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Above And Under The Sea. The US Challenge To Iran And Hezbollah

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Above And Under The Sea. The US Challenge To Iran And Hezbollah

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Written by Piero Messina

Deterrence. This is the strategy of the US Navy. Having released the photo of an Ohio-class submarine in the Suez Canal, north-east of Cairo is a clear message to Iran and Hezbollah. The submarine tracks are never revealed. Yet this time the US administration has decided to show the whole world its naval deployment in support of Israel. With a sharp note for the press, the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) announced that an Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine has arrived in its area of ​​responsibility. The US military rarely announces the movements or operations of its submarine fleet.

Indeed, nuclear-powered ships operate in almost complete secrecy. But in the waters of the eastern Mediterranean the seas are rough above and below the water level. At the beginning of November, the presence of a Barracuda-class nuclear-powered attack submarine of the French Navy was identified, departing from Toulon, France. That boat also has a deterrent function, to demonstrate the full response capacity of NATO and the States in the event of a possible military escalation with Iran. And it is the entire Mediterranean belt that is affected by the passage of submarines. In recent days, in Sardinia, the Coast Guard has issued an alert for a submerged submarine that passed over the eastern coast. The alert indicated two days of absolute bans at sea on the east coast from Olbia to Villasimius for Sunday 5 and Monday 6 November. It was never known whose submarine it was.

The presence of the Ohio class submarine responds to the operational and strategic principles of US CENTCOM, the military command group established in the midst of the Cold War on 1 January 1983. As the name suggests, USCENTCOM covers the “central” area of ​​the globe located between the European, African and Indo-Pacific commands. USCENTCOM’s priority missions are to: deter Iran; counter violent extremist organizations; compete strategically; carry out constructive activities at a regional level; provide integrated air and missile defense systems as well as to counter the unmanned aerial threat.

Above And Under The Sea. The US Challenge To Iran And Hezbollah

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The photograph released by CENTCOM shows one of the four Ohio class boats modified into “arsenal submarines” for the transport and launch of up to a maximum of 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles (TLAM) from 22 launch wells. Furthermore, these boats have been modified to accommodate around sixty Special Forces operators (primarily the Navy Seals) with their vehicles transported dry inside the Dry Dock Shelter (removable), enhancing their operational flexibility.

The movement of one of the Ohio class SSGNs confirms the Pentagon’s desire to prepare a powerful air-naval deployment between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf, capable of carrying out long-range precision attack missions over the entire area of interested.

The US is an open war naval deployment. Above the sea line the presence of the Carrier Strike Group of the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower stands out from the Suez Canal towards the Red Sea, while the CSG of the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford remains deployed in operation in the Eastern Mediterranean between Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel.

The first strike group is commanded by aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. The  Carrier Strike Group (CSG)  includes guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG 58), guided-missile destroyers USS Mason (DDG 87) and USS Gravely (DDG 107) of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 22, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 3 with its nine squadrons, and the Information Warfare Commander.

The second one group is driven by the USS Gerald R. Ford. The group – according to Us Centcom – arrives in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in order to deter any actor seeking to escalate the situation or widen this war. The forces in the area include the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), with its 8 squadrons of attack and support aircraft, and the Ticonderoga class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), as well as the Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80).


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the last thing the us should do is get any deeper in a regional conflict than it already is, and that includes direct attacks on iran, hamas, or hezbollah or its iraqi militia allies.

Bob - Enough

think we are long past that now… although any normal person would agree with you. i still think that there is a bigger picture in play here.


fairly certain eurasian allies have already calculated a response plan that would sink all this anglo-american and french garbage in 30 minutes.

NATO scump

yea is that easy … so many us carrier groups were sunk before in 30 minutes . what an idiot …


not too up to date on missile tech obviously

Unhoused in San Francisco

biggest threat to subs and carriers today are torpedo drones and suicide loitering drones (as well as missiles.) relatively cheap tech that can sink billions and even trillions of dollars worth of naval assets.


🫵🤡 😂😆😆


shut ur stinky mouth fascist capitalist paedophilic and genocidal scum,your paedophilic capitalist dirty race will be deleted soon along with your khazarian zionist brother into genocide , amen


the day before hiroshima was obliterated it was never attacked with such a weapon. who’s the fkn idiot?


none has been attempted. may be that’s why your statistical analisys is as flawed as your assumptions about vulnerabilities of such middle of the 20th century tech as aircraft carriers and tanks whose heyday has ended then.


not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’. everybody is aware of that vulnerability about surface ships including the us naval command, which is why the us carrier groups are hanging so far off the coasts. terrain masking is ‘a thing’.


lmao 🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Yank blowhards

threatening a non state actor with nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers is screaming to me of blatant insecurity


then why can’t iran have nuclear weapons to depend herself, but the us can threaten every nation with them.

Max Hermansen

because they are muslims.


muslim and stupid (remember iran leader’s fatwa against having the weapon of mass destruction!)


why pakistan have nukes in that case yooo


hmmm, you asked the right question & those 2 hasbara morons with the iq of below room temperature shut up.

Dave seaborne

that is white people for you. always full of sh*t.

Psionists slaves of America

deterrence to protect the apartheid, genocidal, welfare funded banana republic of israel, netanyahu’s extremists & their illegal settler parasites is null and void. the global south won’t stand idle. the treasonous, israel-first slaves in the us government, in the us military & in the us media must choose between their aipac masters, or american lives. will they fight to the last us soldier for the perpetrators of the “uss liberty” massacre? l hope not.


the american public largely has never heard of the liberty or that our ‘ally’ attacked it. these high profile commentators and military experts are all aware, yet when it comes to letting the people know what kind of creatures they are dealing with, no one makes a real issue of it…if at all.


mostly it is discussed only in forums. the same with operation gladio, red brigades and the murder of aldo morow, a nato operation. they count on the anonymity of time to suppress it as well. is it that it might piss off people to the point where they confront the government? the majority have no idea who and what israel is or our history with them.

Peppe il Sicario

aldo moro. it was a big time cia job to eliminate one of the few italian statesman who had a fierce patriotic side and refused to give in to the globalist plans that zionist infested us had in store. my father, who was an operative of italian military intelligence during his military service and a fond admirer of aldo moro, respected him so much that he gave my brother the middle name aldo in his honor a full decade before his death.

Peppe il Sicario

on the topic of his kidnapping, he immediately said that it was a cia job from the onset. he could deduce it from his training and even postulated that the vatican was in on it from the beginning and that moro was probably sequestered there inside the vatican walls so as to be outside italian police search capabilities.

Peppe il Sicario

i wonder if piero messina ever heard of this theory. now, more than 45 after moro’s execution, we can see the those globalist ties between the anglo-zionists and the vatican ever so clearer.

King Olav

american citizens can die happy in the knowledge that they have sacrificed their children, their country and their diversity for jewish supremacy.


not israel as a country with jewish people in it, israel is the biggest, largest us military base outside us!


talibanned hillbillies cannot challenge iran


iran would be very stupid if it imagine on provoking us to attack iran because iran will find itself alone in that war, any help/support from china and russia wouldn’t be free of charge and the cost will be huge!

tom hillbilly sawyer

brandon stop my food stamps—now i mix mud in my fentanyl soup


the anglozionazi abomination desperately needs the gallant palestinian resistance to know that its blood stained fist is poised and ready to smash even more babies in khazar occupied palestine. the “great” satan, bankrupt and depraved, after an a$$ kicking in rump ukraine, afghanistan, syria and iraq is ….not to be trifled with by the freedom fighters in the rubble of gaza and their dead children.


разведка указывает, что израиль планирует атаковать авиабазу латакия, если между хезболлой и ираном разразится крупная война. россия должна разместить в латакии дополнительные батареи с400 и панцирь тор


intel indicating israel or even usa might target latakia airbase runway/hangars if major war erupts with hezbollah or iran. russsia needs to prepare now and deploy more s400/pantsir/tor batteries to hmeimim airbase to create large air defense umbrella. and more electronic warfare assets

Last edited 11 months ago by Khinzalator
Dave seaborne

yes. sams are the key to blunting the white supremacist usa and its slave “allies”.

Save The Dolphins

a hillbilly with a fish finder could track this noisy old boat coming out of the suez. the water is only 24m deep so why not announce it’s passage this could actually scare someone other than a sea bass.

Last edited 11 months ago by Save The Dolphins

all for a real practis exercise testing naval drones, torpedo drones (hypersonic) blub blub blub yankee to the bottom of the sea.


more than enough to destroy hizballah and the iranian military 👍

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