoat’s Russia to cover its own mistakes and criminal behaviour and acts in middle east !


Utter DRIBBLE. Like the Taliban, the West created ISIS were but a means to an end. ISIS was never real- just braindead muslim kids brainwashed by saudi clerics. These kids were commanded by ex-Saddam SECULAR military officers, recruited by Tony Blair during their time in Blair’s Iraq prisons after Blair’s invasion of Iraq.

Our side LOSES cos it believes the psy-op fairytales of the Deep State. To effectively figfht an enemy, you must first truly recognise that enemy. Every day Putin dribbles on about how the West are Russia’s partners, even as the West kicks Russia ever harder full in the face.

Why do people on our side believe ISIS was real? Because of the Hollywood productions showing atrocity after atrocity- even tho these videos were actually created by the british and americans. The atrocities were real enough, but those that planned and filmed them were 100% deep state agents.


Utter DRIBBLE. You are right ! What you just wrote.


I agree except one part! Putin does know the west are its enemy! Putin wanted to be partners but the West always needs an enemy to justify NATO and the military industrial complex of all nations! If Putin thought the West was its partner, why would he change the medium range missile treaty that directly effects Middle and Western Europe! So with that part u are wrong! Id be happy to accept a link from u thats shows Putin stating this but ill also counter it with links of my own! Actions speak louder than words :) If Putin thought the west was his partner, why would he build gas pipes to turkey! Why bother re-unifying Crimea! Your comment made no sense at all (on Putin)!

Richard M

Like any expert propagandist you know how to mix fact and falsehood into a tightly woven tapestry. You win today’s Joseph Goebbels Award!


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Wolfgang Wolf

and now bomb the buses before they arrive destination!

Tudor Miron

You seem to mix Russia with US/UK/Israel…


Rejoice! Rejoice!

Richard M

Load them in buses and drive around Syria all night. In the morning unload at Sednaya Prison! :D

Igor Dano

Bomb them at their new location.

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